It’s a good day to be a knitter

I’ve been going full steam ahead on Minni, and I’m delighted to announce that after much effort and no end of fiddling around, it’s almost done. I finished the sleeve the other evening. I stayed up way too late, practically nodding off in the chair, with Joe suggesting repeatedly that I give up and send myself to bed, but I was so close, and you know how it goes… one more row…

betterbefore boerser 2014-10-10

Yesterday I picked up the million stitches that I cast on provisionally so long ago, and as I went back and forth to my meeting on the streetcar yesterday, it was somehow finished.  This morning, there was just the ends to weave in (about a thousand) and then I did the last little bit of finishing – a single chain of crochet along the border between the stripes and the plain bit.

hookingwhenIhaveto 2014-10-10

Crochet isn’t my best thing – even a chain is hard for me to make tidy, and not at all for the first time in this project, I wondered why I do this to myself? The deadline, the late nights, the fiddly bits?  It’s hard to explain, isn’t it? How you’d torture yourself a little bit, all for the sake of a wee gift?  Today, I’m finished (almost) in enough time to do the optional bit.  The original sweater has a little embroidered patch on it, and from the beginning I’d thought that maybe I’d do it, and maybe not.  I can embroider, but not quickly, and not too well, so I though that if there was time, I’d give it a go.  I’ve got the stuff together, and if it works out, I’ll sew it on, and if it turns out to be a train wreck I’ll burn it under a full moon and pretend it never happened.  I have a really cute idea for it though, if it works.

readytoembroider 2014-10-10

There’s other big news though, way bigger and way better than me struggling through a sweater of unusual fiddliness, and it’s this.

thebagisback 2014-10-10

Just a day ago, that arrived at Kelly’s Canadian address.  (Her daughter/my niece Savannah lives there.)  It is (DRUMROLL PLEASE) Kelly’s missing suitcase.  That suitcase left Madagascar with Kelly on the 31st July, and promptly went missing.  Kelly arrived, and it didn’t and within it was Kelly’s entire knitting for an entire year.  (I’m just telling you this, in case you didn’t read the entry about it last week)  Kelly has spent the last several months trying to track it down.  Many calls, many claims, many frustrating episodes with the Air Canada reps, during which nobody seemed to really understand that this wasn’t simply a lost bag, but a lost years worth of work.  As many of you said when I blogged about it, it was heartbreaking.  On October 2nd, I blogged about it.  Kell and I had talked, and we weren’t sure if anything would come of it, but we imagined that it couldn’t hurt. Maybe somewhere there was a knitter who worked for Air Canada, or the baggage company, or… we didn’t know.  At the very least it seemed like this should be a grief that was shared.  At the very least, Kelly would have the sympathies of people who understood to balance out the 47 heartbreaking conversations with customer service.

faound!  2014-10-10

It worked too – and not just because people started looking for the bag, but because Kelly read all of the comments that night, and she felt less alone, and less crazy, and she texted me that night and said “The comments made me cry. Some people really, really understand”.  We do understand too.  When Kelly wrote about the loss of the bag, she talked about what it’s like to knit for people you’re not with – people you can’t be with as much as you like. She talked about conjuring the feelings of Lou’s little arms round her neck when she knit sleeves on his sweater, or the feeling of Myrie’s soft skin which she made her a vest.  The desire to keep them safe and warm and care for them, even though she can’t from where she is.  All of that, you know… it gets poured into little knitted things, and to lose those things? I think to Kelly it felt like losing that connection.

Your gift to her went beyond that understanding though, although that would have been more than enough, I assure you.  Many of you tweeted to Air Canada, and some of you did work in the right places, and some of you had insider email addresses to people who might be able to help, and you drew attention to the nature of the disaster, and Air Canada did tweet back and say that they were looking, and I guess maybe the power of so many knitters giving the problem so much attention paid off, because just a few days ago, after months of no movement, and the certainty that the bag was gone, right after I posted about it, a courier called Savannah and said the bag was found. In London.

bettergoods 2014-10-10

The bag arrived, and Savannah opened it up, and behold, all of the things were in there.  Warm vests, little dresses, tiny sweaters, and bigger ones too.  Hats to keep little ears warm… all the things that Kelly had looked crazy knitting in Madagascar….

thegoods 2014-10-10

They’ve all found their way home, on the brink of another Canadian winter.

sweaternat 2014-10-10

It’s like a little Kelly arrived.

These things will be all her proxies.  When Katie pulls a sweater over Lou’s head, it will be like Kelly’s there to give him a hug.  When Myrie’s cozy in January, it’s Kelly who will have done it, and while she sits in the sweltering heat, far from all of it, she’ll know she’s doing her bit.  She’ll be present, in a way.

