A True Story

This was the scene last night, as all my nearest and dearest gathered together in an overwhelmed Indian restaurant last night. I had all my family, all Joe’s family, some dear friends.




I had wine.


I had a corsage. (Thanks to Denny and Rachel H.)



I had a wonderful time, and was feted and celebrated by all those who love me, and I tried not to be to uncomfortable with it. I have a hard time accepting praise, and I don’t like people to make direct eye contact with my accomplishments. I don’t know why this is, but I do know that it’s something I need to work on. To that end, I have something to tell you. It happened on October 10th, and I haven’t properly told the world. (I know. I told you I have a hard time.) I’ve told a few people. I even practised telling people at a book signing, but it didn’t make me any more comfortable with it – and as a matter of fact, telling it only made me more embarrassed, which only made me more worried, which only made me more resolved to keep it (bizarrely) to myself. Then last night, I saw that my accomplishments mean something to more people than just me. That it pleases my mother, and my husband and all those who love me to acknowledge these things, and I decided to tell you – especially since I have all of you to thank for it.





I know. Pretty stunning. Really pretty stunning. It was right there, right at the bottom of the list of the New York Times Bestsellers. It was #32 (which is not the absolute bottom but is very, very close.) and it’s not on there anymore, but it almost doesn’t matter. For one glorious, shining week my book was on the New York Times Bestsellers list. The best part? The best part is that it’s a little like (I imagine) winning an Academy Award. For the rest of their life, that actor is introduced as “Academy Award winning actor insertnamehere”. It’s a title granted to them for their whole career… and being on the NYT Best Sellers list is the same. For the rest of my life, I will be introduced as “New York Times Best Selling Author Stephanie Pearl-McPhee”, and that, my friends sounds like a whole lot of awesome.

Thanks to every single one of you who made this possible for me. It feels weird, but good, and I am grateful to you beyond words.

721 thoughts on “A True Story

  1. What a lovely party! Congratulations. I’m going out to buy my copy this week and hopefully get you to number 31.
    Cheers! I’ll raise a glass to your success tonight.

  2. Yay! You are an inspiration, you know. It’s not quite the same, but each time I get stuck in my thesis, I just think, “Well, Harlot’s been out there living her dreams, so get over it and on with it!” I’m so glad your writing is bringing you more and more joy!

  3. That doesn’t just sound like a whole lot of awesome. That IS a whole lot of awesome, you New York Times Best Selling author, you! Congratulations — very well deserved. 🙂

  4. Go Steph ! You rock ! Oh, and the book rocks too although i have only read like 15 pages, i am savoring it. congratulations.

  5. Congrats!!! Reading the book right now and I am thoroughly enjoying it – so much so that I can hardly put it down to go to sleep at night (yaaaawn) – job well done 🙂

  6. Coolness! I am glad you are getting recognition for all your hard work, even if you feel it is a tad embarrassing to toot about it yourself. Toot toot!

  7. Congratuations New York Times Bestselling Auhor! Here here! Speach!
    I love Free Range Knitter, by the way. The books of Essays are my favorites.

  8. Congratulations!! You deserve every minute of the spotlight – enjoy it. Your books are thoughtful, funny, and enlightening, and your blog has opened up a whole world to me that I didn’t know existed.

  9. We knew all along what a fabulous writer you are – about time the NY Times recognized it! Bravo, congratulations, etc to a KNITTER that has, single-handedly turned the literary world upside down!!

  10. I told you that you are the J.K. Rowling of knitting. It won’t be long until your books reach the number 1 spot on the list.
    I read most of that book already, and I have a comment for you – please don’t give up on knitting for cats. I think that yours is just particularly ungrateful to you. My adult cats have been asking why I haven’t made them anything recently, and my foster kittens think the greatest sport in the world is fighting over who gets to lie on my knitted projects. I have friends call and ask me to make more toys for their cats because they loved the ones I already made a little too much.
    Congratulations, Stephanie!

  11. That is absolutely wonderful! And so well-deserved!
    (And I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than with Indian food, red wine, and all your nearest and dearest.)

  12. Congrats Stephanie, recognition well deserved. BTW, loved the book…especially yarn…and the elevator…my family thought I had finally totally, lost it I was laughing so hard. Kids kept staring at me helplessly, wondering if they should call someone and kept going Mom!!! Mom!! can you hear me…I just kept pointing at the book…as good as “skating while knitting”…both of them had me so totally in tears of laughter. Awesome achievement!!!! The bestseller list…not my laughing 😉

  13. That is just so so cool!!!
    Thank you for sharing your mighty talents with us nearly everyday.
    I love your essays very much, and read the calendar like a book.

  14. I am so glad to be part of your victory. I purchased two copies!
    Congratulations to you and yours. You deserve every ounce of encouragement and kudos!

  15. How exciting for you and all those who love you! And to think, I haven’t bought the book yet! Perhaps when those of us who are procrastinators get our copies, you can have another go on the list!

  16. Congratulations … you deserve it, I know it’s hard to hear, but the book is great.
    The world wouldn’t be as cool a place without you. I know, I count on your blog every day as I also work my job.

  17. Oh, wow! I am so happy for you! It’s hard enough to get the little voice in your head to shut up long enough that you can actually write, but to have made the NYT list is beyond wonderful!! Wow, wow, wow. Rock on!

  18. Awesome!!! It sounds a whole lot better than just being published. It’s an accomplishment that most of us will never achieve. (Especially because some of us are too lazy to work as hard as you do!)
    Congratulations. You deserve it.

  19. Congratulations! That is just great news and you shouldn’t be shy about celebrating it. Your books are great but I like the essay ones best. Free Range Knitter is in a closet at the moment and will be in my stocking on Christmas morning.

  20. How terribly exciting for you! You should bask in the glow that emanates from your family’s eyes. Reflected glory in the best sense of the word.

  21. Oh well hell. I knew you were good and it’s about damn time the rest of the world knew it too.

  22. wheee! you totally deserve it! and i’m glad that my few shekles could help put you in such a prestigious place!
    keep up the great work!

  23. Awww, that’s really amazing. See, we like you, we really do.
    Or at least we like your books. You, maybe we don’t know that well, but I bet if we did, we’d totally like you too.
    Congratulations on your accomplishment. Really.
    (So, then, do your critics think that maybe this knitting/humor writing thing might be starting to pay off?)

  24. We’re so proud of you!
    You give voice to what so many of us experience, think and feel- thank you Harlot, you make us be heard- adn give us someone to point to as at least AS crazy as we are…
    Write and knit- on.
    love ts

  25. Whooo!!! Congrats, Stephanie!!
    I bet NOW bookstores will believe you when you say they need lots and LOTS of chairs for your speaking gigs!!

  26. You know what this means, don’t you? Joe’s going to have to change the way he introduces you at parties now!

  27. I know exactly what you mean about being afraid to share such exciting news. Or even to admit it to yourself. But it is REAL, girl! You did it!!!
    Be proud.

  28. I know exactly what you mean about being afraid to share such exciting news. Or even to admit it to yourself. But it is REAL, girl! You did it!!!
    Be proud.

  29. OMG!!! This is the first time that your blog brought a tear to my eye. How wonderful that must feel and how awesome is your family for helping you celebrate. This is so much-deserved and we all share in your joy!!

  30. Yay! My favorite author and my favorite newspaper (the one Sarah Palin is afraid to admit she reads) have finally come together. Where they belong! 🙂

  31. Congratulations! (That’s twice in the NYT!) As you can see, we truly do appreciate how much you pour into your writing. Our thanks to you.

  32. Wow! Congratulations!And from now on, I can introduce myself as, “Someone who comments occasionally on New York Times Best Selling Author Stephanie Pearl-McPhee’s blog.” Tee Hee!

  33. Now just think if all of us who were waiting to buy them during your tour from the appropriate LYS or supporting tour venue had ALL bought them at the same time rather then waiting like you requested.

  34. WOW–can I just say–WOW!!! That is the height of utter coolness and the epitomy of everything narly. I’ll say it again. WOW.

  35. WOW!! CONGRATS! A knitting book to boot — on the NYT bestseller’s list — WHOOHOO is all I can shout from the rooftops!! I sure am enjoying mine, so I am glad I contributed to your victory. To many more.

  36. You have worked hard for this and we have reaped the rewards as well. I am opening a yarn store, very soon, Ontario. I went to the bank to ask for money, they looked at me like I was from Mars ‘Yarn store?’ HE asked? ‘my grandmother used to knit’. ‘Look up Yarnharlot’,I say ‘note people in audience, note knitters old and young, men and women.’
    ‘Oh My’ he says and I have to distract him to stop reading blog..you were on tour. I didn’t get exactly what I wanted but I did get money…thanks for giving me some ‘credibility’.
    Wanna come to my grand opening in January….you can take the train…

  37. whoa………..and i haven’t even bought my copy yet. i wonder if i can get you back on the list. a thousand congratulations………….

  38. In my opinion that honor was way over due! Congratulations and thanks for writing for all of us.

  39. You deserve this honor! Being on the bottom of the NY Times bestseller list is like getting the last cookie or the last skein of beautiful yarn – you still got it, and it’s still great!
    Thanks for all the laughs,
    Nicole (of your Kansas City first-sock brigade)

  40. It’s so unbelievably cool. Seriously. I’d be walking up to random strangers and telling them! Well, maybe I wouldn’t, but my mum sure would be. Congrats!

  41. I am so proud of you. You bring joy to my day every time that I read your blog or one of your wonderful books.
    Under the category “too much information”…when I hear my husband laughing in the bathroom I know he just read a page of “At Knit’s End” that’s in the reading basket. (That was supposed to be a compliment, but did it come out that way??)
    We love you. Congratulations.

  42. Wow! It’s doubly spectacular, you know – it is, after all, a book about KNITTING. Which, crazily enough, not everyone actually does. So for you to get on the list is TWICE the achievement of anyone else. So you deserve double the congrats! Hurray!

