
We’re halfway to Montreal. Today’s the day we rode into Kingston, and it’s our shortest day, which is super crazy awesome because yesterday was the longest day and it was really, really long.

Two things are great about today. First, it’s red dress day.

And it’s the day that when we arrive, my mum and Auntie Yvonne feed us, and we get an afternoon of rest.

Me? I’ll be napping in a minute.

I’ve been sleeping in a tent and bathing in a lake for a few days.
So far so good, though we are very, very tired and sore, and yesterday the generator broke and there was no coffee and it was a very near thing to the abyss. We rode 80 km BEFORE we had coffee, and I don’t want to talk about how unbelievable that was. We rode another 50 after a cup, and it was like being reborn.

Tonight we have team dinners, and sleep in real beds at the dormitories at Queens University, and in the morning, Montreal or bust. Three more days!

Thanks for your amazing support. We check often, and it keeps us going. Well, that and coffee.

1,771 thoughts on “Halfway

  1. Congratulations on the miles covered thus far! Extra points for doing it with less coffee than is deemed desirable. LOVE LOVE LOVE the red dresses. You all look rather fetching! 🙂 Lots of love and energy from Colorado. xoxoxo

  2. Keep up the great job! You are in my thoughts as I go about my little chores and you do such a cool, heroic thing!

  3. You’re doing it! YOU’RE DOING IT!
    Now all you have to do is keep on doing it!

  4. good. god. with legs like that why are you ever wear pants? oh yeah… awesome job on the bike ride 😉

  5. Hi Stephanie
    I am keeping track of the Great Toronto to Montreal Trek 2013 and admiring the team resolve.
    The dresses look lovely on all, but the priceless pics are the ones of the Sleeping Pedallers. The exhaustion shows in how bodies fall into the softness of the furniture.
    Great job, all!

  6. Brava, oh bravest of the brave, to ride without coffee! I’d be afraid I’d get lost! Ride on, Queen Stephanie, and caffeine will abound. Truly, thank you for this ride – you raise us all a level with your efforts. Rest and ride – the end is in sight…or nearly.

  7. Congratulations on your ride so far! The dresses look smashing, indeed. And yay for your family to take care of you all. Well done!

  8. You guys are doing such a great job! And you are almost done!
    Yay team red-dress!

  9. The dresses? Perfection. The recliners and pillows? I can see why everyone has melted into them. So proud of you guys! Not a few of my friends are lusting after the dresses.
    Wish I could be anywhere along the route, but you can be sure, I am ringing a virtual cowbell every day!

  10. You can do it! And you all look great in those matching red dresses. 😀

  11. People in slinky red dresses, sleeping together, drinking a coveted substance that was difficult to aquire, and those slinky legs peeking out of a hot bath; this may be the single most wonderfully risqué post you have ever made and I love it!
    Enjoy your respite and bravely go for knitters we and those you will assist through your present actions!

  12. You all appear to be sleeping the sleep of the virtuous here! No coffee? It can only be because you are Canadians that there was no riot. Americans would have certainly hounded someone into getting coffee. Ride on!

  13. You’re all absolutely amazing. I am in awe. I broke my record yesterday of 2.75 miles in one go (I hadn’t ridden a bike in 20 years until last month… slowly getting back into it) and what you’re doing? IS FREAKING INCREDIBLE. And the fact that you’re doing it, not for fun, but to raise money to help others. My hat is off to the four of you, and to the rest of your entire team.

  14. Good work! It’s kinda of amazing what we are capable of in a day. A client of my today spoke ( of her own accord; I had not mentioned the ride) of doing your ride a few years ago- I told her of your awesome fundraising skills and ride in progress – another supporter!

  15. go Stephanie, go! you guys rock!
    and seriously, the guys need to work on their moobs – they are not doing those dresses justice 😉

  16. Amazing stuff!
    In Chinese people say “jia you” – add oil – to mean keep going strong.
    Jia you! (or coffee as required)

  17. I love how much money your effort has raised to date – almost $61,000! So awesome. Ride on!

  18. I just donated to Ken since he was the only one of you who hadn’t yet made his goal. Go team!!!

  19. Fabulous!!!! Keep going!!!
    That solitary little raspberry red fingerless glove, though not finished, is waving you on ….. (actually it was quite impressed by the red dresses and now has a new ambition for when it is grown up).

