I believe

The whole time this book thing has been going down I’ve been waiting for the punch-line. I’m a person who deals pretty well with disappointment (knitting has it’s purposes) and even though the whole thing with writing a book seemed real, I reserved judgement. Sure, taking the manuscript and paying me and flying me to Massachusetts seemed real, and certainly if it were a joke it was an extremely elaborate one…but who knows what motivates people. Writing a book was such a dream job that I was careful not to get to invested. You never know. When they sent the contract I thought it was a good sign. When they read the manuscript I thought it was another positive move. When they had little mock-ups of the pages sent to my house I thought that if this was a farce designed to make me the butt of a very complex ruse that they were taking it a little far. Similarly, taking orders on Amazon should have meant that they intended to go through with it, but since I possess the traits of pessimism, low-self esteem and acceptance, I thought there was still a way for it to go wrong. I didn’t get my hopes up. Editors get fired, publishers go bankrupt, warehouses burn and booksellers could decide they don’t like my hair. Things happen and I was not going to be disappointed. Just because writing a book is one of the most fulfilling things that could ever happen to me and lends purpose to my existence and fills me with an exuberant joy that makes my whole self ache with happiness and excitement….

I was not going to believe. Not until I saw it.


Yee haw.

It’s a real book. My name is on the front, my picture is on the back and the words that I scribbled on envelope backs and typed into this computer are printed inside. I believe, I believe, I believe. The publisher tells me that truckloads (that’s the word she used ~truckloads~) are enroute right this very minute to the shops. I can scarcely breathe. I’m going to give one shameless plug for the book, ( I can’t help myself. I really can’t. I wasn’t going to do it and then I did it anyway.) and then I’m going to go have a lie down. With the book.

If you are in Canada, you can get the book from Amazon.ca here, or find a local independent to support here. If you are a Canadian bookseller, you can contact Thomas Allen (the Canadian distributor) to get in touch with the rep. for your area.

If you are in The States the Amazon link is here, your local independent can be found here, and if you want to sell it in your shop you can contact Storey Publishing.

Now, I’m going to go knit and read my book. I know. Even though I wrote it, somehow each and every word is freakin gripping. (I recognize that I should be ashamed a little about that, but I can’t help it. I’ll be ashamed tomorrow.)

My book. Holy crap.

175 thoughts on “I believe

  1. Congrats again Steph! My book should be enroute from Amazon.ca as we speak and I can’t wait to curl up with it.

  2. Steph, I loved your post. Take one blog entry to pat yourself on the back and celebrate! Today is not a day to be modest. Congratulations. Take time to print today’s entry and stuff it in your children’s baby book or keepsake box. They will enjoy having it/reading it years later.

  3. Me too… I preordered awhile back when I discovered that you were going to be a published author while browsing for a different book. Many congrats! I have written and published articles over the years but it takes a whole different level of determination and commitment to get all the way through a whole book. I think you deserve a tropical vacation!

  4. Oh, wow. That must be the most amazing feeling, to hold your own book, your own published words, in your hands. Congratulations!!

  5. Congratulations!!! So that means that Amazon should be sending it out soon. I’ve had it pre-ordered for a while now. Can’t wait to read it. You must be so excited, Steph!

  6. Argh! What about if I live in the united states? The paragraph that begins: “If you live in the States…” has been cut off!
    Amazon U.S. says it’s still not available, though. Argh. Argh. This has been a long month. I certainly need some harlot to spice things up!

  7. Congrats! I can’t wait to get my copy. Though I do sometime order books on Amazon, this one is worth driving to my local Borders and getting 😀

  8. This is HUGE news, and Shhh, this seems to have taken her mind off of Amanda’s absence. There was not one mention of her today.

  9. Wowee!! congrats Steph! I would order from Amazon, but I’m hoping to get it in my hands from my LYS. I’m so happy for you.

  10. Congratulations!! Kudos!! Accolades!! Felicitations!! Applause!! (dratt, where is that thesaurus when I need it?)

  11. Congratulations. Now the scary part comes — when your mom, aunt or someone similar reads it and give you their review! (reviews by proper reviewers in papers are not quite as scary)

  12. Jump into the air, do your happy dance, take a bow. This is no time for modesty!!!! You got away from “I wish” and into “I did”!!!!!

