After All These Years

On Friday night I got to reflecting that I really love my Flow. It’s that Norah Gaughan tank I knit from Berroco Seduce that I made a few years ago.  At the time I wasn’t surprised that I was in love with the pattern.  I love Norah Gaughan’s patterns with a deep and powerful love that is unabated by time.  It is one of the greatest tragedies of my knitting life that I am not brave enough or cute enough or shaped right enough to wear some of the things she designs that I love the most. When I’m knitting I try to be sensitive to my body type.  Knitting is too slow to knit things that are doomed to be unflattering – and while I am petite (5’1") I have broad square shoulders, virtually no neck and an ample awning over the front porch – if you catch my meaning.  There’s also an almost criminal shortage of a waist. (I’ve tried to file charges, but can’t figure out who to blame.)  Mostly I know what this means.  It means that in a boat neck or square neck I look like I have missed my calling as the worlds littlest linebacker.  It means that anything that hangs from the bust makes me look like all of me is as big as my bust (which I’m not – or at least not quite.)  

It’s taken me years to learn that I need my knitted stuff to have a hint of a waist to compensate for my lack of one, and that I look best in vee necks (even though I like them less) or fairly deep scoops (even though I like them less) and that really, if I can get some knitted stuff with an empire waist, I should do that straightaway, because it makes it seem as though I’m remarkably thinner than I am, which is always a bonus. 

Flow had a pretty deep scoop, and the right kind of shoulders, and clings in a little where I should have a waist in a way that’s flattering. It’s also green, so it fits in nicely with my whole fashion strategy, which is that I like to dress like a tree.  (Brown on bottom, green, orange or red on top.)   I wear it enough that in the summer it’s practically a uniform, and on Friday it occurred to me that I could use another one (in another colour, maybe orangey red)  and resolved to make one to wear at the retreat this weekend.  (I leave Thursday.)  I got online to refresh my memory about how much yarn it takes, and then it happened.

I decided to not just check that, but also to have a search around Ravelry for a summer knitted thing that met all my criteria.  Vee neck, empire waist, a little shaping… I was online for about three minutes before I had an encounter with Lizette that was like being hit by a mac truck – no, wait, it was like being hit by a mac truck full of yarn – in that it hurt, but I liked it.  Lizette  has everything I want, except that it’s a little longer than I need it to be (what with me being short and all) but that just means less knitting, and with that, I resolved to go to the yarn shop the next day and see what could be done.

At this point, it is important to note a few things. 

1. I did not abandon my plan to knit Flow.  I was still going to knit flow by Thursday before I got on the plane.

2. I added a whole other garment, and resolved to knit that by Thursday too.

3. Even though I’m still knitting Omelet.

4. Even though I’m stealth knitting something else.

5. These decisions, followed through on when I bought a metric ton of yarn at the shop Saturday, didn’t just seem totally and completely reasonable… they seemed INSPIRED.

6. Last night when I realized I’d bought thirteen balls of yarn and not yet knit up one whole ball, I was SHOCKED.

7. That means that after 41 years knitting,  I’m still totally out of it. 

(PS, because someone will ask, that’s Hempathy in Hazel for the Lizette, and Samea (in the colour enchantingly named 806-0015) for the Flow. They were sadly out of Seduce, and I have trouble delaying gratification. Apparently.)

110 thoughts on “After All These Years

  1. I can see why Lizette made it to your list – it is so cute! Good luck on speed-knitting to get them done by Thursday. ::wink::

  2. Oh, yeah. Totally with you on this. Just bought some new yarn and trolled Ravelry last night, and now want to cast on a fair isle headband, and a fair isle moebius, plus think it is totally possible to knit another Norah Gaughan Pucker before I get on a plane on Saturday.
    Obviously new yarn causes delusions of grandeur.

  3. i love your post today because:
    1. i’m going to watch to see how quickly Lizette and Flow make to the “most popular knit” in ravelry.
    2. I’ll thrilled that you are such a harlot! Omelette *and* Lizette **and** Flow ***and*** stealth knitting besides! I’m sure you have a couple of socks that you aren’t fessing up to as well. You are a hussy! and I love that about you.
    3. those colors are just lovely and they suit you and they’ll look marvelous.
    thanks, Stephanie. you always make me smile!

  4. Your description of your body fits mine! But add several more pounds to mine. the upper portion of my body is 1 to 2 sizes larger than the lower portion. And that difference is all in my bust. It hides my waist and my hips. Empire waist can sometimes make me look as if I’m trying to hide a pregnant belly. So maybe a Lizette would work for me also. Besides it sounds so so so French!