  43. Well deserved! You brighten more lives than you know….and make this big old world a better place! I know I check for your blog everyday, and it always pleases me when you share you day with us! Keep at it girl, you’re on to something! Congratulations! Wendy

  44. And we-all got to help 🙂 Whoa baby, congrats to you, Stephanie! You did all the work, and we get to back in your glory.

  45. Thank you for sharing – you should listen to your mom more often. It’s hardly as if I’m going to read the NYT and find out for myself, is it?

  46. Congratulations! That’s a wonderful accomplishment. And you are every bit deserving of that title. You did a great job with The Free Range Knitter. There were times when I laughed until I cried (my husband thought I was totally whacked).

  47. WOW!!! Please never be reluctant to share such good news with your cyber-family … if we all could have squeezed into that Indian restaurant, we would have been there! Congratulations!!!

  48. Congratulations! We all knew it was coming eventually, even if you didn’t. I literally just got home from the bookstore with my copy tonight, and then I sat down to read your blog, and there it is. Your books are fantastic, and I bet you 50 skeins of yarn your next one goes to #1. (That’s an exaggeration, though, because I’m not willing to part with 50 skeins of yarn, no matter what kind of point I’m trying to make.)

  49. I agree it is awesome. Congratulations. Double 10’s (October 10 is a very lucky day – auspicious in the Chinese calendar. Lucky the child born on that day!

  50. Mazel Tov!!!! What a cool thing. I really need to get my copy of it, but I haven’t yet. I know I will.

  51. Congratulations of the highest order!! Wasn’t it you–yes, yes, I do believe it was indeed you–who once said something about showing the world that knitters are an economic force/market/I forget the exact term to be reckoned with? We had no choice but to prove you were right all along.

  52. My dear Harlotta – we were all only too happy to contribute to your very well deserved success. I personally love your humor, your way of writing and of course the many things that your writing spans (mostly here on the blog…the books are edited into the knitterly way..but I have them all and have read or in the process of reading them all as well)
    Knitter power is not to be underrated, be it in the reading or the writing.
    I am SO happy for you!

  53. That’s twice this year, a book and a word. You have become and indelible part of the history of our social fabric. Nice.

  54. I can think of no one who deserves it more than you! Congratulations.
    P.S. Your humility is refreshing!

  55. Congratulations, Stephanie! What an honor! I’m glad that the rest of the world will get to see what we’ve all known for years–what a hilariously funny and talented writer you are. I’m glad that I could help put you on that list!

  56. That’s AMAZINGLY impressive. You should be so proud of yourself! I would have been telling everybody I know, modesty be damned….

  57. I hope this partly makes up for all the exhausting difficulties traveling to see us every book tour. I’ve gone to three of them and wouldn’t want to miss. You more than deserve this. Congratulations!

  58. Oh, Stephanie – congratulations! You’re right – your accomplishments bring happiness to more than just you, to more than just you and your family, to more than just you and your family and your friends – it brings happiness to someone who doesn’t even personally know you (me)(and a few thousand other knitters!). Be not afraid to bask in the glory. And next time you’ve got good news? Don’t be shy about sharing it!

  59. Wow!! That is wicked awesome!! Congratulations!! You deserve a glass or two of wine, a corsage and some Indian food. That’s a wonderful recognition of a job well done. Bravo, Stephanie!
    It also says something about how many knitters there are and that we are a literate bunch. I’ll be interested to see if this changes the way venues treat you and your audience.

  60. I just purchased Free Range and it is in pristine condition while I finish Secret Life. I hope this is the copy that put you over the top! I only started reading your blog a few months ago and have enjoyed it all. I’m a knitter (lower case) for only a year but all your wisdom and observations hold true for even us newbies. When someone sees me reading one of your books and asks who the author is,I just say “oh, a famous knitter.” CONGRATULATIONS- KEEP ‘EM COMMING!

  61. Woo hoooooo that is great! LOL did your hands get sweaty writing that post, miz NY Times bestselling author? 🙂 Seriously what a great accomplishment – congrats!

  62. That is wonderful, wonderful news. Congratulations. Your family and friends are rightfully proud of you — and so are knitters everywhere.

  63. #32 is not near the bottom! It is at the top of the heap. You’re at the top! That’s #32 out of how many titles sold that week??? Congratulations

  64. Awesome! And that means your obit will be published in the Times too!!!! Not that we want to think about that just yet, but a friend told me that was the case. 🙂 I’m doling out bits of the latest book to myself, making the enjoyment stretch. I’m the sort who could read it all before dinner, but I love to savour your writings.Congratulations to you, and I know your friends and family are delighted for you, and with you. I think we need tshirts!!! Harlot Rocks!

  65. Well…no wonder…I have been trying to get my hands on your newest book since it was published. But…uhem…my local bookstore and LYS are always sold out!
    SO COOL BEANS! Congrats!
    Anh, hey isn’t that the 2nd time you’ve been mentione in the New York Times?

  66. Well done! Not many can claim to have made that list. How does it feel to be an “overnight success”? Ha, ha.
    Amazing work.

  67. Crongraulations !!! Job WELL done. Enjoy it all. I still haven’t seen your new book but can hardly wait to get my paws on it. Love all your writting along with a LOT of others. GOOD good good.

  68. Best thing in the NYT since…well, at least this millenium. Truly, all the news that’s fit to print (and they could have stopped with you….)
    Congrats. You are right; this is a title that is indelibly both once and forever! Pun intended. You rock!

  69. I had to train myself, and I have had to train co-workers and friends. When someone praises you, or gives you something, or offers to buy you lunch or a cup of coffee, just smile and say “Thank you.” Protesting and refusing just spoils the moment for everyone.

  70. I’m a former newspaper report and editor. My wife’s the knitter in our family and turned me on to your blog. I read Yarn Harlot not because I get all the knitting anecdotes and jargon, but because it’s extremely entertaining and well written. Your place in the NYT Bestseller List is well earned. Congratulations!

  71. That is absolutely amazing. What a wonderful accomplishment. It’s so great that your whole family took the time to take you out to celebrate too.

  72. Holy crap, wow, and CONGRATULATIONS! I can definitely sympathize with feeling weird about one’s own successes… but I’m glad your family and friends are reminding you to share the awesomeness.

  73. You are awesome! And so is your writing! Congratulations! Will your awesomeness rub off onto me when I tell my friends I had my picture taken with a New York Times BESTSELLING AUTHOR!!! Naw. The glory’s all yours!
    Best wishes,

  74. Congratulations. That is truly a big deal. So many are so happy for you. You will always deserve the title of a New York Times Bestselling Author, a title few share. I write for a living (as a lawyer), but can’t put that on my resume. And, not many can. You’ve earned it. Keep on writing.

  75. Umm..I think it kind of works like this: you put the word out, we all run and buy the book, because who wants to miss out on a New York Times Bestselling Author who is a KNITTER, and then your book rises to the top.
    Why’dya wait until AFTER Rhinebeck?? When the NYT is being made like 90 minutes south of there? And we all see it all the time?
    Anyway. Poor me still has to wait for Santa to bring me the book…:(

  76. Good job! And I have yet to buy my book or holiday books. You might get up there again soon. 🙂

  77. Wowzers!! Congratulations! Go ahead and bask in the glory; you’ve worked hard and you deserve it. When my sister-in-law was getting her Ph.D (in chemistry and microbiology, the brain) she said, “I can’t believe they’re giving me this degree.” My husband and I told her, “B., they’re not GIVING it to you. You earned it!”

  78. Well,it’s about time!!! I’m so glad my book puchase helped you to achieve this well deserved recognition 🙂

  79. Congrats! You have inspired us, made us laugh, commiserated with and entertained all of us…it’s a well deserved honor. Congratulations!

  80. Congratulations Yarn Harlot. You so deserve it!!! I just love you (and I told you that when I met you in Victoria). You know what you said? “I love you too” I think that just about sums you up – you are a human human that loves people. You bring so much laughter to “the blog” and so much mutual understanding and you’re just generally cool. So, here’s to you – great job Ms. Best Selling NY Times author!

  81. Awesome. You are the J.K. Rowling of the knitting world and it’s about time the world knew it. Enjoy!

  82. You take us all with you when you hit milestones like these. Yay! I’m not surprised, I’m just immensely pleased to see it in print.
    Um also, notice that it indicates what knitters can do when banded together! Dude, NYTimes Best Seller!
    I’m purring.

  83. Awesome!
    Well Done!
    We’ve all known how utterly great you are for a while, it’s really good to hear that the world now knows aswell!

  84. Wow, that is certainly an achievement! But you know, somehow, I’m not surprised 🙂

  85. G’day and well done, congratulations, that is a great feeling when you get to be in the LIST, good stuff. Have a great day 🙂 Check out my etsy store monikarose.etsy.com and have a peek at my creations. cya Monikarose.

    Not only is this a wonderful, much-deserved personal accomplishment, it’s a way of letting the non-knitting world know that knitters are a force to be reckoned with! (with which to be reckoned? sorry … I’ll always be an editor )

  87. WOOHOO!!! I feel badly that I haven’t bought this book of yours yet (I have all the other ones, though, and money a bit tight right now). But still, woohoo!!!

  88. Congratulations Stephanie! It is so wonderful to have your writing validated in such a spectacular way. Please know that you touch so many of us with your insightful, humorous and interesting way with words. Keep writing!!! Thank You!!

  89. Congratulations!! This is wonderful news! Here’s hoping this is just the first of many appearances on the NYT Best Seller list.

  90. Awesome!!! Even my husband, the nonknitter thinks your work is funny. When I am chuckling to myself as I read, he asks me to read the passage to him and he laughs along with me! My local bookstore finally got your latest book in and, hopefully, there are enough of us buying it this week to push your sales up there again!

  91. Congratulations!! New York Times Best Selling Author *AND* winner of the Best Hobby Blog 2 years in a row! You’re running out of room for awards buttons. 🙂
    And you deserve every one of them. Fantastic job – I love the new book (and the blog)!