  13. Congratulations Stephanie. The Cdn. Bookseller’s link won’t go past page one right now but I will check back later for a bookstore near me. Enjoy and celebrate. This is more a Champagne celebration than Screech, I think.

  14. I cheated. I visited Amazon.com, got all the info, and then toddled *that* over to my happy local independent bookstore who already gets entirely too much of my money where I requested they order it for me.
    Why not Screech AND champagne? Or would that just be too unutterably foul for words?

  15. Congratulations! I know it’s a book about knitting and wool and all, but I’m hoping there aren’t many references to snow/winter in it. I need a break from all this dreary winter weather.

  16. I’m so happy for you. Your fine blog writing has been a ray of sunshine for me since I first stumbled upon it.
    My theory is that the ONLY reason that your book hasn’t made it here from Amazon is that the entire warehouse staff is reading bits aloud to each other. They’ve probably already learned NOT to be drinking anything while listening (do you know HOW MUCH DAMAGE one of your devastating paragraphs can do, when imbibed simultaneously with soda pop?) but they just HAVE to get to that last page before they send any out. It is my firmly held belief that YOUR book has caused a whole Amazon slowdown. And as to what I *really* mean by that…
    Yay! YAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAAYAYYA! Hurrah! Hurrah! Cheer cheer cheer!
    (I’m not Canadian, I can gush. And although I’m not a teenager anymore, by far, I can jump up and down and scream. The cats send their abject horror and hope you only publish books infrequently so their mama won’t embarrass this way too often.)
    This message brought to you by part of the Port Townsend section of your noisy American fan club.

  17. I’ve only started reading your blog, and I’ve been enjoying it greatly! Congrats on the book. I can’t wait to read it. Next time you come the New York City, might I convince you to be a guest at our Knitting Group?

  18. Bravo!!
    I’m sending your blog and links to MY author friend… http://www.TamaraHanson.com She has said many of the same things that you just did. The agony. The joy. (The sold publisher/farce and need for super-human amounts of persistence…)
    we’ll see if local yarn shop will carry it!!

  19. CONGRATULATIONS! I can’t wait for the Michigan truckload to show up at my local bookstore 🙂

  20. A HUGE congratulations to you for realizing a dream. So few get to say as much. We’ve all been entertained daily with your blog – now you finally get some tangible return from your followers. I’m ordering my copy this minute & can’t wait to read it!

  21. Oh goody! That means the three copies I pre-ordered will soon be on their way to Cleveland! Congratulations!

  22. Do not be ashamed…humble maybe (but only starting tomorrow!) Woohoo…it’s real and we can’t wait to read it.

  23. Congratulations! Take a break, I’m sure you won’t rest on your laurels’ too long.

  24. Take a break. read the book. Reread it. Then sgo out and stop strangers on the street to read them passages from the book. I give you full permission. 🙂 Know I’m a little worried that my copy will show up while I’m away for the weekend… Because Knowing it is here and yet I cannot read it will seriously mess with me.

  25. F�licitations St�phanie! You should be proud and happy! I pre-ordered a while ago. I am now waiting with anticipation :-)!

    Most excellent. 😀
    So, if, once it comes in from amazon.com, I was to send my book off to Canada (after reading, of course!) with chocolate, would it come back autographed? 😉

  27. Let’s all raise our glasses (no apple juice please!) to Stephanie, the one and only Yarn Harlot! CHEERS and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

  28. note to self: do not stalk your nidependent bookseller. they already think you are nuts.
    I’m too excited for words. I am waiting with baited breath for the book store to call and say they got my order in!!!

  29. Now when rock stars ask you what you do you can say I’m a knitter, and I’m a PUBLISHED writer. Rock on with your bad ass self!!! I can’t wait to read it.

  30. Congratulations, Steph! Wow. Published. It sounds so distinguished. I am so impressed and proud! You are definitely good stalking material!
    Have a great day!

  31. Hooray!
    I think I have to order from Canada….. Amazon.co.uk says it’s not published until May 23rd! I just CAN’T wait that long!

  32. Excellent! Can’t wait until my copy wings its way across the Atlantic and I can curl up and read it. Then I can also say that I’ve had e-mail from a real, live, published author.