Kelly sent this little message for you:

kellythank you 2014-10-10

I would like to thank all of you for the solidarity, support, positive thoughts and activating your networks! We may never know how the bag found it’s way home but it cannot be a coincidence that only 4 days after this appeal – it was found in London!
As you know, I live very far from all of the people who mean everything to me. In my absence, a couple of very special people were born. I knit for them almost every day and all of my love goes into these little hats, sweaters and dresses. Misoatra Tompoko! (Thank you all so much).

I don’t know about you, but it’s a good day to be a knitter.  Not just because you likely organized a rescue of the most tremendous and fantastical sort, but because it reminds us why we do this.  It’s love. The things we make are beautiful, cozy, portable containers for love.  I

I can stay up late to make that happen.  It’s  magic.

314 thoughts on “It’s a good day to be a knitter

  1. It’s also “I Love Yarn Day” here in the US – a great time to celebrate how awesome it is to be a part of the knitter community.

  2. this made me cry happy tears. I’m so glad the bag showed up…of course, Kelly has to be ecstatic.

    never underestimate the power of knitters.

  3. I’m thrilled for Kelly and her/your family that the bag was found and all the special little clothes can go to their new little owners. And I’m thrilled for you, YH, that you are approaching the end of a difficult and much-too-long-on-the-needle project.

    Many reasons to have a really happy Thanksgiving, and that’s what I wish you amidst your family.

  4. oh. my. goodness. i needed this sort of vicarious miracle today. totally brought tears to my eyes. the world (of knitters affecting change in the non-knitting world) can be such a tremendously amazing place! huzzah!

  5. What a fabulous post to see! I’ve been pondering what I’d have done if my knitting for a year went missing, and it was not a pretty idea. I’m delighted that Kelly and all the family are united through the foundling knitwear now!

  6. I am over the moon happy for Kelly and your family! This is just so amazing. Puts a huge smile on my face. Knitters are a force to be reckoned with!!

  7. How wonderful and heartwarming. You should share this,post and the pictures with Air Canada. Though they lost it, they did find it and I bet they could use all the good PR they cnan get. Knitter’s rock!

  8. Knitters are absolutely magic. I’m so thrilled that Kelly’s suitcase got found!!!! Just goes to show the power the Yarn Harlot activates when she puts the word out.

    Any chance you’ll be stalking us at Rhinebeck again this year? 😀

  9. Maybe it’s the change in the weather, or the fact that I’ve worked over 70 hours this week with very little sleep, but that brought tears to my eyes. What a happy ending! It makes me so glad to be part of this community. Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Pingback: It’s a good day to be a knitter | Yarn Buyer

  11. This is the best news! Thanks for sharing Kelly’s note; she’s very good with words as well as knitting needles. Happy, happy.

  12. Hooray! Thanks for sharing the great news. My mom quilts and my son loves to snuggle in under the quilt she made him for a “grandma hug”.
    (but spam preventer – there is no “music note” there. There’s a treble clef; is that what you meant?)

  13. What a great ending to this story! I’m so happy for everyone that the bag of precious knitting was found. I’ve been having a crap-tastic week, so it’s good to read this and end on a positive note!

  14. OMG! Is that just the best news ever! What a wonderful story. So happy that the missing bag arrived. You brought a tear to my eye and reminded me of why I knit in such a very beautiful way…..thank you!

  15. What a perfectly wonderful pair of endings to two stories. Forget the Bat signal–all you need is the Yarn Harlot signal and all will be well!

  16. I live away from my family and knit for them too! Each time I put a gift in the mail I pray it arrives safely. So happy these gifts found their way home.

  17. Every Canadian knitter will join with me in saying to Kelly, that this is the best Thanksgiving gift! (Well, better would be to be home with the family, but we are talking about the possible here.) We are giving thanks! So happy for you and the children who will be warmed by their aunt’s love.

  18. The knit signal is powerful indeed!!

    Love it. I especially love that when you said everything was grey because that’s the colour she had, I thought you were exaggerating. But you weren’t. 🙂

  19. Yes! Yes! Yes! Envision me punching the air with happiness and doing a little dance in circles. I am so happy, everyone at my house is sick so this bit of good news is just perfect! Once again Happy Thanksgiving!

  20. Oh, what a lovely end to my week: to read about the goodness and kindness of humanity in finding Kelly’s bag! Time to celebrate by knitting the sleeves for my own little one to wrap around my neck when we go out to the pumpkin patch later this month. 🙂

  21. What a wonderful blessing! Clearly, knitters are a force to be reckoned with! Months of no news and it only took 4 days of knitters to turn that around. Simply magnificent! I’m so glad for Kelly!

