Four Lists

A list of things it is easy to do with only one hand:

  • Drink coffee.
  • Drink wine. (Assuming someone else has opened the bottle for you.)
  • Presumably, drink other beverages, although I have not confirmed this.
  • Eat things that are small.
  • Text – I got Gboard, and in the one-handed mode I can manage just fine.
  • Take pictures of socks you finished right before you went for a bike ride and cast your life into a dark place where you’re making lists about things because you can’t knit socks.

(Pattern, my basic usual from Knitting Rules, with a picot top.  Yarn: MustStash in Practically Perfect.)

A list of things that it is possible to do with one hand if you are willing to be really patient and accept compromises in speed, quality, satisfaction or most likely, a combination of all three.  (Pro-tip, I am bad at those things.)

  • Knit (Who knew? Only on big needles,  with lots of patience, and it’s giving me a tiny weird blister on the front of my left index finger and I’ve got and the speed of a snail, but it can be done and is possibly the only thing keeping me from going on a murderous rampage the likes of which the world has never seen, and instead limiting my frustration to exchanges with my loved ones that are largely just awful. Nobody is going to love me at the end of this, I can tell. Turns out that it takes a lot of knitting to modify what may be a disastrous personality.)

Pattern is Love and Darkness, yarn is Fleece Artist BFL Aran.

  • Clean up. (But you have to carry things one by one and it’s hardly worth it. I’m not doing it again.)
  • Laundry. (If you kick the basket down the stairs, which absolutely works, and is satisfyingly destructive and loud. Our laundry is in the basement, so I get to heave it down two flights.  It’s totally worth picking it all up again.
  • Typing. (As long as you do it in bursts. This post took all day.)
  • Washing your hair. (As long as you do it lying down in the bathtub, and avoid squirting the shampoo in your face. Twice. Don’t bother with conditioner, it’s not worth it.)
  • Hand wind a ball of yarn.

Things that are surprisingly difficult to do with just one hand:

  • Put on jeans or a bra. (Unsurprisingly, I am currently wearing neither, luckily, at least the bra part is not much of a departure.)
  • Pull up underpants. (See above for solution.)
  • Wash my hands.
  • Enter a password on a keyboard
  • Get ice cubes out of a tray.
  • Spin. (Who knew?)
  • Open the ibuprofen
  • Sleep.
  • Not take every single little problem or slight incredibly personally and use it to reach broad, sweeping conclusions about the people who (allegedly) love me.  (This one may possibly be related to the two before it.)

Things that are absolutely (&%$#$%&ing impossible:

  • Chop *&%#ing anything.
  • Open a damn jar.
  • Use a can opener.
  • Put deodorant on my right armpit. (I can’t wash it either. I expect this to present problems longer term.)
  • Use a pepper grinder or a salt mill.
  • Warp a loom. (I really tried.)
  • Open a zip lock bag.
  • Refrain from near constant foul language.
  • Do anything I want to.

186 thoughts on “Four Lists

  1. can’t believe I’m the first-
    Anyway~ WE (the BLOG) love you just the way you are. Heal Well and perhaps at the end you’ll have an entire new set of patterns for large never can tell

  2. Poor Steph! I broke my wrist once, and despite it being ~30 years ago, I can remember being driven just this crazy, about everything!

    I do suggest getting a small dish and dumping a bunch of ibuprofen into it, so you don’t have to keep opening the bottle (or getting someone to open it for you). As long as the dish is out of reach of children, that might be easier for you.

    Also, more wine.

  3. You are allowed to sit on the “reserved for disabled, old, baby-carrying people seats” on the buses and the tram in the Netherlands. I met a nice lady with a broken wrist there when I had a broken elbow. She couldn’t pour tea with her left hand and I could! But chopping or carving food again took a long time because my elbow did not heal properly.

  4. That is quite the list, Steph! Don’t worry about unimportant things and get help from someone in the house with anything they can do for you. Just know, that we all love you and feel your pain (even if it is in different body parts)! Definitely no bathtub if you are alone in the house. Please! ❤️❤️ The little hat is adorable.

  5. Cranky is a good sign that you are headed in the right direction. It’s also good for you to let all that frustration out. Great idea for the Ibu in a bowl and WINE! Don’t worry about the armpit, only get close to people from the other side.

  6. This list is not too dissimilar to my experience of a broken shoulder last year! Things to get better (with time)! And when they do, you will feel *&%#ing brilliant!!

  7. I’ve had two frozen shoulders and there were so many things I could not do. All I felt was pain and annoyance at the world. I feel for you. Just awful.

  8. That one threw me — wait, what little hat? I’m guessing back of the neck of a shawl, myself, but the suspense is nice. No sleeping is not going to help this situation. An electric toothbrush might — also wine in screw-top bottles. As to the deodorant, well, cold weather is coming. Wait … that’s … not comforting, is it. I got nothing.

  9. Add to the list of things you can do one handed: Make the blog smile and laugh out loud. Thank you, you are very kind sharing your struggles.

    • So agree. I have never injured my arms or hands, but this rant is LOL.

      PS Enlist Joe. I am willing to guess that you have a decanter/pitcher around in which a now-opened bottle of wine can be poured.

      There are jar openers that can ce found on line that screw under your cabinet that I believe would allow you to open a jar one-handed (I have looked at these because I frequently do not have hand strength to open jar TWO-HANDED.)

  10. I have soooo much sympathy for you after my elbow surgery last year…..knitting was impossible for 6 weeks and it was only Ravelry and stash organisation, plus Future WIP planning that kept me sane! I felt very sorry for my family….
    Wishing you a speedy recovery

  11. Love and Darkness sounds like the perfect pattern for you to be knitting right now. You’re standing right at that intersection. No advice from me. Just love from the blog. Your report of the accident was shocking and appropriately dark. So glad you weren’t more terribly hurt.

  12. I feel for you. The knitting may be slow, but at least it’s possible. Might I suggest reading (preferably on an e-reader so you don’t have to hold the book open)? Also, there are lots of good wines that come with a screw-top cap these days — I’m partial to the New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs.

  13. You forgot about “wiping yourself after having a number 2.” I know – I had basal joint arthroplasty in both hands – not at the same time thank heavens.

    • It’s possible….I had the same surgery. You just have to spend a lot of time reverse engineering what you usually do. I don’t recommend it. Ugh.

  14. As for the zip lock bag… could you hold one side of the very top in your teeth and pull the other side with your “good” hand to open the bag? I suppose the teeth part only works if what is in the bag is not very heavy. Although! You could rest the bag on the counter and hold it still with your teeth and use the unharmed hand to open. Hmmm.

    • It works. Done it many times when I’ve forgotten to open the bag before my hand gets mucky!

      And definitely screw top wine bottles! If it hasn’t already been opened, hold the bottle between your left arm and body, and open with right hand.

    • Or , with the bag on a horizontal surface, put your left elbow on the corner of the bag just below the “zipper” and pull it open or closed with your right hand. Works for me.

