It works if you work it

You know what, I’m just going to say it.  I forgot to order yarn for Christmas presents.  There. It’s out, and I feel so much better. I’d toyed with telling you something else, just adding a few projects in a few days and pretending that it had been my plan all along, but we’re too close for that. The total and honest truth is that I forgot to write it on the spreadsheet, and it didn’t get done. I wrote down the things I was going to make by names on the sheet, and nodded to myself like it was all arranged, and wandered off to do something like knit a Santa Mouse. I didn’t really realize what had happened until yesterday when I went to knit the yarn I didn’t have and it all came together.  (Subtle sign, that one.) I’ve ordered it now (really, not just psychically)  and I’m sure it will be here as quickly as the border allows, and everything is going to be fine because it’s not like I don’t have things to do. The plan between now and Christmas is (don’t panic, I’m not panicking) Two sweaters, two cowls, a hat, some slippers, and four pairs of socks.


I’m only waiting on the yarn for the sweaters, one cowl, the hat and slippers. Everything else (that’s a cowl and four pairs of socks, is already on the needles, or at least…. here. It’s going to be a little tight, but fine, and maybe I’ll get all that stuff out of the way while I’m waiting for the yarn to arrive.  It’s funny, but I really sort of think that getting everything cast on helps. I know it doesn’t, I know it can’t matter at all, but there’s something about having it all started that makes it seem like it’s going to get finished. Godspeed, little box of yarn.

Gifts for Knitters: Day 4

Now, not all knitters like trinkets and shiny things, but you’ll know if yours does, and if it sounds like him or her, then you can score major points by combining two things that they like, and get some knitting themed jewelry.  I hunted around for a bit, and I found this pin (complete with real knitted brass) a cable needle pendant, a ring that’s a knitting needle (bonus, you don’t need to know their ring size) one that looks like knitted fabric, another pendant that’s pretty funny, little sterling balls of yarn earrings, Schoolhouse press has some beautiful things. If you think your knitter would like making their own jewelry, Laura sells some pretty kits, and there’s a funky necklace kit here. There’s lots out there, good luck!

Gifts for Knitters: Day 5

This one will likely seem a little odd to those of you who don’t knit, and think that maybe a knitter would only need one of these – but the mighty needle gauge is a fleeting thing, most knitters struggle to put their hands on one, even though they own several. It’s a safe bet that your knitter would welcome another, even if they’ve got one or ten. There’s ones with birds, or a peacock. Shoes and sheep, ones that are necklaces, like this or this one in sterling silver. You can even get them one with their name on it, so that maybe they won’t lose it as fast, or a Doctor Who one (I threw that in just for Tall Allison. We’ll see if she’s paying attention.)

Any needle gauge is good, I promise, remember though, the most useful ones have both American and Metric sizes on them. Go forth and find one. Or ten. Really, we can’t have too many.

PS: See that? I’m almost caught up.

55 thoughts on “It works if you work it

  1. Completely understand as I feverishly check the tracking on my own box of Christmas yarn that I thought would be here by now. I’m not as chill as you are though, despite having only one thing to knit before December 23. It’s the Stornoway Throw. How did I not order the yarn sooner?

  2. Dear Steph, for the love of wool, please tell us the name of the yarn on the left in the sock knitting photo. What a gloriously pretty colourway.

    Thank you for sharing your knitting life with us. I feel a great deal better knowing someone else also thinks that casting on multiple items helps to speed the process.

    Happy Christmas.

    • hahaa! That was my first thought, then I remembered the “stash rules” about the types of stash and whether it can be used, so she probably doesn’t!

  3. All my knitting plans have gone on hold – my face & hand had an up close & personal meeting with our concrete driveway on Thanksgiving so I’m having fun doing everything one handed (and left-handed at that) as I wait for my broken arm to heal. I’ll be cheering for everyone else to have smooth sailing for all their holiday knitting.

  4. Oh goody! You have 18 days left until Christmas. Hope you can make it before then. Good Luck! I love to see your work chaos in Christmas season.

  5. I don’t have enough free time this year to hand knit as many socks, hats, mittens and scarves as I usually do. But I have an ace up my sleeve! I can use my antique circular sock knitting machine and my 2 other knitting machines (regular and bulky) to speed up the process! And no, it isn’t cheating, just like using a sewing machine isn’t cheating. It’s just another fun way of making stuff a whole lot faster when you need to. You might like to look into it, they are quite addictive! 🙂

  6. Don’t panic! We’ll panic for you!! What sizes are those sweaters? Little people? Perfectly doable…….expanding people carrying little people? Uh…pass the wine!

    I have no less than four needle gauges and can never, ever find one when I need it. Good call that!

