
That’s the sound that the last week made. If you were anywhere near me you would have heard it, along with my desperate scribbling on to-do lists, as well as the gentle rustling of crumpled post-it notes scurrying in my wake. I had one of those weeks where every morning you get up and think “All Right. This might be possible if you just stay focussed.” and then by lunch you’re thinking “Holy cats I think I smoke” and by dinner you’ve resigned yourself to the whole plan being ON FIRE and by bedtime you’re swearing tomorrow will be better, full of hope and promise.  In the last week I have:

-Helped Hank make a garment for a fashion project he was doing to get ahead on his University credits.

hanksewing 2017-04-04

Yes. I just typed that sentence. Yes, he is as tall as he looks. Yes, he is turning out to be pretty good at this sewing thing.  Yes, he made this, and he got an excellent grade.

hanksfashion 2017-04-04

(He even went to the fabric store by himself – and he worked in stretch fabrics and faux fur, and if you sew, you know that’s not easy. I only ripped one seam for him.)

-Worked on the baby blanket everywhere I went, and I went all over.

porttownsendblanke 2017-04-04

-Worked hard on getting some Bike Rally stuff ready for the first training ride of the year, which I missed (but will make up for later) and thanked Cameron for showing up for both of us.

–  Hosted and taught at a fantastic retreat in Port Ludlow together with Debbi and Judith.

indigodragonflydinner 2017-04-04

-Discovered that they’d put a pair of flamingo statues in our hotel room, and did the only reasonable thing – which was to knit them a pair of leg warmers each, and then graft them onto their legs.

debbigrafts 2017-04-04

-Imagined the resort staff trying to figure out how to get them off.

-Laughed all the way home, where I’ll be for one day before heading to Texas. (While hoping impending grandson continues to stay put until I’m home (Monday) and his blanket is done. (Hopefully that’s Monday too.)

102 thoughts on “Whoosh

  1. I’m sorry, but that can NOT be hank. He is still just a little boy. Good for him with that sewing project. How cool is that! Hoping the grandson stays put till at least Monday, just for you.

  2. Well done! I always find that being busy makes me extraordinarily productive. Both home and at work. The adrenaline maybe?

  3. Holy cow, what happened to Hank? Then again, I’m about to turn 60, and I started reading your blog so long ago I can’t remember when it was. All I can say about your crazy schedule? Drink coffee.

  4. I can’t believe that is little Hank!! This is the first time I have commented but I have read your blog for years. I so enjoy following you and your family, knitting as I do that too. Hope the little one waits till you get back!
    Marion Shaw

  5. Can I leave it to other readers to express shock and awe over the warp-speed life events and just say that the stork leg warmers made my frazzled day? Have tucked away this idea and await an opportunity to replicate it.

  6. Hank!?!?!?!
    Like the others, I cannot believe this is the same boy!
    So wonderful that he is sewing. Is he in fashion school, or about to go to college? Seems like he was an adorable little boy not so long ago…now an adorable young man.
    Congratulations, Auntie.
    Waiting with all the others on the baby. As one who knows, you will love being a grandmother.

  7. I think DFW Fiber Fest almost ready to go, and the weather looks to be absolutely beautiful while you are here. Sending safe travel and fast knitting thoughts your way.

  8. Steph, knit like the wind! Something tells me you’ll be blocking that blanket when you get the call that Impending Grandson is no longer impending!

    Meg, keep your legs crossed and stay off the trampoline for a few more days! (Hope all goes well when the stork comes knocking!)

  9. Remember to let the credit card people know it is possible to “shop all across Texas and further” in person in under an hour. I seem to recall they cut you off last year………

  10. OMG what happened to cute little Hank? Soon we will be seeing Luis looking so grand. Can’t stand how quickly time passes and kids grow up.

  11. Egad, I can’t believe that is Hank. Still a handsome young man. Where did time go? Nice design work too.

    Don’t forget to breathe……

  12. That cannot be Hank. Hank is a little boy who takes fabulous subway trips with his Auntie at Christmas time, and is fascinated by the ball winder.

    • That’s how I felt. Meg having a baby makes me feel slightly old. But that picture of Hank- I’ve officially been reading this blog long enough to watch a human grow up!