  20. sigh of relief! Hearing from you is amazing .
    Good thoughts are with you!

  21. keep it up. at my age it would be a no no even though i have never learned to ride, but you inspire me to challenge myself

  22. Gee whiz, you and your friends rock so much I can’t possibly express it!! I’ve just pledged – a little bit, all I can do right now – but I want you to know how very inspiring you all are. (Note to self: It’s okay to do something heroic that doesn’t involve biking for 300 miles.)

  23. You are all awe-inspiring! Hope the weather cooperates for the rest of the journey. Love the photos and the red uniforms :*)

  24. You and your team rock the road and those red dresses! What you’re doing has inspired my own brand of epic challenge: complete edits on a manuscript before my next birthday (8/20). Thanks for sharing your amazing self with the world. May the road be kind, the coffee strong and plentiful, and the blisters few!

  25. Way to go Stephanie and team!!!
    hey, great gams by the way…must be all that cycling

  26. An amazing feat! Beautiful in red, all of you 🙂 You are an inspiration to all of us out here cheering you on!

  27. Coffee…it must have been what they drank on Mount Olympus.
    And when you and your team get tired, just picture a knitter…because we are all “virtually” pedaling with you.

  28. I was thinking today we hadn’t seen Paco in his red dress. You ALL look spectacular, and what you are doing for this cause is beyond spectacular. Thank you. You and your team are inspiring.

  29. You are an inspiration – you can actually stay on a bike without coffee!! I’m lucky I can make it downstairs! Keep up the good work. Ps – ::whistles:: nice legs 😉

  30. Go Stephanie Go!!! You and your team are awesome. You will do it you will win the “Gold”. You guys are fantastic!

  31. Welcome to Kingston! Too bad you can’t stay. Come back sometime when you can stay longer. Love to show you the city!

  32. I’ve been following your tweets. Hubby and I looked for you on the Breakfast Television segment with Jennifer Valentyne. We didn’t see you but we knew you were there somewhere. You guys rock those red dresses! We’re keeping our fingers crossed for you that the lovely cool weather and low humidity we’ve been having continues for the remainder of the week.

  33. Awesome red dresses! Yay for beds and baths. Boo for no coffee. That’s just cruel beyond belief. Note to self for next year – pack an electric teapot for boiling water – at least you could have instant.

  34. Love the red dresses! What you all are doing is amazing to me. I can’t even imagine myself on a bike for that long. Cheers to you all! I raise my glass to you.

  35. That’s awesome!!!
    You are kicking that seemingly insurmountable bike ride’s ass!

  36. Thinking of you and the team every day. Plus telling everyone I know about this mindboggling thing you are doing! MTL or bust!

  37. You and your legs are totally rocking it! You go!
    And I have run out of patience, and finally have to know: Who is Pato, and why is he so awesome?

  38. Love to all of you – the team and really all the riders for doing an amazing thing. Keep on keepin’ on.

  39. The red dresses are FABULOUS! Checked the site — You have blown past $60K…and Jen & Pato have passed their goals as well. I just donated to Ken — only $2300 to go!

  40. The next time there is no coffee before your start, you should broadcast this and your ETA to that morning’s locations. I am positive there are knitters that would show up on the roadside and pass you all cups of coffee!!

  41. Lookin’ good in the dresses 🙂 Take care of the footies and have a great tomorrow’s ride.

  42. I’m so proud of you all! Especially the whole “[riding] 80km before we had coffee…” thing. I would have protested. Loudly. Like a baby. Probably in the fetal position.

  43. Halfway point – yay!! We’re all cheering you on.
    p.s. nice gams!

  44. Wow, I know how it is to hit the halfway point. Great job. The last day will just fly by…you just wait…it will be a total buzz! Good luck to all of you.

  45. Awesome & wonderful! (I liked the post even though it doesn’t have ANY knitting in it!)

  46. Go, team Harlot, go!
    And why didn’t Tim Horton’s or Starbucks see the advantages of sending a tanker truck or two of coffee out to all of you? Shame on them!!!!
    Best wishes for a safe trip to Montreal and a safe trip back home!