  92. Conrats, Stephanie on the NYT best seller list . You do deserve it. Do you read the blog Celtic Memories? She has a severe case of Startitis. mary in Cincinnati

  93. Hurry —-Laminate that newspaper !!! then frame it!
    Don’t look at me that way — you said you wanted to work on your shyness about these things.
    So at the instant you learned about this best seller list what did you think? What did you do? I would have screamed.
    That is just so awesome and wonderful. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer writer. Congratulations. I’m glad you blogged about it. Thanks for sharing.

  94. …and this won’t be the last time that you make the NY Times list either, I bet! Thanks for sharing with us.

  95. Congratulations!!! As another writer, I can well imagine the thrill of seeing that, though I never expect to do so – keep those books coming!

  96. Dear Nytbslaspmf (sounds like the guy who designed Norway in Hitchiker’s Guide) —
    Ahem. “Bottom of the list” means near-top of the pile, ABOVE the zillions of books which are out there and not on the list.
    (And Ken bragged on you several days ago on his blog, but since he didn’t post it here I’ve been keeping my lips zipped, too. Preparing to fly around the room backwards from released pressure when I unzip…)

  97. Well done…Congrats and well done!I love reading your books and blog!Keep up the great work!

  98. Congratulations! You have no idea how often I sit here, reading your blog, thinking about the amount of time you must spend on it. I mean, non-writers sometimes think you just sit down and type and it comes out of your head as finished, polished prose. I know better. You have put so much time into this blog, and into your writing (to say nothing of the pointy stick projects) that you totally deserve your success. I will raise my glass of wine to you as soon as it’s chilled.

  99. oh man.. i have a big lump in my throat. i’m really, really proud of you. good job. congratulations! you earned this!

  100. With all the trash that somehow manages to get onto the NYT bestseller list, how wonderfully refreshing to see that superior writing has taken its rightful place. I have been rationing myself to a chapter a day, but all good things must come to an end and, alas, tonight will be the night. Please know that I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every essay, but your series of letters to Robert, the Winterwool customer service rep was by far and away my laugh aloud favorite.
    Best wishes for continued success!

  101. I am an as-of-today unpublished writer, so I know the pinnacle when I see it. HOLY MARY, MOTHER OF WHAT’S HIS NAME! That’s the New York Times Best Seller List for Non-Fiction! Do we have to call you MS Harlot from now on? Congratu-fuckin-lations. Have a beer.

  102. Wow!That is sooo cool! Thank you for sharing. No kidding, I’m crying! Congratulations, the hard work pays off.

  103. Wow, congratulations! I have Free-Range Knitter and have read a bit of it and so far have loved it! I am taking my time with it, savoring it, it’s such a pleasure. Thanks so for all the laughs.

  104. AWESOME! I couldn’t be more proud if it were my own book. (Plus it makes us knitters look mildly less dorky when we try to explain your appeal to our non-knitting friends.)

  105. i’m not at all stunned or surprised. i’m sorry i missed you in Jacksonville, hope you got to see how pretty downtown is there.
    keep writing; we’ll keep reading. you may be the Steve Allen of the knitting world

  106. Good on you, Steph.
    About time, too. List finally wakes up and smells the coffee – figures out that there’s way more to you than “just knitting.” (Not that that isn’t already plenty for those of us who know. But still.)

  107. Holy crap, that is incredible! Yay for Yarn Harlot, I would have some wine too if I made the New York Times Best sellers list, that is so amazing, nice work!

  108. NO WAY!!! Congratulations! That is so exciting…and VERY well deserved. The fact that your book is a ‘specialty’ book, read mostly by knitters makes it an even more incredible accomplishment!!! Way to go, you fabulous lady. 🙂

  109. I am so proud for you!!!!!!
    I have been a fan since your first book and I own everything you have ever written — and you’re Canajun to boot!
    You are fabulous!

  110. W00t! Well done! Now you’ve been in the NYT *twice*! Does that mean you’ll get an even larger obituary when the time comes? 😉

  111. If your books weren’t so great, we wouldn’t be buying them. Don’t sell yourself short!!!

  112. Stephanie, We are all so proud of you. I have enjoyed your writing almost daily and this is so well deserved. I’m thrilled that you signed two copies for me at Rhinebeck – two copies of that New York Times Bestseller that is…

  113. I always suspected I wasn’t wasting my time reading your work. Thanks for giving me a solid excuse to continue the addiction! Congrats!

  114. Hurray for you! Your book is very deserving of the honor; I know it changed my life and touched me at a time when I needed to read it most. Congratulations and enjoy it!

  115. De-lurking to say congrats! Your down to earth style leaves me happy I get the chance to read your blog – now on to the books! Knitting, of course, comes first. Reading is a very close second. Thanks for all your time.

  116. Wonderful news. Congratulations. Or, now that you’re a NYT Bestselling Author, I probably should say kudos.
    This is groundbreaking, you realize. Naturally, book stores pay attention to the NY Times list. Even now, bookstores that carried no or very few knitting books are evaluating their inventory and considering how to expand the knitting section. Maybe eliminate the graphic books?
    I just hope that my purchase 3 weeks ago helped push you into the stratosphere. I’m pretending it did.

  117. Of course you’re a whole lotta awesome – you’re The Yarn Harlot! #32-that’s the power of The Harlot and all of us Harloteers! Congratulations! We just need to keep spreading the word of the wool…

  118. A whole lotta awesome? Absolutely.
    It just took the NYT a little while to figure it out. (But don’t say anything about it . . . they’re a little slow. ;o)

  119. Congrats on the NYT bestsellers list placement. I vote we all go out and buy at least 2 copies (come on, we all know a knitter that needs one, or three) and see if we can’t bump you up a few places…

  120. I’m glad to have contributed to the title of “NYT Best Selling Author”! Congratulations!!

  121. Good on ya, New York Times Best Selling Author Stephanie Pearl-McPhee! Bit of a mouthful! Ha ha!
    I know what you mean about accomplishments and sort of wanting to keep them to yourself. It’s proof of modesty, and your way of keeping your head normal-sized.
    (If you get a big head, it takes too long to knit yourself a hat.)

  122. Congratulations! I just finished reading it this week, and loved it. I’ve enjoyed all your books, and re-read them regularly.

  123. So now you’ve been in the New York Times TWICE in the same month. Dang. I do think you’re a gen-you-wine cee-lebrity, ma’am!

  124. Excellent! Congratulations!
    And so goes another phase of knitters taking over the world. =)

  125. Congratulations!
    I almost never comment because there’s usually several hundred comments by the time I read your post but I had to delurk for this.
    And you know that your publisher is going to put that on the cover of your next book!

  126. Oh my gawd. That is absolutely one of the top things on a writer’s list of dreams. And you didn’t even hire your own publicist (which some of the people on there do).
    Plus now you know what the NYT will put in your obit they’ll run because you’ve made the paper twice so they’ll actually probably write something.

  127. And, I forgot to add, for GOOD reasons, too! (Unlike certain financial scum who shall go nameless.) It’s an honor you richly deserve.

  128. Congratulations on the glass of wine and the corsage.
    And it’s beyond beyond to have that kind of professional distinction. How wonderful that you shared it with nearest and dearest and let them show their pride for you. How nice you shared it with your readers, as well.
    Long may you write.

  129. Huzzah! Oh I am so excited for you. Thank you for sharing your blessings with the rest of us. Your work certainly warrants this level of recognition. Enjoy (and please keep writing)!

  130. Well done, NYT Best Selling Author. I’m off to buy the book now, hoping to push it back up onto that list again.

  131. Very, very, VERY cool!!!!! Even over here in Aus, the NYT best seller list has a lot of credence! So deserved, and so happy to be able to ‘help’ out, lol!!! I love your writings Steph, I’m on the last essay in Free Range Knitter, asnd I have really tried to make this book last, to savour every story, but I just can’t stope whenever I pick it up!! So many experiences illustrated in this book ahve made me think, have made me reflect on similar times in my life, and have given me a glimpse into the teenage eyars I have looming beofre me (although with remarkably similar toddler experiences now lodged forever in my brain….). You have also encouraged me to put pen to paper and just *write* again, something that seemed to come as naturally (and about as often!) as breathing once upon a time in my life, and has become a ‘forgotten’ part of me. It’s surprising how much courage this has taken, I didn’t realise it was something I had become fearful of. After all, it’s not as easy as casting on and following a pre-determined pattern, it’s not as easy to rip back the mistakes as we make them, you can’t every *truly* erase words, even if you hit delete, or cross them out or rub them off a page, they’re always there, lingering, like vapours (well, that’s what I beleive anyway). Whoa, that was a bit deep for this tired, sore, weary haven’t-been-able-to-knit-enough-lately mum!!! Thank you for sharing your heart and life with us all Steph, I;m sure you’ll never know just how many people are affected by your generosity.

  132. Stephanie,
    Congratulations!! Well deserved, indeed!! (Who would you like to play you in the movie version?)

  133. It is a very well deserved accolade.
    I have read and re-read Free-Range Knitter all week. It has made me laugh and smile and rejoice in life, especially during a hard-time.
    How many other NYT bestseller authors have the ability to uplift others as a claim to fame?

  134. Why is it harder for us to accept praise than to give it? Are we afraid we will be perceived as arrogant? Pretty clear I’ve had some of the same thoughts about myself. Go to a private place with yourself and say, “BRAVO GIRL BRAVO!!!”. You sincerely do deserve it.

  135. Just discovered your blog a few weeks ago and have gone back to the beginning in the archives with the knowledge that I have many hours of happy reading, sympathetic smirking, and just plain joy ahead of me.
    Your writing is delightful, and those of us who are waaaay less eloquent, thank you for entertaining, inspiring, and enthralling us.

  136. Well done! Congratulations, you absolutely deserve it. I am so, so excited for you – yayayayay!!!

  137. A)I wish I were Canadian. So does my family. For more than five years. I don’t know that threat of residing in socialist hell deters me.
    B) I am so with you on avoiding eye contact when mention of personal achievement. I am sure you’ll never read this.
    C) Having flown several times per year forever…I cringe to tell you this…beverages purchased on the gate side of security can be taken on flights. Unless there has been some change in rules in the last 60 days…I have taken Starbucks on every flight before then. I can’t take it through security, but I promise you, the world would have ended had there not been a point of purchase for caffeinated goodness past that. And I have enjoyed it in every seat on the plane. Up to 60 days ago.
    I still want to be Canadian…

  138. And I’ll bet you’ve never seen a golfing book on the NYT Best Sellers, either, thereby giving knitting just another edge over all those other “hobbyists.*”
    *Who are we kidding? Knitting is not a hobby. It’s a lifestyle. Golf is a hobby. Stamp collecting is a hobby. Knitting…well, you know what knitting is.

