The Push is On

Over the last few days, I’ve been trying to tidy up. Not the  house, that’s madness – I mean, I worked out a long time ago that most housework is pointless. I tidy up, someone (usually me, which is really disappointing) trashes it, and I do it again. Now that I’m a woman of mature years, I’ve largely consigned my hopes for a pristine house to the abyss. No, I’ve been trying to tidy up the knitting. The time draws near for me to start a baby blanket, and so I’m looking to get a few projects off the needles, so that not so much is lurking about. There’s a pair of socks to finish – though I’m not really fussed about that. The blanket will be tricksy, and so I’ll need something simple with me so that I can knit dark places, or places where people need to think I’m listening, and the Bermuda Shawl is pretty simple too, but I’d still like to finish it before I start the blanket. Mostly, I want this one off the needles:

grusalmost 2017-02-02

It’s the Grus Cowl, Knit from Woolfolk Far (colours are as suggested, #01, 02, 03, 04 and 05 – one skein of each.) There’s not much left to go, and the next few days should be perfect for getting lots of knitting done.  In what I would like noted as a serious display of Marital Goodwill, I’ve agreed to go with Joe on a work trip over the next while – and I’m having the blanket yarn meet me at our hotel – I aim to get this (and maybe the shawl and maybe the socks) done before that. Joe leaves tomorrow, but I’m staying behind for a day – Most of you will recall that Ken had a cycling accident quite some time ago, and his shoulder didn’t heal properly. He’s having it fixed tomorrow, and this family sticks together for stuff like that, so I’ll have hours tomorrow while I wait at hospital for him, and see him safely home, where Amanda will take over Ken care, and I’ll jump on a plane the next morning to join Joe. Between hospital waiting and the plane, there should be buckets of time. It’s just one of the many benefits of being a knitter. What other people might see as wait time… we see as opportunity.

Tonight I’m perusing all my stitch dictionaries (doing a little actual tidying) packing my bag, and getting together all I need for a blanket epic. 10 weeks till impending Grandson, and he deserves a blanket designed to be all his own. I like these blankets to have stories, to use stitch patterns that reflect who they are, and where they come from, to be specific to the child. Myrie’s had pines, for the camping her parents love, and waves, because they both come from islands, and Luis’ had snowflakes for his Canadian mum, and Spanish lace for his Spanish dad… and my grandson? No ideas yet. I’ve got until Saturday (or Monday, if the mail  is its usually jerk to me) to come up with a plan.

I’m totally open to suggestions. The yarn is a laceweight, and I have A. Lot. There’s no way I’m running out this time.

170 thoughts on “The Push is On

  1. My first baby, a boy too, is due in the very same week as your grandson! I look forward to seeing how your blanket progresses as I work on my own!

  2. Oh, good gravy, you didn’t just say that there’s no way you’re running out *head shake*.
    Must have missed Ken’s accident, speedy healing to him.

  3. Tailfeather by Amy van de Laar (on Ravelry) is a scarf pattern that would make a lovely baby blanket for a grandson who will be intense, wise and a silent hunter.

  4. The only thing I remember about the pictures of Megan and Hubbie is that they have a dog….so, dogs, paw prints, etc? Lots of snowflakes as at least 3 of his closest relatives are Canadian.

  5. A prayer for Ken from here for an easy recovery, and thank you all for looking out for him.

    My grandson on the way is getting a blister stitch afghan, blue/green popping out as it’s encircled by white for the tops of the plant life living and growing beneath the piles of snow in Alaska, where he’ll be.

    • I know Steph has mentioned that she is an atheist, so I will venture. Guess that her daughter is as well. Maybe if Stephs son-in-law wants the baby Christened…

      • there could be an official, this is your name, here is your family and they will support you through going into the world over then next (insert your # years to adulthood. 30?) years party, which would totally be some of the functions of the church stuff, but without the church part (mind you, I got to baptize my grandson, I’m into church. but welcome a child in a public sort of way, with many people and a party and an out-loud proclamation of who he is)

  6. I think a row all around the blanket of family members holding hands would be very representative of the clan he’s being born to. Happy knitting, your baby blankets are always gorgeous.