  5. Good luck and hope you make it all by Thursday! Lizette is pretty freakin’ lovely. No problem, right? (Ummm, but just to check, you do know today’s Tuesday right?)

  6. You and me both, Deborah. Such fun trying to find ANYthing that fits 16″/41cm shoulders, with a size 40F/G … um … awning out front. And since I’m working towards being more fit, who knows what size I’ll be by the end of (slowly) knitting something? I’ve put ‘Lizette’ on my ‘eventually’ list, though, after looking at a couple of the completed projects on Ravelry.
    Gorgeous choices, Stephanie! By the way … not to be pushy, of course … but … You’re leaving on Thursday? Have you considered packing? Maybe … oh, I don’t know … doing that just a wee bit sooner than ten minutes before you have to catch the plane?

  7. Looked at the statistics for Lizette….wow! Just get the Harlot to mention an item and the world goes nuts! Fun to see.

  8. I love your sweaters to be.
    I need to remember that I don’t need to knit button bands for my cardigans (well, I don’t need to have buttonholes), because the sizes that fit me best in the arms don’t go across my bust and that I don’t really want to wear them buttoned anyway. It beats rejiggering a pattern to fit about 1-2 inches more room for the bust, right?

  9. I am curious to see how Lizette will fit you with your ample awing on the front porch because I have one of those too.
    Typically I cannot wear the empire waist because it makes me look like I am with child.

  10. I’m not really appreciating your reality check right now. I am knitting sock 1, of hopefully a pair, for my husband, and a shawl (cinnamon girl’s shawl) for myself. I was contemplating going to the LYS to get yarn for the Hoot Hat, for a baby due in September because it is soo cute (the hat) and I knit slower than slow (what with work and the fact that I knit slowly). Hmmm. I guess I’d better at least paddle to the shores of De Nile, and get out of the current. Like I said, I’m not appreciating the reality check. Hope it works out for you!

  11. This is a perfect example of why it’s so important for me to know my body type. Lizette is adorable, and I would look like crap (pregnant crap, at that) in it. You, however, will look fantastic. Go, Steph!

  12. Wheras those of us with Galapagos turtle necks, negligible bosoms (and what there is is losing spirit) and incipient pot bellies should give a wide berth to what you pick — and yet. And yet…

  13. It’s my favorite thing to dress like a tree! I was distressed when I graduated my college of environmental science for “the real world,” and realized that not everyone did that.

  14. OH! Lizette is really awesome – love the design elements on it. I would fall down too, but I’m in the middle of knitting a new tee (unlike you, I haven’t learned my lesson and just hope and pray that stuff looks okay on me when I’m done and the Gaughan stuff keeps coming), and socks, and really thinking of something thick and bulky from my flock spun (yeah, in the middle of June….). Love your colors and you can so do it. 🙂 Flow at least will be quick (you can knit that in a day or so – no sleeves!) 🙂 Don’t give yourself the claw though!

  15. Oh thank goodness. When I read the first sentence I thought you were talking about menstruation.

  16. Steph, is it THIS COMING Thursday that you are leaving??? LOL! I love reading your column and the comments–makes me know I’m not the only one out there… 🙂

  17. This Thursday?
    And that is just what you need to accomplish knitting…and doesn’t cover any of the “real world” stuff!
    (She says who has signed up for more than one KAL and is trying to do Camp Loopy, the Tour de Fleece and Ravelympics this summer too! Oh yeah, and work full time!)

  18. That’s it. I’m unsubscribing from your blog. I do not need another top in my queue that I’ll never get to but will mock me to the end of my life. Of course, you can knit it for me….

  19. Lizette is beautiful and I can totally see you in that pattern, very flattering.
    Hey, you said there were no knitting police and I totally believe you! So have fun with whatever you want.

  20. By Thursday? THIS Thursday?
    Okay, I’m losing my patience with you ample awning people. Try having so little awning that you can’t buy an “awning sheath” in your cup size, and without padding look like you had sex change surgery but the surgeon forgot to give you an awning. There, I got it out of my system – you can go back to complaining about having such ample awnings now.

  21. Surely with all the knitting thought energy of everyone on the internet (everyone on the internet reads this, right? we kicked the non-knitters out a while back I think)… you will TOTALLY have the magical time-bending powers to knit [a reasonable amount] of [one or two of] these things!