  139. Congratulations, Stephanie! Truely awesome and well-deserved. There are currently 5 (yes FIVE) results returned when searching your name on the New York Times website, now! Glad you shared your celebration with us.

  140. Congratulations! And don’t think of it as bragging on yourself, think of it as proving how hard work works. It’s not poof, magic, you’re a best-seller. It’s work, work, work, edit, edit, edit, travel, travel, travel, and travel more. Yes, you feel lucky you get to work at something you love. But it’s the incredibly hard work that gets you on the list, not the luck. Shine on as a example for us all that if you really, really, really work at it, not just dream about it, you’ll get there. Well done!

  141. Congratulations! That is a wonderful feat! I have been hooty at the new book and telling my mother who doesn’t even know what a blog is all about your blog and your books. I love your essays. May you have many more books to come

  142. I recently finished your most recent book, and it absolutely deserved to be on the NYT bestsellers list. Way to go!

  143. My oh my . . . You are MOST deserving of this! I predict it will be back! But if not . . you are still #1 with your many many fans!

  144. And you know what? I think it’s your best book yet.
    I like it when you write about knitters. Because there is so much more to knitters than knitting. And somehow, you’ve captured that. Good on ya.

  145. Congratulations! I’m not surprised in the least bit, though. It’s a wonderful book. Your writings are always a joy to read. Always.

  146. Congratulations! Very well done, indeed! You’re above Jon Katz — another charming person and storyteller — but he’s about the meaning of life through dogs, rural NY State, and perhaps a few sheep.

  147. Congrats! Quite an accomplishment, indeed. Well done. Hey, now I can say I KNOW a NY Times Bestselling author!

  148. Congratulations and mazel tov! Well done and well deserved! Ditto to what Presbytera said!

  149. Dear one,
    You are not allowed to denigrate that accomplishment. Sooo, it’s “near the bottom.” That makes me think of the Olympic athletes who “don’t win.” Fer cryin’ out loud, they *are* winners. Losers don’t make it to the Olympics, and “losers” don’t make it to the New York Times Best Seller list!
    YAY YOU! Ya done good. Verra, verra good!
    Now, I’m going to read the comments and find where 47 people have said the same thing, only much better. ha
    Congratulations, Ms Harlot. That. Is. Awesome!

  150. OK, call me weird, but not one single person in all of those pictures was wearing anything wool related or knit. I thought it was cold there which would lead me to believe that wool should be out. Did anyone else notice this?

  151. Well deserved! You are an amazing writer, and make me laugh on a regular basis. I am so, so happy for you!!!!

  152. OMG!!! That is just incredible! I am so glad that my modest purchases contributed to this. Congratulations to you from me! I can’t believe you waited this long to tell us. But I am not surprised it happened. What surprises me is that it took so long. I figured you’d have been at that level ages ago.

  153. Congratulations! You very much deserve this award.
    I believe that you deserve a big thank you as well. For making me feel like it’s ok to tell people, “I knit.” To be ok being known as “The Knitter.” You have given knitters a presence and a voice. I know I’m not alone.
    P.S. I love how Hank is giving the thumbs up in the picture! I do that all the time in my family photos but apparently it is not as cute when a 25 year old does it. It just makes my mom yell at me. Some of us never grow up 🙂

  154. Stephanie– you are an awesome knitter, an amazing and inspring writer, and we all love ya! Congratulations on a truly major achievement. This ought to put Mr. Washie and that thieving squirrel on notice that they have got to behave from now on! And it’s so cool that your family get to enjoy your achievement too.

  155. Now we need to get the book made into a movie and you can really WIN the academy award. That would look great on your resume. Although, you would be required to go shopping for a red carpet outfit.

  156. Congratulations!
    Far be it from me to argue with a New York Times bestselling author, but allow me to point something out. It wasn’t us as your readers that made it possible- it is you that made it possible.
    I dunno bout the rest of these folks, but I pay for your books because I want to read what’s inside, not because I want to support the author’s yarn habits. (Sorry, and I know its a good cause, but it’s true!) I buy them for the same reason I buy tickets to see a Mark Wahlberg movie. (Ok, well, sort of.) I buy them because they’re entertaining. Because they’re GOOD. They’re touching, resonate with my own struggles and frustrations, and gosh darn it all, they’re funny.
    So thanks you for being kind and giving us kudos, but make sure you keep plenty for yourself!

  157. I write for a living, too, in a different way…and you are definitely living the dream so many of us have. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer, funnier, more talented, more deserving knitter. Congratulations!

  158. Congratulations, and three cheers for you!
    Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!
    Well, I guess that you’ve really made it now 🙂

  159. Not only a job well done but a well deserve laurel upon your head for help spreading the Gospel of Knitting far and wide to the non-knitters and Knitters alike. We will make the world a better place and teach them to respect Knitters!

  160. Never, ever doubt that your books touch people’s hearts. They do, without a doubt.
    I’ve said it before and I will say it again:
    YOU ROCK !!!

  161. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving knitter! Thank you for everything that you share in your books! I’m happy to have helped make you a best-selling author!

  162. As someone who also is uncomfortable with being in the limelight (mind you,not that I’ve actually written a NYT best seller) I completely understand the discomfort and congratulate you on your stunning achievement.

  163. Awesome! And the book is worth it! (What with Conan in the same month, amazing!) Way to represent. And thanks for the thoughtful and beautiful essays.

  164. I am crying tears of joy at your accomplishment. Well done! You are officially an A-class author, but I think a few folks knew it all along.

  165. Awesome!
    And now, at hip parties, you can say that you’re a NYTimes best-selling author, and IT WON’T MATTER what the book was about (coughknittingcough), because the NYTimes doesn’t mess about- they don’t put you on the list unless you deserve to be on the list.

  166. as it should be!
    hank is certainly growing up, you get your good looks from your mom, and your daughters are stunningly beautiful. what more could a NYT best selling successful author want?
    congratulations! (cheering)

  167. Woweeee Stephanie!!!! And I think one of the most amazing aspects of your success is that you have accomplished this huge career jump in just 5 years! Where will you be in another 5? I think there is simply no telling and no stopping you!
    (sorry for all the exclamation marks—grin—)
    Another thing to add to Huxleys’ list of things about his birth, imagine that it will read something like “Doula, New York Times Best Selling Author to be Stephanie Pearl-Mc-Phee”.
    Keep going and writing!
    BTW, I would really love to have you write about all your birthing and nursing experience as well, branching out, because I believe that you would be successful there too!

  168. Wicked awesome!
    I am just amazed by you – and so very happy for you.
    You made me tear up – and I’m NOT a cryer!

  169. Congratulations!!!
    I’m half way thru your book. It’s well deserving of it’s spot on the list!
    Well done & Bravo!
    Or as my Dad would say, “ya done good Toots!”

  170. I have loved all your books. I am grateful for this most recent book. Which, when you have shared your scary experience of writing and accepting it, has encouraged me to finish mine. well, to be completely transparent… to write the middle part, no matter what, and to complete mine. Thank you for your ruthless honesty and yoru genuine gift and for sharing that with others.

  171. A highly deserved recognition – I bought two copies myself because Amazon didn’t come through fast enough and I was at a LYS where one was in stock…and I was on a week-long trip & wanted to read it…my other copy was waiting when I got back. It will be a gift for another knitter dear to my heart.
    Many blessings, Stephanie, you are also dear to our hearts!

  172. I feel downright proud of you, girl–like another mom from across the continent. Congratulations! (Plus “kinnearing” too–the NYT needs to do an interview next!)

  173. That’s 20 kinds of awesome! I’ve been taking my time with your most recent book.. reading a story here, another there rather than flying through it, and I have to say – I think this one is my favorite yet. You did good! And obviously, I’m not the only person who thinks so. Congratulations… You ARE kinda a knitting super hero! (Still want that shirt by the way – I aim to be worthy of it some day)

  174. Dearest Stephanie. I know what you mean. It is hard to make eye contact with our own accomplishments, for many reasons, and it’s ok that it’s hard, and that we put it off sometimes…. Just think what a wonderful example you are setting for your children, by being able to sit in the light even for a few minutes. Perhaps then, they will not be afraid to sit in their light as it shines on them and their accompishments. This is how I encourage myself to do the same… as I show them that life’s little trials are doable, if we do them on step at a time. My children, of course, have always been my greatest pride and my best encouragement. Thank you for all you do and bless you as you open your eyes and see the beautiful person that is you. Even without the NY Times accolade, you still would be a beautiful person and we would all love you just as much as we do now.
    Blessings from Kathleen in Vermont, fellow baby lover and lactation consultant. http://www.kbbspin.org.

  175. Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations! What a very nifty thing!! I hope that this makes you realize that you’re a very talented (and funny) author, and a kick butt knitter to boot! Your Peacock shawl is even more beautiful in person than it is on your blog, and it was pretty awesome on the blog.(I saw it during the last spin in at SOAR. Amazing and so beautiful! The person who dyed that yarn is very talented, and so was the knitter!) I think it would make a peacock jealous. I’m glad that you had a chance to celebrate with your friends and family. What a terrific accomplishment to celebrate! Even though it’s been a crazy month, I hope you get to take a few days to bask in the glow of being a NY Times Best Selling Author! Oooh, and I even have your autograph!

  176. Congratulations! Hey, I have your autograph like 5 times! How cool is that?!
    That’s way cool, way to go New York Times Bestselling Author You.

  177. No one deserves it more!
    Kinda proves there’s gotta be more of us knitters out here than most folks would guess, huh?

