Hunker Down Now

This post comes to you from O’Hare airport in Chicago – I’m on a longish stop, waiting for my flight to Kansas City for Knitting in the Heartland. and I thought I would be crabby about the travel, so many flights and airports and hotels lately, but it turns out I’m entirely content. (That’s not totally true, going to this event means I’ll miss one of my favourites, the DFW Fiber Fest. Have a good time my little petals, I wish I was there.) It’s yucky outside, but I’m inside knitting (and answering email and writing to you) and the weekend will be a busy one, but I find myself really liking the idea of (mostly) having one task.

For the next several days (with the exception of a few responsibilities to the Bike Rally) this weekend I am just a knitter, and I am just going to a convention, and I don’t have anything to juggle or a thousand things competing for my attention. I am going to knit, and teach knitting and give a keynote and a lecture and in the evening I am going to sit in my hotel room, with the lights dim, and an audiobook on, and I am going to knit.  Hell, I might even watch a Craftsy class. (In my head Craftsy is TKC. The Knitting Channel. I’ve only bought a few of them but I watch them over and over. I find them really calming.) I’ve brought three projects with me. The Agatha Socks, which are my current on-the-go knitting, though in a perfect world I’d have something plainer for walking around.  It’s hard to check a chart, knit and juggle the universe at the same time. I figure I’ll have it memorized right about the time I’m done the socks.

sockonthego 2016-03-31

(A word about the yarn – it’s West Yorkshire Spinners 4 ply in “Cardamom” and I pretty much adore it.  I’m pretty sure I bought it in Calgary when I was at Pudding Yarn last year, but can’t be sure now.  So much of my yarn shopping is a blur. I had money. Then I had yarn. Don’t really remember what happened in between.)

I’ve also got Magmatic Boom, which I’m knitting out of Jill Drapers Rifton.

magmaticboomstartagain 2016-03-31

It’s a second go around for this one – I got about this far in last time before I decided I was unhappy with the gauge and ripped the lot of it back and gave it another go  I’m happier now, though only now getting into virgin, unknit yarn.

I’ve also brought the Habu Sea Tangles with me, though we are not currently on speaking terms.  I’m going to have a visit with it later, and see if we can get over it if we spend a little time together. For now, my flight’s delayed in Chicago, it’s prime knitting time, and there’s even another yarn person in the lounge so I don’t look weird.  I’m all over this.

82 thoughts on “Hunker Down Now

  1. Safe Travels! I am almost done with a shawl that I started on a recent trip to Florida…because we got to the airport early and our flight was delayed for 3 hours!!! Plus, it was the NCAA basketball tournament and the only other woman in the household was studying for a mid-term. It is funny how fast a project flies off the needles if that is the ONLY thing you knit!

  2. I truly think the days that you post are some of my very best days :). I generally laugh somewhere between one and 3 times per post, or have some other appropriate emotion. I am a bit obsessed with giving lever knitting a try though I really cannot find any good internet instruction/coverage….thus I am forced (ha, forced) to haunt your blog looking for where you might show up next that is affordable, schedulable, and not yet sold out (the first two being easier than the third). Cheers to you and the other yarn person in the lounge..knit on!

  3. I feel the same way about Craftsy. It’s my knitting channel and there are a couple that I love to just listen to again and again (and often find myself learning something new when I do). Just curious–which are your faves? I’m currently in love with Fearless Knitting with Lucy Neatby.

    • I am curious to know what your favourite knitting classes are as well! I love Lucy Neatby’s First Socks class, and am now doing Next Steps in Fair Isle – 5 stars. I like watching the “trailers” as little 2 minute relaxation exercises!!

  4. The Agatha sock looks great! Your photo really shows the detail (the one on Ravelry doesn’t). Hope the shawl is a fun, yet somewhat challenging, knit.

    And, how did you get your Habu steel cobweb past airport security??!??

  5. Hi Steph! Waving at you from downtown Chicago! Be sure to get some chocolate while you’re in the terminal… sending you best wishes for easy travel.