    • I was going to say the same thing about zip lock bags. I have quite a few joint issues due to autoimmune disease and have times when I have limited and very painful use of my arms and hands. To make sure that I have ice cubes I have someone in my family take the ice cubes out of the tray and put them in a zip lock or a plastic container so I could use them. I’m sorry that you were hurt Stephanie. It sucks! Just try to remember that you will get better and that this will pass. I hope your back to knitting with your usual blinding speed in no time!

  15. My husband is recovering from a broken arm and subsequent surgery this summer (mountain bike accident!) so I am very familiar with this list. I hope you’re getting lots of help and aren’t in too much pain! I’m impressed that you’re managing to knit though that does sound like it’s needed for survival. 🙂 I’m sending you lots of healing thoughts!

  16. Oh my, I don’t know how you even managed to try to bring humour to this. I’d be the crankiest crankypants the world had ever seen in your shoes! I hope you get the ibuprofen and some good, solid rest.

    Get well soon, Stephanie!

  17. O misery! Done that twice – both wrists. At different times in the last few years – also an ankle another time since, but that did not affect my knitting, thankfully. Made more than halves of big-needle sweaters during the wrist times, a life-saving trick. (Neither is finished, though.
    🙁 ) #2 action was far and away the worst…..and still remains an occasional struggle since neither wrist healed properly. TMI. When it’s over you’ll become a knitting dervish! 😀

  18. Preach!

    I wound up with stitches on the palm of my left hand a few months ago (those Corelle dishes that they say don’t break…….yeah, they break spectacularly and are sharper than Ginsu knives). Most things were difficult but I was allowed to move my hand around (and it was, in fact, encouraged, as long as I didn’t pull my stitches). Knitting was difficult and I was not thrilled about that. Funnily enough, spinning was okay as long as things were covered because otherwise, I had fluff in my stitches and trying to tease that out was less than pleasant….

    I hope you heal well and quickly.

  19. I cannot for the life of me visualize how you are managing to knit with one hand. Please, when you’re ready to use your hand again for typing The Blog (no hurry!) can you enlighten us?

  20. I broke my left arm and shoulder and damaged my rotator cuff 18 months ago. I was FORBIDDEN to knit or crochet by the specialist for SIX WEEKS. It was hell, and thank God I live alone because no marriage could have survived the bitch I was. My caregiver , who came 2 hours a day, did all the hard stuff and helped me wash armpits and put on deo. Get underpants and pants with elastic waists 2 sizes bigger, much easier to pull up. Ordered mine cheap from Amazon. Caregiver helped me dress and I slept in my clothes. I had to sleep sitting up in a recliner for 3 months because the couldn’ Cast the break. I feel your pain,!

  21. You can also read on the ‘puter – just reread all of the ‘Anne of Green Gables’ books which I last read in grade school!! Now I’m reading the ‘Shetland’ series by Ann Cleeves. And you can watch YouTube – the content is amazing. Enjoy this little enforced rest, nurture your mind, body & soul. I’m just glad you didn’t do anything really terrible.

  22. I’m so sorry to hear of your fall. You may have already been told about the great rehab tools, and powerspin. They help with the whole upper body rehab, to add to what your health care folks do. I learned about them on Ravelry, and they have helped in my rehab. Your blog reminded me of the … old days. It does improve, as you know.
    All my best, Knitter Susan

  23. I’m laughing but I feel sorry for you too. Tough times for you (and the family)! Sounds like some grace is needed for everyone and I know you all will pull through! Hoping this is the 1 week variety and not longer!!

  24. I had frozen shoulder— similar problems and pain. Except the dr told me to think of it “like a pregnancy” (!!!). When he explained that he meant it was going to be about a nine month process I would go through, I exclaimed “EXCEPT THERE IS NO BABY AT THE END OF IT.”

    I went to Nordstrom’s and bought bras that clasp in front. Game changer.

  25. ARM PIT ADVICE:. I have had four, yes four, shoulder surgeries, one on my elbow and one carpal tunnel. There is no easy way around this. I recommend assistance and the addition of Gold Bond powder to your routine. It helps keep things dry as well as odor free. If needed, you can kinda half ass it with your ad hand much more easily than using a deorderant stick.

    • Long handled shower scrubbie for the armpit washing. Usually used for backs but also effective for pits if the handle is long enough. Got no solution for the deodorant part. Maybe Joe can help with that.

  26. oh Steph, I took have broken my wrist in cycling accident – and it sucked. Everything you say is true. The only thing I can promise you is that eventually you get better at things that are really hard right now, and eventually it sucks less – and then after what feels like a thousand years, you’re explaining to the occupational therapist that she has to fit your brace so that you can move things enough to knit….

  27. Don’t feel bad. I broke both arms after a training ride for the ride to conquer cancer. Couldn’t knit for months. Counted cross stitch and a lot of reading worked. Now I have lupus and knitting, crochet, and cross stitch are prescribed by my rheumatologist. Imagine that!

  28. Arghh. This must be very frustrating. I had a different list this time last year when I broke my femur washing the kitchen floor. One-leg-ability is different from one- hand-ability. I was fortunate in that I could knit! Only after I could sit comfortably. That took a while. Hang in there, knitting one handed, which I cannot even imagine. 😉

  29. So sorry, I borke my left wrist a few years ago I totally feel your pain. I found I had about 3 things in my wsrdrobe that I could manage by myself. I had to ask my childern to fasten my bra, I’m sure they had nightmares over that one. I suggest pillows and ice pack to help sleep, but I really didn’t sleep to well for awhile.

  30. How to put on a bra one-handed:.
    Hook back clasp, put it over your head and climb in – bad arm first. Use good arm to shimmy it into place. As taught to me by a friend who lost the use of one arm from a stroke.

    As for knitting- I’m a ” thrower”. When I broke my right wrist if forced me to learn continental…

  31. You’re going through withdrawal! Quick, get to your LYS (or nearest sheep ranch) and inhale deeply of the wool fumes!

    Let’s look for silver linings here: You can have fun with Joe during bathtime. Ground pepper is available. There are lots of good restaurants in Toronto & some deliver. You can still knit, albeit slowly, and there are lots of patterns that call for big needles and big yarn. Both nudism and muu-muus are options. It’s a good time to learn cuss words in other languages. Your Ravelry queue will grow like Jack’s beanstalk. So will your stash; start alphabetizing it now.

    Seriously, I hope that arm heals swiftly.

  32. Thank you for the Friday chuckle & this comical look into what must be such a frustrating situation! I broke my ankle a week ago and while I CAN knit, the same damn scenery all day (bc i’m supposed to stay off it) and the inability to get down two flights of stairs to do laundry or really any sort of home upkeep is driving me nuts! Wish you a speedy recovery!

    • I broke my ankle two years ago and spent six glorious weeks stuck on the sofa. My husband (with COPD) did laundry one load a day and made simple meals. My knitting friends offered help so I gave each one a job–one picked up prescriptions, one shoveled snow and sprinkled salt, one fetched bananas and donuts from Kwik Trip, one watered plants and carried up clean laundry, and another came for the money and a list to do grocery shopping. They’d bring their knitting and sit to knit a few rows and give my husband a break from having to listen to me whine. We survived but were both grateful when I could move around a bit. I feel your pain and frustration. It does pass.

