I think it was a bus

I came home Monday. Late Monday night, if anyone is keeping track, and I walked through the door of my house after a whopping 20 days away, and let me tell you, if it was possible for things to be on fire without the smoke detector going off, that’s what was going on here. Joe had spent the day tidying up, and trying to get all the ducks in a row, and so intent was he on this task – a clean bed, towels, a tidy kitchen (it was) that he actually forgot to pick me up from the airport.  I landed, and all my texts were met with crickets, until he responded to the last one with swearwords and the suggestion that I get a cab. (By then I was in a cab.) When I arrived, things were orderly, and not too bad, considering my negligence and the fact that after three weeks away nobody knows what way things go into the cupboards. It’s like the house de-evolved while I was gone. The next day was Joe’s birthday, and I hit the ground running with dinner for 12 pulled together while I was jet-lagged and strange, but somehow it all came together, and all my people were in one place, at one time, in a slightly dusty but tidy home full of food – and that was Tuesday.

Wednesday was laundry, and email, and the first proper Bike Rally Steering Committee meeting for this year, and I got home last night, fell into bed, and woke up this morning aghast that it was Thursday. It’s usually my favourite day of the week, but this one was rugged. I’ve spent the whole day at my desk, typing and typing, and I still think that despite all my efforts, Friday is going to be dodgy at best.

Let me tell you the best thing about 20 days away from home… the knitting time. There’s no housework or laundry (except for washing things in the bathroom sink) and so I came home having plowed through a tremendous amount of knitting, considering that I was pulling down a full time job at the same time.

I finished: A pair of socks (I have no idea what the yarn is. The ball band has long ago departed for parts unknown.)  A timely investment for the long range planning box, which is now the short term planning box as winter bears down upon me. (Edited to add that Joni, in the comments below says the yarn is Berroco Sox in 1436 Lidores. She’s smarter than I am.)

regiablue1-2016-11-03-1 regiablue2-2016-11-03-1

A second pair of socks turned up shortly thereafter:

This yarn I know, Regia Pairfect in “wood” #07116. (If they happen fast enough, I can’t lose the ball band.) Another contribution for the impending doom of Yule – and another pair of socks is pretty much halfway done.


Then almost instantly, so fast it would make your head spin, a Toolbox Cowl.


I used Madelaine Tosh Unicorn Tails… in Mandala, Charcoal, Ink, Worn Denim, Glazed Pecan, and Silver Fox.


So fast, so fun, and was supposed to be another contribution to the box, but I might maybe have worn it with my coat today. (I really like it.)

I was feeling so good about how many things I was tucking into the Christmas pile, that you could have knocked me over with a feather when on November 1st, my computer reminded me that this year, I have a plan to knit a lot of tiny things. One a day for the whole month of November.  I’m on it.


It’s time for another advent calendar for a young friend. Anybody with me?  If you’d like to play along, that’s the wee bear from here, and the tiny hat found here. I’m casting about for today’s plan. Ideas?


78 thoughts on “I think it was a bus

  1. Love the stripey socks!! And given that you’re Canadian, something hockey related seems to make sense(makes sense to me, but I’m Irish) The Hockey Skates Baby Bootees might work if they were sized down /knit in fingering weight? Good luck!!

  2. Well, today is nearly done, but a star? A Christmas cookie would be fun, with beads for sprinkles. I had planned a teddy bear advent calendar. I’m pretty sure I’ve already run out of time…..

  3. I remember the tiny bear! You made one last year and effectively forced me to make one myself with its cuteness. I have a feeling you’re going to do the same again this year. I’m an orthodox Jew and have no use for Christmas ornaments, so I have no idea what comes over me when I see those little bears, but, well, I must succumb to the cuteness.
    (Last year’s went to a little girl who does have a Christmas tree, and apparently it is much loved. Good.)

    • You don’t have to make them for tree ornaments. I gave my dear stepsisters one each for their sewing rooms. To look over their projects and cheer them on. (.I think the bears also hear quite a bit of ‘language’ that the general public does not hear. What happens in the sewing room stays in the sewing room).

  4. This year, could folks PLEASE not suggest that Stephanie only has to keep ahead of the dates in December. It is a GIFT. It needs to be done on time, meaning by December 1, since it is an advent calendar and that’s when the adventing starts.