  47. P.S.: You totally rock that red dress, far more than the other models. If Joe doesn’t go “va-va-va-voom!” when he sees you in it, take his pulse and be prepared to call the mortuary.

  48. You cycled without coffee? How does that work? Keep the caffeine coming. Loving the red dresses and that they match. Have added another tiny bit to Ken’s total – wish it was more. Sending keep pedalling vibes. Be safe all of you.

  49. Love the red dresses, though sad that the men have BETTER legs than me 🙁 lol Great news it going well & think your all amazing………….

  50. A well deserved nap if ever I’ve seen one!! You guys are all amazing awesome people, keep it up your getting closer!

  51. Is there are story behind the slinky scarlet dresses? Please tell me there is a story.
    Shiny side up, rubber side down. Ride on!

  52. No coffee for the first 80? That’s above and beyond! New mantra, “I think I can, I think I can…”
    Cheers & blessings to you all.

  53. Wow, the four of you should wear red dresses all the time! Best look ever! Maybe add some capes, since you are also super heroes.

  54. Ken needs the donations… he’s also a hero and deserves to reach his goal total too!!!
    I’ve donated already and will try and help again at the end of the week if funds allow. Every little helps x

  55. Great gams! It’s awesome, what you guys are doing. I’ve been watching Ken’s total creep up, and I hope he gets to his goal! 🙂

  56. Wow, All of you are Amazing! The dresses are awesome. I envy you for the physical ability to ride. So, with my inability to ride anymore I simply am jealous of anyone on a bike. Keep it up & get to your goal. Remember the ride is the reward. Well, almost. You’re doing great & without coffee for 80 km. !

  57. Team Knitters, you are amazing! I’m so happy for you that you got an afternoon off, AND beds at night for one day.
    You all still look GREAT; you have my sincere admiration.
    You can do it!

  58. I wish you all could see all our grins, reading this. Rocking the red dresses! So glad you got a comfortable place to crash!

  59. I’m sitting here eating ‘Harlot corn'(see SouleMama)and even though I halved the recipe I still have a mountain, which it is quite possible I will eat before my husband comes home; it is the best popcorn EVER! Those crispy sugary bits, the cinnamon… ah!
    So, in return for sharing that recipe I sent a small donation to Pato’s page (as he was lagging a little, sponsorship-wise). I consider my karma well and truly balanced. Best wishes for the rest of the ride.

  60. First, let me compliment you on your sexy legs. Wow. And let em comment on Pato. I don’t know where he came from since he doesn’t appear to related to you. Did one of the girls bring him into your life? It doesn’t really matter, I am just nosey.
    I have two teen age sons and one of them brought hoe some girls last year, a pair of sisters. They introduced us to a third girl. All 3 of the girls come and go from our house free range style. They are polite and follow the rules and are all super fun. My husband and I just take them around with us, feed them family dinners a few times a week, help with homework, and love them. People who know us, just know we may or may not have a girl or three with us and everyone accepts my family extension. There is nothing romantic, we all just get along. As adults we try to be good role models blah blah blah for the girls but the truth is we get as much as we give from them.
    Pato just seems like part of your family and I love knowing he is around.

  61. Boy, it’s hard to find a dress that looks good on everyone (think bridesmaids), but that red dress is great. That being said, I think Ken wears it best!

  62. I realise you were biking impaired…ie without caffeine…but no knitter shout out for coffee? Girlfriend, there would have been a golden arch of knitters with needles in one hand and steaming java in the other lining the road to your destination! Heck, we probably could’ve wrangled Juan Valdez and his donkey for you!
    Tweet, text, post, scream….this would be considered a bonafide knitters superpower activation rescue-I repeat this is not a drill.
    PS…next year bikers should carry an emergency snack bag of coffee beans- you can tuck them in the side of your cheek if jolt is needed.

