Boring Blog

You know, I’ve thought this before, but I don’t know if I’ve said it.  I think this blog being interesting relies pretty heavily on my ability to screw knitting up in an unlimited number of ways.  I think most of you, while being kind, lovely people, would say that your entertainment value goes way up when I do something stupid or misinterpret a pattern. It’s not like you really want something bad to happen to my knitting, but isn’t it more fun when it does? Take this project.  it’s going perfectly.  My gauge swatch was bang on the first time, the yarn is the perfect choice, despite a slightly complex construction it’s coming together properly… Who wants to turn up and see this?

minnigoignfine 2014-08-26

This project is so boring for a watch-a-long that I can’t imagine how you’re going to stand it.  Last night I thought, for one tiny second that I’d made a mistake…. but I hadn’t. It’s fine. Totally fine, totally boring, and the only thing it’s got going for it is that it has so many provisional cast-ons that at some point I’m probably going to snap and complain about them, but I think that might be all you’ve got to look forward to.

stillniceminni 2014-08-26

Can I distract you from my (likely short lived) perfection with what has to be almost the last round of Karmic Balancing gifts?

Your fellow knitter Linda has four skeins of Noro Transitions that are ready to go to a happy home, I bet that Ceres will love them.

lindasnoro 2014-08-25

Grace Sheese is a potter, and keeps a lovely Etsy shop here, has two pretty, pretty cups inspired by North Ronaldsay sheep to give away.

cupssheepgrace 2014-08-25

They’re charming, to say the least, and will be winging their way (carefully wrapped, of course) to Jessica C!

Dana’s a designer, and she’s donating a pattern for her gorgeous Birthstone Cowl.

Birthstonecowl 2014-08-25

Isn’t it pretty? The whole series is a good idea, and I hope that Rachel C loves it. Why wouldn’t she?

You fellow knitter Terri (who is all kinds of amazing. You would love her) has gone into her stash and come up with some gifts that are ready to fly to new homes. What she’s wanting to pass along is amazing and generous.  Hold on, here we go:

Terri has five skeins of this scrumptious Alchemy Haiku going to Nancy A.

5alchemyhaiku 2014-08-26

Three skeins of this cashmere/silk laceweight is making its way to Carol W.

3cashmeresilk 2014-08-26

This skein of Zen Serenity lace now belongs to Jennifer W.

zenserenitylace 2014-08-26

A whole big lot of Olmue cotton/rayon (I love those colours) are going to Claudia W.

olmuecotton 2014-08-26

A bunch of Manos Silk Blend is going to Diyang T.

manossilk 2014-08-26

Terri’s party doesn’t stop there – this skein of J Knits Lace-a-licious will be in the post to Jan C.

jknitslacealicious 2014-08-26

Last, but certainly not the least – a lovely skein of Handmaiden Sea Sock  is on its way to Jamie G.

handmaidenseasock 2014-08-26

Do you all know Romi? Sure you do. (If you don’t, you can actually kiss an hour or two of your life goodbye flipping though her patterns. Addictive.)   Here she is with some treats to share.

First up, a beautiful kit – a PDF copy of the completed Y3 7 Small Shawls eBook (7 small shawls + 4 other projects) with a skein of Sock yarn from Iridaceae Colorworks in Irisberry to knit the Sierra Lupine Scarf will be heading off to Jennifer K.

romiscarf 2014-08-26 Iridaceaecolourworks 2014-08-26

Romi doesn’t stop there- Debbie G will be getting the book to make whatever she wants.

7smallshawls 2014-08-26

and finally, Pam G and Robynn W will be getting PDF copies of her new book in progress: The Great Oddments Knitdown.  (This is an amazing idea, by the way.  A collection of gift-worthy projects that use up your little bits. Exciting.)

oddmentsknitdown 2014-08-26

Next up, the folks over at Signature Needle Arts (you all know how I feel about Signature Needles) have three gifts to give away.

A convertible circular, in the size of Julia C’s choosing,

convertiblesigs 2014-08-26

A set of single points (my favourites) in the size that’s Kyle P’s favourite.

straightsigs 2014-08-26

And, a set of DPN’s just the way that Leah W likes them.

dpnsigs 2014-08-26

Nice, right?  Next (oh yes, there’s more) Robynn Weldon has a pattern to give to Chris S and that’s not all – she’s throwing in the yarn to make it! It’s the Elfbaby hat, and a skein of Bonny by The Yarn Yard.

elfbaby 2014-08-26

bonny 2014-08-26

Last today (oh yeah, at least one more round after this one!) Lisa at Fairmount Fibers (they’re the nice people who distribute Manos yarns in the US) have a good one.

fairmountmanos 2014-08-26

That’s a picture of one bundle (That’s ten skeins!) of Manos Silk Blend in Forget-me-not, but Gayle K can choose whatever colour her heart desires.  I hope she’s thrilled.