    • Tooty’s blankie would make a great center, with a band of snow flake lace and a pointy pine edging.Or maybe a band of color work before the snow flakes with boys and girls dancing. I did an antique reproduction Christmas stocking this last Christmas with a band of children dancing around the top. The original was a Grace Ennis pattern from about 1940. I can send my chart if needed. ( I sat down with that stocking and some graph paper and charted all the motifs.)
      Julie in San Diego

  7. My first thought straight off is music notes for Joe and hearts for you, but this isn’t your baby; it’s Meg and Alex’s. (That freaks me out a little because I have an Alex, and I’m SO not ready to be a grandma yet.) Maybe just one giant heart with a basketweave stitch filling in the shape, for the basket of wonderful this little sweetie will be joining? 🙂 Wishing you all sorts of joy!!

    • I agree, since his mother also knits. I was thinking a progressively harder pattern inwards or outwards. Like a journey of stitches like life. Or my other idea is a picture blanket with grass, trees, sky, stars and planets.

      • That is such a wonderful idea! For some reason, the first idea you listed reminds me of Dr. Suess’ “Oh, The Places You’ll Go.” I like the idea of knitting as representative of life’s journey. It can be tough, but it can also be beautiful.

        • Thanks Rachel! I love “Oh The Places You’ll Go” too. It is sad and scary and funny and full of happy adventures, just like life. I love turning the page after the scary bit, delicious anticipation, hoping for something good to happen. Just like life for me too!

  8. Maple leaves. How about a special Canadian blanket for Canada’s 150 th birthday. Maple leaves, pine trees, polar bears, Mounties, a beaver of course. Red and white. Could be quite a challenge.

    • Yes, I was just thinking that it could be an ode to Canada. Maybe motifs that reflect Canada’s diverse cultural heritage? With some whimsical touches that personalize it, of course.

  9. I comment only very rarely, but I’ve read the blog for years, and the overview of your life and your family that I’ve picked up includes a few things that I would think should be reflected in the blanket.The patterns chosen should evoke images of big families that stick together through good times and bad, singing and dancing together, and making Christmas cookies in huge, untraditional, colorful batches. That’s what I have observed that your family is made of. Congratulations on your new little one.

  10. “There’s no way I’m running out this time.”
    My husband totally blanched when he read that line! Hah! I can’t wait to hear what you do choose for the blanket, though. Your ideas and motifs are always so beautiful.

    A speedy recovery to Ken… get well soon!

  11. Are we laying bets on the running out of yarn this time??? Is there a pool/poll as to how much you will be short or over? New entertainment…yarn chicken on line. 🙂

    • Yarn harlot fan group on Ravelry? Also, we could get really carried away and guess birth weight and stuff. Is that fun or stalkerish? I have no desire to freak anyone out!

  12. There are a lot of great suggestions for motifs already. I wanted to wish Ken a very speedy recovery, and you speedy needles to get the shawl, and the cowl done so you can start the baby blanket.

  13. Everything about your Grus is beautiful; feel free to add in many pix as you like, and more!
    Speedy recovery to Ken; I’m off to put a few dollars in his bike rally account as a get-well wish.
    No suggestions on the blanket – I already know it will be perfect.

  14. Oh, I can’t believe you just said you had plenty of yarn and won’t run out! Really? Are you trying to tempt the knitting fates? Don’t spit in their eyes! :0

    I’m eager to see the new baby blanket…

  15. My stitch suggestions! Snowflakes, for our Canadian pastime of discussing weather (and your lake effect snow), something like waves for the beautiful sailboat and to honour his Newfie heritage, bee stitch because grandbabies are the sweetest thing, or honeycomb (same reason).

    Something unique too, because Megan is so delightfully quirky (I still remember her wonderful fingerless mittens she made many moons ago as a pre-teen!). I don’t know the baby’s lovely papa, but something for him too!

  16. Here comes another queen sized baby blanket!
    Should the blanket have hearts on it because Little Boy will have so many people to love him? A bird or two – or feathers- to represent the freedom he will have to be himself? Something musical for the songs in the house and the work that Grampa Joe does? Some homespun from Granny Steph?
    I think we have a grandchild arriving the same week if they are both on schedule. Oh Joy!!

  17. Snowflakes, waves and perhaps some Maple leaves…what’s Dad2be’s heritage?
    Just remember, this is a BABY blanket…doesn’t have to fit a queen size bed 🙂
    And the borders you’ve chosen in the past take 4X the yarn and time of the blanket body.
    And yes it does make the baby arrive sooner

  18. Dinosaurs. If this is for a boy, it must have a dinosaur.

    More seriously, why not ask the mom-to-be’s sisters? We already know you’ll be knitting it with lots of love and loose Millie fur…

    • why wouldn’t a girl baby appreciate dinosaurs? (my fav’s been the triceratops since I was old enough to say it, close second stegosaurus…and my husband has to refer to his ability to break down word roots to tell them apart.)