  33. Oh, congratulations Stephanie! That is absolutely wonderful news! I hope this means Amazon’s got my copy in the mail so I can share in the wonder!

  34. Congratulations, Steph…but hey, aren’t Tuesdays for spinning…who said anything about this reading stuff!

  35. Holy Crap is right! Very, Very, Very cool. I’m going right now to find out which of my little Wyoming booksellers has it so I can get it now. I’m too impatient to order!

  36. A big huge congratulations! You soooo deserve it. You are such a fantastic writer. I am going to go order it on Amazon.

  37. I would be reading *every word* too, if I were you. Don’t be ashamed, BE PROUD! This is an amazing accomplishment and it’s ok to be overcome with pride and excitement!!! Admire your work!! You deserve to revel in the moment, you know?
    I can’t wait to get a copy!

  38. A BIG “Jumping up and down on the BED” congrats to you Steph. And interesting, how one of your babies go out the door just when another ‘baby’ comes in. Something very Buddhist about that to me.

  39. I had originally planned to purchase from Amazon.
    On reflection, I am hoping for a “signing” somewhere near. I will then have the pleasure of meeting our author – and have my copy autographed.
    Afterthought – when I took my grandsons to the Harry Potter lauch, we wore costumes. What do I wear to a Yarn Harlot signing?

  40. My purchase has been on pre-order since fuckin’ February 26.
    What? Me? No patience left? What was the first clue?

  41. Congratulations from Halifax too!!! I preordered the book through a local independant book store, I hope they get it in soon or i might just have to visit a large online chain store:)

  42. Congratulations! What an accomplishment. I can’t wait to get your book in the mail. You must be so incredibly proud.

  43. Way to go! Congratulations – remember to keep clicking the ruby slippers heels together just like Dorothy did…its not a dream – it is very real – Kudos to you making your dream a reality!

  44. I’ve been looking for it since last week. Haven’t checked anywhere local today, I’m still waiting for a copy here…. yay BOOK!!
    Now, being that today is Tuesday…. you know what I mean. Tuesdays are for ganseys. Right?

  45. Congratulations! Speaking as someone who works at a public library, are you going to donate a copy to your local library? I am sure they would appreciate it!

  46. Congrats! YOU ROCK! My copy is on its way to the almost-North Pole as we speak. Do you know yet if/where you’re doing the book signing tour thing? The arctic is a beautiful place this time of year…

  47. Congrats! YOU ROCK! My copy is on its way to the almost-North Pole right now. Do you know yet if/where you’re doing the book signing tour thing? The arctic is a beautiful place this time of year…

  48. I’ve been a fan of your blog for a long time, and this is most excellent news! Congratulations!! I went immediately to the Amazon website to order bookbookbook – and was told the delivery date would be MAY 16! I hope they’re wrong! I pre-ordered it anyway!

  49. Oh *my*!! I am SO proudaya, Steph! I don’t even know you, except that I do a little b/c of your gorgeous, tear-inspiring, guffaw-producing, wisdom-filled blog. I feel like this is happening to one of my best friends. I’m sending big whoops of joy, hugs, and then I’m going out to dance in the streets!

  50. Bookbookbookbook! It’s real! Congrats! Yippee!
    I’m a-guessin’ you and it won’t be coming to Oz… 8-{ Time to hit Amazon again!

  51. I’m frighteningly pedantic to mention this, but… 75 comments and nobody cringed at this??
    ” knitting has it’s purposes ”
    Sorry… people keep telling me I need medication… I know they’re right… but what irony!

  52. Congratulations! What a week- Amanda went to Austria without you melting down in public, your book came…Wow. How are you going to top that?!

  53. Congratulations Steph! I’m eagerly awaiting the arrival of my copy. Now maybe all my non-blogging knitting friends will quit giving me that funny stare when I talk about the Yarn Harlot. You know the look; somewhat quizzical and confused. Somehow they miss the word yarn and jump straight to harlot. LOL

  54. Congratulations! I second (or whatever) the question about getting signed copies.
    And a note to monkeemaven: You haven’t gotten used to that here? I accept that as a price I pay for the content of the Harlot’s blog. (I admit, though, that I’m hoping that the book’s editors will have caught such things. I, too, am a compulsive proofreader.)