Whew! See you tomorrow.  Maybe by then I’ll have screwed up my knitting.

130 thoughts on “Boring Blog

  1. First? I don’t mind if you screw up your knitting or not. Personally, I love it when knitting goes along correctly.

    I think we just understand more when your knitting goes wrong, and you graciously share your failure with us.

  2. Don’t make mistakes just to keep your loyal readers happy. It’s so nice to see a project progressing the way its supposed to. We see enough mistakes in our own knitting. You inspire us.

  3. No, it’s true – mishaps make for more entertaining reading. My blog hasn’t been the same since the kids got old enough to stop stuffing things down the toilet and puking their dinners all over their bunkbeds. But, still, I sort of prefer the new normal, boring though it might be. And we still like to see what you are up to, because that is NEVER boring.

  4. You’re right…you are at your most entertaining when things go wrong. My two favourites are the time Joe got the truck stuck on a pole and the day you mistakenly used hand cream instead of conditioner. It is not that we wish you ill… certainly not. I’m glad most days aren’t like that. But they are amusing. May your life be boring and exciting in whatever measures you want them to be.

  5. Its not that we enjoy your screw ups, its just that we mere mortals of knitting don’t feel so bad when someone who is much better knitter than us makes the same dumb mistakes we do… and we still love seeing your knitting, boring or not. (ps, my husband belongs to a garden railroad club, they get together once a month and run trains, I’ve noticed if everything is running smoothly, they all get bored, but as soon as there is a derailment, everyone is then totally interested in what happened and why — kinda the same idea as a knitting screw up)

  6. I yield to no one in my enthusiasm for your screw-ups (stuck truck, absolutely, but I think locked-out naked has to rate up there, too.) Your mistake is thinking they have to be about knitting — or really, I suppose (reluctantly) about screw-ups. We come for the knitting; we stay for the writing. Even watching you vary the format of karmic balance gifts has a certain charm. It’s been a busy summer. We’re glad the knitting’s going well. So when your mind wanders with all that garter, what’s it coming up with? Tell us about that.

    • I think you kind of have to yield to me, simply based on the number of times I have been publicly highly entertained by Stephanie’s mistakes.

      (Aside to Steph: I dreamt last night that I was at your house, helping you search for the last tube of beads for a project. You were grumpy.)

      • What Rams said. Your warmth and generosity are a gift; a woman who truly walks the walk through life inspiring us all – as evidenced by the lovely karmic balancing gifts shared for the cause.
        And speaking of karmic balance, perhaps your eloquent comments on the boring perfection of this current (lovely!) project might be tempting fate just a tiny bit?
        I hope Presbytera remembered the popcorn!

  7. Naah. Your entertainment value goes up when you post pretty picture of cool stuff, like what you’re doing now. 🙂 That’s a REALLY clever sweater, and I love the colors you chose.

  8. I know the feeling…boring knitting is great for the sanity but I haven’t found a way to make it interesting blog fodder either! Maybe you could tell us more about the lovely yarn?

  9. You know really it is that you make the mistake so that we don’t have to, or you are really just trying to make us feel better about ourselves.

  10. Boring can be good! Yes, I can laugh when you screw up or when your dishwasher breaks because it gives me an extra opportunity to laugh at the times those, or similar, things happened to me. But this current project isn’t dull, it got me thinking about short rows and shaping, it got me looking at your colors, going to Ravelry and seeing what other folks have done. It gives me a chance to play what if. There will always be more knitting than there are hours in the day. Watching your progress on project is vicarious knitting for me. Your knitting is another WIP for me and look how much progress “I” make without lifting a needle!
    For this, thank you.

  11. Perfect or riddled with mistakes, I love looking at others knitted projects. What colors they choose, patterns, needles, etc. I really enjoy seeing WIP.

  12. Knitting is a work of art. Sometimes the colors and designs flow. I appreciate the ability to just let things come together. 🙂 You show that it actually can happen!

    Btw, beautiful yarns! One can never have enough stash!

  13. You’re always entertaining! It is true that “misery loves company”, so when you do screw up you know you’re in good company with lots of us. Thank you so much for the karma gift that I won! I’m so excited! Thanks for doing what you do to help out so many other people.

