Five Things

1. I went to Edmonton for Stix in the City, (put on by the lovely sisters at River City Yarns) and it was pretty great.

signoutside 2014-10-29

2. I knew it was a good omen when I ran into Lucy in the Toronto Airport – Me, heading west, her home east.

meandlucy 2014-10-29

3. I have discovered that Fox Paws is a pretty challenging knit, and I would like to talk with you about that. (I am writing something for tomorrow. I just have to take all the filthy expletives out of it.)

4. These are the nice knitters that I gave a talk to on Friday night at the “Comedy Club”.

edmontonright 2014-10-29 edmontonleft 2014-10-29

and these are the very nice (and unusually clever) students that Fiona and I had in our classes. (Some are missing. There’s really only so many knitters you can get in a selfie. I’m working on it.)

selfieclass 2014-10-29

5. These are the very, very nice knitters who brought their first socks, and then I took their picture, and then I wrote down their names onto a little piece of paper and put it in my pocket so I wouldn’t lose it. Which I have done. Tell me you names in the comments ladies, I’ll fix it.  I blame Fox Paws.

4knitters1 2014-10-29

Haha! Rhonda, Katherine, Kay and Angela! (Thanks Rhonda.)

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a fantastic date to go on. It involves – well. I’ll tell you that tomorrow too.

54 thoughts on “Five Things

  1. Fox Paws is a very challenging knit. Mostly because it just isn’t social knitting. Never will be. But there is errata. What version of the pattern do you have? Did you read all the notes on Ravelry?

  2. Pingback: Five Things | Yarn Buyer

  3. Wow look at my hair glowing in the back of the selfie pic…maybe it is true that you may be able to see it from space. I would say I’m giving Lucy a run for her money in the dept but we all know that Lucy is totally master of that domain. SOOOOoooo great to get to hang out with you this past weekend! xx

  4. Thank you so much for coming to Edmonton, Stephanie! I’ve been enjoying your writing for a while now and am so happy to have had the chance to hear you speak in person and take a class with you. I learned a lot and laughed even more. Thanks again.

  5. Thanks so much for coming to Edmonton! It was so much fun and so interesting. I’ve been lever knitting a 1×1 ribbed scarf. It still feels weird but I’ll get it.

    Feel free to come by again some time. Edmonton loved having you.

  6. Apparently, not only did you and Lucy get the memo about where and when to meet, you were also apprised of the required uniform. I agree with Lisa–if Stephanie thinks a thing is challenging then there is no hope for me and having seen the picture, I am sure of it!

  7. Another nice thing about going to talks about knitting – no one gets upset if you are actually knitting during the talk!

    I used to knit in seminars in grad school. No sweat. Once, later when I was working, I was asked to sit in on a meeting because I had the ‘institutional memory’ they thought they might need. I took my knitting. Someone who was passing by saw me through the window, and had a hissy. It was nice, mindless stuff too, so helped keep me awake, but try to explain that to a non-knitter.

  8. Thanks again for coming to Edmonton and sharing your wisdom with us! My boyfriend and I really enjoyed the comedy club on Friday night and the speed class was fantastic. Take care 🙂

  9. I know my limits so Fox Paws is not something I ever would have attempted. Still, I look forward to your adventures, much as I enjoy reading about and watching films about people who climb Mt. Everest.

  10. Hi, someone on ravelry linked to this in the fox paws KAL thread. It’s a difficult pattern, especially when you just start so I’m available by Ravelry PM or email to provide help and answers or just moral support. The KAL group is also a great resource. So please do get in touch if you can’t find the answers online. My goal is to give you interesting stuff to knit, not to drive you all crazy .

    • Xandy, I’m reading this four years later, seven rows into the swatch, and I am so glad to hear you say this, because I likely will be PM’ing you! (KnittyBanter is my Rav handle)

  11. I want to knit Fox Paws (I reallllly want to knit Fox Paws), but I think I’m going to wait and let everyone troubleshoot it for me. I need to get some boring knitting on my needles first anyway, and that won’t happen until I cast on my next sweater and get to the body of it.

  12. My goodness! Fox Paws is gorgeous! But it isn’t something I could knit. I’d need more concentration ability, less husband chatter, and fewer dogs sharing the couch. The baby Antler sweater I’ve been fretting about because the cables looked “funny”, turned out beautifully! It’s blocking and I love it. 🙂

  13. Love River City Yarns. I get to Edmonton at least once a year, and RCY is always on my list of places to visit. One of these years I’m going to be there for Stix in the City. I know y’all are having a wonderful time.

  14. Girlfriend, this proves that you are a much more patient knitter than me! I get the hives just looking at the photos in the Fox Paws pattern. But I know that it will be fabulous coming off of your needles!

  15. Thanks for coming Stephanie! Your talk on Friday night was hilarious. I haven’t laughed that hard at good clean humour in a long time! Question for the masses… there was a lady at the comedy night in a brown t-shirt with a wonderful green scarf over it, but I didn’t get a chance to talk to her… anyone know who she is? I want to get my hands on that pattern and make that scarf!

      • Thanks Robin!

        I wasn’t wearing a brown shirt though. Might have been something else. SO glad that I went to your talk Stephanie! I can’t wait until you come again.

        • Oooh, it’s lovely! But the one I’m talking about was a thicker, woolly looking scarf. The kind Edmontonians start coveting this time of year when we think about taking our kids trick or treating in their snow suits once again 🙂

          • Hi Jessica!

            I think that may have been me with the green scarf! Unfortunately, I borrowed the pattern from my aunt in the uk and gave it back without making a copy…she’s since moved and misplaced it :-(…I’ll do some more hunting and let you know if I come up with anything!


  16. Looks likes lots of nice knitters in Edmonton. I just wanted to remind you that there are lots of nice knitters in Cincinnati, in case you ever want to visit a new place. Oh, the blog security asked me to ‘touch the woman’. Hysterical.

  17. There certainly was a very HARMONIC CONVERGENCE in Toronto! WOWIE. Looks like everybody had fun. I’m gonna look up Fox Paws on Ravelry… and then go back to my basket weave baby blanket…..

  18. The way to get more people into your picture? Take yourself out of it. The up-the-nose view doesn’thave much going for it anyway.

    • Mary,
      It wouldn’t be a “selfie” if she took herself out of it, now would it? I rather like that she looks like she is photo-bombing her selfie + her students.

  19. Somehow I had a feeling that you wouldn’t get around to posting “tomorrow” after you left us with all those cliffhangers!

  20. Dear Steph – I met one of your fellow Toronto-ans last weekend at a conference and he had not even heard of you. Imagine my shock and disbelief! Don’t worry, I set him straight.

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