  178. It was purely involuntary: I punched the air with my fist & said YES! when I saw this.
    Big, fist-pumping, finger-whistling congratulations, from another knitting friend.

  179. Your book hasn’t made it to Queensland yet – I keep looking for it in Borders.
    So you have many miles to go and books to sell before you sleep!
    Congratulations, I can well imagine how proud your mother is, and rightly so.

  180. TOTALLY AMAZING!!!!!!! I couldn’t wait to see you to get my book signed and a picture taken with you and I didn’t even realize you were on the Best Sellers List. I have waited for a couple years for that feat. I feel honored. You are amazing and I see your family knows that too. Bask in the glory, we know you deserve it.

  181. And here I was logging on to see how many Blog Awards you received! Silly me! NYT Best Selling Author – WOW I can’t add anything that hasn’t been said 350+ times before me. Knit and write on.
    Your calendar should be showing up on the list for the best selling page a day calendar. I have bought one for every knitter on my Christmas list — I’m sure I’m not alone!

  182. You are incredible. So like you (if I may say that, since we don’t know each other) to keep this to yourself! Such a treasured accomplishment. Many, many blessings to you and your family, and thank you for your knitterly work and intelligent humor and all of it. (Now asking husband: why don’t I own this new book yet?)

  183. Kinda gives you a warm glow just to think there are that many knitters out there (although I’m sure there are some non knitterly types turned on to your books by their knitting friends)
    Entirely deserved,bask in the glory, smile quietly to yourself when you think about it and you’re just being Canadian (a disinclination to blow your own horn)

  184. Oh, Steph…I got teary-eyed. You deserve it. I am so happy for you! You should be very proud, indeed, and I am proud of you. And there’s Amanda! Hi, Amanda! I didn’t even realize I’d missed seeing her in your blog until I saw her. I think it’s so lovely that you’re there, surrounded by family and friends. I hope you know there are thousands more that love you and appreciate you and feel you are a blessing in our lives, for the knitting community, and for writing stuff that is so funny and touching that Muggles will laugh at it and wish, even if for just a second, that they were knitters too. Thank you for being such a wonderful, New York Times bestselling author! So. Very. Cool!

  185. Like others have said before me – many kudos to you for a job well done (and I have not yet bought mine but will do so soon!)
    I wonder who Izzy and Lenore are – no. 33…

  186. Congrats! NYT bestseller? Well we all knew it could, and would, happen. There are a lot of knitters out there and you have represented us well!!!
    I(We) appreciate you!

  187. You work hard. You deserve it! Congratulations. 🙂 All that running around in airports, fighting with coffee, is all worth it now, right? 😉

  188. Congratulations! You totally deserve to feel proud of this accomplishment–you’ve worked so hard.
    (By the way, I’m not surprised in the least that you made it to NYT. It was bound to happen)

  189. Woohoo! Congratulations! You earned this! Now we’re not the only ones who read your work. Others will pick it up off the ” Bestseller ” shelf and get hooked. Today the Bestseller list, tomorrow the world! ( Gosh, I’m so excited! )… (calmed down a bit ) You know, the reason you have done so well with this writing thing is you are really good at it. That, and your personality shines through. The fact is you could write about any subject.

  190. That is absolutely made of win. I learned that phrase here and my daughter is doing her best to spread it to her school.
    And Rams? The guy who designed the coast of Norway was Slartibartfast.
    P.S. I have already finished starting everything I bought at Rhinebeck. Parse that.

  191. Congratulations Stephanie, what an awsome accomplishment! You’ve worked and traveled hard to earn this. Hope you get some much needed time with family and friends and self to celebrate and enjoy!

  192. awwww. Rioutously, cheerfully lilting “YaaaaaAAAAAY” in your honor!
    Surely such an accomplishment requires a Yarn Purchase for A New York Times Best-Selling Author’s Sweater? 😉

  193. Whooo hoooo! Congratulations!!!! It looks like you were right about the power of knitters. There are a lot of us and we should be taken very seriously. 🙂

  194. congratulations stephanie! you know we love you…and will keep buying your books…next time we’ll shoot to put you even higher up on the list! :o)

  195. WoooooooooYEAH!! That’s right, uh huh, that’s right! Who’s the best knitter/writer? Yeah, we know!!
    Happy NYT List!

  196. Maaahvelous! What a fitting accolade for a fantastic person. Congratulations on jobs well done!

  197. I actually have chills for you! What a little sticks and strings can do to change the world, eh? All the best!

  198. I read your book in the car wash, on a plane, in a bubble bath and of course, the Tim Hortons 🙂 It is an awesome collection of essays. You are a profoundly gifted storyteller regardless of topic.
    As a fellow Canadian, I’m especially proud of you 🙂 good job, Mrs. McPhee!

  199. You’re welcome! 🙂 And thank you for a wonderful book. (Also, I like your story telling very much, but your sympathy for Annabelles especially endears you to me. I was an Annabelle.)

  200. Congratulations! What a fantastic accomplishment!
    Here’s how the conversation went as I read this post:
    Me: Wow! Stephanie Pearl-McPhee’s newest book made the NYT bestseller’s list.
    Hubby: Cool. Is she, like, a hero to you?
    Me: Well, she is pretty freakin’ awesome!
    And it’s true! So, enjoy your awesomeness!

  201. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! Just to add a bit to your celebrity, I kinneared you at Rhinebeck. (Pic in my blog). A real celebrity picture — blurry, off center and from the back. 🙂
    Great job! Cheers!

  202. Congratulations! I’ve knitted off and on for years but just this week cast on my first pair of socks using your recipe. Your photos inspire and your writing motivates! I have your fancy green leafy socks in mind as I work on my plain ones and try to figure out how to handle those sharp, undisciplined dpns. I tell myself, if Stephanie can make those complicated and beautiful socks, surely I can learn to make easy ones! Your entertaining and thought-provoking blog is on my very short daily must-read list; I always look forward to the pleasure of reading it. Thank you!

  203. Way to go Stephanie! Having just finished the manuscript for my first book, I can understand what it MIGHT feel like. Don’t be shy about it, YOU did it!

  204. i am happy just for you
    and thank you for giveing me
    the chance to follow you
    from afar on your pathway

  205. Just another delurking fan who wants to say congratulation – well deserved!!!! I have all your books and appreciate the honor of reading your blog everyday. Just love ya! Please keep writing!

  206. You deserve to have your chest puffed out so far, you are falling over in your knitting!! Truely great!

  207. I got shivers seeing that – I can’t imagine what it feels like.
    I look forward to meeting a NY Times Best Selling Author in 2 weeks (in Kananaskis)!!!

  208. That is an amazing accomplishment – congratulations! It must feel more than awesome to be a knitting superstar AND New York Times Best Selling Author. Good on ya!

  209. Congratultions. I am so happy for you.
    Once upon a time, I heard from a little birdie (can’t remember who the birdie was – so am unable to confirm how true this is), that if you ever appear in the New York Times, they will publish your obtiuary when you die. A little morbid, but cool all the same. Sorry if you were that little birdie. so bad with remembering specifics. Maybe it was the Toronto Sun, or Chicago Times ?????
    Anyways, that is fantastic and amazing, and you have earned it by far.
    I also loved the book, and do not know if it was me, but didn’t find it as funny as the first book of essay, but more heartwarming for me. It also could be just me, but I loved it all the same.

  210. I’m halfway through the book – like to read a little of it at a time and savor it. Your insights are so profound. All I can say is that you deserve every bit of praise that you get.

  211. That is really a big accomplishment! And you should be very proud. I think it’s pretty amazing that you are able to take something you love and turn it into a career like you have. Most of us have jobs that supply us with an income but not the passion you get out of this. Honestly, Good Job Stephanie!!!

  212. Bravo! This post gave me goosebumps.
    Can’t wait to have you back in Northampton and have the opportunity to say that introduction outloud!

  213. congratulations! it’s about time the world finally takes notice to you!
    you should feel very good indeed, about how many of us you have influenced over the years. and i for one look forward to your next endeavors.

  214. Dude you rock, the book rocks and it not only sounds like awsomeness it IS a whole lot of awsomeness.
    Thank you for sharing alittle bit of your awsomeness

  215. Congratulations! Now I can tell Peter that when he was 7 months old, he met the New York Times Best Selling Author Stephanie Pearl-McPhee & she signed Mommy’s copy of that Best Selling book. Seriously, though, it’s a well-deserved accolade. Be very proud.

  216. That is totally cool. I bet with the next book you will get even higher. There is enough knitters in the world to get you to number one.

  217. Congratulations! Well-deserved. You are a gifted writer. I’m pacing myself with the book–or I’ll gulp it in one go–savoring each chapter. Love it!

  218. Yippie! A testament for You and knitters everywhere! You deserve every bit of praise you get! We love you and wish the best for you every single day!

  219. Stephanie, you are an inspiration to all of us and the NYT Bestseller list recognition is well deserved. Enjoy every minute of it. Congratulations!

  220. Congrats, m’dear! I can’t think of a better author to receive such a momentous accolade. Your books are marvelous, as are you. May you bask in the warmth of the moment on your tours and while you’re writing. Carry it in your heart like a security blanket for times when you doubt yourself. It’s yours forever.

  221. Congratulations! It just goes to show that the rest of the world is learning what we’ve all known for a while… knitting isn’t so obscure after all! And with your wit added in for good measure, it is funny, too! (I’m still smiling over the whole 4-coffees at the airport escapade!) Thank you for doing what you do!

  222. Congratulations. You deserve it. But don’t learn to be too comfortable with the praise, beyond saying, “Thank you .. it was a lot of work, and I am glad you appreciate it.”
    As long as praise makes you blush and fidget, it means that it hasn’t gone to your head, and that you still possess the very real, prescient and true heart which makes it possible for you to channel the spirit of knitting into a form embracable by strangers who buy books.
    I’m savoring one chapter at a time.
    Keep up the good work. Yay you.

  223. Simply echo-ing what everyone else has said… Congratulations!
    And thank you for the hours of pleasure you have given me… us… the world!