  33. These suggestion come from watching Hubby struggle while he was one-armed after a fall.
    Jeans, bra, and underpants – MuuMuus or a nightgown.
    Armpit or any other bathing – his name is Joe, he is your helpmate. Next alternative is one of the girls or your sister.
    Cooking – his name is Joe. Next alternative is the girls or your sister bringing in casseroles.
    Laundry – his name is Joe, he can haul it up and down stairs.
    I didn’t look it up, but is alcohol and painkillers wise in the same day?
    Naps on the Chesterfield or in a recliner might help the sleeping.

    I hope everything heals up correctly. Sleep is the answer when you get frustrated enough to make a sailor blush with your language.

  34. When I had a horrific sewing accident earlier this year I had to learn how to function with just one hand too. And I suddenly understood the genius of the pre-chopped vegetables and fruit that they sell at the grocery stores. I thought it was just for lazy people but it turns out it’s for hungry, one-handed vegetarians!

    • You may not see this but I have to know what a horrific sewing accident is???? My retired RN friend is quite concerned. I have emailed my sewing friends to see if they can think of anything. I am hoping it is a typo of some kind.

  35. These lists are EXACTLY why I broke my ankle two years ago instead of my wrist. Not really, but knitting while popping painkillers makes interesting looking socks. Just sayin’. And being trapped on the sofa for 6 weeks leads a person to abuse their loved ones quite frequently but my beloved managed not to kick me downstairs with the laundry. I confess that even now I love tossing the empty basket down after I finish folding. Such a satisfying clatter. Heal fast. More wine! Excellent socks.

  36. I broke my right wrist (yes, I’m right-handed) in a bicycle accident, too, some years ago. I couldn’t knit, for the duration, but, since I love jigsaw puzzles, I did those instead. A great one-handed activity, if you can get someone to open the box for you.
    Hoping for fast, good healing for you,

  37. Yup.

    At almost 8 months one handed and another 6 weeks (roughly, hopefully) to go.

    May I suggest showering with a close romantic partner? Helps with both the hair and the armpits. 😉

    Best of luck!

    • 4 years ago I broke both of my wrists at the same time…Really, nothing is possible except reading and TV watching. I had help with virtually everything. After 4 additional surgeries, I continue to knit with the best of them. Have faith, chant OM, and drink beer. This too shall pass.

  38. My DH just had shoulder surgery on the right side, and I’m sure he could add to your list. Meantime I am cutting his food up into very small bits. At some point I will help him wash. And I think that dry shampoo might be a godsend.

  39. I have trouble with ziploc bags with two good hands. If you hold one side in your teeth and then pull with one hand, it should work. Not for bags with raw meat in them, though.

  40. Just a caution, even at the expense of your immediate knitting sanity:
    I, too did a FOOSH (on just walking down the sidewalk, how klutzy is that?) but didn’t break anything. I just sprained all four fingers of my right hand by bending them backwards. No cast, just couldn’t move the fingers for a few weeks…so I did everything left-handed and awkward. Bad idea. I developed tendonitis in my left elbow because of overuse and ended up with my left hand in a brace. I still had the non-functioning right hand, too.
    Short version of advice: don’t figure out shortcuts and work-arounds that stress the rest of you. I know, easier said then done. Sending healing thoughts.

  41. You also will not be able to play pat-a-cake, shuffle a deck of cards, play leapfrog, swing across the monkey bars!
    I am sorry if they were on your to-do list this week.

  42. For the ziplock: use teeth as your other hand. It’s allowed.

    I love it when you post pictures of your feet in socks. Your feet look like mine, and that is a rare and fine thing. (6.5EE here, totally Birkenstock friendly.)

  43. I agree wholeheartedly with all your points. I was on crutches for 13 years. (yes, really) and usually used only one around the house for a good bit of that time so I could use one hand. Unfortunately, the crutch was under my right shoulder, but I’m right handed. The world is not set up for the disabled.

    BTW, I gave myself 15 minutes a day to feel sorry for myself, and if I didn’t use those minutes, they did not roll forward to the next day. That’s all I allowed. Too much living to do, no matter the obstacles.

    Happy healing, and heal well.

  44. Ugh. Been there. Recently.

    I hope that you’re on the mend soon!

    Broken radius here, and I kicked my beloved out of the BR for a while, so I could sleep with my hand/wrist elevated on pillows. It helped with the pain/swelling.

    Also, I went to my husband’s barber for hair washes – just a wash, then went home with wet hair. She charged me $5 a wash, and that money saved my marriage.

    Hang in there, and wiggle those fingers!

  45. It seems to me there would be any number of followers from The Blog who would gladly come over to your place and fetch and carry for you all day long, esp. given that in the bargain would be an occasional fun and entertaining conversation with you. Set up a schedule, it could work!

  46. Awww! I really am so sorry! (You probably think that I knot as slow as a snail but this isn’t about me). Slow deep breaths and wine.

  47. Having shattered my right elbow last year, I send sympathetic vibes. This was my list of coping mechanisms/commentary written three weeks into the enterprise:
    Tricks for managing. (Or not).
    –appreciate your teen whom you taught to cook
    –be glad we have Uber and Lyft and you can take a taxi without fumbling for money
    –also delivery services for groceries, pet food
    –Oil of Olay’s new soap in a scrubber
    –simply ask people to get out of the senior/handicapped seats
    –you paper calendar is useless; go back to digital–or get said kid to write all the appointments in and take a picture of it
    –be grateful for health insurance and a little cushion (see taxi, delivery service)
    –putting shampoo on a refrigerator dish lid and washing hair in the sink is a good thing (just flip the lid onto hair when you’re ready)
    –your cats will appreciate you being stationary; your dog will not
    –be glad you didn’t declutter those baggy t-shirts; they are the only clothing that go over the cast
    –almost forgot: front close bras

    And the thing that thwarted me much of the time — unlocking my phone with my right thumb or figuring out how to hold it with one hand and tap the 6-digit code with the other. Also any touch screen device–like checking in at airport kiosks (the kids handled all the paperwork and check in for a previously planned Thanksgiving trip)

  48. Things you (YH) can still do:
    write a blog post — even if it takes all day — to make others smile. (I am currently cursing through a phase of too much work — feast or famine of the freelance life — and I, too, can’t knit just now. Maybe next week. Miss it. Not nearly as articulate or funny as you.)

  49. My husband broke his wrist in a January. I bathed him, dressed him (in sweatpants since he couldn’t wear jeans either. ..thankfully, he doesn’t need a bra), tied his shoes, helped him with PT, and cooked all the meals for 6 weeks. The motivation? Sure, I loved every him, but really I did it because his doctor said he couldn’t vacuum until the wrist healed. I made DAMN sure that thing healed as quickly as possible! Take care and be kind to yourself. It will get better!

  50. Forget the bra. From your vet (or a friends vet) get some AI gloves (used by animal medical people to reach into the depths of a cow from from under cow’s tail) for use in the shower/tub. Ice. Audio books.
    My fused wrists hurt for you.
    Knit slowly….with meditative frame of mind.
    Heal well.