  22. Is this another meeting of knitters anonymous? I was shocked yesterday to realize how many projects I have on the needles right now. Shocked I tell you!

  23. Dang, now I need to knit Lizette, too. How did I not see this last summer? Empire waists are one of my favorite things to wear, v-necks are also very flattering to my broad shoulders, and dang it – it’s just cute. Off to order more yarn.

  24. I went and looked at Lizette. You’re nuts if you think you’re going to get all that done, but you’d have to be crazy to not want Lizette. *I* want Lizette, and I don’t knit that type of thing.
    Good luck. 🙂 You’d better put on some more coffee.

  25. Wait — didn’t you learn how to warp the time/space continuum? That would make all that knitting not only possible, but probable!

  26. With a little extra shaping on the bottom half, Lizette would be a great maternity shirt. Alas, at my current rate I would not have it finished while I need it.

  27. I was so happy to see this post, since I started my Flow (along with hundreds of others) when you made your green one and then got to the armhole decreases and started thinking that it might need short row shaping. Since then it has languished in exile. However this is just the boost I need to get it going again if I can only figure out short row bust darts for it. Any links to some help on the shaping is most welcome, maybe then I will get it done for this summer.

  28. I know this is adding fuel to the fire but if you like Lizette, have you seen Laresca, also @ Twist Collective? Just sayin’…… 😉
    Cheers, Barbie O.

  29. Well, the Lizette people will be busy now. I agree with the earlier post about awnings and bras – surely there is a market for reasonably-priced bras at the extreme ends of the scale e.g. very small and very large? But I digress. Flow is a lovely pattern and looks great on you.

  30. funnily enough, my favorite part about this post is finding out that someone else dresses like a tree.

  31. So with lacy knitting in that region of the chest– do people just brazen it out with their bras? Or lack thereof? Wear a cami? Knit a shirt “hankie” to go underneath the lacy bit? I hate the idea of knitting a tee/sweater for summer (in Nebraska) that requires a second layer.

  32. Knowing your own body and what WORKS on your own body – honestly – is huge, isn’t it? Only took me 40 years but that’s because my darned body kept on changing! I also have to avoid looking like a line-backer (broad, athletic, keep-yer-bra-straps-from-sliding shoulders that I love, plus bosoms that just annoy me). What works for the mannequin doesn’t always work for me. And I’m cool with that.

  33. Oh jeez. For a minute there, I thought you were talking about “Aunt Flo.”
    And I was all, THAT’S not her usual topic…

  34. Lizette is beautiful! It is a good idea to know which neckline suits your face. When you’ve finished knitting you’ve got something that really enhances your looks and you feel good wearing!

  35. Lizette is adorable! How did I miss this? I must do little self promotion, though, and recommend my Mythica pattern. It meets many of your criteria: scoop neck, empire waist, and waist shaping. It’s knit around, down, and up, so it’s hard to lose interest! What’s one more project?

  36. I love the idea of dressing like a tree….
    Both Flow and Lizette look very nice. Will they hide a buddha belly too? Maybe I’ll try Flow I need something for my niece’s wedding in september. Plenty of time to change my mind if it doesn’t work.

  37. We have similar body types and it has taken me all my adult life to learn that boat necks and high crew necks make me look awful and thick. From now on, I’m just going to let you “test knit” for me. Thank you for this valuable public service. Now, off to buy Lizette.

  38. Great post today, you cracked me up! But Heide and her knitcon to code red made me have a great laugh, Thanks Heide!:)

  39. Thanks for the suggestion. I now have purchased Lisette and it will be put in the queue along with a billion other projects (not all knitting) which are more important, especially since I have a few knitted tank tops and summer tops which are never or rarely worn. Lisette was just too cute to pass up though.

  40. HAHAHAHA! “Knitting is too slow….” I’m 8 inches into my Spring top. Can anyone say Summer Solstice?

  41. Lizette is adorable! I refuse to add it to my current knitting, however, since I just counted and I have 10 pairs of socks underway (only 3 of which have one completed sock) and 3 shawls, not including Wendy’s Summer Solstice Mystery Shawl, which starts tomorrow, but including one very large Shetland lace shawl for my second niece’s wedding, to match the one I knit for her sister’s wedding last year (fortunately, she’s not even engaged yet!). (I’m not counting the Highlander sweater that’s about half done that is currently in timeout, but I really do need to get back to it one of these days, it’s such a lovely pattern.) Granted, I’m a fast sock knitter; I’ve been knocking out about 2 pairs a week for some time now since all my socks and my mother’s socks developed holes simultaneously, plus my husband stopped wearing his storebought socks entirely and only wears his handknit dress socks to work, and as we all know, once you go handknit, you never go back…
    Anyway, I’d say this all fairly clearly showed that I know nothing about unrealistic yarn goals. So, obviously, I can’t imagine why you’d be seduced by wool fumes and succumb to such a cute pattern, either. 🙂 🙂
    (And my family obviously isn’t spoiled by my sock-knitting, either!)

