Some days you’re the windshield

1. My sister called.  After careful consultation with her fashion team (that’s my mum) and a trial run of dress and shawl in daylight, with other shawl colours tried, and all the deep thinking that a wedding outfit should have, the shawl has been declared PERFECT.

erinsdetailperfect 2014-08-22

2. Even though I was totally and completely prepared to knit her another one (with consultation with her, I like surprises, but I don’t know if I could take the hit twice) I am totally freakin’ thrilled to bits that the one that I thought was perfect is perfect and that I don’t have to hustle another spectacular shawl off the needles on deadline.

3. Oddly, I am still thinking about knitting it anyway. Over the last few days I had to give it a lot of thought, and I got a little excited about it.

4. I haven’t started though, because I have a new project that I am just  wild about. Earlier this year I started buying yarn a little differently.  (Sometimes.)  Instead of buying yarn because I liked it, putting it into the stash and then raiding the stash when I found a pattern I liked, I started doing it the other way.  Finding a project I liked, then buying yarn for it – Even if I had no intention of starting the project anytime soon.

5. This seems to be working.  Even if I change my mind about the project – it’s at least getting me buying yarn in the right quantities.  A shawl’s worth, a sweaters worth, etc.

6. If I keep doing this, I’m going to start bagging the yarn up with the pattern though- or at least the name of the pattern.  I was in the stash the other day and there’s two of three lots of yarn that I bought that I know I had a great plan for, and for the life of me I can’t remember what it was.

7. That’s not the case with this though:

minnistart 2014-08-22

It’s Minni, by Lene Alve (do you read her blog Dances with Wool? You should. She hasn’t posted for a while, but even her archives are beautiful and inspiring.) When I first saw this pattern, I fell really hard for it, and I’ve been waiting for just the right little person to put it on. Now that there’s little person who was practically made for it, I’m in business.

It’s not a fast knit – I’m using 2.25mm needles to get gauge, and that’s not exactly a high speed size, but the yarn is delicious, and that makes it delightful to go slowly.  It’s Madelinetosh Tosh Sock, in Antler (the cream) and Magnolia Leaf (the gorgeous reddish orange.) So far it’s nothing but a party of short rows,  and a fascinating construction, and I’m having the loveliest time.

yarntoshsock 2014-08-22

I’ve got a pair of plain socks running in the background, but I’m totally in love with the sweater, and the only way the socks are seeing action is if I don’t pack the sweater along when I’m out.  I love this feeling, when a project comes together, and you love everything about it, and it’s all going right and …

I’m so glad Erin loved the shawl.


112 thoughts on “Some days you’re the windshield

  1. Congratulations! I’m really glad that Erin likes the shawl. It is absolutely beautiful. I also started putting the pattern in with the yarn – it avoids the “what the heck did I buy this for” syndrome. Am I actually first today! Have a great weekend. You deserve it. Best!

    • I, too, have gotten into the habit of bagging yarn and pattern. I use dollar store gallon zip bags, the ones with the slider, so it’s very easy to see what’s what when I’m grubbing around in the stash for something. Maybe I’ll do more of that for more than the intriguing “onesies” I already bag with a pattern, when I toss the stash for tiny livestock in January, kind of like making kits.

  2. Two years ago I was noticing my stash growing without me ever having enough for a project beyond a scarf or hat. I started looking for patterns and then bagging it with the yarn I bought. It works so well and I can just grab a project that’s ready to go. I highly suggest it!

    Also, so glad the shawl worked. I actually gasped out loud when I read about the yarn breaking. My husband, once I told him why I was upset for you, said he felt like he needed a drink just imagining it ;0)

  3. Pingback: Some days you’re the windshield | Yarn Buyer

  4. Yay for perfect shawls. 🙂

    It really is stunning, and I’m so glad she agrees… and a little disappointed that now we don’t get to see it in all it’s glory for another 6 weeks.

  5. Glad for you about the shawl. I thought about having to do another, and know I couldn’t do it. You could, but still… Regarding the purchasing of yarn, I ALWAYS buy with a project/design in mind. Keeps the budget under control–sort of.

  6. I also put patterns with their intended yarn. I have to be careful about waiting to long before I knit up the projects though because I might pull out the pattern and wonder “why the heck did I want to knit that?”. I just love the colors of the Magnolia Leaf yarn!

  7. Well darn. This means we have to wait to see the finished product! Glad your mom and sister agreed that the shawl is perfect, but we want to see the whole thing!

