September 28, 2009

On the Road Again

Up early and off again,  anther flight to the West Coast, this time to write, tie up Sock Summit ends and work on the November retreat. (All full, thank you, as is the waiting list) and I gathered up little Frankenmitten and left bright and early. 

The coffee that I poured on Frankenmitten in the Denver airport last week washed right out, and had the added bonus of blocking the mitten, which I had thought might be too small, and really isn't.  Turns out that was  lucky coffee, since it saved Franken from another ripping - this one bitterly unnecessary.  

Frankenmitten and I flew out of Toronto on a delayed flight, which totally gave me a chance to cast on her mate (mitten seen here demonstrating how delayed we were - two braids and twelve rows)

and once in the air  we watched shows on the laptop and made the most of the flight, and the lady next to me said the funniest thing.  I had the whole thing set up.  The laptop, the pattern, post-it notes, two balls of yarn, needls, mittens, knitting...

and this lady looks over at me while I'm knitting and she says "Oh!  Do you knit?"  and I had to fight the urge to laugh out loud.  We went on to have a very nice chat, but for one minute, I had to really squash the urge to answer her question with "No.  No I don't.  It's an elaborate ruse.  Don't let the actual knitting fool you. I am absolutely not a knitter.  Shhh..."

In any case,  this is how long it takes to get to Oregon from Toronto by way of Vancouver  if you have one big delay, two coffees, one connection, one beer, a cheese bagel and a nap.

It's pretty far.

Posted by Stephanie at September 28, 2009 8:30 PM