  55. Wow….Amazon used the word “pithy” in the description of your writing…..that puts you WAAAAY up there in Knitdom!

  56. That’s so cool that you can read what you’ve written. I can’t. I’m either sick of it, or embarrased by all the mistakes I didn’t catch. 😛

  57. I’m so happy for you and the rest of us… Amazon just sent me an email yesterday that they didn’t have bookbookbook in yet. I’m glad to know it’s enroute. I will enjoy reading it, and look forward to the “world tour.”

  58. yippee!!! i’ll wait to buy mine from megan when you do your book party thang there. yaaay steph! you rock, lady!

  59. Hooray! My preordered bookbookbook should be rapidly on it’s way from the amazon, I trust. Congratulations on realizing a dream!

  60. there were never any doubts over here, anyone who reads your blog can’t help but return, you’re awesome, and I think your comments section can’t help but prove that. Congratulations, I want mine autographed.

  61. Be ashamed about absolutely nothin’! Your very own words, in a real live, printed and bound book — with a cover, even — The Coolest Thing. Congratulations.

  62. I just ordered…I can’t wait to get mine! :)Congrats! I can’t wait to chuckle..I KNOW it’s going to be funny and charming! 🙂

  63. Congratulations!! I can hardly wait to read it!
    Bravo! Three cheers! Yee-freeking-Haw!! Way to go Harlot!

  64. When told bookbookbook would be out 15 MAR 2005 I took that to mean it would be in my mailbox on that date –
    Guess not, huh?
    (I really do know better; I just hoped…)

  65. Holy Crap doesn’t begin to cover it. Holy effin crap, since I’m at work and can’t swear. When/where is the tour?

  66. Well, I certainly hope it wasn’t a ruse because i pre-ordered your book weeks ago. That and the book on Latvian mittens.

  67. Woooooo and Hoooooooo for you! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. I’ve been eagerly awaiting our distributer to have any info on it and after reading your post I went and found that they finally have it on order from the publisher. (I work at my friend’s local bookstore) I’ll make sure they get set out right next to the register and push a copy into every customer’s hand – knitter or not! 😉

  68. Congratulations!!! I hope they printed enough copies. From the looks of things, ‘truckloads’ might not be enough… 😉

  69. Mine isn’t enroute yet! Tell those trucks to hurry up!! Seriously though Steph, congratulations and I know it is going to be a terrific book because you have proven yourself time and time again to be a really witty and clever writer. Yeah Harlot!

  70. Congratulations! And bless you for linking to Booksense. I can’t wait to start handselling it to all my knitting customers!

  71. congrats!! I am waiting for Amazon to ship it to me so tht I can read also! Congrats! (And that is why you got special choclate!)

  72. What a great day to come back home!! I just read the last week of entries, and am so happy everything is going well. Glad to hear Amanda is off to a great start in Austria, and so happy about the book! Can’t wait to get it in my hands!

  73. Yee-hah! Congratulations! My daughter (who placed my order for me) has been reminding me every day for the past week that the book will be here soon. Woo hoo!

  74. Congratulations Stephanie!! Don’t be ashamed, revel in every minute of it. And do you know when the bookbookbook will be making it to Australia?

  75. Congratulations! I can’t wait to get my copy. Cause even if it’s only half as good as this blog (is that even POSSIBLE?) it’s going to be freakin’ awesome!

  76. Congratulations Steph, I can see how excited you are!! As am I, because I will have a copy winging its’ way to me here in Australia from my beautiful SP Deb, who kindly informed me she pre-ordered me one!! Well done, I can’t wait to read it!

  77. Observation from your fan club, here: a few days ago, bookbookbook was ranked #42,000 and something in the Amazon sales ranking.
    It goes up and down – I’ve seen it in the 14k or so, and sometimes in the 5k or so. But today, it’s up to #2200 and something.
    How long until it hits #1, d’yall think?

  78. Yeah–wonderful! I love reading your blog but there’s just something magical about a book, isn’t there? I’m really looking forward to getting it.