  42. You must be out of it. This is the first time since I’m reading your blog that,,(and your going to kill me for saying it),,, I found a typo!
    Mack truck,,,, unless your truck is a computer! Hey it should be the absolutely worst thing that can happen to a person! My husband hates when I do this. I am correcting him 24/7. My one quirk in life!

  43. You are so right about Flow! I love mine…it fits well, flatters me and it’s in my fav color.

  44. Have you ever looked at the queues tab for a pattern you’ve linked to on Ravelry a day or two after you linked to it? I find it quite amusing to do so… ~grin~ And I TOTALLY get your thought process on this one, which may not be a good thing.

  45. Until you mentioned it, I did not realize that I,too, often dress like a tree. That is so much nicer than saying that I dress in colors of dun.
    Only, I am 6 feet tall, and so maybe I should look into some other colors, lest I actually be mistaken for a tree.
    Not unrelated, my house is mostly decorated in 1970 kitchen appliance colors.

  46. Empire waists are iffy. Some are great. Some not. Ask me how I know. The Flow is an out right Classic though. I still have it in my queue. My knitting is not quite up to it yet and having it not fit as well as yours would just about make me cry. So I’m still waiting on that one.

  47. I realize suddenly that if a pattern suits you, it is NOT going to suit me… to modify your blog slightly,
    “Knitting is too slow to knit things that are doomed to be unflattering – and while I am tall (5’12”) I have narrow thin shoulders, virtually a giraffe neck and an absence of protection over the front porch – if you catch my meaning. There’s also an almost criminally long waist.”
    It makes me sad that I can’t get great sweater pattern ideas for myself from you!

  48. I love Flow. I’m currently working on the Robin Tank which is another great one for all the reasons you mention, will have to make Flow next.

  49. I’m so excited. Just saw a Tweet today from A Verb for Keeping Warm. More spaces opened up for your talk in July. I stopped eating lunch, pulled out my iPhone and immediately signed up before the spaces filled up. Sometimes I love technology.
    I too am working under delusions. Somehow I’m going to finish Pulelehua, even thought I’m only getting through about 14 rows per week with 50 to go and my mom’s socks before I see her on July 4th. Unfortunately, my job does not allow me to knit during the day and I’ve suddenly developed a new spinning habit and am losing knitting time to spinning. I’ll be able to make up for all of that when my vacation starts after work on the 29th, right?

  50. Forget the patterns. That yarn looks scrumptious! It reminds me of toffee and caramel and pecans and German chocolate cake!
    And yes, I have already had dinner, why do you ask?

  51. Awesome! I knit Lizette for my Mom this spring! It was sooo much fun to knit! I want to make another one for myself! I made my Mom’s in Madelinetosh um… Sport I think? In the color Grasshopper. It’s gorgeous! Can’t wait to see yours.

  52. I went to look at the patterns. Flow is gorgeous. You easily need two or three more.
    Be careful with Lizette. It has attractive qualities, but the empire waist is the kind that can easily one look like one is wearing maternity clothing or trying to hide a beer belly (hint, hint, to Stacy from the US version of What Not to Wear! Just when is that baby due, dear??). Yes, us men — even those who walk on their knuckles — have caught on to this one. It ain’t camouflaging many sins any more. . . :-(.

  53. Hey, are those needles the really special kind? You know those really good pointy ones? Ugh, I can’t remember the name… starts with an S, maybe? If so, how are they working for you? What’s the length you’re using?
    BTW, beautiful knitting, as usual! Can’t wait to see the final on the model.

  54. My thought process as I read your post:
    Oh, she’s talking about Flow. If I knit half of a Flow, I would have a very nice tank. I should do that; it’s not that much knitting and I would love the result.
    Lizette, what does Lizette look like? Oh, that’s pretty, but no new sweaters.
    Wait! Hempathy! I love Hempathy! I need to knit Lizette.
    I promised myself I wouldn’t buy any more sweater quantities of yarn until I knit up some of the sweater quantities I already have. No Hempathy.
    I could knit half a Flow. Then, regroup.
    Silky Wool swatches marinating on end table catch my eye. Hmm. Maybe the Silky Wool wants to be Lizette.