  51. Knees can be more useful than most people realize. E.g. clamp wine bottle firmly but gently between knees and open with remaining hand.
    I’ve never tried knitting with one needle under a knee (kneedle?) but I’ve never tried cycling between cities, either. I have full confidence in your ability to pull it off should you so choose.

  52. In the course of my life, I have broken by left wrist twice and my left shoulder once (clumsy +osteoporosis). You get better at those things with each go round. Pull on pants and underwear are doable, but I used a wooden spoon handle to catch the opposite side. Washed hair in kitchen sink with sprayer: messy but it worked. I never mastered my bra, but my husband enjoyed helping me with it. It gets better, really it does.

  53. I once had a wee little accident which ripped the knuckles off of several fingers, involving both hands. It was pretty gory, and ultimately I spent 30+ hours receiving treatment, from IV antibiotics to dressings to rehab. So yeah, two compromised hands meant pretty much everything was a challenge for many weeks. In the immediate aftermath my son was helping me contain the bleeding before heading to the ER. His initial concerned reaction —“Geez, Mom, how are you going to knit?”

  54. Having broken my left arm just below the shoulder in April, I read your list with my head nodding like a bobblehead. Whatever you do, give it the care it requires. My mom broke an ankle (at the same time my arm was broken) and wasn’t careful enough after surgery, so required a second surgery. You DO NOT want to go there!

  55. Two basal joint arthroplasties here… and tricks.

    If you end up needing a cast, go on Amazon for a waterproof cast cover. Spend the money for the good one. It’s worth it. Then rub soap on it during bath time, wash armpit the regular way. It’s waterproof so you’ll be fine. Get a deodorant stick that is extra-big (Mitchum makes a pretty good one). Hold it in your right hand, raise your right arm, invert your hand so the business end of th deodorant is aiming toward your armpit, smear as best you can.

    To pull up underpants, regular pants: do all you can with the good hand then turn the left hand outward so the Palm is facing out. Hook your waistband with your fingers, pull with them. Keep the back of your hand against your body as you slide the pants up.

    Opening things: hug the jar/bottle/whatever tightly to you with your left arm, unscrew with right hand.

    Only eat food that doesn’t need cutting up if eating alone. You will need someone to cut your food up for you. Learn to love soup. But hey, pudding and ice cream don’t need cutting either.

    Finally, get the pharmacist to put meds in non-childproof containers. You’ll have to put them out of Elliot’s reach but a Grammy in pain isn’t a fun Grammy.

    Hang in there!!!

  56. I have a friend who was born without arms and refused prosthetic limbs. She figured out how to do most everything thing with her feet. Maybe you can figure out how to knit with your feet!??

  57. I broke a shoulder in December 2013 (non-dominat) and couldn’t knit for 8 weeks. I put on deordant by putting it on my fingers and then under my broken shoulder armpit. A very necessary endeavor. I wore mostly pajamas and hoodies for those eight weeks. I did learn to zip my jeans. Exactly 9 months later, 1 month out of PT, I broke my dominant wrist hiking, and was in a quarter cast for 4 weeks. I switched my mouse to my opposite hand and carried on. The cast precluded knitting, yet again. I bought an automatic can opener from Amazon, and slowly welded my knife with my non-doment hand. I cooked a lot in my slow cooker and hubby lifted and toted laundry baskets and other things to where they needed to be. Somehow one manages. Good luck. It is difficult but it passes.

  58. I’ve had, a year apart, a broken right thumb and a broken left wrist. (Yes, klutziness played a part in each)
    I have a mini food processor that works great for chopping small amounts of onions, peppers, etc. But the best thing I did for myself was go to the grocery store and find precut vegetables. You’ll find both fresh and frozen ones. Look in the deli/prepared food sections where they have perfectly adequate ready to eat meals.
    I much prefer to make my own meals with fresh ingredients, but sometimes you have to give yourself a break.
    Also, I was astonished how tired I was. Turns out your body needs a lot of energy to heal and that doesn’t leave much for anything else.
    When you do need to put on pants, sweats work well. Zippers are next to impossible.
    Rest a lot. Heal quickly. Snuggle with Elliott. Watch some Elizabeth Zimmerman videos. Be well

  59. This is surely not advice sanctioned by anyone with a medical degree, but when I broke my leg I found augmenting my OTC pain meds with rum was the only thing that kept me from losing my mind. Have Joe get you the big bottle. Sending hugs, it gets a little better each day.

  60. Dearest Steph,

    First on my list is I love you.

    Second is we Blog love you.

    Third: in a mishap between my sailboat and a dock 2 years ago, I broke my dominant wrist. Had to have surgery and was in a variety of casts for about 6 weeks. During my initial consult with my surgeon, I sobbed that I was a Knitter. He told me that was wonderful and knitting would be my PT. It was super hard and painful in the first casts, but manageable. Once I got a removable one, I was able to progress from dish cloths to garter st triangle shawls then to st st again. Every step was a triumph and kept me sane.

    You can do this. I am so sorry it happened; but you can do this.

    Fourth: get well.

    Fifth: did I mention how loved you are?

  61. Oh Steph… Just know that this won’t last forever and you will be back to your incredible self soon. I’m sure you’re even incredible as the one-handed marvel. Take each day at a time and wine certainly helps.

  62. Oh, Steph – what a year you’ve had!
    We all love you and support you.

    A couple of additional suggestions.
    1 – there are several good cheap or free dictation programs available, if your phone or computer doesn’t already have that capability. You’ll have to go through and proof/correct the weird typos they can create. But it’s still preferable to the slow, painful process of doing it all with one hand.
    2 – Consider trying CBD oil as an adjunct or replacement for the ibuprofen. It’s an excellent anti inflammatory, used both sublingually and topically. Also helps with sleep, if that’s an issue. Non-psychoactive, and I think available in Canada.
    3 – You’re energetic, focused, and used to always being productive. All very good things. But you’re also human, not superhuman. Take time to heal and to rest. And maybe get a jump on the planning for next year’s Rally, dictating your notes.

    This too shall pass. Feel better!

  63. Read Outlander books. They are long. They are complicated. They are guilty pleasure. (And they are even better than the TV series!) You will be healed before you’re finished.

  64. So sorry for all the troubles! What about loom knitting? I know it isn’t as standard as the usual, but would it at least take off the edge from little to no knitting at all? I’ve been kind of intereted in it lately and there’s way more than just bulky hats! You can even make socks!

  65. Ohhh Dear! I have been there and I know your pain and frustration. But our wonderful bodies do heal from this kind of thing. I know it is hard to ask for help…but this is when it is needed….ask Joe to help with deodorant, wine, jar tops, chopping, cutting and so on…at least you have figured out a way to knit something! I was not that clever.

  66. Darling Girl (apparently I’m now old enough to be everyone’s mother. Or auntie anyway.) you have not lost all of your sense of humor yet and that is key. I have a tummy bug, I haven’t vomited in decades but apparently it’s like riding a bicycle. All I want to do is sleep until it’s over but being horizontal is not so good and I have little patience with trying to sleep propped up. But maybe a good bitch and little sympathy for another will help? A little?