  6. LOL
    “I had money. Then I had yarn. Don’t really remember what happened in between.”
    That happens to me ALL the time!

  7. I live not far from O’Hare Airport and I am not surprised that you are delayed. At one point it was raining horiziontal along with hailing. I do hope they clear up the stopage and you can get on your way to your knitting weekend. In my dreams I am there with you. I know you are working, but have fun.

  8. Hope you are stuck in the terminal with the Berghoff restaurant. Good beer and onion rings make delays more bearable. I spent quality time there when the airline lost our reservations on our honeymoon. Safe travels!!

  9. Awe, Chicago layover. Must have been courtesy of today’s lovely Midwest weather!
    Enjoy, relax, take some deep breaths!
    Best wishes from “hail central” (Racine, WI)!!

  10. Sometimes I envy of you or mad at you. You’re always on the plane in every 2-ish weeks in every month. When will you ever stop?

    Also, how it possible? Gauge is always change from relax on the couch to airport, traveling.

    Happy knitting

  11. Stranded in a ferry lineup this morning without my knitting. Stayed sane ONLY because of your blog which I started reading last weekend when my thumbs started to hurt (very badly) from too much knitting while they were hurting just badly. Being OCD, I started at the beginning and I am up to April 2005. We must share genetic material. Thanks for the laughs and for confirming that it is the Other People in my life who are insane.

    • I do this too!! Except when I get to the present I feel bereft and begin again, in January of 2004. (We’ll not mention just exactly how many times I’ve read the entire blog through. Trust me when I say it’s more than you think.)

  12. On the subject of knitting videos…Years ago when my kids were little and we lived in Wash, DC, I used to watch Elizabeth Zimmermann/Meg Swansen videos. My husband would make fun of me. Then, one night he came home after midnight from a tough trip to an even tougher part of the globe, and I woke up and heard what I thought was the TV. I came downstairs, and there was Bill sitting and watching Meg knitting a fair isle vest on a beach with the waves rolling in. “You know”, said Bill, “this is very relaxing.”

  13. I have never posted before… I lurk silently, trying not to feel creepy. BUT – my yarn and I will be driving in my little Subaru to Overland Park tomorrow to hear you speak for the very first time and I felt compelled to post. I am VERY excited and I’m not even mad that I couldn’t get into a class. Much. Well, maybe a bit. I’ll be okay. I enjoy your blog so very much. Thank you for it.

    • Envy! Enjoy for you and for me! (I lived in Kansas many years ago- it’s where I learned to knit, in fact!) 🙂

  14. That sounds excellent. If you run out of knittingTV, schoolhouse press does streaming now. There’s little that calms me more thoroughly than the sound of Meg Swansen’s voice.

  15. Nutz!! I wish I had known sooner you were going to be so close to me (I’m in Nebraska). But you go girl, and have fun!

  16. “Not on speaking terms”: yes, I have someone like that lurking in my basket. We’ll have an earnest talk later, figure out if we can resolve our differences in a mature, quiet fashion. For now, though? A bit of a rest will do us both good.

    And have fun!

  17. Well here we are at the DFW Fiberfest, and we are missing you, Stephanie. Your keynote message and the class on knitting for speed and efficiency were the highlights of last year’s Fiberfest for me. I wish you pleasant days in Kansas, but we in Texas wish you were here!

  18. Glad your layover was full of knitting. That makes it much more bearable. Thrilled that I will get to take all of your classes at KITH. Looking forward to a wonderful weekend!

  19. Happy and safe travels! I love having long layovers and even get to the airport a little extra early because its PRIME knitting time….but I haven’t been lucky enough to spot another knitter in the airport wilderness yet. Arrived back in Boise yesterday and left my knitting on the plane!! God bless Alaska airlines – before I left the airport, I ran back in and explained my predicament to the ticket counter lady. She got my flight number, seat number, made a call and in 10 minutes my knitting was back with me!! Whew…

    • After reading tales of knitting lost or needles confiscated, it’s so great to hear of people who will take the time to retrieve and return lost knitting. Some people realize it’s more than just a bunch of stitches!