  55. Can’t wait to see them both. Don’t pay attention to the time warp that says you cannot do them in such a short time!

  56. Both so cute for you, and perhaps explains why Miette sits in my UFO pile… it would also be so cute on you but perhaps is not the right shape for me. I mean, it has bust darts, yet I barely have busts. Perhaps it will surprise me though, someday. Good luck speed knitting!

  57. Love it. Oh yes–and I ordered a cone of Colourmart yarn today despite two having been delivered yesterday, because I can knit both of them up in the week before the new one comes (while finishing the one I was already working on). You, too, in effect? Too funny.

  58. (I just finally looked at Lizette. Wow! I want one, and I don’t even wear that style–that’s really ingenious *and* pretty.)

  59. The most amazing thing about Flow, I think, is that it looks good on every size & shape that I’ve seen it on. A very flattering design! I have one on the needles. It’s been there for almost a year. Maybe I’d better get it out again. Thanks for the inspiration!

  60. This is so weird. Last week I pulled my Flow from the back of the stash and wove in the ends and wore it and loved it. And I decided I want another one. And now you write about Flow. I feel that we were, for an instant, proof that all living knitters are connected by cosmic forces. if there is no Seduce in my lys when I get there, I’ll know who to blame.

  61. Loved this quote from your message today!….
    “It is one of the greatest tragedies of my knitting life that I am not brave enough or cute enough or shaped right enough to wear some of the things she designs that I love the most.”

  62. I find it totally adorable that you keep making these incredible knitting goals, knowing subconsciously, that they’re unattainable 🙂
    That Lizette is quite lovely though it looks a little prim for you (might be the styling in the photos).
    I wouldn’t consider that you have a large bust, but if you want to blame the lack of waist on something, blame it on your high carb diet 🙂 Try reading “Wheat Belly” by Dr William Davis, or “Good Calorie/Bad Calorie” by Gary Taubes. I have no idea if you have a waist or not, but so often with larger busts we feel that way…the quick cure is to get a really good bra fitting done. Get those girls lifted high and suddenly you look taller and thinner 🙂

  63. Steph, I’ve seen you in person twice now (you – or I – really get around) and neither time did I think “linebacker.”

  64. To TracyKM @ 8:20am: But if I lift mine higher, I keep falling over backwards …..

  65. Stephanie, I’ve knitted lots of Seduce over the years. (Yes, seduction was that quick and long-lasting). Seduce is pretty to look at, but it sure as heck HATES to be frogged. In fact, it gets a little fuzzy. Just a forewarning. You need right needles for it. Play around because it sure is fussy. Appropriate I suppose for a yarn called Seduce. Looks especially great in crochet.

  66. I did not delay in searching out the yarn you used for Flow way back in time, and the new yarn you are going to use for your next projects. I see it does knit up beautifully! I like Flow and may knit it at some point in the future. I am looking forward to seeing both tops real soon!

  67. I laughed out loud when I read your description of your body type – I am 5″0 and have always said I have shoulders like a linebacker, so no boatnecks for me either! 🙁 And except for the fact that I am not “well endowed” (which I hated when I was younger, but now find to be a blessing!), you’re description fit me pretty acurately!

  68. Trees in Oregon ( but not Canada?) also come with tops of plum, purples, and pinks as well as the usual colors of fall you like. Go visit the Japanese gardens in Portland some late spring and you may come away wanting different colored yarn for your lovely goodies.

  69. Lizette looks totally flattering. Isn’t Ravelry (and Knitty) wonderful? Can’t speak to the idea of knitting two garments by tomorrow as I am a slow, slow knitter — but heck, you won’t know if you can do it unless you try.

  70. Ach! Now both Flow and Lizette are on the List. Dang. And I was hoping to knit up all this wool worsted this summer – hats for Afghans for Afghans. (My darling nephew returns for a second tour in Afghanistan shortly, and I want to serve the cause in my own way.)

  71. Also laughing at your body description. I am of the same except I stand 5’10”.
    I often describe myself as a linebacker. With boobs.

  72. Dear Harlot,
    I know this is so redundant, but you are so hilarious. The awning over the porch- oh jeez, so funny. Did you really make that up?
    Ever considered a side career as a stand up comedien?
    Ever a fan,
    Nancy Paris

  73. I think you look good in anything! Just knit them shorter ( who do I think I am telling the Yarn Harlot how to knit her garments!) and wear them with your head held high. People will love looking at your hand knits and will think they are adorable on you! I can’t think of anything that would not look good on your petite figure!