  67. Oh Stephanie, first I want to reinforce how very loved you are, by family and the Blog. So many positive thoughts and prayers are sent your way.

    My husband was a paramedic for 40 years and 2 years ago had a really bad break of his (dominant side) right shoulder. I asked him for ideas and some of these are his experience and some from patients he worked with. BTW, he’s very independent and would hardly let me help him with things, so he really improvised. I’m going to try not to repeat suggestions from above, as so many of them are brilliant!

    Spray deodorant – not my choice but it works and there are some decent ones out there. This could be an emergency situation.

    6-8 inch salad tongs with silicone tips (I use these a lot in my kitchen) work great to pull up underwear! Or grab anything that needs a bit of a grip on it. 2nd suggestion for pants – if you wear a belt, put it on the pants before you put them on.

    Ibuprofen or any meds – leave the lids off and place on a shelf high enough that Elliot cannot reach them. If you want a cover, lay a piece of paper over them.

    Wine also comes in boxes – you can Google top picks if you like. I have found that the Black Box Merlot is decent and it keeps for at least a month, if it lasts that long.

    Check out websites with Adaptive Skills for Stroke Victims for ideas. Amazon carries a bunch of adaptive kitchen tools. I hope you don’t need these, but if it’s a long term issue, they are possibilities.

    Lastly – simple meals – there are some great websites with vegetarian sheet pan dinners. All in one. If ingredients are pre-cut, they go together fast and you can put what you want in them.

    Enough – you’re getting a lot of ideas and advice. Relax when you can, swear when you need to and ask for help – I know it’s hard, but you’d want to help someone else and now it’s your turn to let them help you!

  68. OMG laughed so hard at this post Stephanie. I can sooo relate. I have had hand surgery on each hand separately, and it’s easier to deal with the non dominant hand being the incapacitated one. But I also had both carpal tunnel surgeries on both wrists at the same time. I looked like I was wearing boxing gloves and could use neither hand for anything, though I did ‘glove up’ one hand for bathroom purposes. Hubby had to hook bras for me if I had to leave the house. You will survive ad in the meantime you are giving us much pleasure when you share your thoughts here. Heal fast!! HUGS!!

  69. Love this list.
    Not sure if I’ve mentioned our youngest(7) has left side hemi. She has some use of her left arm/hand but the brain ignores it so instead she typically adapts using her chin, mouth, etc. Ziplock bags require holding a little bit in mouth and using her right hand to pull open, if this is not working and no one is around to yell “use lefty!” she will rip hole with teeth. Not recommended.
    Hope you heal quickly and completely.

  70. I have been “handless” before, I feel your angst. An always issue is arthritis in my left thumb (try to do about anything without a thumb.) I was moaning about it and then went to a knit in public event at a local yarn store and sat next to a young man who only HAD one hand who was knitting, and who also crochets. I will never. complain. again.

  71. You can open a zip lock bag with one hand if you use your teeth; not sure you will be able to get it closed again. Picking up one-piece-at-a-time is a great way to get extra steps on the ol’ Fitbit. Hope you heal fast!

  72. So my sister in law puts deodorant on both armpits with her right hand. The first time I saw her use her right hand to put deodorant on her right armpit, I have to admit I mocked her. Turns out maybe it was a good life skill.

  73. Oh, painful to read. I am so sorry. Speedy recovery wishes for you.

    I’m right handed and broke my right shoulder several years ago and had my arm in a sling for several weeks. I identify with almost every single thing you listed, although I was not a knitter at that time.

    Haha, the most difficult left-handed adjustment was wiping my butt!

    Sending tons of healing wishes.

  74. In 2010, I had a repair on my Achilles’ tendon and three weeks later completely ruptured it (it rolls up like a frog’s tongue — who knew?). I couldn’t even put any weight on it for 3 months — no walking, no driving. I was rolling around the house on an office chair and carrying things in my bra. Thank goodness for Facebook because I live way out in the country, far from friends and neighbors. It was a horrible experience that taught me to slow down, gave me the opportunity to learn things and think things and to just BREATHE. The recovery was long and arduous and that forced me to assess skills like balance and flexibility which led me to tai chi (and I’m still practicing it daily). Any way, my point is that the universe may be telling you that you really just need to STOP and HEAL and to remember that you’re not in control as much as you try to be. Also, you can pet your cat, take a walk with Joe and play with your grandbaby…bonus — no changing diapers!

  75. I have a bizzaro crazy strange weird year myself so, oddly, I really understand your predicament. I’m starting to put it all in the rearview (I hope), and I hope the same happens for you much faster than it happened for me.
    And good on-ya for staying busy! 🙂

  76. Breath.


    Have some more wine. Put a few Ibuprofen in a bowl and on a shelf that you can reach but Elliot cannot.

  77. Reading is a great thing you can do one-handed. Have you ever read Robertson Davies? A great Canadian author, although I think you’d need to get them in the library. Another great book for a bike aficionado is “Three Men on a Bike”, written around the turn of the century and very, very funny!

  78. I shattered my right shoulder into a zillion pieces a couple of years ago (and broke the upper bones of both arms)[yep, I FOOSHed, too] and learned a few things: husbands are willing to wash your armpit and put deodorant on it for you. I think it might be a survival thing. They will enthusiastically help you unbutton or unclasp any clothing. Doing them up is not as enthusiastic, but they’ll help. Teeth work as well as your other hand for opening zip-lock baggies. Sleep and ibuprofen are your best friends. Finally- this too shall pass. It will feel like forever, but you’ll heal. (Be sure to do any exercises religiously. You’ll thank yourself in a year.)

  79. Several years ago, I missed a step on a friend’s porch. Bounced my forehead instead of my chin, ruptured a tendon in my thumb (the one that makes the thumb opposable), sprained my ankle for good measure. Hand surgery, followed by a cast, glue in the forehead, boot on the ankle.

    I agree with your lists 100%.

  80. Oh, yes. As someone who is currently almost constantly holding a baby with at least one hand… yes. It is brutal and requires so much resourcefulness and patience and creativity. I can now pull down pants/underwear AND PEE with one hand only operational. It is a freaking FEAT.

  81. Stephanie,

    Focus on what you can do. Get curious & see if you can find other ways to stuff.

    That’s what I did when I injured my back. I’d wake up and see what new thing I could do that day.

    No bike riding, walking is great. You might discover that you can survive without knitting, & found something you could do to make the time survivable.

  82. Ah yes, I remember swearing profusely at my husband for not foreknowing that I would need help shaving & applying antiperspirant to the affected armpit when I had hand surgery…and for insisting that nonknitter family members hold one needle while I tried to knit with my one functioning hand. Hope you will soon be well.

  83. Oh good lord, Steph.

    Feel better soon… have someone else warp the loom, because weaving one handed is totally possible (I know from experience) and get Dragon Naturally Speaking. My oldest son has a disability that makes it hard for him to hold pencils (amongst other things). He uses Dragon for dictation and it works really well after you get it set up. I’ve used it myself (see above knowledge about weaving one handed) and after about 3 days of frustration and swearing (it totally gets swearing, btw), I got it working… specialized vocab takes longer but the initial training makes it almost speak english.