  7. I love that brooch with the knitted brass – that’s a real commitment to knitting with unusual materials!

    I’m currently in the midst of knitting a third pair of Xmas fingerless mitts (using the MDK Squad Mitts pattern), with one more pair to go after this (in retina-searing pink for my 9YO, colour as requested by her).

  8. Good grief, you forgot to order yarn? Everything else seems in character, but forgetting to order yarn just doesn’t seem like the Yarn Harlot persona (so to speak)!

    Good luck: I’m wishing all things good for you.

  9. Gosh, I love the pin with the knitted metal. This will be a giftee for someone. I hope to start/finish just one hat by next Tuesday… wow, your skills are manifest.

    hmm, I was thinking that once Joe is gone and ALL ELSE is finished (the plan from previous post) then maybe (should the fates allow), you would have the week to finish the presents. Uninterrupted hours (haha hee hee) to drive the needles?

  10. Not only am I paying attention, I have acquired it!! The silver lining of having to fill my own Christmas stocking is that I get exactly what I want in it! Thanks so much!!! (Do all the exclamation marks adequately express my delight?)

  11. “The plan between now and Christmas is (don’t panic, I’m not panicking) Two sweaters, two cowls, a hat, some slippers, and four pairs of socks.”

    Holy Mother of Merino! I know you are fast but that seems like an insane list (even if they are baby sweaters)

    Good Luck!

  12. But casting on does help! Because it’s fiddly and you have to count and once it’s done you can knit the socks through all sorts of things and don’t have to think about it. I purposely plan time to cast things on when the children are napping so I can actually knit occasionally while they’re awake.

  13. Now that we have your knitting plans, and the gift list for knitters I feel like the holiday season has properly begun. A good time may be had by all. Thank you!

  14. I am thankful to be retired and have my Christmas knitting done quite early, so that I can start a nice warm (Albero Cowl Jacket) sweater for myself as it started snowing here today and more is on the way. Although its getting really cold, it’s so pretty ……

  15. Assuming that “some slippers” means one pair and counting a pair of slippers and a pair of socks as one item, you have roughly 2 days to knit each item.

    May the Force be With You — oh, and pass the popcorn. 🙂

  16. I’ve been panicking a bit over the 4 pair of socks and one pair of mitts that are on my Christmas knitting list but lucky me! I had emergency surgery on Monday and for the last few days all I’ve been able to do is knit. It might just all get done! And I know that only y’all will be able to see the luck in what I just wrote!

    • Ha, ha. The muggles definitely wouldn’t get that knitters regard emergency surgery (with a good outcome) as a good thing. Hope you’re recovery is swift though and happy knitting!

  17. Ahem. One more heartfelt plea for the name of the yarn you were knitting on the metro (gray, black, white, red stripes). Pretty please with fresh raspberries on top!

  18. I am really hoping those two sweaters are very small sweaters. I mean, I know you’re a fast knitter, but even so it doesn’t seem like there are enough days left before Christmas to knit two adult-sized sweaters and all that other stuff and still sleep. Then again, you are you, and you always seem to get it done.

  19. I was so on it this year. I ordered my Christmas yarn in AUGUST! I had a plan, I had yarn, and then, well, I just got cocky and kept thinking I had lots of time. Flash forward until today and I’ve got 2 pairs of socks, 3 beer cozy mitts and a large blanket to finish. Not impossible, but I’m wishing I didn’t have a day job right now.

  20. “The plan between now and Christmas is (don’t panic, I’m not panicking) Two sweaters, two cowls, a hat, some slippers, and four pairs of socks.” Um, have you checked the calendar? That’s crazy town! And some of the yarn has to be shipped across the border? Nope. Not even a little bit realistic.

  21. Have a plan b if you have ordered your yarn from the east coast USA. Mail isn’t going any where. Reason not given, but the store we called to check on an order, said that it was some security issue. (Store was in New England.) According to the tracking, our order has been in the same post office for a week now.

  22. I am hoping they are Christmas ornament sized sweaters. Seriously.

    Reading this blog this time of year is dangerous. I went to check out the Dr Who listing, and saw, be still my heart, a hedgehog needle holder. Sigh. Too blinkin’ cute!

  23. Whatever you do – don’t look at the temperatures for Alberta in the next week 🙁 I’ve been wearing my Qiviut Pretty Thing up to my eyeballs all week!

  24. And if your knitter is Canadian and of a certain age the most useful needle gauge has English and Metric sizes (and maybe American if they feel like it). I still think in English sizing which is what we did back in the dark ages in Canada, but metric is worming its way into my brain.

  25. Stephanie you are going to drive me nuts. Just when I think everything’s going smoothly and there’ll be a happy story about Christmas preparations you go and do something like this. Didn’t order the yarn. Aaaaagh!

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