  74. Oh My God! I totally dressed like a tree today: Brown pants, green top, brown and green shoes. I never thought of it like that before, but love the imagery! 🙂

  75. Did you check out Urban Silk A-Line Tank? I thought of you when I saw it. I think you need one….

  76. Oh, Stephanie! I love you! It just so happens that I bought 6 skeins of MadTosh DK (in the lovely colorway Grenadine) yesterday! I had plans for the Sotherton sweater in the new Jane Austen Knits, however that is all forgotten now! It’s Lizette for me! What a beautiful sweater! As I also have ample awning over the front porch 😉 …tops with an empire waist also suit me. BTW, in the same Jane Austen Knits is a vee-neck, empire waisted cardi called Camden…also very pretty and on my list. Thank you!

  77. I actually made my family (at least, those members who were still awake) listen while I read this post aloud. My husband wisely remained silent, my older son laughed. (The dog is unfazed.)

  78. just curious. what’s your take on the USOC C&D letter to ravelry?
    do you intend to reinstate your knitting olympics in light of this? (can a US non-profit make you, as a Canadian, C&D?)

  79. Oh my goodness!! I think I’m head over heels in love with Lizette!! I can TOTALLY see how that pattern could make a person go straight out and buy more yarn-even with other projects in the works and on the needles!! If you figure out how to warp the time continuum, please let me know, so I can knit a Lizette for myself! LOL!!

  80. ALMOST NO HEAT COOKING dear YH I just read your tweets in the sideline. It is hot over in Canada, while here summer should come soon, it is overdue already. You should use what is called a hooikist, in short you can make one yourself. One big cardboard box, one old duvet or just sheets folded over old woolies f.i. the green gansey – Joe knows why – put the fillings in the cardboardbox. Now, the fun starts. Early in the day, when it is just not so hot, you cook what you want to eat (one pot casserole, f.i.) on the fire for at least a third of the required cooking time, then hot from the fire, fold some old newspapers around the pot, place on the duvet o.s.l.t. (or something like that, like ugly quilt) fold duvet over papered pot, close cardbox and leave to cook through, at least for 2 hours. Make some nice green salad and a fruit beverage and your done, maybe the pot needs some reheating (few minutes) later in the day. Warning, never cook chicken or other fowl this way, but you would not cook faceowning food anyway. I know, this is slowcooking, but without any heatingfacility after the first cooking and I really do not know how they call this method in Canada, otherwise I would just have pointed out that word. I know in England they did this too, like in the Netherlands, during WWII. Succes, suggestion, ceiling fan in the bedroom?

  81. heh and we all know that it’s no problem knitting a sweater – or two tops – in a week… At least when we’re standing in the yarn shop 😉 Good luck and happy knitting! Cheers from Copenhagen, the city of bikes and yarn shops 🙂

  82. You are so funny. I love that you say ‘out loud’ what many of us do and think too.
    and that designer just got rich. I LOOOOOVE it too. Maybe I can lose 30 pounds by the time I make me one.

  83. Hahaha! When I saw the word “flow” in the first sentence of this post, I thought it was going to be about your menstrual period. I’m glad it was about Lizette. No offense to your cycle.

  84. I went through your links to get to the original “Flow” page and there was something to click under the picture that said, “Enlarge Model”, but it just made the picture bigger. It made me laugh so much, but I’m easily entertained. Anyway, those look like amazing patterns. Are you doing the YO peekaboos at the cleavage? I’m eager to see just how much that ends up covering up.

  85. Hempathy is a truly great summer yarn. Can’t wait to see your finished Hempathy project.

  86. I was feeling quite smug about finishing 3 old projects (and unknitting another and giving the yarn away), until I glanced in a moving tub and discovered something I don’t even remember BUYING the yarn for, let alone starting to knit it!
    So I’m feeling a little unhinged now and wondering what else is hiding, but the kitten just lay down on the finished projects and started purring, so I guess I’m done knitting and maybe I’ll check out those Norah Gaughin books I have…

  87. Wow! I want to knit the FLOW pattern by Nora Gaughan Vol. 2 is not available. Where could I get a copy of the book for purchase OR pattern? How much yarn does it take? I am truly trying to support my knitting world, but the book/pattern seems unavailable. Please send help! I am now desperate to knit this project.
    Thank you for your understanding!

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