All the yarn are belong to me

For a few months now, I have been holding the month of August in my heart like a sparkling, precious jewel. For the last while, I’ve had to say no to about a thousand things. The combination of work, training for the Rally and Team Leading really did a number on my life.  I can’t tell you how many invitations I turned down, how many fun things I’ve skipped, how many times I declined to help Joe with a crazy project he’s been on.  More than that – and I know this will be the one that you all get – I knit way, way, way less than I wanted to.  It is cycling’s greatest failing that you can’t knit while you ride, and I haven’t figured out typing and knitting, or teaching and knitting, and let me tell you , by the end of that last stretch I was definitely getting a bit weird, and every time I thought it was too much- I just thought one word.  August. In August I will knit.  The rally is finished (almost – just a few loose ends) and my workload is deliciously light, and in the name of everything that is a natural fibre, I swear to you that this month is my reward.  (I am trying hard not to forget two things. First, a week of it is shot already) and second – I still have a job, just not a crazy one.)

So far, I’m trying to show a little restraint in the knitting department.  Not in the amount, you understand, because I am going to knit the everloving daylights out of this month, but I’m trying not to immediately cast on all the things, and order all the yarn, and spend all my time wallowing in the yarnroom like a hippo who’s found a good mudhole on a hot day. (I actually don’t know if hippos do that, but I’m not wasting knitting time looking it up.) This morning I caught myself on Ravelry perusing the patterns for about the 54th time in two days, and that’s the number I’ve got it down to by exercising self-control.

I’m showing restraint, because there’s two things that need finishing before I take off into the wild blue yonder. (Do you know, I have EIGHT projects lined up for his month? That’s delusion. Scrumptious, fabulous delusion.) This pair of socks need to be done yesterday, because they’re part of a plan.

rallysocks1.3 2014-08-07

(IndigoDragonfly CaribouBaa, in “Beige”) I feel like these will fall quickly.  Joe and I have a long drive today and tomorrow (and if he thinks I’m driving, it will be a crushing disappointment for him) and that should do it. Next up after that is the beaded shawl I’ve been working on for a while. I’m actually nowhere near deadline on that one, but I changed about 87 things in the pattern and any one of them could spell disaster, and I want to leave myself time to re-knit it, in case it’s crap. Once these are done? You just better get out of my way. All new knitting, all the time.

Guys, thanks so much for the compliments and the amazing things you had to say about the Bike Rally. It was an epic freakin’ thing, and I am proud as punch of all of us for riding it, and super proud of all of you for giving meaning to the whole thing.  There’s still a pile of Karmic Balancing Gifts to give away, and I’ll be plowing through those over the next week or so. Your generosity is hard to keep up with, but I’ll get there! The gifts are fun to do, but a little time consuming, so look for them to appear in chunks, but not today – I hope you’ll forgive me, but family, fun and knitting beckon, and I’m helpless to resist. I’ve got a wee nephew  who’s waiting for me to arrive.

136 thoughts on “All the yarn are belong to me

  1. After all you did with the bike rally, you deserve a month to knit. So I am giving you part of September to August and you have a full month. Go for it!

    • I’m sitting on the bench next to Dotty. You have my permission to take 8 days of September to make up for the lost days of August.

      • And I’m there with Dotty and Ann — now, did you want 30 or 31 days with that ‘month’? (heehee — like none of us know the answer to THAT one!)

        • And you don’t have to be in Colorado until the 10th, so you can definitely use the first 7 days of September to KNIT!

    • Simple things can be knit while cycling, if you are on a tandem. As stoker you just have to keep pedaling. Usually your hands are not needed. For tricky bits on the ride – stow the knitting. On long straight stretches – it can come out. We are now on tadpole trikes, no more upright bikes. Dianne

  2. Pingback: All the yarn are belong to me | Yarn Buyer

    • There’s also a solution to biking and knitting…..a unicycle. Hmm or tandem bikes. Maybe you could sweet talk Joe into next year’s rally?

  3. I read your rally post at work and then went home and read it out loud to my husband. First of all, you’re amazing and you should be very proud of yourself, and secondly it was really inspiring. I said to my husband, “I’ve never had an experience like that before” and he said he hadn’t either. It was a real inspiration to push ourselves and take pride in what we’re doing. Thank you!

  4. Even without a bike rally, I think August might be the best knitting month of the year—the anticipation of cooler weather, the time to do something about it, the pleasure of having some time left in our too brief summer. Go for it!