  14. I don’t need to see your mistakes, or even for that matter to read about them (although I do learn from your mistakes, especially how to fix things!) I love to read about what you are making, where your are going, your inspiration for all the different projects you make. I am completely amazed at what you knit or spin each year and wonder if I can get some of the same elves you have to help me! 🙂

  15. I’m just as happy to read the blog and just as entertained by it when everything goes well — your knitted masterpieces are always a joy to see!

  16. I love seeing what you are knitting along with all my other friends, but I get to touch theirs. As for mistakes, well I make a lot more than you do.

    I am most impressed by the karmic balancing gifts. We have got to see such beautiful yarns, patterns, and accessories. Thanks for providing links to the items so we can see other options as well.

  17. Not to worry. We love seeing projects-in-progress going well too! This current one is quite interesting to look at but maybe it’s boring for you – no cables no lace…. Lovely karmic balancing gifts too!

  18. Gosh dang it Harlot!!! Manos?!?! Signatures?!?! I really don’t want to throw out any bad vibes but…..why couldn’t it have been me!!!??? Sorry, just needed a pick me up today and I donate every year and I also have donated a prize two years running and I am thinking you have never gotten my emails or they are lost in all of the confusion. Oh well, I can’t seem to give this sweater away! Karma is telling me to rip it out. And that is just what I am going to do…..

  19. Mistakes? No, what entertains me is your volume, not yours personally, but the number of knitting projects that you FINISH! I have just started 3 new projects (ignoring those already in progress), sort of trying them out as large swatches. All three will be knit on vigorously for 4 weeks, then abandoned, only to languish in the pile I leave for the elves to finish. In a year or two, I will do a clean out, and one will be ripped, one will go back in the pile, and the third, if she is lucky, will occupy me for a few months till she is done. I keep hoping that by seeing other people finish projects that those cells in my brain will magically turn on and I will no longer fall off the knitting boat, but will become someone who knits things rather than swatches.

  20. That might be a boring project, but the colors are just gorgeous. Imagine boring knit + boring yarn. That would be torture.

  21. Well – you would be wrong about that. I love seeing what your knitting – and to be honest – I kind of miss your discussions about various yarns and patterns and how you work your way through patterns and yes – even the socks going on book tours. But life gets busy doesn’t it? Regardless – still my favorite blog to visit and have a cuppa with. 😉

  22. Dearest Steph!
    Your mistakes are my gain! You boo boo, I learn from you boo boo. Keep at it dear! You are the greatest knitting teacher I have ever had!!


  23. Your blog will never be boring–because of your writing and the pictures of beautiful knitting and yarn and scenery. The mess ups, yarn and otherwise, are just part of the human condition to bring us together (with groans and laughter). Enjoy the lull. Also, best wishes and all happiness to Erin, her bridegroom and Hank!

  24. I love to read your blog for the various lovely patterns/yarns you work with and your high caliber of work. The mistakes are just the icing on the cake and make you a human knitter with whom I can relate with. Thank you for showing your flaws; not too many people would do that in such a public forum and with such good humor.

  25. I can honestly say I’m just as happy reading about your perfect knitting as your imperfect knitting. I can say that partly because looking at pictures of knitting is always captivating and partly because… I know the perfect won’t last.

  26. Though we would all like to think we’re a little bit superhuman – none of us are.

    We’ve all had the same knitting mistakes, though yours are for all the world to see. We help each other in ways only a fellow knitter can. As one poster said “I think we understand more when your knitting goes wrong.” And we do, oh do we ever.

    Keep being honest or as the kids say – keep it real.

    We all love you for it!

  27. Stephanie, I don’t read your blog to follow your knitting screw-ups. I read because you’re a great writer and I enjoyed reading what you write. And you are pretty darn compassionate person, too, and I think that’s way cool

  28. Oh my goodness, I am so shocked and excited that I won a karmic balancing gift, thank you so, so much Stephanie and Terri, you both rock!!! So many beautiful gifts, so much wonderful Karma 🙂

  29. You are not at all boring. Yes, it is reassuring to all of us that other knitters make mistakes too. It helps all of us accept our own errors more easily when you can talk about your imperfections with such humor and grace.

    However, I also read to be inspired by the projects you choose to knit. The ones that work out perfectly with minimal reported problems along the way often find their way to my queue and onto my FO list. Thanks for these “boring” updates.