  22. And here I was thinking I was the only sentimental crybaby. I’m so glad I was wrong. I do feel there is one thing we are forgetting to thank here–the internet. Before the common use of the internet, this never would have been able to happen. These miracles keep me optimistically believing in the good of people. I’m so very glad the treasures were found and delivered to the right place…finally.

  23. Well now I’m crying. Over a bunch of knitted things, for people I will never meet. But I totally get all the love that goes into each stitch, and to have that go missing is just heartbreaking. And to it have it be found is just so wonderful.

    This past summer I was in VT with my family, and I dropped my camera while on a very short hike (Queechee Gorge) with my kids. Must have put it in my pocket to pick up the little guy, and must have dropped it when we stopped to sit or who knows when. I didn’t realize until a couple hours later. We went back, walked up and down the trail (at dusk). No dice. I was sad to lose the camera, of course, and the photos from the last few days on vacation–but I was really worried about someone having digital copies of photos of my family, and what they might decide to do with them. We called and stopped by the visitors center the next morning on our way home. Nothing. As an off chance I stopped by the gift shop. Would you believe someone (moments after I dropped it, since the store closed around that time we ended our walk) brought it to the store. I could not believe it–I burst into tears. It restored my faith in humanity, just for a bit.

    And so does finding this bag full of knitting.

    • I live in VT, love Quechee Gorge and am happy, but not surprised to hear this. VT is a good place to live full of good people.

  24. I was reading this with pleasure and joy, and then I got to the end, when the tears came. Being a part of this community of knitters is incredible . . . love is incredible.

  25. Yay! That is just wonderful! It’s amazing what a sense of relief I have that a bag has been found containing knitting I will never see for people I will never meet, but it’s very real nevertheless. The bond of knitters is strong!

  26. The generosity of knitters never ceases to amaze me, even among people we haven’t met, in any country or state, it’s always the same. Moves me to tears of gratitude often and makes me want to pass it along to the next knitter I see/hear/email. We are a powerful bunch! Fantastic story! Never give up when knitters are involved.

  27. Hallelujah! I once had a guitar go in a different direction. It didn’t take as long to track it down but I was overjoyed. So happy for you.

  28. This is such a beautiful and powerful story, I teared up as well, well done everyone. What a wonderful community the knitting community is, full of amazing people.

  29. So happy for you all. I had harbored a tiny bit of hope for their return, but just tiny. That is a big bunch of lovely knitted things, Kelly & daughter.
    So much love and so much for which to be grateful. Happy Thanksgiving to all of the Canadians out there!

  30. you have no idea how much I needed to be reminded of the love and kindness of good people today! Thank you to those who helped the bag find its way home and to you for sharing so much with all of us!

  31. I got the whole-body shivers when I saw the photo of that bag sitting in the front entrance of the house (the MEC logo is what triggered the recognition). My jaw may or may not have dropped, also. Faith in humanity: restored.

  32. This news gives me shivers, of the very best kind. Thank you to EVERYONE who was a part of returning this very precious bag. Happy Thanksgiving, knitters!!

  33. I have goose bumps! I am so happy that the suitcase with its precious cargo was found! The special garments knitted with so much love are safe! 🙂 Happy dancing here!

  34. Tears of rejoicing and relief! How wonderful that this was found… and I’m so grateful that you have chosen to use your powers for good, Steph!

  35. Wonderful news about Kelly’s lost bag – and the miracles wrought by knitters! I’m so glad her bag of love finally caught up.

    Congratulations on finishing the sweater! It’s very pretty – almost pretty enough to convince me that I need to make one. Then I think about the fine needles – and how long it’s taken you to get it done – as well as the crochet around the edges, and I can start seeing sense again. 🙂

    Many things to give thanks for this weekend, and every day!

  36. The power of knitters is astounding. It’s enough that we can influence a knitting universe but changing the real world shows that we are powerful. Thank you one and all who helped find this precious baggage. And congrats on finishing Minni – I have decided that I will NEVER attempt that Everest of the craft.

  37. Thank you for such a lovely post…you really made my day. Now just send a quick prayer please to the God of Knitting…I have lost 1 of my size 0 double point Karbonz needles. This is the only set of size 0 I have, and I am almost to the toe on the second sock of the pair that has a deadline….Wouldn’t you know! I am sure I will find it, and if nothing else, I can always adjust and finish on 4 needles

  38. There are a lot of happy, crying knitters today. I am so, so happy that the suitcase showed up. It’s as though Kelly has made it back home for Thanksgiving. There will be babies wrapped in love and warmth this winter!

