March 16, 2007

Rapid Fire

1. The Bohus is finished, except for sewing up the hem, which I will get done today. My love for it is as yet undimmed, and even having to sew up a hem enchants me.

2. I didn't finish it because Joe surprised me by taking me here last night (out to dinner too. I think that the bedroom gratefulness train is going to keep on rolling for a while.) If you are in Toronto and you have nowhere to go tonight? You should totally go. Totally.
A traditional trio (piano, violin, cello) plays the Shubert, then several pop musicians riff off of it. Brilliant.

3. My brother Ian went winter camping in Killarny Provincial Park this last week (I know. Just that idea is crazy talk) and sent me this picture this morning of his sock.


I think I may have completely converted my family so that they provide me with sock photos as blog fodder without even thinking about it. Ian said the socks kept his feet very warm, but would like to share the tip that snowshoeing with a marathon runner is an exceptionally stupid thing to do unless you are also a marathoner. Good tip.

4. I put the plan for the NYC launch on its own page so it's easier for me to update and you to find.

Go here for the plan.

5. I started the STR sock club sock. It looks great on...


but off?


It's not just me...right?

Posted by Stephanie at March 16, 2007 3:32 PM