  30. I don’t need to see mistakes to keep coming back to this blog. I love visiting just to look at the pictures of knitting!

  31. I don’t come to see if you’ve screwed up your knitting… your blog gives me ideas for how to continue to expand my abilities as a Knitter…. and trust me, it’s a much welcome distraction while sitting here in the hospital healing from surgery (hopefully I get to go home tomorrow!) with my 4 knit and 1 embroidery projects….

  32. Well, we all stuck by you during the Great Garter Blanket of Doom, didn’t we?

    And how appropriate that your rattan seating looks just like knitting. I am impressed at your level of themed decorating!

  33. I love the Elfbaby hat! I bought the pattern a couple of weeks ago and I’ve already made a hat for my niece and her baby sister!

  34. I love it when knitter win yarny gifts! I messed up on a black shawl with rainbow beads just for you.
    I hope all of your fall/pre-Christmas (SHHHH) knitting is a breeze and problem free.

  35. On the drive home today, I was listening to “Marketplace”. They were talking about Google making an offer for Twitch, which is evidentially a platform where you can watch other people play video games. Or if that isn’t enough of a sleeper, you can watch the effects of a goldfish swimming in a bowl (which moves the character in that game). And, if that isn’t enough, an estimated 53 million people use this platform.

    Keep this in mind the next time someone tells you they don’t have the time to knit!

  36. As a knitter who had only made scarves, toques and blankets, I was overwhelmed by your talent, but when you wrote about knitting dishcloths for friends and family, I was inspired!
    Now I am knitting toy donkeys which I donate to the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada…

  37. I have had two serious knitting mentors/idols who have improved my knitting life immeasurably: yourself, and Elizabeth Zimmermann. EZ was the liberating force that turned me into a Knitter, and I “met” her through her books some time in the 80’s. You are a more recent acquaintance but you have taught me a bunch of neat stuff. Because of you I learned to consider my knitting an art form, to buy the best materials I possibly can, and not to faint dead away when something yummy to knit with costs more than ten bucks a skein, which once upon a time I would have considered ridiculous. That was back when knitting was a nice little pastime to have, with a side-effect of producing wearable stuff. Today,( I mean, literally today) I’m knitting with yarn that is discontinued and delightful, being a merino, alpaca and mohair blend, and it’s also stash yarn and was formerly souvenir yarn. I bought it on a trip with my husband to a place I went ONLY because someone told me there was an awesome yarn shop there. See what a willing student I’ve been? I was going to make a scarf to sell, but now I’m making it for me, because my husband died five weeks ago and this yarn will forever be linked in my mind with him and that lovely trip we took together. There is more to your blog than knitting successes, knitting mistakes, and knitting disasters. There is a whole world of knitterly and human experience that you graciously allow us to share, and which helps to enrich our own lives. And the reason that you are a knitting rock star and not a Knitting Diva, is because you are so eminently human, way cool, and “one of us”.

    • Dear StrongCat, please accept my condolences. If you mentioned this in a previous comment I missed it (and I generally read most of them). Your new scarf will be a touchable memory.

      Is it not rather amazing that Stephanie opens her “living room” to all of us and that we are able to watch, listen, learn, speak, without feeling like we are unwelcome or out of place. Although I’ve been knitting (off and on) for years, I am nowhere near her skill level, but I don’t feel intimidated. I come to the blog/living room, as I think others do, to laugh and cry and rant (and perhaps drink a little) about the things that happen with knitting no matter who we are.

      And the yarn pr0n is nice too!
      Chris S.

    • Sincerest sympathy on the recent loss of your husband. I am glad that the shared memories of that yarn bring you comfort. Every time you wear the scarf, he will be giving you a gentle hug.

    • I’m so sorry for your loss – and that’s the perfect use for that yarn. It’s exactly, absolutely perfect.

    • My sympathies on your loss, but what a touching tribute to a moment in your lives together. Sending prayers and healing thoughts to you and yours –

    • Strongcat-
      What a lovely comment to share at a time that must be so difficult with you. I hope that scarf keeps you wrapped in the warmth of his love.

      • Thank you, all, for your lovely thoughts, prayers and sympathies. You made me cry again – but they are good, happy tears.

  38. You don’t need to make mistakes to keep The Blog entertained. Remember when the squirrel stole your fiber? When Mr. Washie passed away? Your periodic rants about how Joe and the girls turn your kitchen inside out?

    Besides, the current project is lovely. I really like how the darker yarn is knitting up to produce stripes that look to be a warm brown from a distance, but are really an ever-shifting play of warm colors. Can’t wait to see it finished — even if it may need to go into time out for a while until provisional cast-ons stop making you gag and retch!