    And good luck.

  84. Would audio books help? That would leave your good hand free to hold the wine. Wishing you a speedy recovery!! XO

    (p.s. I have to click on the Woman to post. That’s a good sign, right??)

  85. Healing wishes for you, Stephanie, and for all of your many contributors here. A few had “stop and count your blessings” insight, but so many of these were LOL.

    And, this may not be as convenient, but as you recuperate, could basement just become laundry center? Each person carries their dirty laundry to basement hamper…and carries their own clean clothes up (or Joe can carry all clean laundry up).

    My Dad was a leftie, and deeply wanted a leftie child. Wish was not granted. Then, I had a girlfriend (this mostly applied at college) who is a leftie and, when we couldn’t get the right seating, I would switch hands. Because of this, I can use my left hand for many functions (brushing teeth and hair is painful).

    So, now, I am going to practice one-handedness on many life skills…because you never know. And I will make myself learn it both right and left. Right now, I am counting my blessings.

  86. I am so sorry to hear about your bike accident. I broke my wrist because I slipped and fell on some ice I didn’t see because it was under the snow. I was furious because I knew I wouldn’t be able to knit. After surgery I had to wait 7 days before I could try knitting or crocheting. The doctor was actually happy that I knitted and crocheted because it would help me get my range of motion back. It took a month before I could knit, but could and did as much crocheting as possible. Three month later and I was ble to go back to knitting. Heal quickly. Darci

  87. Steph,
    Words from Barbara G. Walker, in response to a question I asked her a number of years ago when I was visiting her and her husband, came to mind.
    I asked Barbara what she was at that time working on. She responded, in part, that she was experiencing a fallow period and knew that something would soon present itself.

    My suggestion — enjoy a fallow period in regard to actual knitting, but use your wonderful brain and creative talents in mentally planning future writing articles, books, creative ideas, etc. Get a voice activated recorder to record your many ideas rather than making notes and do lots of dictating.

  88. I thought this was amusing until this morning when I stepped on what turned out to be a bee’s nest and a swarm got my mainly in the right wrist. Now it’s an education list for things I can do with only one hand as well

  89. I fell off my bike and broke my right arm about 10 years ago (I’m right handed). I was in the same predicament as you for a few weeks. I had to go to work wearing pull on skirts or yoga pants; otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to go to the bathroom on my own!! Try to keep your sense of humour. You will heal and things will get better.

  90. Oh Stephanie! Like many other commenters, I can relate.
    Still dealing with the aftermath of a broken shoulder. Finally had total joint replacement surgery in March.
    What I did to wash my hair was to get in the shower, squirt on some shampoo and then use a wide toothed comb to work it through to the scalp. Not perfect, but good enough.
    I learned to accept “good enough” for a lot of things.
    We the Blog are with you through all of this. Take your time and know we understand that posts may be few and far between for a while.

  91. Some years ago I had wrist surgery and just about went crazy. Every time I went to the bathroom my husband had to help me pull up my undies. Takes a hand on each side. By tocking one needle under my watchband and the tail of the other under a loop of bandages, I was able to knit. Pain meds in a Chinese tea cup up on a shelf of a bookcase worked. A big cleaver works to chop veggies.
    Someone gave me a skein of lovely soft WW wool in a beautiful golden color. I want to make a cowl for my red-headed niece. What’s your fav cowl pattern?
    Julie in San Diego, where it’s cool and foggy today.. In August???

  92. You’re going to make it, and your family obviously loves you no matter what. Sorry to hear things are so rough, hang in there and hope you hear quickly.

  93. I feel for you I really do. I also know how it feels having had five operations on my right wrist (I’m right handed) which put me out of knitting action for various periods. All of which were VERY frustrating. I survived by trawling photo albums to find photos of past knits and loading them all – effectively my back catalogue -into Ravelry. Not as good as knitting but I did manage to avoid killing anyone

  94. Not much consolation, but the socks are beautiful. BTW Knitting Rules is my favorite of all your books. You are a genius (with a broken paw – )

  95. I’m sorry this happened to you! Love and Darkness sounds appropriate for the moment and is beautiful to boot! If you’re interested, Amazon has some inexpensive automatic/battery operated ‘gravity’ salt and pepper grinders. You tip them over and they grind automatically. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  96. Yep. That sounds about right. When I saw the bandaged hand on instagram I said, “Oh fuck! No! This is going to be horrible!”

    I am sorry this happened. I am sorry it happened on the same day you took your mom to the hospital last year. Maybe it happened because anger and frustration are easier to bear than grief. I don’t know.

    I too go to great measures to distract myself from grief. Sometimes it works and sometimes when I am not expecting it it sneaks up on me and I didn’t have a chance to distract myself. Recently I heard someone say (on tv or in a book, I can’t remember) that grief was the price we paid for love. So when the distraction ploy fails I try to think of this…it’s the price I am paying for the love. And it was worth it.

  97. one thing not on your list…you made me laugh (albeit ruefully) but you certainly cheered me up and made me laugh when I was in a really ‘pukey’ mood and didnt feel like laughing at all. That you definitely did that one handed!

  98. I didn’t read all the comments (132) but I think you could probably garden with only one hand. Pulling weeds might be a good way to vent your frustration

  99. Hi Stephanie, I hear you. I broke bones in the back of my left hand on Aug 7. Feeding myself has been a challenge and knitting and spinning are impossible. However, you can open a bottle of wine if you hold it between your knees and use a lever type cork screws, or buy the screw off cap ones. Some are very good wines. The zip log bag is easy too. Grab one side of the bag with your teeth and pull with your right hand.
    Tying shoes…it’s summer sandals are fine. Remember the signs say
    No shirt, no shoes, no service. Nowhere does it say anything about pants!

    Hope that it heals quickly..I am heading back to ortho today. This cast is too tight and my fingers are going to sleep. It’s the 3rd one and it’s been 3 weeks. I am done! and out of wine with a screw top!

    Sometimes I think that the Universe decides that we are dwelling on the past too much. The 7th was a tragic anniversary for me, and here I am with 1 hand immobilized. Perhaps the Universe is saying..”I will hold your beer, now watch this!”

    Keep your anniversaries in mind, but think about the happier ones. Be grateful your hand will heal…I know that I am. Thinking of you here.

    ps: Mothers should teach their sons to put a bra on, someday their wives will thank them for this…I think that most learn how to take it off only.

  100. As someone that has had shoulder surgery, I agree with the entire list above. In fact, when people ask me what the hardest part was for me other than the required physical therapy I’d tell them pulling anything up over my lower half. But the inability to open a medicine bottle was probably the most infuriating. To the point that I had someone come over to open all my bottles and just leave them that way for me.