  20. So pleased it is not just me who memorises a pattern just as I reach the st st toe shaping of sock two. Enjoy your weekend of knitting Steph.

  21. I hate traveling, have ZERO wanderlust, not jealous of your skiing adventures, etc. Vicarious is good enough for me. My idea of a good time is reading your blog. BUT oh would I love to attend one of your retreats! For that I’d even be willing to fly.

  22. Stephanie,
    When I read your blog about skiing, my husband had to come in to see what I was laughing so hard about. Your adventures are amazing. So glad you could get some quality knitting time in Chicago. We had storms down in southern Indiana yesterday. It is no wonder that your plane trip was delayed. Keep up the good work.

  23. Hi Stephanie, I really like WYS 4ply and have knit quite a few pairs of socks in it. It always knits up wonderfully I have used the the bird hues Mallard, Blue-tit and Chaffinch never disappointed. Jackie

  24. If you have not used the WYS blue tit sock yarn, you have a treat in store. I live in Yorkshire. We have blue tits in our garden. I knit socks. Bliss.

    • Yes it is. You need this in your life now! lol!! I have a bad reputation among friends as an enabler/yarn pusher. At least I can’t get arrested for this kind of pushing. lol

  25. I’d warrant a few of us on your receiving end have the same trouble at times with money turning into yarn and not knowing the alchemy by which it happens.

    I have to ask though, usually how long does a project have to sit in time out before it behaves? Some of mine never behave and have spent years in time out. Some I know were not meant to be due to poor choices in yarn and pattern pairings, but others, I don’t know.

    Safe travels.

    • I have some yarn that didn’t know what it wanted to be. We never did find out. Alas, it is sitting in not-so-lonely splendor in the stash.

  26. I read then sentences about yarn shopping to my DH. His comment “As long as both parties were happy after the transaction, fine”.
    This is why he gets hand made socks.

  27. How is it possible to get knitting needles in, on or even near airplanes? Are you using bamboo? Am I being unfairly picked on? My beautiful Addi Turbo needles were TAKEN, I say, RIPPED UNTIMELY FROM MY YARN, by security in Toronto. I’ve flown knitless ever since.

  28. Your Keynote Speech was hilariious. Thank you. Tell your mum not to worry, knitters will never get tired of listening to you!

  29. We missed you at DFW FiberFest, and bought extra yarn in your honor. Which we will be stashing and knitting in the future, followed by wearing or gifting. You know how it goes…

  30. Hey there,

    I’ve only ever seen bits and pieces of your blog that my Ma’ has shown me. She is a big fan of yours. I see that you’re coming into KC to do some knitting this weekend.

    I moved to KCMO on the 23rd of March to begin my service as an Americorps VISTA member. My Ma’ lives back in Portland, Oregon. Before I left she knitted me an amazing rainbow pattern sweater, that I love very much.

    If this is any chance I could meet you in person and take a self of us with that sweater, I know it would make her life. It’s a big request, so no sweat one way or the other. I figured it’s at least worth asking since you’ll be near by.



  31. Glad that flight made it to KC. Your speech was uplifting and wonderful and of course funny 🙂 So glad I got to hear you in person.

  32. … I may have just spawned a knitter, with a little help from Habu’s steel yarn and this blog. I was going to show them the sea tangles thing, but I couldn’t find it. So I settled for showing them yarn I would not have known about, but for this blog.

  33. Love your socks and shawl! I just recently sent two projects to good homes due to arguments with patterns or my ability to follow them,don’t know which. Safe travels and a relaxing weekend!