  39. I learn so much watching you fix your mistakes. I also learn from you when your projects go perfectly. It’s knitting, so it can’t be boring.

  40. It’s not your mistakes; it’s your humorous management of them, and the beauty of your work (and the complexity of it too). You are good company, an oasis of good sense and knitterly wisdom, and maybe there is a bit of entertainment in peeking at your knitting. Don’t know if you’d laugh or weep to see mine! But there’s more of mine because of your examples and lessons. Bless your efforts.

  41. You are forgetting the part where the yarn is pretty and fun to read about no matter what it does. Like babies. They don’t have to do anything besides be tiny and have feet and they are endlessly entertaining.

  42. Ah, yes, writing without conflict is boring. We wait for act 3 to reveal whether it is a comedy or tragedy – will the next row be an epiphany of love or of painful self-knowledge?

    As for karmic gifts, ooh, ooh! I’m seeing a Christmas gift exchange with knitters – you know, where you get to steal someone else’s present?

  43. Boring!? The fact that beautiful sweater has more than one provisional cast-on is enough to make your blog post not boring to me (provisional co = instant headache for me), I’m amazed when anyone continues with a project that has provisional co.
    Wow! Amazing karma gifts! I LOVE those bowls.

  44. Sorry – I like boring. I love seeing what ever you are knitting as it opens up new doors. You once knitted something out of some unusual yarn and I followed up and learnt so much about sheep varieties that I had never even known existed and shared the knowledge with many of my friends. Really that is priceless.

  45. I love to see what you are knitting. It is valuable to me as a newer knitter to see that even seasoned knitters can and do make mistakes or misunderstand a pattern. Thanks so much!!

  46. If you make a mistake in a pattern, it just tells me it is not one I should attempt. It also assures me of our common humanity – only God is perfect. I feel no schadenfreude at all. Honest. (But then, I don’t watch NASCAR races or hockey because I take no joy in others’ car crashes or fights. Heck, I even don’t like to watch the sad movies that win the Oscars. And today’s tragic news… :(. )

    So I prefer to rejoice (and be envious, I have that failing) of your successes, and commiserate with your mistakes.

  47. Oh, thank you Stephanie for the update on the pattern construction. I was intrigued by it as I’m sure you were, and had thought about purchasing a pattern, but if there are seventy hundred provisional cast-ons (and that many pickups later) I think I’m out.

    It’s a lovely looking pattern but I don’t have the mental energy to do that right now, so thank you again. I look forward to seeing your finished one though!

  48. Do I need you to make mistakes in your knitting to keep me coming to this blog? No Way! I love seeing your projects – some I have added to my list of “must try” and some I have just admired but knew that it wasn’t for me. I love watching this new project come together. Provisional cast ons make me shiver – but I know I just need practice and so one day, I may attempt this wonderful jacket/sweater just because I know I can do it. You give us confidence and that is why I keep coming back

  49. Steph, I never come here to read about your problems, or enjoy them, but to get inspired by your beautiful works, and for your delicious writing. I really miss it when you are away. I have learned so much from you, whether about knitting, child rearing, or life in general. Thank you for introducing me to this lovely community.

  50. I don’t need mistakes! I make enough of my own, thank you very much. Love the wee sweater. So cute, and an interesting construction. Is your hubby ok? Why the condolences? The karmic gifts are especially yummy today.
    Julie in San Diego, the queen of Rip

  51. Oh dear! This post fears me with fear and trepidation. Do you know how badly your are tempting the knitting gods by going on about how wonderfully your knitting is going and how boring that must be for the rest of us? What could happen to your knitting as a result makes me shudder… the universe is bound to even out with knitting problems (through no fault of your own) and tangled skeins!

    And besides, your happy knitting days make me happy too, not bored!

  52. I respectfully disagree. Your blog is at its best when you write about life… with a bit of knitting thrown in, successful or otherwise. Your most memorable (to me, at least) posts are:

    – The one about your house (built by a band of roving drunk monkeys… because sober monkeys would have done a better job)

    – The one about the sidewalk with your kids prints being replaced… Made me cry.

    – The one about being the Meanest Mother in the World. YES! I read it to my 10 yo daughter and we had a very interesting discussion.

  53. After I first replied (but not so much to you as to one of your readers), it occurred to me that you have told us on NUMEROUS occasions that talking about how well a project is going before completing it is like tempting the gods to shower you with untold misery due to your hubris.