  101. Ugh. I feel you. I opted for wrist surgery on my right (dominant) side last year. The recovery was tough. The armpit thing made me laugh. I do remember that. I finally ended up using a soaped up washcloth. I would hold one corner under my chin, and let it sort of hang down across my armpit. Then I’d kind of scrunch my arm around so it would scrub up under there…well, the best I could. You can also use the working hand to grasp the opposite corner and try to work it around that way. It never truly felt like I properly cleaned it, but I felt like I did my best. 😉 The not being able to knit was 100% the worst part of it. No, scratch that—second worst. I’m a right handed wiper, so that was the worst. I felt like a drunken two year old trying to wipe my own arse!
    Hope you heal quickly!!

  102. I had rotator cuff surgery in January 2017. I couldn’t lift my right arm for several weeks, so I couldn’t get deodorant under there either. Let’s just say the odor that came out from there just about knocked me over much less anyone else. It also didn’t help that I bought flannel and fleece button down shirts to wear being January and all. We had the warmest January/February ever. I thought I was going to sweat to death…

  103. Dearest Steph, it is so uniting (is that even a word?) to read your current struggles. Carpal tunnel surgery one wrist after the other, followed by a FOOSH that broke the mostly recovered left wrist left me with a similar situation. The swearing and short temper is sooo familiar! Tech tip on typing. Use a tablet or phone with predictive text for typing, then email it to yourself . Open on the computer, control A to select all of the text, control C to copy, and paste that sucker into your blog or letter or whatever. Slow but less maddening. Hugs and healing to you. Gorgeous socks, too.

  104. I’m an occupational therapist and if I didn’t live in the far southwestern part of the US, I’d drop by for a little home modification session. We excel at helping people, especially the one-handed variety, find ways to do all those two-handed things like the washing of underarms and putting on of bras. Maybe you can befriend a Canadian OT, I hear they are just as amazing, if not moreso, than the American variety.

  105. Get well soon! This reminds me of when I had to have surgery on my nerves in the fingers of my right hand in second grade. I had to relearn how to do these things I’d just learned over again, this time with my non-dominant hand: write, eat properly with utensils, and cut with scissors to name a few. One handed life is hard! I’m glad you’ve come up with a way to knit.

  106. Feeling your pain….well, not literally….but I recently had a tendon transfer in my right hand. Had a bandage, then cast, then brace. Many of the things you listed made me smile and nod, now that it’s over. I didn’t knit for 2 months, right when several babies were due. As for bras…..I went without for a while, but then discovered Genie bras. I needed help getting them on at first, but gradually learned. If you absolutely need one. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  107. I broke my right arm in college and discovered I could do many things including put on deodorant with a little creativity. The deodorant trick was to wedge the stick in a door or drawer – or (it was the 90s) between the waterbed and the side rail. I never did figure out how to shave that armpit though.

  108. I had been thinking how strong and thin and tan you looked post-Rally. That being said, chocolate never came up in even one suggestion. This is the one time in your life when you can sit around reading and eating chocolate. I also like Knitting Rules the best of all your books, and have given several copies as gifts. When you get tired of reading, maybe you’ll write us another book to read. Heal quickly, and know we’re here for you.

  109. Assuming your wine takes a corkscrew, it is possible to open it one handed. Put the bottle between your trainer clad feet. I use the corkscrew on my Swiss Army knife. Insert corkscrew, brace the bottle with your feet, trainers help with the grip thing. Pull. Yeah I had to figure it out, carpal tunnel recovery.

  110. I shattered my arm and shoulder 9 years ago, it took years before I could use my arm again. No knitting or anything for YEARS. It was horrible. I hope your wrist heals fast.

  111. YMMV on this, but I found that a standard cloth grocery bag full of clothes equalled one load in the washer. It doesn’t make that satisfying crash when you drop it, but is a lot easier to pick up after and unlike a standard laundry basket can be carried in one hand.

  112. About 10 years ago my daughter fell off her bike and broke one arm and the elbow on her other arm. To say she was a bit disabled is an understatement. Her fiancé ended up buying a bidet seat for their toilet because, well, when you have no usable arms, some things are pretty hard to do.

  113. These are the times that try (wo)mens’ souls…

    Some things that helped me: Audiobooks, from the library.
    Entertaining or educational or inspiring or whatever you choose during waking hours and a godsend at night if you can’t sleep. Some boring books or certain readers can put me right under, too.
    Friends loaned me a (folding) zero-gravity chair that was heavenly; very relaxing and calming and a decent place to sleep.
    Also, do you have one of those things that turns your bike into a stationary bicycle? Pedaling away could burn off some frustration and keep you in training! In moderation, of course. Rest is good too.
    I also recommend the CBD, sublingual drops, for pain relief and sleep. (I didn’t want to keep taking taking so much Ibuprofen.)
    Reading about some of the Big Ideas was good for perspective. by Maria Popova certainly broadens the mind. There are years of essays and references to great thoughts and thinkers.

    Do find the ways to take care of yourself. All your knitters are out here in support!

  114. Reading this cracks me up because it’s been my life for the last seven weeks (tomorrow). My accident was not as dramatic as yours (I simply fell on my face in a parking lot – broke a rib and my left radius). Will find out on Thursday if I can get my cast off ( thankfully, it’s the same type as yours – aren’t they great? ). Reading your lists of things that are hard to do made me laugh because I can relate. Opening a can of beans or unscrewing anything – major impossibility, so I invited a friend over just to open a bunch of jars and cans for me! May you continue to heal well!

  115. I’m so glad you’ve figured out how to knit! I totally understand the need to use needles to stab yarn as opposed to people. As for underwear and such, meh, who needs them? I’m sending you vibes for fast and speedy and complete healing. Oh, and get Joe to take on right armpit duty.

  116. geee whiz,
    my heart is sad you are in this broken-body chapter. gads. Terrific advise above. I send prayer for a strong recovery and full use of your wrist restored…and a quiet heart and peace of mind for you.

    I shattered an ankle when I was only in 20’s and after the pain-aches and figuring out how to do things settled in- I realized pple with who are aging and have age-aches and slowness, people with broken bits all need more time to get angled right to get through doors, get things off shelves, get up from chairs etc., my view of the world was never the same after that.

    take care

    • p.s. after your blog with the socks made from Sea Turtle Fiber Arts, Ridley Sock…I bought a few skeins…wow. beautiful strong stuff.

  117. I feel your pain! I broke a small bone in my wrist a month and a half ago. It was so FRUSTRATING!!! Thankfully it healed very fast. Hoping the same for you.

  118. Oh, wow, this SO reminds me of when I broke my wrist some 25+ years ago.

    Another thing “impossible” to do with one hand: put your hair up in a bun/knot. Something merely “difficult” is washing it.

    I was in the Navy at the time, and realized I would have to have short hair for a while, so went over to get it cut. A woman in the parlor said, “You’re not getting your hair cut off because you broke your arm, are you?” So I asked her if she was going to show up at my room every morning to put it up for me. (Sudden silence.)

    Oh, another “impossible” thing was tying my own shoes. I had to have my troops do that for me . . .

    I think we’ve all been there . . . and I can assure you, liberal complaining helps.

  119. The universe is tough. She’s been telling me things I don’t want to hear all month. Thank heavens you can knit even with difficulty. Your shawl looks really beautiful.