  13. Wow, I believe that blanket is even more beautiful than the scenery behind it (and I’m a real scenery, especially water views, fanatic). Can’t wait to hear the symbolism and story of the design.! From the little glimpses you give us, it looks absolutely exquisite

  14. I wouldn’t dare take that blanket on a boat, or even outdoors. What a lot of knitting in there. It looks beautiful and I’m sure Megan will treasure it. Grandson too, but it will take a while for him to appreciate its magnificence.

  15. I can’t believe that’s Hank, either. Also, between your daughter and April the Giraffe, no one seems to be having a baby!

  16. The resort staff should surely know to leave the leg warmers on and make a nice sign explaining they were designed and made especially for the birds by the world famous Yarn Harlot!

    • Yeah….that WOULD be nice! I was thinking, “Unfortunately, there are probably going to be scissors involved very soon, with the task delegated to the newest employee so everyone else can disclaim all knowledge…”

  17. Holy sheeps**t, Stephanie! You’re cutting it close! May the knitting gods lend lightening speed to your fingers to get this blanket done in time. Have a blast in Texas. And best wishes to Megan (& hubbie) for the next chapter in their union. Handsome nephew there. I haven’t been around the blog long enough to know of him, though. I’ll have to read back, I guess.
    Best of luck, and keep knitting! The blog is behind you, rooting you on…
    Heather M. in Beaver County, AB

  18. Hank!! Has it been ten years since that adorable seven-year-old bought flowers for his mother? Still looks like a great guy in every way.

    The blanket looks gorgeous, and this is all going to work!

    And…love the leg warmers.

  19. um. That Hank could probably pay for his Uni years by modeling. and acting. And sewing. and probably playing hockey, too, if I know Canada. Whoosh is damned right, for many things not least, yer man Hank!
    Best wishes on doing ALL the things before #1 Grandson appears. Hugs all around!

  20. Wow, now I know where you have been! I missed you. I love Hank’s shirt, but holy cow that young man has grown since the last time I saw him! Your baby blanket leaves me speechless it is so beautiful! Blessings to you, your entire family (daughter, son-in-law, husband and grandson who already is and not a to-be, just needs to make his debut 🙂 ) I pray everything goes well from now until his birth and that he and Mom will sail through the experience in good health! Congratulations to all of you <3

    • Hee hee! I agree i wish there was a pattern for the leg warmers I love their swirly cabley design. Glove fingers would look nice. And the blanket looks amaaaazing! I think I can see snowflakes and it looks muuch bigger stretched out, well done Steph. It is looking perfect already!

  21. Hank? Well yes I guess it does look like him, all stretched and grown up. University? What the? How the? Well I guess you having a grandson on the way should indicate that Hank would be ageing too. But wow that made me drop a stitch!

    Hank your stitching looks amazing!

  22. Somehow time has gotten compressed or wrinkled, perhaps? I am thinking that my daughter has a metal armadillo sculpture that may need a bit of knitting.

  23. “Whoosh” is clearly also the sound of Hank growing, and me getting older. That’s just not possible that he’s in or getting ready for university. I demand a resolution that time slow the heck down for a bit, pleasethankyouverymuch. 🙂 PS, the baby afghan is astounding and it’s not even blocked yet. WTG!

  24. It just occurred to me that I’ve been reading your blog for a decade. That’s crazy. Hope I get to meet you in person at some point!

  25. Great Jon on the blanket- keep it up! You’ve got this!
    Also- Hank is an inspiration. Those sleeves look cozy af.

  26. I got stressed seeing the blanket on the wood railing! I could only imagine it getting pulled somehow by a wayward splinter when you picked it up! 🙂

    Little Hank all grown up and crafty! Love it!

    • I had the exact same thought about the wood railing! Seems like a sure-fire way to tempt the knitting fates (or gremlins?) into ruining all that effort.

  27. Hank looks SO MUCH LIKE YOUR GIRLS in that top picture! (Or, rather, whoever that adult is that you are claiming is Hank.)

  28. As with everyone else – that’s Hank??? Wasn’t he about two foot tall last time you posted him?

    Great design skills though – obviously takes after auntie!