    So, I am left wondering if maybe you are bored with a peaceful knit?

  54. Boring? I think not. I don’t tune in to see mistakes, just to get another glimpse of how knitting fits into your life as you live it. I learn a lot from your mistakes, and it is somewhat comforting to know that I am not the only one that has difficulties sometimes, but that’s not why I keep coming back.

  55. Well, yes, your mistakes & misadventures are entertaining! But we also love reading about your family & various activities (the bike ride etc.). So keep it up. We’re all learning something along the way.

  56. To be unboring, you could show us a picture of that dress on its little person. It could even be from the back if her parents prefer that. I was somewhat disappointed to see no pictures of the dress in use on the Ravelry page!

  57. Enough about mistakes. Did you know that Prince will be releasing a new album in September? I always think of you when I hear one of his songs….

  58. I wouldn’t call these posts boring, but I’m going to be completely honest and say that you are dead on: entertainment value goes up when you mess up the knitting. If it makes you feel any better, I think entertainment value also goes up when you post about something else that goes wrong. My all-time favorite post has nothing to do with knitting at all. It’s the post you wrote way back in December 2008 when Joe got the truck stuck.

    I think that one made me cry, I was laughing so hard. So maybe if your knitting keeps going so well, we can all hope that something crazy happens to Joe?

    (Seriously, though, congratulations on the error-less knitting. That sweater is gorgeous.)

  59. no no – best blog going. hmm, lots of provisional cast ons…? I’ll have to look at that pattern closely – might be fun! It certainly looks beautiful. Hope the entire bike team is back to normal…

  60. Pingback: On fundraising, karma and Elfbaby luck | Woolly thoughts (and fuzzy logic)

  61. No no, I’m happy for you when your knitting behaves well! That’s why we knit: to have some nice meditative boringness in our crazy stressed-out lives. Keep up the good work–

  62. Okay I am going to say it. I have been thinking about whether or not to respond to this, and feel I should. Steph, it makes me sad that you think the only reason I come here is to read about your mistakes. It makes me feel like a peeping-tom, and maybe that’s what blogs are, a way to look in on others lives, but I always thought of you as a friend I haven’t met yet and have related to so many things you have written about, and felt better because of it. I don’t want to read about your mistakes, but your solutions are certainly helpful, and inspiring. I went on that recent cycling journey with you, not to hear of your failures, but to cheer at your success. When you talk about motherhood, trials and tribulations, I am nodding or shaking my head in agreement and/or sympathy. I’m not sure now that I will continue reading this, as it makes me so sad to think you only have me here to learn about your failures. That is just my take on this.

  63. My main project right now is a single-color sweater body, so it is a little black-hole like. BUT I just ordered the yarn for three Christmas gifts (!), so that’s a change of pace.

    Although, I’m stuck between “I’m so prepared! Look at me having yarn and patterns all picked out!” and “Christmas? What? It’s August.” Eep.

  64. One what you may think is a boring day, I still find myself most interested.
    I do like that you show mistakes, since I have been knitting for 60 years, and some days can not for the life of me knit a row without messing it up, it is nice to know that other people do.
    So when you are being what you present as boring, I may be throwing yarn, needles and notions across a room. And reading your boring reminds me that I can go pick up my mess. And begin again, and pray for boring!

  65. How have I not seen your blog before now? I’ve even bought some of your books for friends who started knitting long before I did (I’m very new to knitting!). Love your projects and sense of humour! I will be back with a cup of coffee to peruse the archives. Oh, and thank you for making me aware of THE perfect baby hat pattern for a dear friend’s soon-to-be-born baby! That Elfbaby hat makes me want to have more kids! Haha! Super adorable baby in the hat as well. Cheers!

  66. yes, entertainment value goes up the bigger the mess you make..and this attitude served me up a big dose of bad karma recently. So…”I am sorry for feeling good when you screw up a wee bit.” There. I said it. I became a grandma and let me tell you my heart sang when hours before heading to the airport I get a text from my daughter asking if I can knit the little peanut a hat. (he was early, coming in at 4 lbs, 3 oz – and needs to keep his orange/grapefruit size head warm). I knit a hat. It fit an apple. I knit another (while big sister kept asking, “is that The Big Sister Hat?”) fit, but I began the decrease too soon and it pops off his wee little head. So, attempt 3. and now not enough yarn in stash to make the identical The Big Sister Hat. I am so screwed. I will never take enjoyment out of your mistakes again….please forgive me.

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