  120. So I learned when my arm was broken that you can get your bra on and off by hooking it together on a flat place like a table with one hand, then drop it over your head and use the good hand to pull it down under your breasts. This takes some practice but it works. Getting it off is a lot easier, just pull it up and off over your head with the good hand. Leave it hooked together for the next time you have to put it on. I wished I could go without a bra but I’m a fat middle-aged lady so there was no going without. Too much swinging and jiggling around for that.

  121. I am a leftie and was without the use of my left hand for several weeks. Parting your hair, putting spread on a piece of toast or bread, brushing your teeth, turning taps on and off.. All the things everyone else has already mentioned. You will end up exercising your brain a lot more trying to come up with inventive ways to counter the one handed clumsiness, make a promise to yourself to use your non dominant hand more when you are healed, but it never happens. Take care, wishing you a speedy recovery, or not, if that is what you want.

  122. You are bringing back so many memories…. I was on my bike and flopped over. Fell on my right, but broke my left arm/wrist. (?!?! Still can’t explain that one.).

    Yep. I remember not being able to button/zip my pants. I had to call my daughter into the stall to do it for me. I switched to elastic waist skirts.

    I don’t know what the deal was, but the weight of a single sheet of paper was painful. (A year later my husband broke HIS left arm; the next day he carried around a coffee cup in his bad hand.). It took a couple of weeks before I could knit, but I had to knit laceweight because of the weight issue. I had to knit slowly and carefully to keep the cast from snagging the yarn. But it was such a relief to be making SOMETHING that I stuck with it.

    Bon courage. It is misery.

  123. Hope that the wrist heals speedily!

    On the upside, knitting is probably good physical therapy for when you get out of the brace/cast. So you should set aside extra physical therapy time. You know, it’s important for healing!

  124. Things that are frickin’ impossible: Butter toast. I had to have my 6-year-old hold it on the plate for me. Load/unload the dishwasher in less than an eternity. Do anything easily.

  125. Okay, I was just skimming through this again…and got to “chopping”…

    Salad bowl on towel or spongy dish mat
    Items in salad bowl
    One of those rocking cutters/knifes that they use to make a chopped salad

    Please be sure to put container on something so that it will not slip. No point in having a second bloody injury…

    And I need to re-focus on practicing one-handed feats. After I stuck my pinky finger up my nose while washing my hair (no clue as to how and why of that), I realized that this was a serious life skill set I needed.

  126. Oh, girl. I feel your pain. Literally! Currently have a cast on my hand and going nuts! All the suggestions folks are making are really helpful. I’m learning a lot. FYI there are electric wine openers. Hold the bottle between your knees, position the screw and press the button. Easy easy!

  127. 2 days into the healing process, usually the worst of all days. All the aches and pains are now rather well known and the marks are prominent for all to see including yourself.

    Get past the next 4 days and see how you are feeling. Move the parts that don’t hurt as much as you can. Drink and eat what makes you feel good. Healing has started. Audio books help. Wine counts as good food.

  128. I’m not prone to commenting, but I have had my share of injuries in recent years and I know how much I enjoyed it when people would comment on whatever social media posts I threw up just for the sake of breaking up the boredom!

    I’ve been reading “the blog” since the autumn of 2004–you have brought lots of inspiration and chuckles to my life. Thank you for sharing your story with us all. Partially inspired by your example, I learned to knit shortly thereafter. I was a brand-new college graduate with a six-month old on my hip, embarking on the weird, shadowy world of “SAHM”-ness, and knitting was a way I helped fill up my days that had been crammed with studying and now revolved around nap times. I became OBSESSED and no one else got it, but then I could pop over onto your blog and feel like someone out there understood it, too.

    I hope you heal quickly and fantastically well. I also hope some new and interesting things pop up that will help alleviate the frustration of this time for you. Things that perhaps you wouldn’t have had time for were it not for the injury. I hope you sleep well tonight, too. All good things, all good things.

  129. Pro tip for Zip Lock bags: Use your teeth to grip half. Must grip gently to avoid tearing. Ask me how I know! 🙂 Hang in there, watch lots of shows and remember every day will be better.

  130. Lol, the “little hat” is actually the early stages of a pretty shawl (I looked on the link ). But it Does look like a hat doesn’t it?

  131. Sorry to interrupt, but @iluvyarns is posting some of your pictures on Instagram. Possibly someone else has noticed and told you.

  132. For the password…

    There is a function called “sticky keys” that is fesighned for people who have the use of only one hand. On a Windows machine you press the shift key repeatedly (ithink it was five times or something) – would be very surprised if Mac OS didn’t have something similar. It means you can press Ctrl or Shift and then the other key to get the capital or other character, rather than pressing them together.

    Enjoy x

  133. I broke my wrist and had to have it surgically put back together this winter. My big advice is to get a good specialist hand therapist and follow their advice completely. My adventures with trying to crochet with a large hook stuck between my hand and the cast was do-able, but she told me I was delaying the healing and could make it worse. It made it easier to put it down for a little while. The idea of permanent damage kept me from pushing it.
    My favorite thing for a while was dictation. And it being summer, at least you can walk without worrying about ice. I also tried and improved with my left-handed drawing.
    It is also funny how having this injury means that everyone else will tell you their own similar horror stories.

  134. I broke my wrist December 20, 2015. Your lists are spot on. I couldn’t drive though for 6 weeks. Being home alone was torture when I was hungry.

  135. I completely understand what you are going through! I had shoulder surgery on 1 Aug… I was told “No use of the left arm” for 4 to 6 weeks, and to keep it in the sling. Also, I’m having to sleep in a recliner in the livingroom, so my husband isn’t sleeping well either.

    The not being able to do stuff and asking for help for the littlest things we think we should still be able to do but can’t, sure make strong, independent, capable women feel anything but those things.

  136. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Hugely ironic you get through the Rally unscathed and crash afterwards. From someone who’s navigated the world single-handed all my life I suggest you do as some others have said and use your knees to hold things but also use other parts of your body e.g. your teethe to hold one side of the top of a zip-loc bag to open it. Shoulders, chin, bum can be used to push doors buttons etc. Tuck things under your armpit or chin to carry more. I think it’s very clever of you to figure out how to knit one-handed but I suspect it was a survival necessity for others survival. Good luck. Heal real fast.

  137. I am behind reading your blog. I broke my arm on the 19th and have been making my own mental lists like this. Add to that the fact that I have a toddler and a preschooler and it’s really been more exciting than I could have hoped for! Did you know you can change a diaper with one hand? Carry the toddler AND the diaper bag? What an adventure! Doesn’t misery love company or something like that? Thanks for the laugh!

  138. Thank you for this! Am typing left handed as I broke my right one three days ago and go for a surgery consult tomorrow. A friend turned me on to your blog as I knit, weave, sew and play piano as my main hobbies. Just picked up a pending project (small to be felted purse) in hopes I could still knit. SLOW and a bit painful, but doable! Will spend my recuperation reading your blog. PS yesterday was my husbands birthday AND the 21st Anniversary of my mother’s death. I still miss her terribly and think of her often.

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