  29. Love the blanket, love the legwarmers, and sounds like you had a fabulous week. 🙂 This really bothered me though, “He even went to the fabric store by himself…” Especially after the “Woman On The Train Who Said Rainbow Yarn Wasn’t For Boys” post.
    Congrats to Hank for a garment well-executed!

    • Hey Leigh, I reread that section after reading your comment, and I feel it was more a matter of his making to the store by himself, choosing his own fabric (not relying on more experienced sewers), than anything involved with the sex of the individuals involved. For anyone, but especially for family, Stephanie would not fall down that particular rabbit hole of unintentional sexism.

      • this was exactly my thought. more of a “he’s big enough to do this now,” not a “he’s a boy and went anyway.”

        and egads, but he’s definitely big enough. he was just a tot, I swear.

  30. *That can’t possibly be Hank.
    *The blanket is beautiful!!
    * Your daughter is a very smart girl and she won’t go into labor without you.
    *Some day I hope to enjoy one of those Port Ludlow retreats.
    *I can’t believe you are doing this bike ride again!

  31. Well now. Watching for baby and blanket news and up pops Hank – and I mean UP! What a treat to see him now. His new shirt has inspired me to put in a colorful midsection on the next knit top I sew up! Thanks, Hank. Baby – wait for your Gran to return. It will be worth it – the blankie you will receive is a wondrous thing.

  32. Holey moley he”s tall! Love the legwarmers and here’s to a Monday with a completed blanket and a still impending grandson!

  33. Wow ditto to all above comments.
    Love the blanket border, and looove the snowflake that so obviously (this week) pays homage to your Newfoundland heritage!

  34. That picture of Hank solidifies my assertion that someone turned calendars into flip-books about 10 years ago. I am convinced that there’s someone out there holding the pages, lets the first one drop on January 1st, and “pfffft” another year is gone.

    Nice sewing, Hank-man.

    Can’t wait to see the blanket blocked and hear the story of the motifs.

  35. You went out and found some random good looking teenager to pose as Hank and mess with us right? he’s till about 4 right?

    • Steph, it’s been a few years since I read and/or posted. So I drop in and what do I find. One of your little girls is WHAT!!?!!!! And is due WHEN??!?! Oh.,,my dear Lord, what are you doing, tirying to “gaslight” me??? And little Hank has morphed into big Hunk. I think I need to have a little sit-down with some nice wool to soothe my nerves. Goin’ too fast, lady. Make it slow down!

  36. Kabowzer – Hank has the gift: for life, the get up and go, the creativity, the flair for joy. Good job family. The blanket is breath taking…hope it didn’t get any slivers on those boards.

  37. Blanket is gorgeous; no surprise there. Love the snowflakes and cable border (all I can make out so far).
    Stephanie running at warp speed to do it all so well; no surprise there.
    Hank – gobsmacked in my tracks. (Am I so much older now?) Presume knitting wasn’t an option for this University project or, perhaps, he’s still not permitted to play with the ball winder? 🙂

    Sending well wishes to all, safe travels and looking forward to the next good news.

  38. Don’t worry, we’ll have fire extinguishers ready and everyone knows wool doesn’t burn well.

    Hanks outfit is stunning. I’ll be shocked if he doesn’t score well and wow! Kudos on braving the evils or stretch and fur. Small tip: cut the fur from the back and it’ll shed less.

  39. The legwarmefs made me giggle like crazy…and the staff trying to figure out how to remove them? Hahahahahahahahaha

  40. Hank of the lost pink dragon mitten? Wow!

    And that blanket is absolutely glorious!

    As for the flamingoes, I hope they keep those happily on their legs forever after. How many places get to have their own personal yarnbombing? Meantime, safe travels, and thank you for such a happy post.

  41. So I was goona say that that could not possibly in a million years be Hank … I see everyone has beaten me to that. I love the legwarmers — cannot wait to see if they are still on the flamingos when you go next year! Hoping the little grandbaby stays put until you are back next week … and that wee Meg is not terribly uncomfortable. BTW — grandchildren are the BEST!

  42. I know everyone’s already said that but… Hank is all grown up already?! Wow… Time sure flies.

    My sons birthday is next week on Friday – he’ll be four already and he doesn’t get tired of pointing it out to everyone he meets. 😉 Great time for birthdays. I wish you luck and enough time to finish that blanket!