  224. Congratulations!!!! Let’s get back on that Best-sellers’ list, shall we? If we recommend it to all our friends, I’m sure we can get it back on.
    I can’t believe I missed you at Rhinebeck…..

  225. Congratulations!!!!! That’s is very very very well deserved, and if you keep writing, I at least will keep trying to get you back on that list!!!

  226. Congratulations! And thanks for allowing those who care about you to celebrate your achievement. It means so much to them (from a parent of a child who has a hard time recognizing her own superness).
    I better get out and buy the book before it sells out.

  227. Wow! that’s impressive. Congrats. I helped a little by reading the copy of Free Range Knitter that DH bought for me last week. Thanks for entertaining me

  228. Yes, congratulations! (Of course, WE out here all knew it was simply a matter of time, Stephanie!)

  229. I also have the hate-to-accept-praise twitch…but CONGRATULATIONS!! (Don’t worry, I’m not looking at you, and you don’t have to say thanks!)

  230. Congratulations! What a major accomplishment – you should be so proud of yourself! I’m glad your family and friends took the time to recognize your achievement!
    And I helped by buying a book right away too. Knitters are a force to be reckoned with 🙂

  231. WTG, Steph!!!!!!!!!!! Just think of your time in the cabin….. worth every minute, wasn’t it???
    Barbara at the windy, rainy Jersey shore 🙂

  232. Yeah to you! And HA to all the knitting naysayers! Knitting is becoming the next mafia. Last night we had our own night at the Denver Performing Arts Center.

    Well deserved and wikkid timely too!!!
    And Many more.

  234. The only thing better than your books and your blog is your speeches!
    I don’t want to go all gushy on you, but I have learned so much from you – and got to laugh all the way through all of it!

  235. A job well done and then some. All the best now and always to you. You make me cry and make me laugh and keeping up with you is a delightful trip.

  236. Congratulations!! Well deserved!! Oh, I can’t wait to hear stories when you go to some writing event and they question your subject matter… you helped knitting make the New York Times Best Seller list!!! Go girl!!

  237. I knew it was going to happen. I knew years and years ago when you were posting your funny posts on the Knit List and making me laugh until I nearly peed my pants that you were meant to do this. I’m so PROUD of you. Way to go for the dream, girl!

  238. It’s an honor you truly deserve. I’m reading my way through your new book a chapter at a time, but with break for other books, because I don’t want yours to be over too soon!

  239. Wow, I am so proud of you and so thrilled for you! I just finished the book and I loved it!!!!! Congrats!

  240. First off, congratulations! That rocks!
    Second, how does this compare to being called the “Michael Jordan of Knitting” on American national television?
    PS I live in Chicago. 🙂

  241. Dude – this is the equivalent of a Canadian indy band getting a Grammy!
    Wow. Seriously. WOW!
    (Just as an aside: I would KILL for Indian food right now.)

  242. I must be about the 500th person to say it, but you totally ROCK, girlfriend!
    I’m on my way to pick up my copy this afternoon (I’ve been waiting for a client check to make sure I can afford both the book and a small bit of food…) and I know I will sit down and devour it in one fell swoop – or is that “swell foop?” – and then go back through it over and over again to enjoy the part that is speaking to me at any given time. Your essays are what I enjoy most in your writing, though the blog is a daily stop.
    Just modestly say “Thanks so much” and get someone to buy you another Indian dinner and a glass of wine – so glad your family and friends threw a total blowout celebration, as if anyone deserves it, it’s you!

  243. Hooray! I can see how that would feel both scary and awesome all at the same time. But hopefully more awesome than anything else. Take that non-knitting skeptics! Knitting author makes NYT best-sellers! Film at 11!

  244. Congratulations! I’m midway through Free Ranger Knitter – and loving it – Thank you for your unique contribution to knitting as lifestyle!
    Hugs from Colorado!

  245. OMG, that is so wonderful, a epiphany experience, your girls and Joe I’m sure are so proud of you that they are all floating on clouds of woolly joy. It us an amazing accomplishment and I’m proud to own your new book. Congrats from South Carolina!

  246. I don’t care that I’m #471…Just have to congratulate you! What a thrill! To be on the N.Y. Times best seller list (even for a minute); how fabulous. And, more important, so very well-deserved…very proud of you!

  247. Yay to you! Yay to knitters! Today I will feel more optimistic about the world because there are enough like-minded people in the world to put your book on the New York Times bestseller list. That’s just cool, because knitters are good people.

  248. Congrats to the New York Times Best Selling Author! That is really, really freaking awesome. No doubt about it!

  249. Thank you for giving us knitters a voice in the world.
    Your achivements are well deserved.

  250. Oh well done. I can’t think of any writer who deserves it more. You are knitting inspiration!

  251. Stephanie: Congratulations and Thank You for sharing your life with all of us. This is so well deserved. I can’t help but think how proud your grandmother would be. Celebrate this accomplishment for as long as you need. It’s not often we are recognized for hard work and you do so deserve it. Maybe you should put a New York Times Best Selling Author sticker next to the Canada sticker on your suitcase. Let’s see who has the nerve to chatise you in an airport again.

  252. May your needles never get rusty!
    Of course, if they’re bamboo or wood, I have to say, “may your needles never get lost” or “broken” or something like that, but the effect gets lost in the translation somewhere….
    Congrats–love ya Steph. Keep the words comin’…you do a great job!

  253. I couldn’t be more thrilled for you! Treat yourself to something you absolutely love, just for you– whether it’s yarn or whatever!

  254. YOU GO, Stephanie! YYYYESSSS! FINALLY! The world has recognized what we’ve known all along: that WE have one of the best dang writers IN the world! Whoot!
    Long Live the Yarn Harlot!
    CONGRATULATIONS to an exhausted, very hard-working Author who DESERVES our thanks and praises! We told you your book (and your irresistable writing) was great, didn’t we? NOW do you believe us??? Huh, huh? You’d better.
    I’d also like to extend my (long overdue) appreciation to your hubby and kids for letting you write for us :-). Thanks for sharing your wife and mum with us!

  255. Well I did my part this weekend and picked up a copy of your latest book. Congratulations on what is without a doubt, your best book yet!! Also, even bigger congratulations on making the NYT Best Sellers list which is truly an amazing achievement. You deserve all you have accomplished and more. Keep on celebrating! 🙂

  256. You so deserve this! You write about knitting in a way that makes not only knitters, but those who love knitters, laugh. Honest – I have more than once discovered my hubby secretly reading one of your books when I’ve left it lying around, and chuckling quietly to himself! Thanks for all the books, and the blog, You’re awesome! (did you really not know this?)

  257. That my dear Yarn Harlot is very cool.
    Can you put a vanity plate on your bike NYTBSL32?

  258. Congratulations for a recognition that is well-deserved! Never stop doing what you do. Just enjoy it.

  259. PS – remember those guys at the cocktail party? You should send a copy of the list to them.

  260. Congratulations Stephanie – that is truly wonderful. I heard someone say the other day that one of the keys to a fulfilled life is to discover your passion and then find a way to make a living doing that. I immediately thought of you – an inspiration to all of us in more ways than one. Good Job! And I will admit to feeling a small vicarious thrill that a book about knitting made The List…

  261. Congratulations!! It is a well-deserved honor and I am very proud for you. You have been a humorous ambassador for knitting and enjoying all of its benefits. You deserve this honor and please add my congratulations to all of your friends, both in human form and email form. Enjoy!!!

  262. Mazel tov! This news brought a huge smile to my face. May you wear this news in good health. I raise my glass (of wine) to you tonight. 🙂

  263. Woo Hoo!!! That is incredibly HUGE news and I’m so glad you decided to share it with us! You totally deserve it. Thanks for writing books that we love to buy AND read!!!

  264. OH MY GOD! My jaw literally dropped when I saw the New York Times photo. Mazel Tov! Now when you talk to other writers who think you are “less than” because you write about knitting, you can remind them that knitters who read put you on the New York Times Bestseller’s List. Congratulations!

  265. Now the hard part…acceptance. Learn it,it will get you through any (hope not) rough bumps in the road. Take it,hug it,love it,and learn from it,and pass it along.
    rj…learning at 66..and being grateful for it.

  266. HUGS!!!!
    Steph, it couldn’t happen to anyone nicer or more deserving!
    Heartfelt congratulations from both myself and BadgerDan.

  267. Congratulations! You are one of the very few whose books I pre-order, sight unseen, so I’m not surprised. But, wow, this is fantastic. Do you think it will have a big effect on that chairs problem? Is this the first knitters’ book that has been on the list? I’m just so happy about it!

  268. OK, that’s one more reason to get my act in gear and get out to the bookstore, and buy the new book. The other reason is that I’ve finally finished renovating our master bathroom and now don’t need to worry about “Yeah, I’ll install the new toilet right after I finish this chapter!” So, off I go! Congratulations, Steph. That’s amazing! (As my husband says (with a huge smile on his face) ‘How many chairs? They’re just knitters!’) Hear us roar! But at least we’ll be warm!

  269. Congrats! I read it all in one glorious day and loved it! Enjoy your new title and know that there are many,many people in the world that adore you.

  270. 525 comments as of my writing. You are a force to be reckoned with my friend. Congratulations! You earned this so be proud of yourself-you know we are all proud of you.

  271. Relish this moment, girl! You put yourself out there everyday- your thoughts, your knitting and your life. You are the person to my mind that epitomizes the best in knitting. Not only do you “Do” what you do, you have the ability to take everything that touches your world and give it not only meaning for you personally but make it part of the “big picture” for all of us who- it must be said and accepted- adore you! Quebec salutes you, Stephanie. P.S I truly loved Free-Range Knitter, your best yet!

  272. I understand the best seller list is comprised of weekly sales reports from samples of bookstores and wholesalers throughout the US. I think those of us who haven’t yet bought your book and want to, should just buy it next week and see how high up the list we can put your book. I think we could at least get you another week on the list and hopefully into the twenties! But congrats for the week of Oct 10th – now that deserved a glass of fine wine!

