A Small Parade

The hunt for unfinished things, and the desire to move them to the other category yielded up a few things in the last few days. The urge to tidy the box holding UFO’s didn’t go away.  It’s such and unusual feeling that I thought I might recover from it – the same way you get better from a cold, but nope.  I looked to the socks first.

I know that picture is blurry, but you have no idea what it took to get a good enough shot of my own feet.

My Lenores have been sitting on my desk, waiting only for the ends to be woven in for months.  I have no explanation for why someone would stop just short of doing a two minute job – but there are many things I still find a mystery. 

They’ve finally made it into rotation.  Pattern is Lenore, yarn is Lenore as well, in STR lightweight.

Next up, the January socks for this year. I love these.  They’re just my colours, and I find that no matter how much I knit them, I just love self patterning sock yarns.  You’d think that after this many pairs the charm of watching little stripes appear would be lost on me, but nope. Thrilling every time.

Pattern: Basic Sock Recipe from Knitting Rules , and the yarn is a discontinued one from the depths. This is a peril of a well aged stash.  Sometimes by the time I figure out I like something it’s already gone. 

It’s Online Supersocke 100 "Sierra Color" #893… The closest thing available now from the same company seems to be this one.  (Wow. Almost bought that.  Sometimes my own links are dangerous.)

That tidy up meant that the only socks around are the cashmere ones…

and I’ve finished one of the pair there.  They’ll be joined tomorrow by the February socks, I supposed, though truthfully I think I’d rather finish these before I put anything else on in the basket.  Such is the grip of finishitupitis.

This leaves me… because I haven’t cast on the second sock of the cashmere pair yet.. with (you might want to sit down for this one) no socks on needles.  It won’t last- in an hour or two when I take a break from work I’ll cast on the mate in this set, but right this minute? No socks on needles.   It’s sort of shocking- like spontaneous cleanups executed by teenagers or small children who want less screen time and candy.  I know it happens… just. Wow – and yes.  I feel fine.

Tomorrow – finishitupitis and the mitten portion of the basket. 

Then the sweaters. Oh, and the shawl… wait… I think there’s a hat…

This might be harder than I thought.