    The yarnbombing is just awesome, btw.

  43. I’m excited to take your class on Friday! I feel terrible that you might miss your grandsons birth so I really hope he goes the way of first babies and stays put for a while!

  44. Whoosh is right! It seems as though it was just last year you were taking Hank downtown at Christmas so he could buy his mom a Christmas gift and now look at him. He is a man, and I now feel at least 200 years old!

  45. Wow, Hank really has grown! It looks like he did a wonderful job on his project.

    And that baby blanket! It’s starting to look especially gorgeous. I am definitely staying tuned for when you’re able to show us the finished product.

  46. When Hank becomes a famous fashion designer and is looking for a brand name for his independent knitwear line, can you suggest Knittening? If he needs reminding that he invented the cutest word for yarn ever, here it is. As if young men love being reminded of how cute they are ; ) That garment is so interesting, you can tell he has great ideas about construction. It’s making me think about how to knit something that shape!

  47. That “World’s Top Model” thing runs in the family. Hank was always adorable but…Hot Hank! Mercy.
    And his design?!!! Can’t wait to see his fall line.
    Nice to see where one has influence.
    Kudos Auntie Steph!!

  48. I swear the last time I saw a photo of Hank he was in elementary school…?! How’d that happen?!

    P.S. You’re right; he’s handsome and talented. My son (now almost 32) took ‘fabrics’ and ‘foods’ in school. And in university as a Drama major, so he could make costumes. Has he? No; but he could!

    P.P.S. Baby?

  49. I cannot possibly be old enough for Hank to be at Uni already! Wasn’t it just yesterday we first met him as a child and look at him now! I think that possibly you have a Tardis in your basement and you are fooling us all with these pictures from the future. (And that is how the baby knits are always done before the baby makes their arrival…..have to ponder on that!)

  50. Hank? No, that’s not Hank, because Hank is maybe 6 years old! And the flamingo leg warmers! My boss collects flamingo stuff, so now I have ideas! 😉

  51. Hank is, indeed, all grown up, but he still looks like a nice guy, someone who would worry about the wee mousie mitten that had been dropped in the snow (if memory serves).

    Keeping the soon-to-be-new wee one in my mind, for a good experience and good timing. In Jewish tradition, when you hear about a pregnancy, you’re supposed to say “B’sha’a tova”–may he/she come “in a good hour.”

  52. If Hank can sew stylish, quirky, cool clothes for himself, then surely I, after years and years of sewing quilts, can do the same. He gives me courage. Thank you for the avian yarn-bombing. I’m in cape-wearing grandmother mode right now, helping small grandson with some school issues: how fierce I feel on his behalf! Looking forward to grandmotherhood for you, too.

  53. Lovely pics of his Hankness, I think the sewing machine one is akin to those of him wielding the yarn winder. Now there’s a neck made for scarves – we of the long necked genetics are heaven to knit scarves for…., although they do need to be wider than normal.

  54. The image of Hank and the ball winder appears to be imprinted on more minds than just mine. It’s hard to wrap my mind around the fact that he’s a young man now.
    But fortunately you still have lots of little people in your life and a new one almost here. Gotta love the circle of life!.
    Now knit like the wind so Meg can have that baby!

  55. Hi Stephanie,

    I would like to attend one of your upcoming retreats. I am based in the LA area but am always happy to travel. I don’t spin so would prefer one that didn’t include that skill, if possible.
    Please keep me in your loop!


  56. I read your blog from time to time as I long knitting and your humorous ways. I can’t tell you how much I laughed at those leg warmers. Thank you so much for all your blogging

  57. The leg warmers made me smile. Thanks. I needed a smile today.

    My baby is at the university today registering for classes next year. Time flies, but it is so amazing to watch them take off and enjoy doing well. Good luck to Hank. He looks to be on a great path. Love his shirt!

  58. Time really flies at our age. Where did that sweet little boy Hank go and who is this giant using his name? I have a grandson like that. It seems like yestetday his grampa was swing him up in the air, which he loved so much. Now he is as tall as his grampa. I can’t believe how fast they grow.
    Julie in San Diego

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