  39. Go knitters!

    What a beautiful story! I’m so relieved this knitting was found. I really think you should turn this into a movie; it’s such a feel good story! It could be something knitters watch every Christmas/other holiday like It’s a Wonderful Life.

    Also, I hope this reminds everyone of the positive power of the Internet and that most strangers are kind and not trolls!

  40. I am so very pleased that the bag, WITH ALL ITS KNITTING !!! Was found and delivered! How F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C.!.!.! Utterly hardly believable, but I see. Knitters are thoughful and kind! Airlines do not mess with us knitter’s projects!

  41. Totally delighted to see that suitcase. Seems like a miracle. I was convinced it would never turn up. Oh the stories it could tell (with apologies to Dr. Seuss)!

  42. I have never felt compelled to post on a blog before, not my thing. And quite honestly only started reading this one several months ago, (instantly hooked), but this is just too fantastic to let past without comment. FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!!! That’s all.

  43. I gasped when I scrolled down to the suitcase picture. I’m so happy for Kelly!! All the little knitted garments look just adorable. And congratulations to you for finishing up Minni. It’s a really beautiful sweater.

  44. I’m reading this post at work in the lunch room – had to wipe away tears when my boss came by! So happy they were found. Knits really are little vessels for love.

  45. I’m crying, too! This is the saddest and happiest story I’ve heard in a long time. I’m so glad the suitcase was found, Kelly!

  46. Now Lou and Myrie can say they are wearing their Royal best! Funny, I didn’t realize London was the “locale of lost luggage.”

    Anyone for a spot of tea in celebration? 🙂

  47. Though we didn’t want to tempt the Knitting Powers That Be, I think we all knew deep down inside that once you put out the Bat Signal, or should I say Knitting Needle Distress Signal, that this was the inevitable outcome! Why, oh why, won’t they let knitters rule the world?

  48. This gave me goosebumps – what a miracle that the bag was found and returned! Especially when it was on another continent! Hurray!

  49. Wait, what? *LONDON*

    How on Bob’s Green Earth did that happen?! I’m glad it made it home but that’s all sorts of…..well, it’s just really weird and odd and so on.

  50. The earth’s atmosphere just changed shape slightly as allllllllllll the knitters exhaled in delighted relief. So pleased for you, Kelly!

  51. Oh I’m so glad!! I kept wondering and stewing about the fate of all those bits of knitted love wandering the earth.
    When we were in Romania, in Bucharest, our packages routinely ended up in Budapest or even Bombay (starts with a B, I guess)

  52. Oh Kelly, I am so glad for you and can very much relate. I was living in the States and my beloved family and tiny Grandies were in far away Canada. I knitted and knitted and quilted and smocked and sent hugs via mail while wiping tears. And then one day a smocked dress for little Rachel wasn’t delivered. It was finally found three months later and she put it on and refused to take it off when it was bedtime and wore it for three days straight.
    Knit on and enjoy our happiness for you and your family.

  53. When I read my husband the comments about being glad Stephanie only uses her powers for good, he replied, “Some powers can ONLY be used for good.” Yep.

  54. Congratulations on completing “Minni” and hope the embroidery goes well!

    The power of knitters connected via the Internet to work for common good…awesome!

    So glad that Kelly’s bag completed its trip and that all her stitches of love will go to the designated recipients!

  55. Just as I was genuinely heartbroken for the loss so am I equally overjoyed that the bag was found. I knew the knitting community could somehow bring this about. Yay for the power of the yarn!

  56. Sniff, sniff. Knitting . . . Portable containers of love. . . I am not crying. It is allergy season. So happy, sniff, they tracked down the luggage, sniff, filled with love. Sniff, sniff, I need more wine.

  57. Upon reading your initial post about the lost treasure, I just knew it would be found! Collective good will brought it home. Now if only we could channel that power more often. Knitters for World Peace, perhaps? 🙂

  58. I love what you said about portable containers oflove!! I have never been able to articulate to my husband why I have to knit each new niece and nephew a baby blanket (and since he has 12 brothers and sisters, it ends up being a lot of babies!!) but it is because of the love!

  59. This just made me sob like a baby. I’m a knitter living overseas, on a tropical island. My knitting fills exactly the same spot for me. All the people I love and don’t see – they’re going to be wearing something damn wooly and warm from me. So glad this ended happily.

  60. That made my cry!
    When I read the post about the missing bag, my stomach just dropped — what a terrible feeling to have all that lovely knitted love just disappear. I’m thrilled to read today’s post and see that the bag has been found! No, I don’t believe that’s a coincidence at all. That’s the power a knitting community can wield on behalf of a fellow knitter. I say well done to everyone who had a hand in finding Kelly’s bag. Well done!