  63. 80km before coffee?!?! Good God woman! And I thought going a week without coffee was bad (end of the month money issues, couldn’t go buy more when we ran out..bleh..) but that’s nothing compared to riding a bike that far without it. You are clearly far stronger than I. lol

  64. I am in awe of your stamina in light of a morning without coffee especially. Caffeine would be an imperative for me to get up and ride another day a few days into this epic journey — and I don’t even caffeinate myself on normal days. Many kudos and many thanks for working so hard.

  65. I’m thinking of you and your co-riders as you now are past half-way. Such a huge undertaking.
    I’m also selfishly looking forward to reading about all of the knitting you will be starting and blogging about after your monumental bike ride is finished.

  66. 80 km WITHOUT caffeine? OK: I am officially never, ever going to whine when I have to fast for a few hours for some medical procedure or test again. You all look great, and I hope the rest of your ride is going well!

  67. I just read your tweet about the found-again knitting needles. I was so happy for you, and then read the part about the air mattress. I hope it did not suffer a fatal puncture. When my siblings and I were kids, my family camped a lot. My dad used to pull the plugs out of our air mattresses in the morning to ensure that we would get up. There was a sinking sensation, accompanied by the hiss of air leaking out of the mattress plug, and then…rocks, sticks and other assorted lumpy objects poking us from underneath. We got up. I hope you and Jen didn’t suffer from stick and rock pokiness.

  68. Any good air mattress is sold with a first-aid kit, so you should be able to mend a puncture, although not by knirring in/over or by darning it. Enjoy the rest of the ride and relax with the knitting.

  69. Please pass along my admiration to everyone on your team. I can’t even fathom driving 50km right now (newborns are so unappreciative of the car), so the concept of riding a bike 660km blows me away.

  70. I can just imagine what Steph’s mom is gonna say when she sees that picture of the red dress……>:-)
    Kudos to the fellas for being good sports and joining in on rocking the scarlet style. There’s nothing sexier than a guy who’s willing to look a little silly!

  71. Dude, I am sorry that I did not do the 5 minute walk to greet you in the park in Brockville. My baby grandson had just arrived from Fort McMurray and I had to restock food for a 14 month old. I saw the bikers, I saw people in the park, and I waved hard. Next year Steph. Next year for sure!

  72. How in the Lord’s name did you ride 80 Km before coffee?
    Really, Steph. You must find a way to pack some little packets of the stuff—just so you can keep going.

  73. Forget what I said about the bitch/designer at the beach….you are awesome. No coffee and they’d have heard my screams to Vancouver.
    But then, you’re a stronger woman than I.

  74. Great legs!! Bad news on the coffee. Loving the red frocks. Rooting for you from afar.
    Worthing, UK

  75. Another shocker for the world… knitters got LEGS! Great gams girl.
    Great pictures! And you all look like a chorus line in the red dresses. 🙂
    Have a great finish! You all are AWESOME.

  76. I see cyclist tans!!!
    The whole 80km/no coffee thing? I am humbled. That’s why I carry an ultralight camper’s stove. Burns anything, even jet fuel.
    Cheering you on! And on!
    “Onward, thru the fog…”

  77. After looking at the red dress photo for the third or fourth time (I keep checking to see if you posted again) I just realized that Ken and Pato (I am guessing that is Pato) the two cuties to the right.

  78. Go Team!!!!
    I could not do a tenth of what you are all accomplishing, although I am with you in spirit.
    Montreal here we come!
    love and hugs

  79. *pokes head in door. sees there’s no news. leaves a six-pack of Guinness as an offering/pain-reliever.*

  80. Steph and Team – Oh.My.Goodness! You are all truly awe-inspiring. I’m hoping/praying that you’ve all returned safely and are recovering swiftly. Looking forward to pix from the finish (how will you ever do better than the 1/2 way pix,I do not know).

  81. Judging from Twitter you have arrived and are home. Well done! But please, pretty please, do not give up on the blog for these great stories. As soon as you are recovered, we want more!

  82. Media blackout? Did all 4 of you finish? Hope you are all well and recovering from your inspiring adventure. Whispers of worry.Phone home.

  83. Yarn Harlot, Where are you? All okay from the bike ride? Have you and your team gotten lost in the woods? Or maybe you’re all still so exhausted you’re all still sleeping….

  84. Stephanie you are so awesome and inspiring. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us!

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