  8. so glad the shawl is PERFECT!! I too bag pattern and yarn together now as I have a large stash of yarn purchased before this system that isn’t useful for anything but hats and baby clothes. And if my mind changes, like you said, at least there’s enough for another like-minded garment. The child’s jacket is just too cute – can’t wait to see yours in its finished state. It will be spectacular!

  9. For my stash organization, I started to do as you did: pattern first, then yarn purchase.

    To keep it organized, I immediately put the project and yarn details on the Ravelry queue, and mark it as “Hibernating.” I can go to the snooze section later, and see what I had in mind for the yarn. Even if I change my mind and go with a different pattern, the original idea is there. More often than not, I find myself falling in love with the original pattern all over again.

  10. Yay for the perfect shawl! I knew your mum would know best 🙂
    Looking forward to pictures!

    And I’m happy for you to be free to knit on the enjoyable little sweater, too. (Only, now I’m wanting to knit something with beads….)

  11. I’m so glad your sister likes the shawl! How could she not? And Lene Alve is truly an artist with yarn. I have enjoyed reading her posts for a long time. I love all her little woodland creatures that she makes as well. I can’t wait to see your Minni finished, and your lovely shawl on your sister.

  12. I’m excited to see the finished shawl! I assume that this will be after the wedding, so I’ll be patient 🙂

    I buy yarn because I like it, but I have problems pulling the trigger on purchasing yarn for projects. It’s like if I buy it randomly, it’s a random small expense, but if I plan to spend money, it’s…spending money. I don’t know. I think I need to acquire your system, because it would make a heck of a lot more sense.

  13. Oh, that sweater is adorable! Very intrigued by the construction… sideways, just two seams? I may have to buy it just to see how it goes together, though there are no little ones here or pending. Still trying so hard not to pressure my daughter. Maybe I’ll just make some widdle teeny tiny bootees for her for Christmas… 😉
    SO glad the shawl was deemed “PERFECT”, because it clearly is.

  14. I’m happy for you that Erin demonstrated the McPhee good sense. Waiting to see photos of the bride in all her finery.

    That sweater is amazing. Waiting to see that too.

  15. Regarding the yarn / pattern discussion. I have actually done it both ways. I find a patter I love, print it and then find the perfect yarn. Then again I feel pretty hard for some Shalimar Breathless and may have bought three gorgeous skeins. When the little beauties arrived I searched through Ravelry and found three perfect patterns. But I do try to bundle as soon as possible so I don’t use the wrong yarn for the wrong pattern. 🙂

  16. I borrowed a friend’s idea about The Stash…Any new yarn that I have a pattern for goes into a knitting bag or tote and they “live” in a new bag/tote until it’s time to knit. My family calls me The Bag Lady now….

    And I need a larger fiber room for all of my bags!!!

  17. Tickled that your sister has declared the shawl “perfect”. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the whole shawl in all it’s glory.

    With regard to stash and patterns:

    Ravelry will let you put a pattern in your queue and link it to yarn in your stash or not yet in your stash. That’s another way of organizing….

  18. Yea!!! I’m so glad Erin loves it! I can’t wait to see more pictures of her in her gown w/ this stunning creation. Although, I did have some extra wine and popcorn on hand…

  19. Hey, I’m doing something “right” for once. I’ve only been knitting for about a year and a half and I started out buying yarn by the project (mostly). Or just printing the patterns I want to make. My pattern “stash” takes up almost as much room as my yarn stash. eyes bigger than my closet.

  20. The yarn is worthy of a wedding or a sit & knit. Congratulations to the whole family. I just cannot take my eyes off it, so beautiful.

    Minni is so yummy and so is Madelinetosh. Enjoy! You so deserve it after the stress of the last few days.

  21. I’m happy about the shawl. I’m also happy that although I can never find my car keys and have no idea what I’ve done with the buttons I bought for a cardigan my memory came up with the goods when I saw what you were knitting. I still haven’t found a baby for my Minni though.

  22. Love, Love, Love the shawl! Of course it’s perfect. Yes, I bag up my yarn with patterns….. I have all kinds of backs in my craft (or crap as my husband puts it) room. And – I’ve done that sweater you’re working on now! Loads of fun to watch it grow….. but it is about the slowest thing I’ve ever worked on. You might not like it as much about 3/4 of the way through.

  23. Oh I’m so glad it was perfect! I think we’re all looking forward to getting to see pictures from her wedding day (assuming she doesn’t mind sharing it with The Blog). Congratulations to your sister and your family!