  19. Ken had an accident? When was this?

    We don’t know much about Megan’s hubby so I don’t think I’m qualified to give a lave suggestion, but I have a fond memory of her throwing up horns as a kid in one of your posts….

  20. When I think about your blog the first thing that comes to mind is sailing. Grandpa Joe loves to sail. An as soon as it’s safe I see him sailing with grandpa. The other thing that came to mind are Northern lights. Canada has a much better display of them than us down here in the USA. I can’t wait to see what your creative mind comes up with!

  21. I admittedly have a hard time imagining them on a blanket that will live in Canada, but here the pineapple is a symbol of hospitality. In my mind, it’s less about guests and more about welcome, inclusiveness…taking people in and making them part of your clan. It would suit your family.

  22. Doesn’t Meg love plants? Maybe a plant motif with a special meaning, such as ivy. An ivy border would be beautiful. Symbolism:
    “Ivy, being an evergreen plant, represents eternity, fidelity, and strong affectionate attachment, such as wedded love and friendship.”

  23. First wishing Ken fast safe recovery and patience with physical therapy. As for the baby Blanket of ginormous size, a singing moose under the Northern lights on skis with a border of feathers so the young babe can soar with his dreams. Sheep knitting and welcoming a new little lamb to the fold. Add a maple leaf or two and I am not sure where Megan’s husband is from or what his interests are but add something that represents him. Add a snowflake border to represent the Great North and the beautiful coldness it represents.

  24. Is there a stitch pattern with bicycles, for the times Meg has ridden to Montreal? and maybe a way to record her ‘You are Beautiful’ writing on the footpath?

  25. Maybe a Pi shawl? Baby blankets don’t have to be rectangular and this child will be encircled by family and love.

  26. I don’t know how to incorporate this, but sailor’s knots are beautiful, the figure eight, the half-hitch, the clove hitch, such pretty knots. I don’t know of a way to incorporate that, but maybe a stitch pattern for each grandparent on the four corners, and stitch patterns for Meg and Hubbo within the middle? And maybe stitches representing your family with-in the four corners around the middle? So, like a big hug surrounding the stitch patterns of Meg and Hubbie? I hope this makes sense (it does in my head!!).

    All the best to Ken as he recovers! I am sure he will have a nice pair of socks on his toesies in the hospital!

    • Oh, I really like your idea of four different corners – one for each grandparent! Way to include Megan’s husband’s parents, too. The next set of corners in could be the two sisters, Pato, and Ken. Then Megan and her husband, finally a center motif for the little guy?

      • I love the idea of the corners working from the grandparents in to the boy himself. My daughter has a prayer shawl with embroideries from her three aunts and me, and she treasures it.

        Ken, excellent recovery to you!

  27. I can NOT wait to see what the plan may be for another magnificent heirloom blanket… I don’t really know what Meg (nor her husband’s tastes) likes or relates to … perhaps there should be some wheels for all the cycling in his family lineage? Definitely something that ties in the Newfoundland ancestry… maybe whales?! 🙂 A maple leaf might not go amiss… so many possibilities!

  28. I am so excited for this blanket. Please post lots of photos. I love all the ideas from everyone. It is totally going to be epic.

  29. Oh yes! I see maple leaves because you are lucky enough to live in Canada and I bet you could make a circle with two sticks popping out design for a yarn ball and knitting needles! Congratulations grandma!

  30. Although I’m eager to see the beautiful blanket you design and hear of Ken’s good recovery, my favorite lines from your post are: ..”.one of the benefits of being a knitter. What other people might see as wait time, we see as opportunity. “. So true, and such a great gift for knitters, turning waiting into creating.

  31. Sending healing thoughts Ken’s way. I hope you ordered at least triple the amount of yarn you think you’re going to need for the baby blanket.

  32. I think there should be stitch patterns that you used on Meg”s baby blanket incorporated into the grandson’s blanket. I like the idea of the patterns connecting them together.

    • Wonderful idea about patterns from Meg’s blanket and also the wedding shawl. Ideas from the dad and dad’s side of the family, too.

  33. Can’t wait to see the blanket take shape and the beautiful welcome letter and story that will go with it. All the good healing thoughts to Ken for fast healing and the best possible outcome.

