March 10, 2011

Alpaca Has That Kind of Power

The weather here has continued to be the nastiest sort. Not unbelievably cold (I'll be sorry I said that) but wet.  Every possible sort of wet. Snow, ice-pellets rain- and then all day yesterday it didn't rain or snow, it just sort of slushed. Literally, slush fell from the sky, and it was just demoralizing.  It had all the worst qualities of every kind of precipitation, and none of the plusses. It wasn't really rain, so you couldn't take heart that it wasn't that cold, but it wasn't really snow, so you got soaking wet- it was, without a doubt, craptastic, and over poutine last night we discussed how completely hard on the system the days and days of grey and wet and melting and freezing and raining and snowing are on the system in March.  We're all just so tired of it. (Really- this is the weather, we also noted, that poutine was invented for.)

This is also, I believe, what the planet had in mind for alpaca, especially chunky, bright cozy orange alpaca, and that's what I'm knitting.  I'm tired of being cold, so it's another Encompass on the needles, and this one's for me.

It's giving me hope that I'll be warm, even though there's no end in sight - but of course, even alpacas are covered by Murphy's Law, so naturally- the weather should improve so that I don't need it, just the minute I finish.

Either way, I figure I should knit as fast as I can.

Posted by Stephanie at March 10, 2011 4:07 PM