  5. Knit on and on—congratulations on the bike rally—you did an amazing job—-you make all of us proud to be knitters—-

  6. My husband started laughing knowing your title’s birth of “All your base are belong to us.” Way to get geeky! Have a super month of knitting you so deserve it!

  7. I will add my voice (virtual) to all those who have lauded you and your awesome accomplishments! you are my hero.

    if you are still accepting donations of Karmic Balancing Gifts? I have 8 balls (95 m/204 yards each) of Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wood XL in the Claret colorway. i would love to send on its way somewhere.
    Thanks again for all the inspiratoin

    • *gasp*
      How about I just send you my address? I DID donate, and poor Harlot is sooooo overwhelmed with knitting right now ….. 😀

  8. Just chiming in to say you are amazing and may the knitting force be with you and I join in those above giving you a week of September for the biking time in August – you definitely deserve it!
    Your post reminded me that I’ve been saying that about August, too, and now it’s the 7th and . . . I also will need that first week of September in case you want company in that part of the delusion. 🙂

  9. I continually find much in you to admire. Fantastic job on the Rallly. I wish I had some of that rod of steel inside myself that you seem to have. I think it’s Canadian, maybe, because my husband’s whole family has it. If they decide they’re going to do something, it WILL be done.
    I know you must have such a deep satisfaction inside your soul to have made it through, despite every obstacle. Great work.

  10. When I first saw your blog post title, I thought, “Not ALL the yarn! Don’t knit up the karmic balancing gift yarn!” Not that you EVER would, but desperation makes us do crazy things sometimes.

    Congratulations on making it through the epic bike rally this year, and knit your heart out this month!

  11. I LOVE that Beige, is anything but!!! Have fun knitting. My August turned out the be the month my hubby turned the house upside down by hiring painters and electricians. Thankfully the yarn room is off limits to them! But the comfy knitting chair is unplugged and does not recline in the interim. The chair thing is not so bad, its the chaos of the house and the doggies loving the sound of the papered floors that is distracting.

    Congrats on the bike ride! .

  12. Wow. Just Wow. Lots of tears when I read your previous post. I am extra glad to have participated, even in a small way. Knit. Play with the nephew. Be happy. Know that you are providing a wonderful example for the next generation.

  13. Belated congrats on the bike rally! Your team outdid itself, especially you and Jen.
    Here’s wishing you extra knitting time, no knots or tangles, and errata-free patterns — especially the ones you are “unventing” like EZ.

  14. Knit on sweet Stephanie – knit on and don’t look back.

    It’s glorious soft yarn & hard needles from here to September 1st – uh perhaps through September.

    After all no one can tell you what to do!!!
    You’re awesome!

  15. Stephanie, I read yesterday’s blog and I am speechless. I don’t know how to describe the wonder that is you!

  16. I always thought you were hard core but this years rally proves you were ‘hench! ‘ as the kids at my school would say, you and all the guys are a massive inspiration for even thinking of doing it. Enjoy the time, and hope Sam is ok now, and Amanda wasn’t put off by the ordeal, I sponsored both girls and would happily do so again. X

  17. I cried with the previous post and laughed at this one! A pause or a shift is wonderful. Kick back and relax in whatever form that takes for you!

  18. Beige?? Surely you jest!

    Belated congratulations and massive admiration on your rally performance — I am lost for words, I would have been on my knees begging for someone to pick me up and take me to a warm shower! You’ve got guts, girl!!!

  19. Congratulations on your inspiring bike ride. I can’t even ride a bike anymore (except the ones at the gym) but I’m pretty sure I would have been crying for that bus, had I attempted what you did. The weather this summer has not been all that good for anything, be it bike rides or cottage time. As for knitting, I love picot edges. I’m always worried that a picot top on a sock might not hug the top of the wearer’s leg the way ribbing would. But it looks so pretty. Enjoy your knitting time!

    • I think Stephanie has earned unlimited knitting time by doing the bike rally. Such a delicious sense of rebellion to knit while the dishes and vacuuming wait.

  20. Have fun doing the hippo wallow! Every time I toss my stash for a specific treasure, I am going to think of that (well, actually, more of the hippo in Fantasia wallowing through the yarn).

    And, deep breath, if you only write a couple of times of week during August, I think we would all understand.