    Are you retreating into fall colors with this sweater? I am. Right now I want ALL THE ORANGE YARN. 🙂

  24. I can’t wait to see pictures of the bridal shawl.

    I actually got to go to Webs in Northampton,MA today. We are in the area visiting from Ontario. All I have to say,with a big grin on my face is I am going to need more zip lock bags for the stash and maybe another “blanket box” for storage. Sigh!

  25. Ok I know everyone agrees but I can’t help myself. The shawl is stunning and it is rendered almost magical because you made it for your sister as a wedding shawl. I don’t know you or your family but I’m so warmed by such love. Pattye

  26. I’m glad Erin likes the shawl too. It’s stunning in the bits and pieces we have been shown – can’t wait to see it in its entirety.

  27. So glad the shawl was perfect – and it is!!! We’ll all be looking forward to the full picture!
    As for matching yarn and projects: I “occasionally” buy a sk of yarn because it’s pretty, but must quit doing that as I never have enough to make something I want. Just this week I ordered one skein from eBay and frantically looked everywhere to find what pattern I had ordered it for. After I’d exhausted everywhere, I grabbed a sheet of white paper to lay that yarn on for a picture and guess what was on the other side? THE PATTERN I had ordered it for.

  28. I am so glad about the shawl, it is stunning! After trips to Vogue in NY, Chicago and to Rhinebeck I have started writing down the project the yarn was intended for, usually on the receipt for the yarn! It makes stash diving a little less chaotic for me. It has not decreased the stash though!

  29. oh, double wow! The shawl detail is gorgeous and that little Minni is going to be gorgeous (or charmingly handsome as the case may be) too. Have fun!

  30. It must feel awesome to have all that knitting time free up! I’m glad your sister realized that the shawl is perfect, I was holding my breath til I got to the end of “1.”.

  31. You do such lovely work. That baby sweater is on my to do list. When I first saw that Magnolia colour it was all I could do to not take very skein home with me and do something lovely. I had to remind myself that I could order more when I had more time.

  32. Oh my god, I just did my 1st pair of socks out of MadTosh Sock, same color, using your sock recipe last year at this same time. Great color isn’t it? I found it relatively easy to knit on US2, but no so much with Cascade on my 2nd pair.

  33. Do all Brides in Canada wear wedding shawls ? (Can you tell I’m in the WARM Midwest USA where ALL brides wear strapless gowns !)

    • I have never seen a wedding shawl, but have often wondered about formal occasions where the men all wear three piece suits and the women are wearing sleeveless dresses.
      This shawl may start a new fashion trend…

      • I can’t speak to shawls, but I did once see a wedding party wearing velvet and satin stoles. It was a wedding in San Francisco for which the reception was held in the same hotel I was staying at on a business trip. The hotel had a cafe-style restaurant at one side of the lobby, and the wedding party ran through while I was having dinner. I don’t remember seeing the bride, but all the bridesmaids had stoles and matching dresses made from white satin and black velvet.

  34. While I don’t pick out the exact pattern first, I do buy yarn according to project type- If it’s a sweater-y yarn, I buy enough to make an average sweater for myself. I might buy enough for a big-yarn sweater if the yarn is a good bargain or just perfect for a big cabled aran, or I might go a little light on the yardage if the yarn is very pricey or perfect for a light, fitted pullover, but mostly I go for enough yarn to make something in my average yardage range, estimating just a little bit generously, and very seldom have I been disappointed after the fact.

    Ditto on yarns that I think I’d like for hats, socks, shawls, etc. I pick the exact pattern after the fact, sometimes by raiding the stash to make a pattern that strikes my fancy, more often by picking a pattern that works with the yarn I most feel like using. Only if I really, really want to make a specific project for which I have no appealing options in stash will I buy yarn specifically for a project. It works for me- I end up with very, very few skeins for which I struggle to find an application.


  35. Mazel Tov! Although this phrase is not of my culture, I had the feeling that it’s sentiments ment what I wanted to say to you and your sister and her groom-to-be. So I looked up the definition and found this:
    Translation: Although mazel tov is literally translated as “good luck”, it really means “good luck has occurred” or “your fortune has been good” and is an acknowledgement of this fact (i.e. “lucky you”). It is similar to the word “congratulations!” and conveys roughly that “I am pleased this good thing has happened to you!”

    So mazel tov and I am please this good thing has happened to you!