  79. so happy for you. mine is on order from amazon. only way to get it in italy. hope the 2nd book is in the making. pull out the envelopes. 🙂

  80. Stephanie,
    I just found your blog a couple of days ago, your writing brightens my day with laughter and a , oh yes I know how you feel… As soon as I read about your book, I preordered it from Amazon, It did say that It would be available in May, so I guess I’ll be waiting a while…. congratulations, And I also have a daughter that is 15,so another, “I know how you must feel”
    sending you good vibes of comfort……

  81. Roll it it while ya got it!!! Great for you! Now, if Amazon would just send me my book, It’d be great for me too. Book! Book! Book!!!

  82. BOOKBOOKBOOK!!! YAY! A rousing cheer from a wanna-be strumpet (which is, of course, what I call all your fans in my head, but in a totally affectionate way, naturally)! Congrats!

  83. Hey, does anyone know what her agent/publisher/secret book ninjette did with our info about where we’re all located? rams? Rana? do you have that secret info?

  84. Oh, and about getting you to inscribe my book…do I have to wait for you to come to Tucson or can we arrange something else?

  85. Wonderful! So great to witness your dream come true, Steph. Here’s a toast to best seller level sales.

  86. WAA-HOOO!!!!
    I purposely didn’t preorder it (I have no patience and am all about instant gratification) so now I can find it at the local bookstore and then run around showing everyone.
    Steph, I’m all veclempt for you! Congrats!

  87. Hip, Hip, Hoooooooraaaaaaaay! Congratulations! Can’t wait to read it–ordered 2 from my local IB.

  88. WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO I’m in Massachusetts, can’t wait to go and get it – you deserve the pat on the back from yourself and all of us! Way to go!

  89. I can scarcely breathe, I am so thrilled for you. Now, to go buy every copy I can find, put one in every room of my home, pass them around as gifts, wallpaper a room with the cover. You know, the normal stuff. Takes your mind off the daughter gone far and wide for a few minutes, right? Perfect timing! Are you going to wait the big celebration until she gets back? Or have a second one then? Enjoy it!

  90. #545 on the Amazon listings. Just sayin’.
    (Yes, I check every three hours…)

  91. How cool!! You’ll still talk to us all right? You aren’t going to forget us little people now that you’re famous?

  92. Congratulations!!!! I am so excited for you!!!
    I’m off to order my copy from Amazon right this minute.
    WOO HOO!!! Harlot’s published!!!! 🙂

  93. I can’t wait for the mailman to bring it to my door! Congratulations, Stephanie … what an accomplishment!

  94. Congratulations! Now, THANK YOU. Because while some people write a book for themselves there’s usually an audience in mind, and well, thanks for letting me read it!!! You can take back next weekend when I will be reading bookbookbook instead of pressing reload reload reload to see if you’ve blogged. Not that that would bug you, seeing as I’m poking the mouse and not you, but I send strong vibes in Canada’s direction and while my sense of direction is lamentable, it might make some kid make “that noise” near you. Or some kid in Vancouver. So. Thanks!
    Though my friends won’t be thanking you because I already give them “yarn harlot anecdotes” even if they don’t knit… A whole new book of fodder. They’ll be thrilled. So thrilled, or rather disgusted by my mauled retelling, I’m sure they’ll buy the book, too.

  95. Yeah!!! Momma got a brand new book!!! Can’t wait to see the UPS man stopping at my door. Will this come out in audio so I can knit and listen to you? Congrats, your daughter will think your the bomb…

  96. As ZZ Top would say-
    You’re ba-a-a-a-a-aaaad, you’re nationwide.
    And may I add, in the immortal words of Napolean Dynamite-
    p.s. I didn’t think we were strumpets,I thought we were Harloteers?!?

  97. Holy freakin’ cow, chickee! I’m so thrilled for you (with you?)….is there going to be a tour? If so, Powell’s (www.powells.com) here in Portland is a MUST! Because I say so…

  98. I just ordered my copy for my birthday – could not think of a better present to get myself!
    Congratulations – and as a fellow commenter said this is not a day for modesty – go let it all hang out girl and enjoy yourself

  99. Congratulations! I just added your book to my Amazon Wish List. I think I’m going to get a copy for my knitting sister’s birthday too! Enjoy all your success!

  100. Plug away! You definitely have good reason to feel proud & excited! Congratulations, Steph & enjoy! So what about the next book – when will we be seeing that transported by the truckloads to a bookstore near us?

  101. Like you need to hear from me on this subject, but I preordered months ago and I’m pouting that I have to wait. What the hell, I’ll add this to the pile: Congradulations. No one deserves it more than you, and maybe now Prince will pick you out of the crowd.