  21. Love that ‘Beige’ is described as rainbow colours – wow that’s my kind of beige. Woot to king of the beiges!

  22. A late, but no less sincerely meant, “Yay, you!!!” for the bike rally for you and the rest of the team. You’re all champions, every one of you.

    Now, go knit. *makes shooing motions and heads off to send you a virtual case of Guinness and a pot of tea*

  23. I am unsettlingly close to 50 years old. Next week I start student teaching in first grade, where I will–by all accounts– be thrilled, challenged, dispirited, motivated, disillusioned, excited, and exhausted. I intend to read the bike rally blog post every day for inspiration. Thank you for writing such an honest report of your struggle to stick with it.

    • Grade One is a fabulous age to teach. Tuck a favourite book (or three) in your bag, maybe a puppet too, and enjoy. You will be exhausted, but in a wonderful and amazing way. Good luck.

    • I started teaching high school science when I was 47 and yes, it will be all those things and more. God bless and be the best you can be.

  24. Have been consumed by emergency family stuff this week (I know you’ll understand), so I am late with some of this. But, you have earned anything you want to do for the rest of August. Or for the rest of 2014, for that matter. You and Jen and all the rest of your crew should be Fabulously, Enormously Proud of Yourselves. Well done, all of you. I asked my husband to read your post of August 5, knowing that he would appreciate it. He is a cyclist and knows of these things. His response? “Your friend [that’s you] and That Jen Lady [that’s Jen] are really something.” Indeed. Really something.

  25. Stephanie, I too passed your last post on to my partner, because I’m just so darn proud of you, and the more people who know of your amazing heart, the better! You and Jen are such an inspiration….Thank you! Enjoy every drop of August!!

  26. All I see is that beautiful sock that doesn’t pool strangely in the transition between leg – (heel flap, heel turn, gusset) – foot! How does one make this kind of yarn continue in “pattern” through that transition? When I use that kind of yarn, the transition always look like a dog’s breakfast! I’m impressed.

    • Afterthought heel, maybe? That’s how I’d do it, if I were less dastardly lazy and more concerned about making a pretty sock with nice even stripes.

    • Also, I’d like to point out that the “beige” yarn in question online says “not self-striping”. So how does one create such lovely stripes?
      Perhaps if you’ve just completed such a bike rally, yarn begins cooperating.

      • I wondered the very same thing. It sure looks like self-striping yarn to me.

        Also, the last 2 times I’ve responded to the blog I have not been asked to do the human-verification thing (drop X into the box). What happened to that, and is it the reason that a few spam comments have appeared here lately?

  27. I hear you on perusing Ravelry patterns. I have been doing that for a couple of weeks, and have a long list of possibilities. A very long list.

  28. Three more things you can’t knit while doing: swimming, fishing, blueberry picking.

    Enjoy August! It’s the jewel of my year, too.

  29. Well done! Stoic, gritty, epic. It’s amazing what can be done when you refuse to give up. [I could guess that the only other people who rode the whole day were the mega-athletes and that being swept was no shame.] may the pain memory fade like the pain of childbirth, leaving the glory of overcoming insane challenges.

  30. Steph, have you considered asking your readers to contribute to MSF again? I’ve been reading about the Ebola crisis in Africa, and I know MSF is one of the agencies working there.

    • Marie, thank you for your suggestion. I’m so in awe of what they are doing in West Africa, and am so glad to be reminded that there *is* one tiny thing I can do (have now done).

  31. I have a solution for typing and knitting, dear Stephanie. I have been using the Dragon dictation program for a number of years now and it is fabulous (& not too expensive). I dictated part of my dissertation on it, amongst other things. Other than that, your rally was simply fantastic; and when I grow up, I may meet you one day on one your teaching gigs. Cheers from Tennessee

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  33. Come October, I’ll be joining you. (Dissertation due at the end of September). All of the yarns are belong to me; other than the ones you’ve already knitted up!

    Happy recovering.

  34. I enjoyed your tweets re gauge/tension – and yes – DO wash your gauge/tension square – strange things can happen otherwise! (don’t ask me how I know). Congratulations on the bike ride – you did well, especially as the weather was so appalling.

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  36. Way to go team! We are proud of all of you! Rest up and knit and be happy for as long as it takes. Our family just got back from Colorado — enjoying the cool weather and beautiful scenery– where I also pushed myself to go a little harder and farther on the hiking trails. Nothing like your ride, but I bought a skein while there and am going to knit while doing laundry and recovering! Cheers!

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