  36. I’m so glad your sister decided the shawl was perfect. I have been wondering all week hoping that that would be the outcome. It is perfect and your sister is very lucky to have a sister would make her something so lovely and then be prepared to make something else.

  37. Yay! So glad she loves the shawl.
    I try to buy for a specific pattern but sometimes I just fall for the colours. Then there’s the whole how do you buy your fiber? Colour or project?

  38. I’ve been doing this for a while (putting the pattern and yarn together when I’ve got them for specific purposes) and adding needles or hooks of the correct size. Sadly this has allowed my hooks and needles stash to outgrow its storage location way too quickly. But since I teach, this could work to my advantage by allowing me to sell excess needles and hooks to students as they become available. hmmmm… maybe no. a bigger storage container is a better answer. BTW, LOVE the shawl for your sister.

  39. Glad to hear Erin came to her senses. . . or had her arm severely twisted by your mom (perhaps with the help of the daughter who has appointed herself your personal fashion consultant?)!!!

    The little sweater looks so interesting at this point that I’m going to go look at the pattern. As with some of the others who make up The Blog, I don’t have any little ones in the near future. . .but my eldest nephew proposed to his girlfriend this summer. I can’t imagine them NOT starting a family at some point!

  40. P.S.: As for knitting a second shawl on a deadline, remember this — you have three daughters, each of whom may be getting married someday. You also have (at least) two nephews, who also may get married someday. That’s at least 5 shawls on a deadline right there. Maybe more, because I don’t recall exactly how may niece/phews you have!

    (Go breathe into and out of a paper bag until you stop hyperventilating.)

  41. I am thrilled both for your sister’s upcoming wedding and her acceptance of that shawl. It is absolutely stunning and should get it’s day in the sun.

  42. So what are you wearing to the wedding? Could is be the same pattern in another color? Not that you need more knitting. lol

  43. That Minni is a lovely pattern! I made it for my grand-daughter. I was either lucky enough to have a person of the right age to knit it for, or I found it because I had a person of the right age for whom to knit. Not sure which way it went. It isn’t fast, as you said, and it’s got quite a bit of grafting, but it’s very cleverly designed and the finished product is quite satisfying.

  44. Three nieces are marrying soon, the soonest in mid-September, and that shawl is one I’m planning to knit (I know, better get on it) for one of them, and in bison yarn, too, since she’s from Wyoming. Glad to hear it’s not impossible, but your broken stitch gave me nightmares.

    The Minni has been in my queue forever, but all the babies have been boy babies. The construction is so cool! My sister-in-law has a new granddaughter, though …

  45. The shawl……..just…wow…..sigh… for a princess or maybe a queen. Cannot wait to see your sister in her wedding dress with the shawl! What a huge amount of love you put into this most wondrous gift!

  46. I see that the designer of that gorgeous Minni has at least one other, equally beautiful, sweater pattern.
    I do wish all my nieces and nephews hadn’t stopped having babies.

  47. Being an organizer by nature I have found I still switch yarns & patterns around. Sometimes it works other times not so much.

    Would LOVE to see the ‘Minni’ pattern sized up for us older kids. As with other wearables – kids have the cutest shoes. Just wish they have adult sizes, too.

    Happy Knitting, friend!

  48. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Three cheers for the success of the Perfect Shawl. It deserved it. Now I can stop holding my breath and checking the blog every hour to see whether the decision has been made …. I hope the wedding is as exciting as the Great Shawl Reveal and Tenterhooks Wait have been …

  49. yes the shawl is perfect. But i’m more happy that it’s done & now you have only to enjoy your sister’s preparation for her marriage.

    wondering if i could ask you about another issue? perhaps you might write about it on the blog?

    it’s the many creative blogspots that metamorphose into online sales shops. The nearest blatant example was Juniper Moon Farm. It was a farm, but by the end it was a product roster & the animals had gone off to live with Amy, who so far seems to have resisted commercial blandishments & her posts have remained enchanting; but alas Amy has a powerful example tempting her.

    a few blogspots, like Yarn Harlot, hold out. They don’t flog other people’s dresses, foods, products, recipes, whatevers. Or if they do, it’s so subtle & so well-deserved that it looks like one friend merely mentioning the name of another one of her close friends.

    there are other blogspots in the knitting & cooking sectors that remain true to their origin. They’ve never become sales bazaars.

    needless to say, these are the blogs with all of the grace & all of the spirit intact. They are the very blogs that people flock to, that people adore to read. They are light, music, spirit & poetry.

    is it an issue, refusing to lower standards & take on a loud & strident bevy of advertisers? are you, Harlot – a purist art blogger – still able to pay your digital way without pain?

    more power to you! if you ever have any comments – i know this could be a difficult issue – i’d love to read em.