  61. Abso-freakin’-lutely amazing! I am beyond happy that the bag was found! It broke my heart to think that all of the love that Kelly knitted into those garments might never be felt but now it is back and all the love and the knitting can be shared! Hallelujah!

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  63. Oh I am so happy to hear it has arrived. This is the reason my carry on is always bursting at the seams, I worry too much about it getting lost as I tend to always have a bag missing when traveling.

    … and can I just say your niece is amazing. Not only a wonderful midwife but was also more than happy to ohh and ahh over the little baby knits with me.

  64. Awww. Yours is the only blog that can make me tear up. This is exactly why I make the blankies and the mittens and the socks for all my loved ones all over the place. So happy for you (and all the recipients of knitting!), Kelly!

  65. Huzzah! I can’t believe Kelly read all the messages – that’s an act of love in itself. I’m all misty-eyed that the planets and stars and knitters aligned to bring the bag and the knitting home!

  66. OMG!!! I can’t believe it! I Think that’s the first true miracle I have ever heard of! I am soooo happy. It felt horrible imaging all the knitted love trapped in the land of the lost. This is the best news ever.

  67. Pingback: SpinDyeKnit

  68. Kelly — YAY!!! So glad to hear your labors of love will be able to find their way to their intended recipients! See, knitters really can move mountains once we agree on which one to move. . . .

    And I know why YH chose Minni. It was seemingly the right combination of fiddliness vs. the deadline of a bun in the oven. Stephanie loves challenges, even if they sometimes make seem a bit masochistic!

  69. Adding to the general happiness, I am so glad the bag was found and teared up a little reading both posts.

    In fact I was sitting with my Mum when I read the post that the bag was lost and must have looked so upset that she asked me what was wrong. She’s also a knitter so it didn’t take long to explain the shock and loss of someone losing that many hand made gifts and losing the joy of giving those and seeing their recipients wearing them made her speechless for quite a while (a mean feat).

    I’m so glad someone could do something to help. The online knitting community rocks.

  70. I’m so happy the lost bag was found and returned. Your blog entry seemed to have done the trick and good karma pay back from your good deed bike rides. YAY! And I’m reading this on what is Canadian Thanksgiving. I hope it your best ever. ♥

  71. I’m SO glad Kelly’s knitting turned up! Yay knitters!!! I feel the same way about my knitted gifts as she does. I, too, am far away from my family, though not as far as Kelly. When I knit socks for my mother and sister, I feel like I am sending them the hugs I’m not there to give them. Again, SO happy the gifts were found!

  72. How fitting that the ‘confirmation’ symbol is an airplane!

    All one needs is love. Love for the people you knit for. Love for a writer who shares her world with us. Love for someone we’ve all never met but shares a connection through knitting…even on the far side of the planet. And wanting to make sure that love continues through finding a lost bag.

    The universe is truly filled with love. And amazing knitters. I’m off to dry my eyes. Again.

  73. I am really glad the bag appeared, losing so many precious knitted items would have been a tremendous loss and your former post broke my heart.
    But it is amazing to see what a community can do – and I am now fully convinced that knitters are the Best and am a little bit proud of being a new part of such a great lot 🙂

  74. I’m so happy for you both! Like everyone else I’m all drippy at the moment from reading this post. I’m so glad that Kelly’s bag was found. I’m a ridiculously slow knitter so the thought of all that knitting being lost was too terrible for me to contemplate. I’ve tried to explain to people who aren’t really creative that when we make something for someone we put all this love into it. ( I heard your gasp and yes there are some people out there who have never had the drive to create something. I know, I can’t imagine it either!) The thought of all that love in that lost suitcase made me want to cry. I’m so very happy that it was found. You have made my day!

  75. This is wonderful, WONDERFUL news! The knitter community never seizes to amaze in it’s generosity and it’s very, very long arms!
    I’m so glad all that love is back where it belongs 🙂

  76. The world is little bit better place today because of the efforts of those people who tweeted, called, wrote – or just put good vibes out into the ether that Kelly’s bag of love offerings would show up again. And as usual, Stephanie, your writing was eloquent and beautiful. Congrats and Happy Thanksgiving to your whole family wherever they are!

  77. The knitting community is awesome! I too live far from my family and go home once a year with knitted gifts so I can relate to how you must have felt. So glad it’s been found! Aren’t we an awesome community?!

