More Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh was a blast. I’m in Cleveland now, getting ready to go to the next talk/signing, and I can already feel myself getting overwhelmed with the reporter duties. I can report (before I loose it completely) that Pittsburgh remains filthy with knitters who represented with style….if blurry style. (The blurry thing may be me again. I tried. )


The late knitters ended up on the balcony. Sorry I missed you in the pictures guys.



Some of the suspects….

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Diane, our faithful hat collector. (Hats, should you feel compelled to mail them from anywhere in the world, are still being collected by this fine lady who will get them to their new homes. Email me for her address and you can send them on to her.

I saw Sarah, who practically fell over backwards when I said I’d been to her blog. (Seriously people. It’s a community. You read me, I read you. It’s how it works. I can’t read all of the blogs all of the time, but I try…) There was Jen…and it was Renee’s (almost) birthday. (Birthday knitters hold the sock. I have my own rules for these things.


Vicki brought me SQUEAKY CHEESE CURDS!


(Stop that. It’s delicious.) There was my very nice stalker Brooke


Brooke is on the left (the muggle she is attempting to corrupt is on the right, a very nice German knitter who’s name escapes me because I am coming undone is in the middle.) Brooke and Stalker Angie should join forces to cover the whole of the US. Now my notes start to come undone a little. There were a lot of knitters and it’s a little overwhelming. There was Isobel, and Amy brought me a very nice baby called Heather to hold. (I stopped the crying. Heather may be small, but she is very bright and we have reached an understanding, she and I.) Amanda was there, Bonnie was there, Rachel was there way more knitters were there that I took pictures too bad to show (shout out in the comments, will ya?)…and dudes…you gotta meet Meredith.


Meredith started knitting a year ago, and this is her first sock.


The force is strong with this one.

The best part of the evening? (Besides all the knitters, which totally goes without saying) Non-knitters who can get it. The events guy at Joseph-beth said that he had originally underestimated the nature and scope of the invasion, but that as they started to get phone calls and emails, the had realized that (and I quote) that they “needed to get their s**t together.”

Great guys.

T minus 1.5 hours till Cleveland!