Cast off

Happily, the title of this post is both a knitting situation, and the current situation of my left hand!

I was at the fracture clinic this afternoon, and the Doctor (who I now find far less annoying than I did a few weeks ago) said that I could do without the cast, and that my hand is now cleared for “light duty”.  I asked a few questions about what that meant, and while there are definitely still some limits, the big things I’ve been missing are back – typing, and KNITTING.

In fact, when I asked him if I could knit (rather “a lot”) he said “please do, as much as you can, it’s good for you.” Knitting is wondrously, finally, as I have always dreamed – doctor’s orders. (We will, for the moment, gloss over the difference between what he surely thinks is a lot of knitting, and what I think is a lot of knitting. I feel like if there were limits he would have said something.) I am going to knit, and type and holy cats I think I will eat something you need a knife and fork to manage, and right after that I’m going to wash my hair with two hands, and then I’m going to tie my shoes. Repeatedly.

This news couldn’t come at a better time, since this morning I got just about to the end of Love and Darkness, and was (really ironically) finding it really difficult to cast off with a cast on.

Cast off!

Let the wild knitting rumpus begin!

98 thoughts on “Cast off

  1. YIPPEE!!! Wild Rumpus, indeed!

    (Don’t get tendinitis… It is a thing I got once from too much knitting… I’m sure you can guess what the doctor recommendation is for that one. {{{SHUDDER}}} )

  2. Having come from a hand surgery two years ago and a foot surgery this year, the limit is “as long as it doesn’t increase the pain.” Tired is good, painful is not. (I know, it’s really hard to stop at the pain point when you’re so happy to finally have two hands again, but pushing past that point one day makes it a lot less likely you can do things tomorrow. Lesson learned from experience.)

    • “Lesson learned from experience” reminds me of a dear friend who always said:
      “Good judgment comes from experience.
      “Experience comes from bad judgment.”

  3. When my young nephew had a serious broken wrist a few years back, knitting was highly recommended therapy after the fact. He was really into it for the longest while.

  4. Fantastic news, Steph! Congratulations on getting your right arm’s best friend back. please be careful and don’t overdo things. Are you allowed to ride your bike yet? Anyway! this is the best news for a Monday. Very happy for you.

  5. Wonderful news! I am lucky in that my current ailments don’t threaten my knitting capabilities. Much. Something to do with my shoulder. Just think of your possibilities! Congratulations! Love your shawl, btw. Going to favorite it now…Take care. Try not to push it too much.

  6. HUZZAH!!

    Don’t forget to stop for frequent breaks, and to stretch. The hand, and everything else. Superwoman that you are, you’re 50 now. Your equipment is in great shape, but you need to maintain it a bit more conscientiously.

    And no more biking without gloves!

  7. I’m so happy you have your left hand back. Sure, there’s some self-interest there, because I’m now looking forward to more finished projects. But also lots of altruism, because I know it was no fun for you.

  8. Hooray!!! I truly believe that knitting will be your best form of physical therapy. I have sustained minor finger fractures (bike accident, Tae Kwon Do incident) and the gentle motion of knitting helped to maintain my circulation and dexterity. Now, I can’t even remember which fingers have been broken!

  9. Wonderful! The knitting rumpus is no doubt in full swing by now and I’m so happy for you. If you look online you can find some very good exercises for strengthening and stretching out your hand if it gets painful. Enjoy!!

  10. What great news! Wouldn’t I love to have someone (anyone) say Knit All You Want, It’s Good for You! That poor doctor has no idea…

  11. This is great news! Enjoy getting your life back. I think that wonderful Doctor deserves a pair of hand knit socks. But…may I suggest leaving the bike in the garage for awhile?

  12. I’ve been looking forward to this post – hurray for surviving the knitting slowdown AND the doctor’s orders for full speed ahead!

  13. Congrats!

    As a person who has suffered a number of hand injuries, I must ask: Will you also be repeatedly, and joyfully, lowering and pulling up your underpants?

  14. I came here to cheer you on in your wait and the cheering is already happening! Such good news. I’m so happy for you!

    Remember to take breaks. With chocolate.

  15. Just remember that Jim Fixit, the man who wrote the book on running/jogging literally suddenly dies of a massive heart attack while running. perhaps the bike should go in the garage for bit…Just something to think about,

  16. congratulations! I did something similar a few years back – right hand – couldn’t knit for months – very frustrating advice – take it slowly, you’ll know when you have done too much – it HURTS. best wishes for a full recovery.

  17. See Kate Davies’s new book, Handywoman, for the beneficial effects of knitting in hand use recovery, in her case after a stroke. Inspiring. I picture you and your knitting with Max amongst the Wild Things. And remember your dinner will still be hot!

  18. Hooray! I’m glad the healing is going well. I find it apropos that you have been working on a pattern named Love and Darkness during this time. What will you cast on with cast off while fulfilling your doctor’s orders to knit? Perhaps a Bluebird of Happiness or Happy Socks? Of course, Rhinebeck is coming….

