I have no idea where the tent pegs went

Today is the day, I told myself, as I woke up to begin a wildly busy week. I realized last night as I lay there, planning, mentally organizing, writing internal post-it notes – that I have crammed a lot into this last week. Training is officially over, thank goodness, this weekend I rode 180km (111 miles, for my American friends) and tomorrow the bike goes into the shop for a tune-up, and I begin a taper.  It’s a period of rest before a big event. I’ll ride a little bit over the next week, maybe 40 or 50km, once or twice, but overall I’ll rest. Sort of, because I think I’ve done a lot of “I’ll have to do that before the Rally” and now here I am, about to walk away from it all for seven days, and the “before the Rally” list is a little ridiculous. There’s the Rally stuff (nobody could find the tent pegs so I got more and I’ll need more sunscreen and what happened to my cycling socks?) and the work stuff (I swear that in the name of merino I am trying to answer you all) and the Steering Committee stuff (I will be at that meeting tomorrow I promise) and the personal stuff (why the hell I did plan a dentist appointment for this week) and the stuff with family (of course I have time to see you before I go, no problem.) Joe’s got to go out of town on Wednesday, so there’s my best helper and organizer gone, and I’d be way more hysterical, except for it was exactly like this last year and I lived to tell the tale, and I am doing a fair bit of knitting and spinning to take the edge off. It makes me so much less crazy.

I started this braid, it’s from The Artful Ewe, and the bill (stuffed in the bag) just says Polworth, but it’s clear to me that it’s Polworth and silk. I can see it.

polworthbraid 2016-07-18

I’ve got almost half of it spun, and I love how it looks. I did a simple division on the roving. The first half of the roving on one bobbing, I’ll spin the second half onto another, and we’ll just see what sort of 2-ply I end up with. It’s an adventure.

polworthbraidbobbin 2016-07-18

While I’m on the go, to appointments and meetings and the subway and anytime I’m not riding a bike, I’m working on a pair of socks that are (surprise) Rally Themed.  The Cozy Knitter (have I told you about her yet? I’m a tiny bit obsessed) has a Friends 4 Life colourway, and I’m knitting it. (You know, I’d knit it even if it wasn’t the colours of the PWA logo, but it does feel really right as I rush through this week.) I am helpless in the face of a self-striping yarn.

PWAsocks 2016-07-18

In the midst of this busy week, I’m also rockin’ the backyard office as hard as I can. No reason it all can’t be nice, and speaking of nice, let’s tidy up a few Karmic Balancing gifts, shall we?

Brad went into his stash and rattled around for a bit (actually, he seems very tidy and organized, I bet he knew where all this was) and came up with five gifts,  all lovely, because Brad is pretty awesome. First, 2 skeins of Scrumptious Aran silk/merino in Midnight for Jaimee A.

scrumptionsaranbrad 2016-07-18

then 5 skeins of Thirteen Mile Yarns (organic wool) in Light Grey and Blueberry for Marilyn V.
12mileyarnbrad 2016-07-18

2 skeins of Madelinetosh 100% super wash Merino in “Tart” for Tracy C.

bradmadtosh 2016-07-18

Then Jaeger Matchmaker, 4 skeins Dark purple and 3 skeins light purple for Rose T.

bradjager 2016-07-18

And last of his gifts but certainly not least Cascade 220 Superwash Aran in red, 14 skeins for the very lucky Olivia W.

redcascadebrad 2016-07-18

Beth has one 2oz skein of mystery handspun, maybe light fingering weight, about 250 yards, consisting of cashmere and tussah silk. She says the only thing she’s sure about is that the colourway is called “Scarab.”  The only things I’m sure about is that cashmere and tussah are delicious, and this skein is going to live with Kathleen R.

bethscarab 2016-07-18

From the good folks at Akerworks, three beautiful gifts for the spinners. First one modular drop spindle (the winner’s chosen combination of shaft + whorl) for Erin F.

akermanspindle 2016-07-18

One Flat pack spinning wheel bobbin for Claudia M,

akerworksbobbin 2016-07-18

Finally, one Flat pack Lazy Kate for Omni M.  Lucky ducks, all.

akerworkskate 2016-07-18

Yarn Crush is a Canadian yarn subscription box—they send their subscribers a skein of hand-dyed yarn, knit and crochet patterns to use it, and bonus gifts. There’s a couple of pictures here of what they do – but Caroline DK, Liz P and Stephanie D are going to get a chance to really see, they’ll each pick one box from what Yarn Crush has in stock.

yarncrush 2016-07-18 yarncrush2 2016-07-18

I’ve sent everyone an email.

Finally, out of everyone who emailed (Kate and Elizabeth should be flattered, the response was huge) the spot at Fall Squam goes to Robin T (Robin, you’re so lucky, you’ll have a wonderful time.) And the miraculous gift of Kate’s time goes to Eric L (who is totally the guy who does this podcast.) He’s very nice.

Thanks guys, you’re fantastic. There’s more, tons more, but I’m out of time for today if I’m going to do anything else on my list, and man, do I need to do something on my list.





27 thoughts on “I have no idea where the tent pegs went

  1. I for one am glad you just went out and BOUGHT new tent pegs. No flies on you! And you scheduled that dentist appointment this week because you know you wouldn’t have any training rides. After you get back from the Rally you’ll be glad you already went.
    But my main comment on this post is: that roving waiting to be spun is so SOFT and LOVELY. If I keep reading this blog I may find myself learning to spin one day.
    Good luck this week, and even better luck next!