  78. I knew it as soon as I saw the post title! And now I’m crying; so, so glad Kelly’s knitting was found! A good day to be a knitter, indeed. (Of course, what day isn’t, really?)

  79. Hooray!! Knitters are a powerful force! The muggles just don’t get it. What a wonderful Thanksgiving present.

    Congratulations on finishing the sweater, too. Enjoy casting on the next thing!

  80. Glad the story had a happy ending. What was that bag doing in London all this time – just sitting there? Without anyone caring to find it a home? And what of all the other lost/unclaimed baggage? That is always a mystery to me – especially in a case like this where obviously the bag was well marked and clearly identifiable.
    Keep the good thoughts and karma going for everyone else whose precious possessions are lost in the world.

  81. Such a positive and touching story. I feared up a little. When I read the original posting I was doubtful anything would come of it, but I agree that it can’t be a coincidence that such a long missing bag was suddenly found a mere 4 days after the appeal for its discovery. Gave me goosebumps! So happy for you!

  82. I am so happy for Kelly and a happy ending to the story.
    But even greater is the lesson that we can all, together, even though we aren’t world leaders or trend makers, make a difference and bring about change. I don’t think it’s a coincidence at all that Kelly’s suitcase was located after your appeal. Good work!

  83. This made me cry! I also live far away from many of the people that I love, and I knit for them even when it’s sweltering. Thank you, Stephanie, for being a lifeline to sanity somedays and, Kelly for preserving.


  84. Was just musing this morning on the concept of “community” – and realizing that since I no longer go to church, or sing in a chorus, or go to a corporate job, I “belong” to far fewer communities than in the past.
    But the knitting community – it is a constant, even when I don’t make it to knitting group for months, because there is Ravelry, and there is the Yarn Harlot, and Stitches, and Verb, and Lambtown… even if I don’t GO to the shows and can’t quite yet afford a retreat, I still feel a part of the community, every time I pick up my work.
    The collective gasp, and the actions taken, and the fantastic outcome, all show just how powerful and wonderful a real community can be.
    Knit on!!!

  85. That’s fantastic news! Knitters are the best. I had my knitting stolen with four projects once so I understand what it feels like to lose all that hard work. I’m so glad this had a better ending than mine.

  86. I feel ridiculously happy that the bag was recovered. In some ways it it’s being lost temporarily brings to light how valuable what we do when we knit for others is. How very valuable all the effort, positive intention and time we give in the garment.
    Absolutely thrilling to have it back as well.

  87. Knitters of the world – if people who all loved something as much as we all love knitting and helped each other out like the story here, well, I think we all would be in a better world. So it may seem insignificant, a lost bag, and the solidarity of people around the world who love the same thing coming together to help one person out — but it’s not. It shows me that we have hope and love and compassion left in the world. We just have to open our hearts a little and lend each other a hand. Way to go fellow knitters!

  88. I am so glad the suitcase was found. Now Kelly can rest easy knowing that the items she created with love and warmth will find their way to her loved ones. What a very happy ending.

  89. …as I said in my post…St. Anthony has not failed me yet!! Glory Be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end.
    Thank you St. Anthony! You ROCK!

  90. When the photo of the suitcase came up in today’s post, I just broke down and bawled!
    What wonderful news! I too had asked St Anthony for his help in finding Kelly’s suitcase; he’s never let me down yet!
    Way to go, Tony!!!

  91. Oh, thank heavens! I was so moved by the missing bag that I couldn’t even bring myself to write. But I’m very very happy that it was found! I can’t even imagine the heartbreak of losing all of those beautiful bits of knitted love…

  92. I am just about doing the ugly cry over here! This is probably the most beautiful, heart warming piece about knitting I’ve ever read. Thank you for capturing the love of knitters into such beautiful, eloquent words.

  93. I love, love the little sweater, would like to have one for myself!!! And I’m tickled pink Kelly got her goodies back 🙂

  94. Beautifully put, as always! Brought tears to my eyes. As a young mother and a knitter, I have to thank you for your wonderful thoughtful posts. You have really made me think about the kind of mother and knitter I want to be. Thank you

  95. It is indeed a good day to be a knitter. I am thrilled Kelly’s bag was found. It just goes to show how strong knitter energy is. Watch out world, when we knitters put our energy together, things happen.

  96. Just like everyone, I’m so happy the precious cargo was found. What a fairy tale ending in this big, scary world.

    Love your beautiful description of knitting love and connection. And love the gorgeous little sweater.

    Wonderful, wonderful all around.

  97. You know that sinking feeling when you lose something and the other side, the shock of astonishment when you find something that’s been gone long enough you’ve either forgotten it or given up on it? That was the shock I got when the bag picture rolled up. No WAY! Heck yeah!!! Of course Air Canada was on high alert after you put out the signal! Well done Stephanie and knitters and airline!