  19. Oh HOORAY!!! I’m so terribly pleased for you! Enjoy your wild rumpus!

    (The comment about underpants had me verrrry close to shooting coffee out my nose!)

  20. Hooray for you. so happy your right arm has its best friend back. Enjoy you refound freedom, but do not overdue it. Yes, so many things made easier when done with both hands. Know that well myself.

  21. Hooray! Enjoy casting off without the cast on and then you can cast on with the cast off! I think I would ask for “knit a lot” written on a prescription pad, suitable for framing!

  22. Fantastic. That seemed to last forever!
    I’m heading into some mild (hope) surgery and my physician’s guidelines for afterwards is “if it aches, pings, hurts, don’t do it”. There you are.
    Have a lovely time with the two hands!!!

  23. Cast Off with your cast off! I’m loving it. When can you start riding again? That is the acid question. Surely you discussed this also? I am looking forward to seeing all the wonderful items you will knit from now till Christmas time.

  24. Yahoo! Yipee! I love it: Wild Knitting Rumpus!” So glad you are feeling better. I must admit I have been afraid to check your blog. Very nice to have you back.

  25. It’s lovely how the readers in “the blog” take care of you. Your left hand is a truly beautiful left hand. Very best regards! Maureen

  26. YAY!!

    I have a genetic form of early onset arthritis… when I was diagnosed, in my early 20s, I asked how I could avoid being as crippled up as other women in my bio-family… my doctor said “Typing. Knitting. Embroidery. Walking. Moving more, even when it hurts. Learn to play the piano.”
    So I type every day, that’s my job… and I knit tho I have to say embroidery has gotten to be too much, but have taken crochet up again after 30 years… I walk and move… but never did manage the piano… Guitar, however, is on the bucket list and I have a guitar and have been practicing enough to have calluses develop.

    To paraphrase Dory…”Just keep knitting… just keep knitting…”

  27. Hurray! It is always so good to get mobility back. If I could make one suggestion it would be to find a good physiotherapist and follow their instructions to the letter. I have full mobility in my elbow that was shattered thanks to my physio. Doctors put you back together, a physio makes sure you are back in good working order.
    Enjoy the hair wash!

  28. Fantastic news. My Neurologist was surprised at the strength in my hands as the thing I have often results in weakness there. When I told her I knit a lot, she blinked and said, well keep that up! Be well.

  29. My Rheumatologist asked me if I would consider taking up knitting.

    I replied, “Well, I knit my sweater, my vest, and my socks. I did not knit my underpants, nor my jeans.”

    “Well, now,” he said, “then, don’t stop.” Doctor’s orders.
    Julie in San Diego

  30. CONGRATULATIONS !!! I am so happy for you!! When I broke my wrist and the doctor and physical therapist found I knit, they said that was one of the best exercises I could do to get my range of motion back. 4 years later you would never know I broke my wrist, except for a 4 inch scar when the surgerically put in a four in plate and 10 screws. But I can knit and do everything I did before. Cheers and have a great day!!

  31. Oh joy for the cast off and the casting off ( now all you need is a boat trip to make a tri-fecta of casting off). I’m quite sure your Dr. knows nothing of really knitting like my Dr. knows zero about what I mean when I say “horse chores.” Its better we keep them in the dark.

  32. You absolutely HAD to write that post–way to go on hitting it out of the park!!! Not many opportunities for layered meaning, esp in such a cheering context, present themselves! =)

  33. Listen to your body, knit til it aches/hurts, then rest and try again! So happy and excited for you! Happy knitting and typing and using two hands!

  34. So happy to hear you have your hand back. And may I add my voice to the many chanting, “do the physio.” I came off my bike a number of years ago – in a hospital parking lot, no less, w not even a patch of sand to blame it on – and cracked the radial head. I quit physio to go on a trip to Europe, which seemed like a legit reason, but I didn’t go back and I should have. It’s not bad, but there is an ache when I knit (or mouse) too much and the angle of the handlebars of my favourite bike makes my elbow hurt and I could do without that. Can’t wait to see your celebratory cast on.

  35. My physical therapist (and a cousin who is an occupational therapist) and *I* attribute my rapid rehab from a total shoulder replacement to two things. 1) “Not a baby about pain; you really DO have a high pain threshold,” said the PT, and 2) “Bilateral activity of the upper extremities,” said my OT cousin. “Knitting,” said I. “Yep,” said the PT.

  36. I dont tweet, sorry. Fleece artist in Halifax is wonderful to work with, carries a lot of yarn collection choices. They will successfully dye any color you can show them or describe. I once asked for88 19 skeins of pale apricot and cream that would look like clouds when turned into a queen size blanket. I think thay came about as close as possible.

  37. Turning 65 soon I’ve noticed my hands get stiff and sore way too some. But you know what helps me? Washing the dishes! If they still bother me, I take an Aleve. But knowing when to quit helps. Take care, ok?

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