  34. Shouldn’t the baby blanket have lots of different lovely stitches representing the grandma? Please, please don’t jinx this blanket by saying you have enough yarn. You know how the knitting goddess likes to tease.
    Best to Ken and hope he heals quickly this time.

  35. Best wishes to Ken for a successful surgery and “uneventful” recovery. I know he rode the Rally last year after the accident – will he be recovered in time for this year? Looking forward to hearing stories about knitting the baby blanket.

  36. Stephanie, please, for all our sakes, order another skein of that yarn right now, so that you haven’t jinxed it by saying you have enough!
    Looking forward to seeing the newest baby blanket (and baby)!

  37. Sheep. It has to have sheep because… well, because of you.

    Wasn’t there a story about a Sheep Shawl or something, ages ago? Although now I come to think of it, I have a feeling it ended badly…

  38. First, best wishes to Ken for a gentle recovery. Second, I am in love with Grus, and wonder what it would look like in Sno. Sounds like it’s a finer yearn, though…anyone else have more Woolfolk (that would just be the most perfect last name to have!) yarns experience?

    About the blanket. So many wonderful suggestions (think my faves have to do with family unity) but here’s a weird one. Meg knits also, right? I wonder if somewhere there is a pattern for a representation of knitting needles, prettily crossed or something? It’s the sort of thing, I suspect, that would either be beautifully unique or look just plain…wrong. i’my totally on the fence about the suggetion, but it’s what popped into my head when I thought of Meg. Something that shows the craftiness of the young lady who sat down on her wedding day to embroider her wedding date into the hem of her dress. And knitting needles would at least make mire visual sense to people than an embroidery needle! :p

  39. Hope everything goes well for Ken — he’s so lucky to have you all taking care of him!

    I have no ideas for the blanket, but I know that whatever you come up with will be spectacular.

  40. Wishing Ken a speedy recovery from surgery. Hope he doesn’t have his arm stabilized in an air cast for too long.

    As for your grandson’s blanket (isn’t that exciting??? Knitting for your grandson?), hmmm… Canadian… Maple leaf Newfoundland… The ocean… Signal Hill… The purple pitcher plant is their flower… Ontario… the Trillium… Great Lakes… Camping.

    Just throwing out ideas.

    Have an awesome trip with Joe.

    It’s Friday!

  41. A packed post! So efficient comments:

    1. Very best wishes to Ken for the op and a speedy recovery.
    2. To avert disaster after your somewhat unwise statement that you have plenty of yarn & are not going to run out, I recommend saying ‘Tfu tfu tfu’ to avert the evil eye, plus ‘Bli ayin hara’ (Hebrew for ‘No evil eye’) and ‘Al tiftakh peh lasatan’ (‘Don’t open your mouth to the devil’)., plus you could touch some wood if you’re into that, and finally, tie or paint something red onto one of the knitting needles. Don’t take any chances!!!
    3. Patterns for the shawl – no original ideas, I’m afraid, but I love the suggestions above of maple leaves and sheep, in some combination (sheep eating maple leaves? dancing under them? cavorting amid garlands of maple leaves?).

    Good luck!

  42. Nobody knows your daughter and son in law better than you. I’m confident they will end up with something special. Just let us know what you plan.
    Also, best of luck to Ken for a speedy recovery.

  43. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Ken! As for the blanket – when I think of your family and the blanket, I think of the wheel of life / circle of life concept – your goal to show multiple aspects of baby’s life and family. Circles and interconnected rings, for continuity and connected-ness that seems inherent to your clan – te way you come together. And bicycles!

    There’s a lace stitch pattern in Barbara Walker that always seemed to me to be a vertical column of circles overlaid – it is the lace pattern in Knitspot’s Tudor Grace scarf.

    Best of luck finishing so you can make a clean start with blankie. And we’ll all think good thoughts about the amount of yarn on hand.

  44. When I did my Big Knit, a shawl for my grandmother’s 90th birthday, I asked everyone in the family for a word to describe her and used Bridget Rorem’s lace alphabet to put those words into the shawl so she could literally wrap herself in words of love. Don’t know if something like that would work for you (or if it would drive you buggy–the shawl in question was knitted end to end, and there was A LOT of graph paper involved when figuring out letter and line spacing), but I thought I’d throw it out there.

    The project page for said shawl, if you’re interested, is

  45. Congratulations to Meg and Hubs again. I am sure that whatever you decide to make it will be, as always, breathtaking. Good wishes and good knitting be with you.