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  100. Happy endings are always so heart warming. What a lovely story. And ^5 to all of the knitters who pitched in on the search and to Stephanie for initiating the call for help. The hippies always used to say, “keep the faith”, meaning don’t stop believing that we can change the world for the better. We can!

  101. I think a really talented children’s book author should create a children’s picture book about Kelly’s lost knitting from the luggage’s view point.

  102. We should be called the United Nation of Knitters! Steph put out the SOS and across the globe the call was heard. And what lovely news to read the happy ending to an other wise very sad tale. There should be a parade with hats & horns. This made my day!

  103. I’m so happy and delighted that the bag found its way home, and the gifts to its new owners! My airlines contact is honestly flabbergasted that this bag was found and returned, as truly after as much time went by my contact felt it was a sacrifice to the travel gods. My contact now knows the power of the fibre cohort. Well done, everyone, well done, indeed!

  104. Hi, Stephanie,
    This is way off-topic, but I’m wondering how the furnace wars are going this year?
    I’m the only person here (Southern Interior, BC) that I know who won’t turn on the heat, so your wars are entertaining. Your climate seems way less hospitable than mine is right now, nut this is still the latest I have ever not heated the house.

  105. The knitting community is truly a positive force in the world. I somehow knew that sending out the knit signal would restore the bag.

  106. i love the description of feelings that go into knitting. It’s such a magical thing to build an item of clothing, stitch by stitch, feeling by feeling. Add to that being far away from new babies and lost then found items and yes, I will cry happy tears (again) reading this blog. Love!

  107. What a wonderful outcome! And so well written, Steph. I know every stitch was made with love.

    On another topic, what are you cooking for Thanksgiving? My granddaughter is a new vegetarian & I hope to make her something really special. Do you have any recommendations on vegetarian cooking?

  108. I read October 2 and October 10 out loud to my daughter and she said ” read me more of these stories mom, they’re really good!”

  109. Happy joy! I teared up when I saw the suitcase. These lovely lost treasures (knitting needle in a haystack) are found. Faith in universe bolstered. Right?

  110. Simply amazing…I teared up a bit here too. Congratulations to everyone who made this happen. Especially you Steph, without you, this network wouldn’t exist. It doesn’t exist on any other blog anywhere – you’re the one who makes the magic happen.

    These joyful moments are why I read this blog. Thank you.

  111. How cool is that. The power of the knitter. Yea way to go. So very glad it arrived. It would be great if the bag could talk and tell us where it has been and how come it detoured via London.

  112. Yay! Knitting miracles do happen!

    I have lived away for several years, too, and knitting was the closest I got to my loved ones. So glad the bag was found!

  113. Hurray for the poor lost bag. How good that it had soft, squishy bundles of love and warmth to keep it company until it could be found.

    Happy Thanksgiving to Canadians, one and all!

  114. Wow, not only is Kelly a nice person and a knitter, she’s a great knitter with good taste! What beautiful objects! How great that a little social pressure did the job!

  115. I’m so so happy the bag was found. I had a really good feeling about the call to action for knitters worldwide. And yup, I cried happy tears too.

  116. Raising a set of virtual knitting needles in a fistbump with a resounding AMEN from my office – a lovely ending to celebrate your Thanksgiving, not to mention breaking the news on I <3 Yarn day.

    Restores one's faith in the muggles.. you've made my day. Congrats to Katie!

  117. FanTasTic! What a lovely bag of treasures!

    Pardon my lack of geographical knowledge, would this be London, Ontario , Canada …. or some other London?

    M in NC

  118. Ok so I’m one of the last replies. this post made me cry Stephanie. Not just for the great happy ending of the story, but to the truth of it. The soul of knitting is the love and affection knit into every loop and knot. Your writing was elegant and it touched me deeply. Thank you for making my day. I’ll remember it as I knit late into the night. Pattye

  119. This story was hard to read about. At first, I suspected that it may have been taken (as in bad karma). So happy that it ended this way. Lovely.

  120. Behold the POWER of the knitter! There is no doubt in my mind that your post, like a bat signal, went out into the world, and caused the bag to be found. This was no coincidence! I’m so happy because I know how I would feel if it were my bag with just ONE piece of hand knitting in it.

  121. This post brought tears to my eyes. I’m reminded of another of your entries a few years ago (how I wish I had a link to it!) wherein you said something like a knitted item is a container filled with time and love. I sent that post to so many knitting friends! And now that the bag has been found, with all of the containers of love and time intact, well…maybe it’s just wonderful to see proof that sometimes things DO work out in the end. I’m so, so happy to see it was found!