  50. It is a gorgeous shawl! You could possibly crochet across the top which would strengthen it so there wouldn’t be any further possibility of giving way. It would also further smooth in your excellent repair. Just a thought . . . .

  51. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s switched to patterns first, yarn second. I’ve got my yarn in ziplock bags, with the pattern it’s intended for written on the label.

    The added benefit is, when I go stash diving, I’m not only reminded of what yarn I have, I’m reminded of what project it’s going to become.

  52. What a beautiful sweater. I am trying to keep a boy and a girl sweater ready at all times because people lately are being absolutely wonderful about providing me babies to knit for. I also have taken in the last year to buying for projects. I have 2 gallon size zip-loc bags that I use to contain the yarn, pattern and anything else I don’t want to forget. I hang them from pants hangers (the kind with the clips) and hang them on a device on the back of the door that is for hanging multiple clothes hangers. I love having all those projects together waiting for me to choose from. Now if only work would stop getting in the way of my knitting. I truly do love my job, but I confess to hanging those project bags and thinking about May of 2019 when I retire and I have time to knit them.

  53. Any suggestions for keeping your garter stitch edges nice looking on Minni? I would love to make it but did a similar sweater and the edges let me down.

  54. The shawl is so beautiful! I’m sure she will look stunning on her wedding day!
    I bag sweater quantities of yarn and mark the number of skeins/total yardage. I change my mind too much to add a pattern to the mix. 🙂

  55. That shawl is stunning.

    And so is that little sweater–thank you for the link to the pattern, my granddaughter on the way needs something like that. Thank you!

  56. I know you use Ravelry and I find it amazing for stash and project organization to solve the problem in #4. I’m an engineer, so I’m all about spreadsheets and organization. I keep my Ravelry Stash page 100% up-to-date and put the patterns I’m planning to knit in the Queue – one of the really nice things about the Queue is you can link the intended yarn from your Stash to the project so it’s all saved and you don’t find random patterns that were once paperclipped to yarn labels or supposed to be in a bag with the proper yarn floating around in the stash bins with no idea where they originally belonged. Not that that’s ever happened or anything.

  57. Of course your sister thinks the shawl is perfect because it is. It’s beautiful!
    I totally agree with items 4 thru 6! 😀
    This will require much more storage space, ’cause Lord knows, we all got 101 pattern pages in our Rav library. Right now I have six storage bins. They are huge. Plus two boxes and two baskets (obviously I need another bin). I would use them as end tables for the couches and nightstands for the beds but they’re too big. Hmm, maybe use several with a board thrown on top for a dining room table?

    • I always think I will use those nifty flat clear plastic bins that are meant to go under beds, thus utilizing storage space you aren’t going to use for anything else. Then I recall that my dog sleeps under my bed, and I can’t bring myself to evict her.

  58. I’ve voted for your wonderful husband–now it is up to the rest of you!

    Love the shawl, and everything else you knit. You are such a lovely person, and a fantastic Knitter.

  59. I have learned a couple of rules about yarn and patterns the hard way.

    1. Patterns have a way of getting separated from projects. It is wise to make two copies, one to keep (hopefully) with the project, and another for a notebook and an annotation or better yet a small sample of the yarn said project goes with.

    2. Same as one except these are projects not yet cast on!

  60. Your mum does tend to be right about most things we hear about and I knew she would come through on this.

    I only buy yarn for specific projects. For me, stash = moth food so I store yarn in the freezer and the space is really limited. I suppose I could stop eating. I will have to ponder that.

  61. It’s lovely your sister has embraced the shawl. Minni is a wonderful project, and I am tempted to make it for every baby that passes by me. So far, I’ve kept the noise down to 3, but I feel another coming on. Your colour selection is fabulous.

  62. Pingback: August loves, inspired by My Sister’s Knitter | allupinmyyarn

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    This article will discuss different forms of wireless wireless security
    camera and how should it work to protect your home security system.

    There is no must spend $400 on something if all you require is a single camera watching a particular space inside your house.

    Power door locks often come with a key fob (remote) which
    is accustomed to unlock your vehicle and to activate the car
    security system and alarm.

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