  46. Again, as above, no stitch ideas. Canadian something? Anyway, what I wanted to comment – cracked me up. Knitting when people “need to think” I’m listening. Did you give yourself away?

  47. Sound like you have the yarn taken care of and you’re cooking up the pattern – what about needles?
    Don’t forget to take along extra needles, not just one, but also TWO sizes larger/smaller than you think you need because….
    you know…
    the yarn spinning machine might have been set just a little tighter/looser than last time, or the perfect stitch pattern you come across is denser/looser than you expected.
    The best made plans of mice and men – and knitters – you know what happens to them!
    P.S. I have to touch the music note. There’s another vote for music in the pattern.

  48. Ken’s going to need something to help take the edge off of the crazy after shoulder surgery…I had rotator cuff surgery January 16 and will have a sling until the end of February…knitting is almost impossible…I miss knitting!!!!! It’s a good thing I like to read! Have fun with the blanket!

    • I feel your pain. I am having rotator cuff surgery this coming Tuesday and will be in sling until mid March. If you hear whinning and stamping of feet it is because I too will be without knitting. So what are you reading? My book group is just starting “Reading Lolita in Tehran”. Hope that holds me for a bit. Best wishes that your recovery is going well. Take Care.

      • FWIW, I had rotator cuff surgery a few years ago and I was able to knit all the way through the recovery. It might have to do with your particular style of knitting; I don’t move my shoulders t all, it’s all in the hands. Also my surgery was laparoscopic, which might make a difference.

  49. This is going to be a king sized bedspread cleverly disguised as a baby blanket, isn’t it, Grandma? I have no suggestions but I can’t wait to see what you come up with. It will be fantastic.

  50. I think it would be lovely if you incorporated one of the lace charts from her wedding shawl into the blanket. Perhaps a pattern to represent where or how Alex and Megan met? Perhaps a row of paw prints to represent their puppy? Whatever you design and create for your grandson will be perfect. : )

  51. Wishing Ken a speedy recovery and rehab. Thank goodness he has all of you close by!

    You always select wonderful stitch patterns, but the blankets do seem to always grow and require more yarn…. Just saying.

    Can’t wait to see the pix and Keiki!

  52. Wishing Ken a speedy recovery and that PT puts everything right again. Looking forward to many posts in the next 6 weeks, I will be without knitting and would love to live vicariously through yours.

  53. I can’t even pretend to suggest anything better than what you will decide suits this impending human being’s heritage best. My only thought is do take several needle sizes with you for working out the ever elusive proper gauge for your pattern and yarn selections:)

  54. Good grief, I’m completely distracted by that cowl. Again. I’m loving those misty, blurred greys!

    Hope Ken has smooth and quick recovery!

  55. My mom made all of her daughters little cross stitches that say “Dull women have immaculate homes”. I keep it in my kitchen where I see it every day.

  56. Lots of healing wishes for Ken! I must have missed his injury in the Blog, but crossed fingers that surgery sorts things out and he’s able to cycle again soon (-ish, I guess, what with Toronto being in winter and all).

  57. I just wanted to wish you congratulations on the impending arrival of your little boy! I’m not a grandma yet (my kids better get going!) but I imagine it’s the best thing in the world to be. Enjoy making the blanket!

    Please send lots of love and hugs to Ken. He’s such a great guy and I hope his recovery is easy and quick.

  58. Wishing the very best for Ken. I’m dealing with frozen shoulder — these shoulder injuries are a real pain!! Give him lots of sympathy.

    Looking forward to the evolution of the blanket. They are always works of art.

  59. Apparently not the only one oblivious to Ken’s injury; condolences from one who’s been there and healing thoughts and prayers for his recovery.
    Lots of lovely ideas on the baby’s shawl; easy to nominate representations for his (grand)parent’s heritage, but you’ll know Mum and Dad better than all. Can’t wait to see the masterpiece if/when this can be shared once the happy and healthy babe is safely home. In the end, that’s what matters most.
    Safe travels.

  60. He is due to arrive at the end of a long, Canadian winter, when we are all desperate for sun and warmth. The blanket will be warm, so how about something sunny motif-wise?

  61. Franklin made a baby blanket a number of years ago and it was stunning with inspirational words knitted into the border. Maybe pop over to his website for another idea.

    • It was called “Four Wishes for Abigail and can be seen on his blog page-
      quite finished” list. Not on Ravelry – no set pattern.