  273. I know what you mean by not being able to look success in the eye… but something like that, I’m pretty sure you could at least mumble and shake hands, right?
    Congratulations, Steph–no one deserves it more:-)

  274. I’ve been reading that book the last couple of days. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried (Especially when reading about your friend who knit her way out of depression. That’s pretty much how I got started, too.) I enjoyed all of your previous books, and this one was even better. Congrats on the New York Times honor. That’s tremendous!

  275. Guess the cocktail party guests can’t say you’re not a “real” author anymore, huh? Way to show them! Congratulations!

  276. Congrats – you richly deserve it Stephanie. You’re not only good at what you do, but you’ve worked HARD to accomplish all you have in life. And, from what those who are watching can tell, the success, the praise you receive for your hard work, doesn’t go to your head – it goes to your heart. And, in the process, you touch the hearts of many, many others. I guess your mission now is to keep up the fine work.
    Blessings to you and yours.
    Rewalsar, H.P., India

  277. You deserve every second on that list (and you coined a word on the NYT list – which might be equally as wonderful). Thanks for inspiring us and keeping us in stitches (literally and figuratively). I like how everyone got together to celebrate. Families can be so wonderful that way.

  278. My first ever comment to your blog, is, fittingly, this: Congratulations, New York Times Best-Selling author, Ms. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee!
    *iTunes track currently playing: Walking On Sunshine!!!*

  279. HOW DID I MISS THIS?!?!?!
    I’m so proud. Congrats…you deserve it – it’s a fabulous book and you, my friend, are a fabulous writer.
    Here’s to MANY more.

  280. My fuzziest heart-felt congratulations. 🙂 That’s extremely wonderful. And you should look it squarely in the eye and be over the moon proud of it.

  281. Rock on, Harlot! One of the many cool things about this is that you cracked the NYT list in the category of Hardcover Nonfiction and not in advice, self-help and miscellaneous. Knitting is mainstream, thanks to you!!!

  282. Congratulations!!! Thank you for all of your hard work–I’ve not gotten my copy yet but I can’t wait to read it!! BRAVO

  283. Hey – this will give you something to say at those parties when people try that “oh, so you’re not a real writer” stuff on you. Take that!

  284. Arriving pretty late to the party, but I couldn’t let this pass without adding my sincere congratulations. Perhaps now the wider world will be exposed to your considerable talents, too. (We knitters have had the luxury of having you all to ourselves for a long time. I suppose we’re willing to share.) Being on the NYT bestseller list is “it”, and everyone who loves you knows how hard you’ve worked to achieve that.
    We’ve known how talented you are for years. Please catch up on your rest, spend time with your family and friends, and what they hey, bask a little………..

  285. Well, those of us procrastinators had better go out and
    buy our copies to put you right back on/up the list.
    Well deserved, Stephanie.
    Thank you for being a human being,
    as well as an author, and for showing us
    how it’s done (not that we have the stuff to try it ourselves)!
    Hip Hip Hooray!

  286. Congratulations! Please enjoy the praise and thanks from all who support your work. And thank you for all the information, humor, and writing in the blog and books!!! I have several of your books (and on my very tight budget, that is saying something) and I made the library order the others! You are the BEST!!
    Kathy in Oceanside, CA

  287. Adding my voice to the hundreds already – CONGRATULATIONS! One of the challenges of growing up is to gracefully accept praise from others — whether you want to or not. Job well done!

  288. Congrats!!!! That is so amazing. I thought of your coffee post from Boston last week when I was in Boston Logan airport this morning, having issues juggling my sock in progress, my coffee and everything else.
    Thanks for making us all feel like we’re not the only knitters out there!!!

  289. Everyone looks appropriately festive! (but where is YOUR picture with the corsage?)
    Congratulations. it’s a moment worth savoring.

  290. In the next printing of the book (!) please make sure there is a warning on the cover about reading it in public. Reading the elevator story on a plane last week caused me to laugh, cry, and have ginger ale come out my nose so hard that I think the man next to me was sure that he had landed next to a frothing at the mouth lunatic. I had to stop reading it before they called the air marshal.

  291. I got Carol King to hold my sock! Is she still famous enough to be considered? Where do I send the proof? Carol fricken’ King!

  292. No one is suprised, and No one deserves it more. Coincidentally, I have been Rereading your first book, and also your blogs of 2004 – 2006. You express your sentiments of Just About Anything with a truly gifted flair.

  293. Just like stitch by stitch one makes a sock or a sweater, and word by word a book gets written, book by book you make your way to the Best Seller List! You have often said that knitters understand better than anyone how very small repetitive actions will add up, and I am glad to be one of those book owners who was able to help.
    Now I can tell people about you not just as my favorite knit blogger; I can identify you as my friendly neighborhood bestselling author.
    Knit on!

  294. Steph,
    I cannot tell you how delighted I am for you!!! You TOTALLY rock! – we already knew that of course but now a much wider audience does too.
    Love ya!
    Fi X

  295. Congratulations! Not only for carving a literary niche but for opening the eyes of the world to the joys that knitting offers. Your talent has illustrated just how fun, hip and cool knitting is across a mutigenerational spectrum. i believe ther are many like me who just haven’t had a moment to get out and purchase your latest book yet – so New York Times get ready to see the harlot grace your lists again 🙂

  296. Woo Hoo!! We always knew that you were worthy of being on the NYT best seller list now the world shares our view. Well done!

  297. Wonderful for you — and for us: your publisher is bound to wring more prose out of you for us to read, savor, buy. Congratulations.

  298. This is just wonderful news and it couldn’t happen to a nicer person. Seriously. You lift us up with every word you write and every stitch you knit. Thank you–enjoy every minute…

  299. OMG! Amazing. Well, not amazing actually since this book is so very much NYT material right? I read to my husband in bed last night (I know, right?) about the furnace wars. He LOVED it and he’s actually starting to “get” the whole knitting/fiber obsession thing I have. Your stories and laughing at life are just what I happen to need right now and I am so happy for you and grateful that you do what you do! Congrats times a million.

  300. Stephanie, you are literally an inspiration to me. If you can bake banana bread on a stopover during a book tour, I can certainly clean my car windows after a two-day hiking weekend. Which I did.

  301. Well done! You so TOTALLY do deserve to be on the list. Your work is well-written, inspiring and downright side-splittingly funny.

  302. I know you will feel uncomfortable with this, but I think you should add a button to your blog that says you are a NYT best selling author. I’m thrilled for you!

  303. Congratulations! Did you ever think it would happen? Did you ever think it could happen with a “knitting” book?
    I have saved this post and used it to begin a new file named “inspiration”.
    Congratulations again, and thank you.

  304. Congratulations! I’m so proud of you and the whole knitting community that I will now brag to all my muggle friends about it and they will all be green with envy since their hardly-existing-boring-little-HOBBIES are not featured on the NY Times Best Seller List! (Not sure what those hobbies might be, or if they even have any, but I’m gonna revel in it any way.)
    Congratulations again, you really, truly, deserve it!

  305. I am soooo happy for you! Congratulations!
    Your next book deal should have a stipulation that you get a case of wine for every week on the list…. (Or maybe yarn….)

  306. This is awesome.
    I am waiting to buy my book from the local store when you come to town. Probably many of us are, or you’d be on the list for another week or more. Thanks for sacrificing a second week for supporting buying locally!

  307. That is an amazing whole lot of awesome! Congratulations. Please be so kind as to give yourself some credit here. You are an extremely talented writer. You work hard at your craft(s). And you put in the hours (years) of hard work and dedication necessary to succeed. So while, yes, we buy your books; it is only because we love you, your writing, and what you have to say. That, my dearest Harlot, is why you are a New York Times Best Selling Author!

  308. Oh Stephanie, how wonderful! I hope you do take a moment to contemplate, that no matter how *weird* it feels to you, you have made a HUGE impact on the knitting world. And the amazing thing is that you’ve done it just by being yourself. Much like Elizabeth Zimmerman, your unique voice allows you, even through written word, to be approachable and endearing to so many of us. Relish this moment! You have accomplished so much and you completely deserve to bask in it by starting as many projects as you choose. You know things are going to go to hell in a handbasket in a month anyway (THREE WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!?) *grin*. Big hugs and congrats!

  309. One more vote of congratulations. certainly well-deserved, I’m just glad so many of us are now aware.

  310. Congratulations Stephanie
    You should be very proud! You work hard and you deserve recognition.

  311. Wheee! That’s wonderful, you New York Times Best Selling Author, you!!! (I helped. And I’ll probably buy more copies as gifts… should’ve just bought them all at once to keep the numbers up, drat!)

  312. Congratulations, Stephanie! I’ve never met you, never heard you speak, never witnessed you signing a book but you’ve touched my life with your humor and your (don’t shake your head at me) wisdom and your honesty. You certainly deserve it and I’m sure it won’t be the last time, either!

  313. Standing ovation for Stephanie!! What an amazing accomplishment for you! Next book – TOP TEN!

  314. I think it’s a common female thing to ‘talk down’ our accomplishments. Resist!! You have done what most people in this world will not even dream of doing! Celebrate it! and let others celebrate it with you!

  315. Congratulations! I’m not surprised. This is the first time I’ve responded on your blog, but if you can believe this, I’m actually listening to one of your books on my IPod when I ride my exercise bike in the morning. I bought it from Audible.com, and I have to tell you that biking and laughing out loud are not always compatible… 🙂 Thanks for the laughter, and the feeling that someone out there understands. You deserve that NY Times best seller title – I’m only sorry that it’s waited this long!

  316. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you (and for all of us who get to read the NYT best selling book).

  317. That is effing awesome (I was going to write the actual word in there, but this is a family blog, and didn’t want to ruin it for anyone). Good on you! I pre-ordered two copies from Amazon by accident and was going to return one, but now I think I’ll keep them both.

  318. WooooooooooHooooooooooooo……….
    congratulations. I also had mistakingly pre-ordered 2 and will keep them both. I mistakingly pre-ordered 2 calendars, too. Lucky for me. Enjoy the glory……….NYTBSA, Stephanie!!!!!!

