
roving 2015-09-02

single 2015-09-02

single2 2015-09-02

skein 2015-09-02

ball 2015-09-02

knit 2015-09-02

knit2 2015-09-02

wash 2015-09-02

foldedcowlbywheel 2015-09-02

peekaboo 2015-09-02

samcowldetail 2015-09-02

cowlwholesam 2015-09-02

holdingcowl 2015-09-02

How much fun is that, to see the whole project, start to finish, all in order. Makes me think that knitting blogs are really just stop motion knitting movies, happening really slowly. Roving: Western Sky Knits  Pattern: Hudson Lace Cowl

I’ve got a little more time, so more gifts! (I swear there’s no end in sight. Your generosity is really unbelievable.) I don’t have time to do many, but a few is better than none.

Beth, who owns the beautiful shop Dancing Dog Studio, has this incredible hand made bracelet to give away.  Isn’t it pretty?  I hope that Debbie R thinks so.

beaded bracellet 2015-09-02

Generous knitter Sarah has a lovely gift she’ll be sending to Jyoti P. and not only is she generous, she has great taste. 320 yards of Argosy “Hannah sport” 50/50 merino/silk.

argosy 2015-09-02

The lovely Sally, friend of the show and owner at Rivendale Farms, has  2 skeins of alpaca/bamboo from her beautiful alpaca Teagan, that she’d like to send to Andrea G.
rivendalefarms 2015-09-02

Mia, sweeter than pie, has not eight, not nine, but ten skeins of a beautiful Merino/silk to send to Kristi P.

miasyarn 2015-09-02

That’s all I have time for today, but tomorrow I’m going to try and push through a lot of them. Thanks guys, you’re all amazing


45 thoughts on “Flipbook

  1. A very pretty cowl! Right now in Toronto it is blazing hot and pouring rain, but I can only hope that one day it will be appropriate to wear a woollen cowl. Your daughter is an angel to model it today!

  2. I really enjoyed the “flip book” pictures, Stephanie! Thank you for sharing them, as well as sharing the entire karmic balancing process. It’s lovely to think of knitting/spinning supplies playing musical chairs and ending up inspiring a new owner. If you were closer to San Francisco, I’d give you a hug. Some day…. :))

  3. What a lovely cowl and lovely model. I don’t spin, so it’s especially miraculous to me that the top picture of the roving with those dots of color are spun into that colorful yarn. It blows my mind.

  4. Not sure which is more beautiful …. your cowl or your daughter.. Think the daughter and the cowl is just icing on the cake, Beautiful job with both!

  5. The cowl is perfect! And I love seeing it in all it’s stages. The gifts are so generous. Mmmmm! knitting is good!

  6. Yes! I do think the bracelet is especially pretty, and my favorite colors too! Thank YOU, Stephanie, for all that you do. You are inspiration and warmth and logic and, most importantly, delight. I am thrilled for your succuss and will make another donation soon.

  7. I love the way the colors change from the roving to the bobbin to the plied yarn on the skein to the wound up ball. And then the cowl is good enough to eat. Whenever I saw the beginnings I thought of orange sherbet, and the last part of the cowl is chocolate raspberry. This cowl will make you think of summer whenever you wear it. Good thing the world’s best knitting model came over to show it off!

  8. Now, see, I could look at that roving forever and never “see” how the yarn would turn out. Having had only one spinning class and not practicing much, this is only to be expected, I guess. The cowl is simply perfection. I am going to enroll in another spinning class in October, so maybe I’ll begin to develop an eye. Not to mention become increasingly able to produce the yarn I actually want. Thanx for the inspiration.

    • I was thinking the very same thing. I have walked through fiber festivals and looked at dyeways like that and thought that they have got to be kidding me, but now I know I was kidding myself. My bankcard is going to be in so much trouble come OFFF and I wander round with new insight.

      • I was thinking the same thing. I myself have only had one spinning class, and I just didn’t see that yarn coming out of that roving! It’s crazy!

  9. Not only is the cowl stunning, but my daughter Andrea G will be thrilled she is having a gift sent to her lol. Only 3yo but she and her twin brother have mastered spinning the wheel and she keeps badgering me to teach her to make the (crocheted) pretty things….

  10. Thank you so much for the fibre to finished project gallery. One day I too will be able to spin such beautiful yarn, and your post has made me realise that I should document my spinning process like this for my own edification, (my latest yarn is monstrous unless you happen to support West Ham United)

  11. Does Sam have her own Instagram following? She is a really beautiful knitwear model. The cowl is absolutely gorgeous! I love the pattern and the colors. I don’t wear them myself, but I will happily knit/crochet them up for others!

  12. Seeing the step by step was so much fun! It’s beneficial to see what the un-spun, spun, and knitted results look like. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Wow, that pattern is absolutely gorgeous in your handspun! I would have never imagined that whatever-it-called braid of fiber would end up looking like that yarn. It is really lovely.

  14. The colors in the roving look so loud and primary, but when they are all spun and knit up, they are so very subdued….beautiful. I guess I don’t understand this yet…

  15. So pretty! (cowl and daughter)

    Love the step-by-step retrospective. Really great to see the process. You’re reminding me I have a cowl that needs maybe 2 rows and a bind off before its done. It’s not had a beer bath, though that was a good reminder not to panic when things happen!

  16. I am confused by cowls. They don’t seem the right proportions to be very warm. I have one I knit from last year’s BNK club and it is the right measurements and all, but the front of my neck is exposed when I wear it, as it would not be if I had a scarf wrapped around. I have seen a lot of pictures of lovely cowls (including this one) that are like this too. Is it merely a decorative neck thing and not meant to actually keep the wearer warm?

    • It depends on the season and the weather. For myself, where I live the weather only gets really nasty maybe three days out of the year, so I do not need to bundle up heavily. Just a nice bit of warmth round my neck and shoulders, maybe a hat, and that is all I need to get me through my day. However, on those really cold days I have been known to use a shawl pin to pull a cowl up close round my neck, then layer up! Then when I reach my warm destination I can peel off layers and not get overheated.

  17. World’s best knitwear model rides again! I wish my daughter would model my makes for posterity…she’ll pose for a back view of a triangular shawl but that’s it. Loving the timelapse/flipbook theme….it showcases off so many skills….a post to keep for after the zombie apocalypse (a time I am trying to convince my family that during which my ‘playing with wool’ will become essential!)

  18. I love, love, love the flip book of your cowl project. Hope we see more of those.

    Also, makes me think I should be a little bit more aggressive with my camera…especially now that I have located the charger.

  19. The cowl is lovely, as is the model!
    Even though I live in Baltimore and Sally is in Colorado, I have the good fortune of being her friend through my sister, who lives in Denver. In May I was happy to be able to visit Sally and “her girls” on the farm and to meet the sassy Teagan, whose fleece made up that yarn. I have some of Sally’s yarn and rovings, and I can tell you they are luscious things! The girl alpacas loved my husband and we have pictures of him “leading the all girl alpaca choir”. I think they are on Sally’s Facebook page.

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