May 26, 2009

Settling Dust

Just a quickie, because we're still hard at work here. We're really tired, but we're going to keep going. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For everyone who experienced a glitch, and everyone who didn't. Thank you. We're doing our best to sort out some of the remaining troubles. We know that some people who used the "back" button on their browsers ended up with double classes (See? We told you the back button was bad) and we know that a few other people are wondering if they are registered or not because their email didn't arrive. We know that even a few more of you registered twice because you panicked, which we totally get. We'd like to ask you to do three things for now.

1. Stop. Relax as much as you can. The classes are mostly sold out now, (For real) Things might open up as we resolve the few problems above, but mostly, we believe that the way things look now are the way things are. We know there are problems, we are working on solutions for everyone, and we'll post as soon as we have simple ways to sort them. Our IT guy is busting himself creating a page for you to log in and check what you got and make sure you're all right. We're still working.

2. Please wait until that page goes up to send us a complaint. Could be you don't really have a problem yet, and sending us "Contact us" mail about it now only means that we're not going to be able to tell who really has a problem and who got solved by the check page. Let's do that first, and then we'll deal with every single person as fast as we can. We didn't sleep last night, we're not sleeping tonight - we haven't even had a meal yet today. Promise. You are, and have been our priority for more than 36 hours.

3. IF YOU DID NOT GET A CONFIRMATION EMAIL, GO CHECK YOUR SPAM FILTERS. Look around. See if it's there. Many of you are confirmed, but had the email bounce back to us. This could be because your email security rejected us, because it's caught in the spam filter or, and I hate to say this but we can already tell there are quite a few of them... people who spelled their email addresses wrong, because they were rushing.

If you think maybe you spelled your email wrong, don't panic. The check system will let you find your registration, correct your email and get the confirmation mailed to you again.

I repeat. Do not panic. I know that this has been really hairy. (Trust me, we know. Oh - boy do we know.) We're very sorry for any anxiety or upset the server overload is causing you. Our apologies.

Posted by Stephanie at May 26, 2009 7:33 PM