  319. Bravo! Another wine for the wonderwoman please! I love your writings and guess what? I am NOT even a knitter!

  320. Congratulations!!! You absolutely deserve it. I’m so happy that there are enough knitters out there to buy enough copies of your book to result in you getting on the New York Times bestseller list. Very cool!

  321. Congratulations!! I’m enjoying the book right now, and am so happy to see you achieve this amazing milestone. It is well and truly deserved!!

  322. Felicitations Stephanie! you deserve it. thanks for just being you and sharing your life with us. cheesy , isn’t it?
    gros bisous

  323. Stephanie, you are an inspiration. Even though I don’t know you as so many other commenters here do– and I haven’t picked up a knitting needle in at least a year. Still, you inspire me to do better things with my life.

  324. Oh, congratulations! Saw you for the first time in St. Paul, Minnesota during the snow/ice/rain/sleet blizzard last April (08) and have been hooked (knitted?) on your blog ever since.

  325. I’m moving to New Jersey but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t still get my peeps together and come visit you on the self striping yarn bus!
    Congratulations, Stephanie 🙂

  326. Just finished reading your latest book last night – you deserve everything that’s come your way & more! Congratulations

  327. That is great, now you have a really great comeback the next time someone dismisses you for writing “little knitting books”. I am only sorry we didn’t get you higher and keep you there longer. But then there is always the next book …..

  328. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome! Congratulations! I purchased my copy last week and have brought it with me on a vacation. How terribly difficult it was to make myself not start until arrival (as it was a driving trip overnight, I thought it prudent to not start while on the road) I cannot tell you. We are here now, and I am anxiously waiting for some quiet time this evening to head off to my corner and read it. You should be so proud!

  329. Stephanie:
    Congratulations on your well deserved NY Times Best Selling standard. Your ability to transport so many readers to another place and time is a well honed talent. Enjoy your new title.

  330. You so deserve to be recognized for your literary skills; you are so able to capture what it is to knit AND be a member of the human race– Congrats!

  331. Couldn’t leave the comments at 666!! It just felt wrong.. Congrats on your literary success. I cuddled up in my new comforter yesterday and read all the way to the end. What a joy! As Tony the Tiger would say, You’re Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreaaaat!!

  332. One of my absolute favorite things? When good things happen to good people (who’ve worked very hard to get it!)

  333. Hearty hearty congratulations. I’m so proud and honored for you. I can’t imagine how you must feel! 🙂

  334. Wow. As someone who always wanted to be an author and likely won’t ever be, I find this really impressive. Of course, I’ve read your books so I know this isn’t a surprising development. But it’s way, way cool.

  335. F@^%*@!-A!!!!!!!!!!! You’re on the best seller list. About time. You totally rock and bring the attention knitting deserves to the muggles. Thank you, and job well done. (Please imaginf this message delivered to you with full eye contact and a big hug.)

  336. That is so awesome! I just bought a copy of your book in San Francisco. I normally don’t buy books in a bookstore, just rent them in the library, but I knew deep down I was going to buy it anyway, but opening to the chapter titled, “Denny”, absolutely SOLD ME!!!! congrats on the NYTBS!!!!

  337. I’m savoring the book… I read only one chapter a night because I don’t want it to end. and no, it’s not easy…
    congratulations…. no wonder you had wine and a corsage! you absolutely deserved it!

  338. When I went to buy your book (at the local bookstore that was co-sponsoring your talk, no less), they had not replenished the stack of books on the table by the sign advertising your book signing/talk. When I went to the desk to ask if they had more copies, the man working there asked, “This book?” and I confirmed that yes, that was the one, and two copies, please. “You want TWO copies? of THIS book?” he asked in disbelief. Ha! and double Ha! on him!!
    You should absoloutely feel happy and proud, and tell people about it! You are a fabulous writer and you’ve worked hard. Being proud of yourself and your accomplishments is not the same as being a braggert. It is wonderful for people (especially like your daughters and mine) to see women like you accomplish so much (family and career) and not devalue it. Celebrate!!
    Best wishes and congratulations!!

  339. Oh, how wonderful! I so wish I could reach through the internet and hug you. Instead I can just echo the affection and regard others have shared before me.
    Stephanie, your work is readable and inspires those book purchases, because you are real. You don’t make fun of others but are not afraid to poke a bit at yourself. The world needs more real-people-heroes like you.
    Congratulations, New York Times Bestseller Author! May you have much practice allowing people to love and appreciate you as they have for this big deal accomplishment.

  340. Many congratulations! I finally feel I qualify to comment having caught up and read the whole blog. You have added much to my Ravelry queue….

  341. I have to tell you that I have bought english knitting pattern book in the past and I am reading and writing english on the net…but buying a book in english just for reading(without no pattern !!) was my first time ever !!! And that is just because of you cause I wanted to read the Yarn Harlot 😉
    Congratulation !!!!!!! You deserve all your success 🙂

  342. Congratulations! Don’t discount your spot on the list – don’t make your acheivement sound less-than. No matter how you slice it, it’s fab.

  343. CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve it, (well, you deserve a higher number I think, but still.) Gosh, and to think I chickened out on getting you to sign my copy at Rhinebeck!!!!! Now I’m totaly bummed.

  344. That is just fantasmagorical!!!!!!! No one deserves it more than you. Your writing is so right-on and a true joy to read (even when you have jet lag, are dog-tired, or under the weather.
    Thanks for always bringing a smile to my world.
    Tora in Chagrin Falls, Ohio

  345. Your books have brought me so much entertainment, and I also really relate to them. Congratulations, you deserve this! (My non-knitting husband was also impressed, and offers his kudos as well.)

  346. Wow, Stephanie! Many heartfelt congratulations to you! We all know you’re fantastic, and now maybe more of the world will know too.
    What a potentially huge thing: someone picking up your book because it made That List, reading & enjoying it, wondering if s/he ought to give this knitting thing a try, trekking down to a LYS, fondling all the lovely yarn & taking a class… you may have opened the door wider for not-yet-knitters!
    I’m so proud of you. Thanks for telling us. 🙂

  347. Wow! That is just the absolute best! Congratulations! You touch our lives almost everyday, and you’re success is well deserved.

  348. That is amazing! Congratulations…
    I bought a UK knitting book ‘Let’s Knit’ and there was an article about you. Very cool.

    Honestly, I’m surprised it took this long. I’ve known since the moment I picked up “Secret Life..” that you were amazing! This “mode” of your writing is my absolute favorite. It gives me a laugh; it makes me cry and all along it reminds me that there are other wackadoo fiberheads out there that are my people.
    I’m sooooo looking forward to the new audio books!

  350. Not surprising. I received a copy from my best friend as a belated birthday present. Four months late and it TOTALLY made up for it. 🙂

  351. Congratulations, Stephanie! Now Joe can tell all those self-important people types he hangs out with at cocktail/business get-togethers, that he has a NYT best selling author as a spouse! And when they ask you what you do – just knock off a few pieces of wool fuzz from your shoulder and say – PROUDLY – that you write NYT best selling books about knitting!!!!! I loved Free Range Knitter. Such poignant essays/tales. Aunt Helen is proud of your accomplishments as she looks down from heaven. Enjoyed seeing you in Jacksonville.

  352. What a blessing! You have been blessed with a great sense of humor. You are the Mark Twain, Will Rogers and Walt Whitman of the knitting world! Yeah!

  353. You rock!
    You’re my hero!
    Don’t take this the wrong way, but I have to admit I had a dream with you in it last night. Somehow I ended up getting off a bus in your neighbourhood and you invited me into your livingroom where there were many knitters sitting around and there were lots of knitting books on tables and lots and lots and lots of high quality yarn on the floor, and then you said: “Go on, roll around in it! We already did!”

  354. Woo-woo! Even my husband, a non-knitter but a devotee of your blog, almost cried when he read your post! Congratulations!

  355. Another congrats! But more to the point, I agree with your comment about working on whatever it is that keeps you from taking in the appreciation given to you from others. Life is ever more full when we can give AND TAKE!!! You give to others with your wit, your passion and your focus. Learning to receive our appreciation will expand YOUR world! Go for it—you definitely deserve it!

  356. You make us all feel proud .. sniff sniff
    I hope you don’t mind if we share in a little of the glory :o)

  357. Congratulations! Your spot on the Best Sellers List is well-deserved. Thank you so much for sharing your life & outlook with us all. Looking forward to Madrona. . .

  358. Thanks for sharing the news! I look forward to reading about the next time someone says something disparaging to you about “real” books and you get to respond that you write NYT best sellers.
    In the meanwhile, we can do something similar — we can look in shock at the disparager and say “she’s a NYT best selling author, how can you NOT know about her?”
    Thanks for giving us the opportunity. And remember, we are proud of you!

  359. Heartfelt congratulations! Since you earned that recognition, it doesn’t seem boastful, or worrisome in any way, to let others give you the pat on the back you so richly deserve. They love you and you’re definitely worthy of their regard. Jump in and give yourself a pat, too!
    I’m just glad you keep writing such amazing books. It’s enjoyable to read (and re-read) each one. You’re one of the reasons I’m having such a great time with my own knitting.

  360. Wouldn’t it be nice to have each pattern written with the inches and centimeters measurements both at least next to the little drawing of the shape. Anyhow, mixing them up gives odd knitted pieces, as an inch is 2,5 times a cm. and a wee bit more. You would know if you mixed the two up, your not paid by Nasa. Maybe your inner self is not strong enough to overrule your outer self yet, blame it on the lack of coffee you have not yet recovered from. MargrietA.

  361. So many comments and this one so late, but I couldn’t let it pass. Congratulations. Well-deserved. We are proud and grateful, as well, for what you have done for knitters. Every time I hear you speak or read your work, I feel proud to be among this amazing group of people, striking my own small blow against consumerism and mass production, one hand-knit sock at a time.

  362. Not sure if this comment will reach you a week later (playing read blogs catch up), but here’s one more congratulations.
    Just so very lovely; I’m glad to have your books to read and learn from and laugh over.
    🙂 🙂 🙂 Well done.

  363. I reserved a copy of your new book at my local Barne’s and Noble. Read it in two hours!! Love your work!!

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