  62. My first grandchild is on the way, also! I have yarn for a sweater (almost finished), a teddy bear and a blanket. The due date is August 4 – so I have time, but I’m so excited I have to be knitting NOW. I made a pair of booties as soon as I heard the news and sent them to be tree ornaments. This is so much fun!

  63. over the years I have loved your special baby blankets with patterns picked out to represent the baby’s family and heritage – I’m looking forward to seeing what miracle you create for your grandson, and I am looking forward to seeing pictures of your grandson – what a special time for you all!

  64. For a blanket idea, why not choose some Irish knitting themes of some sort. Considering his Grandma and your Grandma have such a strong knitting tradition.

  65. I couldn’t begin to offer a suggestion, because you always come up with the best combination of what is meaningful and beautiful and I feel teary at the idea of this blanket being for your own grandson.

    Also, I’m glad to hear Ken is having surgery, though sad it has come to that. Hopefully he’ll be on the mend and back to new in no time.

  66. Just trying to wrap my head around the fact that you are knitting a blanket out of laceweight. A baby blanket, to be sure, but still…I recommend you double it, so you have more time to knit all the cute sweaters.

    And this is the first grandchild of a famous (in a knitterly way) knitter. So a handknit blanket, in and of itself, already reflects where he comes from, no matter the pattern…

  67. Wow,
    Lots of babies coming this year. Doing a Hansel Full Shawl pattern for a blanket. It will be a “binkie” for the child to use as it wants, so it is all acrylic. I had to remember that new mothers lose their brains when faced with a new baby. They have to get to know one another so, trying to remember what goes in the wash and what does not is…impossible. To ease that difficulty, the binky is acrylic. Congrats again…grandma.

  68. Symbols somehow representing generosity( stitches that lead to and from each other), family ( interconnected cables/twists/leaves) and something to reflect how fun you all seem.
    And midges, you have to have some midges knit in there .

  69. Good luck with blanket planning! Hey, would you mind sharing a list of your favorite/well-worn/go-to stitch pattern books? If you could only have one or two or three, which ones would you pick? Sorry if this has already been covered! Hugs, Ed

  70. I, too, missed Ken’s accident. Hope he has a successful surgery and quick recovery!

    I’m not even going to address the folly of tweaking the knitting gods by saying that you won’t run out of yarn.

  71. For the blanket, perhaps something similar to the cabled stitch patterns in the Love and Kisses cowl by Megan Delorme–

  72. DEAREST HARLOT-FRIEND, You must stop these out-of-town trips. Especially skiing with Joe. He takes you from us and we all go nuts for a week or more missing you. Knock it off already — stay home and write for us. 🙂

    • Right? I remember when they suddenly realized they could be away simultaneously and took a vacation together. It seemed so sweet. Now they are doing it all the time like some kind of happily in love couple without young kids at home or something.

  73. sending best energy for Ken’s comfortable and successful recovery – wowzers! And, very pleased you have so much knitting time!

    About the blanket motiffs, I think of Jean Miles’ shawls and blankets with dates and various symbols for health and life. I am sure your heart and knitterly-knowledge are whirring away to symbols and exquisite patterns for grand baby’s life. I look forward to watching the progress and thank you for the information about the yarn.

  74. Best wishes for Ken and for the baby-blanket my first thought was maple leaves, because that’s what I associate whit Canada at first thought as a German (maple leaves, mooses and bears, to be honest 😉 )

  75. I hope that Ken is safely home and being cared for by his loved ones. And that you’re getting inspiration for your grandbaby’s blanket as well as having a good time with your husband. Safe trip!

  76. Wow, the texture of the cowl looks really interesting. I don’t have any stitch suggestions for the blanket but I just wanted say I love how you personalize them for the recipient. That’s some knitterly love there. 🙂

  77. No more grandbabies for me but always loved the Lullaby Blanket by Jennifer Lori. Have seen it finished and it was drop dead gorgeous.

  78. I’m so glad to see that baby blanket in the planning stages. Can’t wait to see how this one turns out. How about Crest of the Wave for part of the border? It suggests the rocky shorelines of Newfoundland and sailing — plus those increases and decreases make the stitches dance, wonderfully symbolic of a dancing family.

  79. My girlfriend just became a grandmother the other day. When she told me that her daughter in law was pregnant I gave her yarn, needles and a very simple pattern to make the baby a blanket. I told her all grandchildren should have a blanket made by their grandmother. I don’t know if she finished but she was working on it last time I saw it(that was the time I had to rip out 4 rows to fix the pattern)

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