  122. Love it! …”portable containers of love”
    It was worth every tinked row, every frogged project, every late night/wee hours in the morning trying too knit past the fiddly parts, every moment of guilt as the stash surged ever closer to the height of Everest to be included in this group of extraordinary humans….knitters.(& lost luggage finders)
    We SO rock.

  123. That is truly amazing. Never under estimate the power of knitters and the interwebs. So happy for her, and the knit recipients. Bless you Steph.

  124. Love this tweet by Anna Pickard…
    Today is Canadian Thanksgiving, a time when people across the world stop for a moment and give thanks for Canadians.
    Yes I am thankful for my neighboring Canadians and
    I’m thankful for the YarnHarlot!!

  125. Lovely outcome. I will have a smile on my face the rest of the day. I recently lost years of knitting in a moving ‘incident’. It really was heartbreaking and no one in my family really got it. I’ll never pack all my knitting in one place again. I’m so glad it turned out well!

  126. Knitters you are all ‘made of awesome’, this is such great news. And I shall take on the Sweaters Of Unusual Fiddliness as a category of thing (SOUF’s? – “Sweaters of Unusual Fiddliness? I don’t think they exist..”(fx wooomf, sound of valiant knitter being taken out by a sideswipe from an actual SOUF), with thanks to screenwriter of the Princess Bride, whose name should be burned in my consciousness, but sadly isn’t.

  127. Oh I am so pleased! All that love knitted into every stitch! The bag must have been pulsating with positive energy! Well done whoever found it,

  128. So anyone walking past my office and seeing the tears in my eyes would wonder why and they truly wouldn’t understand when I say “the knits were lost and now they are found!” It is truly a miracle.

    Instead, they would think, “by God, she’s lost another nut!”

  129. Oh my. I am so glad that the knitted goods made their way home! I totally understand. I can’t help but tear up as I read the last bit…sitting here in my Mumbai apartment, knitting a blanket for a baby back in

  130. Kelly’s husband, Ben, here. Pleased to be post # 300. I just want to say that we have read every single post written here and, frankly, there is no doubt that Stephanie’s readers are a force to be reckoned with. This post also brought a tear to my eye. As everyone has said, there is no coincidence involved here. The knitter’s equivalent of the “bat signal” definitely brought this bag home to allow our loved ones to be enveloped in the love that Kelly and my daughter Kamilah had intended for them. (Knitted) hats off to all of you! There is no doubt that you are a community with much more forces for good than anyone could ever imagine. Thanks for that! You folks are an inspiration.

  131. I have tears in my eyes as I read. The power of people coming together to help like this, even if just by thinking about how they can relate. It never ceases to blow my mind.

  132. Oh goodness! I cannot even express how much I needed to hear about this happy ending right now. So perfectly beautiful and one more reminder of how much love there is in knitting… on so many levels. Thanksgiving week, indeed!!

  133. Through tears I read all the way to the happy ending of this story. Aren’t knitters just the best?! I do believe that love can conquer all, and the love of knitting and of all the knitters focusing their energy has brought an amazing ending to this chapter! Thank you for reminding us all just how important the things we knit for others are. Kelly, your amazing willingness to hang in there and find this suitcase is an inspiration and a reminder to all of us to never give up, whatever the problem may be. Thank you for blessing us, and may all of our knitting be a blessing of love to those that we love and knit for!

  134. My heart ached for Kelly and now is happy. I once shipped a box of extra clothes and all my souvenirs home from a business trip to China and the box disappeared for months. I did the same calling and emailing and 2 months later a battered box, held together with plastic straps arrived at my door!! So I very well knew the feeling. This also explains why I NEVER pack souvenirs in my checked luggage and why I NEVER pack my handknits when I travel. I may lug a very heavy carryon filled with scarves and shawls and sweaters, and souvenirs, but at least I know I have it all with me. PS This is my second time trying to post this. Apparently according to your new site I failed to be a human! 🙁

  135. Pingback: Annemarie’s Awesome Links | Bethel MOMs

  136. I had managed to get behind in my reading of the Blog because of DH’s double hernia surgery and caring for him afterwards. So when I read about the lost knitting, I started to tear up, but decided to continue to read on. HOW WONDERFUL that the bag was found. Thank you to all who helped. We are a powerful group!

  137. I am late catching up on my reading, too much knitting, I guess. But I just love this story and had to comment. I especially love the last comments by Kelly, I love knitting for others and she put it in words, beautiful!

  138. Pingback: Containers of Love | A Domestic Manifest

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