  34. Hi Steph,
    Hope you are having a safe trip – with all the crazy weather! Thinking of you. I am a middle school teacher and finally on spring break with a few dark rainy days ahead – nothing could better! Knitting, audible and hot tea – maybe a lazy cat too. I’ll think about house cleaning next week. I purchased the same Rifton color way at VKL and it has been sitting there rather mutely not giving me a clue what it wants to be and you have solved it! Thanks, we’ll see if it cooperates. You change the gauge to Magmatic Bloom -how so? though I’d check before I start. Again travel safely – Jenn – Knitdarling on Rav

  35. Thank you for coming to Kansas City! I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time! I’ll never think about “bacon” powder the same way again! And, you are surely welcome to make a return visit–anytime. Have you ever considered making videos? That way I could pop one into the DVD player every time I needed to cheer up and that would be often. My husband has Alzheimer’s and besides caring for him, I work three part time jobs to supplement our pension.
    Thanks again for the laughs!
    Vicki Maynes

  36. I was at the Key Note Speech at KITH. It is the first time I have seen you give a talk. Wow, what fun! Thank you for coming to visit us!
    I loved listening to you. Haven’t laughed so hard in a very long!

    Hope you come back real soon!

  37. You would make a great ambassador, but I hope Prime Minister Trudeau and the rest of the government never finds out, because we don’t want to lose you from the knitting world. I took your talk this afternoon to heart and henceforth am going to describe my #7 needles as 4.5 mm, and my #8 as 5.0 mm, etc. Shouldn’t be too hard to form a new habit.

  38. Yesterday morning I was listening to the radio. Someone had called in a presumably drunk driver in Ålesund, a town in the middle of Norway. The police stopped a very sober lady, who after a while finally admitted she was knitting… And driving… The police wished her a good long knitting in times ahead, since buses and trains are nice and spacious for that, and that is where she`ll be while travelling for the forseeable future. They did`nt ask if she had an important knitting deadline or anything.
    We Norwegians are Notorious for knitting, but this must be a first.

  39. We missed you at DFW fiberfest this weekend and we had new vendors! WEBs was there, Ethel Funk (new company, gorgeous bags) and at least 3 more that I can’t remember because of being in a yarn haze. It seemed less crowded, but I did my own personal survey and everyone was pleased with their sales. And I finally learned how to use my cricket loom thanks to my wonderful teacher Leef Bloomenstiel. Let the stash busting begin!

    • Oh Leef is so much fun. When I was visiting my sister in Texas a few years ago, we went to the farm to visit. She has (I hope still) the most wonderful stuff in the shop and we had the best conversation while we were there. She sold me my first (and only) drop spindle – I`m better with my recently acquired wheel, since I tend to take the name `drop` a little too seriously. But she did get me started and I`ll be forever grateful!
      Chris S in Canada

  40. We missed you too, Stephanie. I hope you had a good of time as we did at DFW Fiber Fest. I’m exhausted, but I think everyone had a lot of fun here in Texas this weekend.

  41. Glad to know I was sharing the “flight delayed” knitting universe with you in O’Hare last Thursday. I don’t know where you were, but terminal F, where I spent a lovely 4 hours, was a bit of a circus. Thank God for knitting and the foresight to pack something a little, but not too, challenging. I’d been busy and was longing for some uninterrupted knitting time. Guess I got what I asked for! Thank you for your wonderfully entertaining blog and the time you take to write it.

  42. ” . . . we are not currently on speaking terms. I’m going to have a visit with it later, and see if we can get over it if we spend a little time together”
    I have a couple of projects I’m not currently speaking to. I’m going to take a page from your book and spend a little time with them trying to get over it!”

  43. Ugh! That happens to me all the time – I have money in my purse and then I walk into a yarn store and BAM! I have no money and piles of lovely soft yarn appear all over my living room. It also happens online… I often browse yarn sites and then, weeks later, I come home and find my husband opening packages that he hoped were his textbooks and were actually sock yarn.

  44. I got to teach four classes of fifth graders all about spinning as part of their “Colonial University” program. It was tons of fun! A little concerning that 2 fifth graders thought cotton comes from sheep, but maybe they hadn’t really woken up yet. All four classes asked where Sleeping Beauty pricked her finger, which meant we got to talk about different style wheels.

    Their teacher will give the extra credit if they make their own drop spindle.

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