    • And furthermore, the whole tree thing in the background has to be done by December 1 as well. A tree, a background, 24 buttons, 24 pockets (each with a number on it), and a system to hang it all up. I speak from experience (and it took me an entire year to make two), y’all who think you’re going to have them ready by the end of this month… better make THREE a day so that you’ll have time to figure out the rest of it.

  5. You need inspiration? Look back at your blog posts this year. Let’s see: You went camping, and wanted to see moose, so knit a tiny moose. You were just in Rhinebeck, so you could have a sheep. (Las Vegas might be a little racy for an Advent calendar, tho.)

    Or, get inspired by some of your other interests. Say, a blue police call box. Or a wookie (great to use up scraps of mohair). Or ????

  6. “the house de-evolved while I was gone” It would be beyond wonderful to wave a wand to magically re-order all of the cups and everything else in the house! Even better if it would also sort, wash and fold your laundry and re-stock the house with food. To think that you entertained a crowd the next day for Joe’s birthday boggles my mind. No wonder you are feeling overwhelmed. A time warp is what it is, especially since you’d been 3 time zones away for quite a while. I do hope you can find some down time this weekend.

    What a relief, though, to have so many items in the Christmas box already.

    Welcome home; you’ve been missed by many, at home and all over the world.

    • Stephanie’s ability to accomplish is a constant amazement to me. Dinner for 12 the night after arriving home from a 3 week absence. I would never even think I could do it!

  7. If it’s any consolation, my husband would have remembered to pick me up but probably not bothered to do anything to clean the house. (He might have done laundry, but he would have left all my stuff in huge pile on my side of the bed.)

  8. I don’t have any little people in my life who would enjoy an Advent calendar, but I am so happy to see you making another. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed the posts a couple of years ago about which ornament Luis chose each day (and the Spanish word for it). I was seriously bummed when Christmas rolled around to be at the last ornament!

  9. Whew! I am out of breath just reading about your week!!! I was afraid you were going to say you found yourself coming down with something, as it is that time of year and everyone around here seems to be sniffly or coughing.

    Your knitting is amazing as always! Please worry not about dust… I no one will remember it, I promise you <3

  10. Glad you are safely home. I feel your exhaustion. You are amazing in all that you accomplished. Joe really tried hard and succeeded except for forgetting to pick you up. Take care both of you. Am glad you got to see the places you did.

  11. That could is immensely stunning and it is taking a whole lot of willpower not to go cast one on. A photoshoot for my patterns is next Thursday and all items to be photographed must be done so I must not start this cowl until the list is done… but that is just the sort of thing I love.

  12. Tiny Christmas tree (with beads for sparkle), bluebird, icicle, snowflake, moon, star, wee bicycle, angel, fairy…
    I was inspired after your last Advent calendar and made FOUR in one year.

  13. Welcome home. I found a wonderful pre-made felt pocket advent Calendar at JoAnn’s this year (on sale!) so I am going to copy you and make knitted items for the pockets, although there is no deadline on mine, thank goodness. Since the only ones I had growing up were the chocolate ones sent by relatives, this will be for me and my fiance and we’ll start a new tradition in our 60s. (One has to be a pink breast cancer ribbon since I’m a recent survivor – ideas for patterns appreciated) Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Perhaps some less-traditional ideas as well? Hammers and wrenches? A calculator? A tiny Sputnik satellite? (Gotta get this girl thinking like a maker/scientist!) At the very least, a baby donkey and a casket of frankincense?


  15. Not sure whether this would turn your crank, but I saw it on Pinterest (late, late) last night and it’s from Red Heart yarn – it’s an adorable little knitted basket. It was shown with tiny “cakes” of yarn and tiny knitting needles, but you could fill it with other things. I have to go and find the pattern myself because my granddaughter is now a knitter and is decorating a knitting tree for Christmas.

    I think I’ll try to follow along this year, we’ll see how it goes. But I will definitely save the patterns anyway.

    Chris S in Canada

  16. I have drooled over that toolbox cowl since you posted the WIP on Instagram. I’m so glad you posted the colors you used because I am going to unashamedly copy it, stitch for stitch. Thanks!!

  17. Dear Lady, you are incredible!!!! I actually thought you had made matching wrist warmers to match the cowl! Your fingers must work while you sleep as well.

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