  102. Congratulations Steph! This is wonderful. I cannot wait to read it, and I’m so very happy for you.

  103. Huzzah!
    Three cheers for the Harlot!
    And… I have a gift certificate to Amazon!
    And … I have a gift certificate to my local bookseller!!
    What to do, What to do??? Who will get me my very own copy fastest???

  104. Yay! You had me scared there for a minute, thought you were going to say something bad happened. Looking forward to getting the book!

  105. WooHoo! I’v been waiting for this to hit the stores! And so have a few other dozen people I know. I’ll order my copy right after I finish typing this comment.
    Huge congratulations! I can’t wait to get my copy!
    Bonny in Victoria, BC

  106. Many congratulations!
    And if you are not in Canada or the USA (there’s a lot of us this side of the pond) you can order it off amazon.co.uk, delivery date end of the month.
    Fancy, me knowing a real live author!

  107. Stephanie, I’d be dancing in the streets! Take your moment and bask in the glory of all your hard work. I preordered my copy at my favorite bookstore last night (Borders in Methuen, Mass). I also spoke to the manager and he was very enthusiastic about your book and if your publisher deems his humble establishment worthy of a book signing he’d be happy to host it!
    I can’t wait to sit down with bookbookbook and a cuppa something hot!

  108. Way to go!! Solid proof that there is justice in the world. I know of no others who deserve this more! …Does this balance Monday’s blog or what?
    I’m sure Amanda and all your children are sooo proud!!

  109. Ordered my copy last night from Buy.com … crossing my fingers in hope it ships soon! You done good, Wool Pig.

  110. Dear Ms Stephanie;
    Congratulations! This has been a truly momentous week for you – first you give birth to a child who can (and does) travel the world because of accomplishments you nourished and skills you shared, and now you hold in your hands the results of an entirely different ‘mothering’. I am so pleased that all the hard work and love you’ve invested is coming back to you in such wonderful ways. (I know, it’s odd to think of the pain/worry of watching your daughter leave for Europe as ‘wonderful’ – but the fact that she earned the right to go/was brave enough to go/is loved enough to try is truly a very wonderful thing. I ordered your book through my local independent seller this morning (along with Dance of the Dissident Daughter (Sue Monk Kidd) and The Way the Crow Flies (Anne Marie MacDonald, have you heard of her? she writes beautifully)…but I will be reading YOUR BOOKBOOKBOOK first. I am so pleased about your successes that I have actual tears in my eyes, all for a woman and family I’ve never even met! Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  111. Mazel Tov! There’s nothing better than reading your own words in print and having that moment – Oh my gosh. I wrote that! So impressive. Enjoy every moment of it.
    Again, congratulations. Can’t wait to get my copy.

  112. You deserve a bit of praise. Writing a book is quite an acomplishment. I pre-ordered your book. You know why? because I LOVE the your blog. Congrats… 🙂

  113. Congrats!
    Now the big question in my mind is – how do we get autographed copies?! 🙂
    Minneapolis, MN

  114. If it’s anything like your blogs, I’m in for a treat! You’ve inspired me to knit socks and ponchos after 20 years of hibernation. I look forward to your blog postings every week. I stumbled upon your website in December and can’t thank you enough for sharing your thoughts about life, knitting, parenting, and your terrific humor. Cheers to a great writer and knitter!

  115. I just placed an order with Amazon and, yes, it does say it’s not available until mid May. I thought this was because I was ordering from Australia, but other commenters are saying the same thing.
    Now I’m tempted to cancel the order and see if I can get it faster from somewhere else.
    Any chance your publisher could shed light on the Amaxon delay, Stephanie?
    Any recommendations on where else an Aussie knitter could order the book from?

  116. Oh congratulations Stephanie, I cant even imagine how you must be feeling!…. btw, plug not needed! – I’ve already pre-ordered mine from Amazon.co.uk where they are still saying that its not yet published and they have no release date either….?! Never mind, it will get here in the end and I can wait, I know it will be worth it!

  117. Woo hoo! I haven’t checked in for about ten days so just saw the good news. Congratulations Stephanie! I can’t wait for my copy to leave Amazon and arrive here in Australia.

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