    • “Find myself learning to spin one day….” Yup. Picked up my first drop spindle this spring….it’s a really inexpensive (and very addictive) way to start…it sends you down the rabbit hole quick. I’m in search of wheel classes and plenty of time to play with some different brands already! My goal for the year is a wheel by Christmas 😉

    • I was completely charmed last night by the story my neighbour (a lovely non-knitter) was telling me of her almost-teenage daughter’s desire to take a spinning class! I do not spin myself (yet) but the neighbour was pretty surprised when I knew exactly where the classes were offered, before I explained that I check them a few times a year to see if I can get in. Maybe, just maybe, that neighbour will try some knitting herself: I ran into her again today with a copy of one of Stephanie’s books in her hand, for her daughter. I very briefly tried to explain the idea of a famous knitter… Thanks, Stephanie, for all your hard work with the rally!

  2. Just reading all the things you have to do, and thinking about how you have to ride so far next week, I got so stressed I had to lie down on the sofa and crack open a beer.

    Cheers! I’m thinking of you.

  3. Wow and you squeeze some karmic gifts into your busy schedule! I think you need to prioritize some. Tell Erin how much we continue to support her and send healthy blessings. Maybe hold off until the end of the week for extras life more posts. You could postpone your dentist appointment if you are not in any pain. We can wait until you get back, or just a quick blog to let us know that once again you have done more than the rest of us. Tweet/Instagram us some photos of the ride, especially our favorite red dress day. By now you know we support you. And we shall keep pinging you.

  4. Dentist appointments can be reschedule, can’t they?

    You are doing awesome and I love that self-striping yarn. The stripes are such a satisfying width.

    • I agree! Who knew there was a satisfying width for stripes, but it’s so true.

      Also, looks like coordinating toe and cuff yarn…?

      Godspeed, Stephanie! May the wind (but not too strong a wind, just an encouraging little wind) be ever at your back.

  5. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!
    I’m SO incredibly awed by the generosity of you and Kate both – I’ll make absolute great use of her time I hope!!
    GREAT BIG HUGS!!! (and thanks for the shoutout on my podcast!!)

  6. Wow. Good luck with your week. It sounds crazy, but im sure those mental lists will be done. And that roving looks scrumptious spun. Cannot wait to see the magic

  7. I am absolutely floored by the opportunity to attend Squam (and check off something from my bucket list!)

    Stephanie, for all you do and share, we are all so grateful. You regularly leave such a strong impression on me, and have made me a better person with your words and actions.

    I will figure out how to pay this all forward.

    In the meantime, enjoy time with your family and may the ride be smooth and peaceful (and not rainy!)

    My sincerest thanks!

  8. What magnificent colors! How could Brad give them up? I must get to my LYS and see if I can find some of these yarns, so I can feast my eyes on them (and stop drooling). My appreciation is enhanced by the fact that I’m going to crochet a wedding afghan for a friend’s daughter, and I have been advised that she would prefer GRAY. I know there are some pretty grays out there, but only gray? Oh, well, at least she didn’t request neon pink and neon green, like another bride-to-be did. That one nearly blinded me.

    Good luck on the rally!

  9. I love the Friends for Life yarn so much, I ordered some right away. I love the name and that some of the proceeds go to you for the bike ride.
    I know you will get through the week and hope you have a great ride.

  10. I never win anything…ever. I’m trying super hard not to be bitter about it, I mean, it’s a wonderful cause. I claim it on my taxes every year….you are the one riding the bike a million miles. What am I complaining about….I just want like, one skein. Just throw me one skein Steph….(looking sad and lonely and feeling sorry for myself, while all of the rest of the people are actually riding their bikes one million miles).

  11. Every year the selfless generosity of The Blog floors me, despite reading encouraging words every year, and seeing the gorgeous KBGs every year, and knowing how much good karma YOU, Stephanie, send out into the world. It’s bound to come back big-time. I should *expect* The Blog’s generosity in the face of these facts. But, somehow, every year, I’m gobsmacked and inspired. Some KBGs from me will show up in your email soon.
    May your bike seat feel like little merino-silk-Wensleydale-cormo pillows.

  12. I love the yarn you are spinning. While traveling in Washington friends and I saw The Artful Ewe. The shop was closed so after nose printing Heidi’s windows as we peered in though the glass, we made a point of returning so we could go inside. It’s a really lovely shop, and Heidi made us feel so welcome. If anyone has a chance to go – go! Good luck with your lists and your ride. I’m wishing you unusually cool and dry weather!

  13. I got excited when I saw Robin T won the trip to squam. I thought for a minute it was me until there was more than one Robin T. Congratulations and have fun!

  14. Sabrina-bountiful is beautiful. I’ll look forward to spinning it.
    Steph-You Rock! You’re such a great example for me. You are so giving. Thanks for all you do.

  15. I can’t believe how very close you are to your crazy fund raising goal for the rally! I can’t afford to donate at the moment but you are getting good thoughts and encouragement from me. As a fellow breast cancer patient – all the best to Erin. You’ll get through this and will make a number of ‘breast friends’ along the way. We’re all rooting for you!

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