
It’s day one of “lockdown” here in Toronto.  Not quite as scary as the first time – I feel like we all know how to to it now. We’re not scrambling around trying to figure out how you’re supposed to get things or what you have to wipe down or trying to figure out masks. The shops are all set up for curbside pickup and delivery, we’ve got our PPE sorted, and other than widening our bubble to include our immediate family (and then shrinking it again a few months later, as instructed) Joe and I have pretty much kept ourselves in lockdown the whole time anyway.  Joe’s still grocery shopping for his parents and others as needed, and we’ve kept it to once a week since mid March, so we’re all sorted there. It’s not so hard to only leave the house once a week for shopping if you’ve been practicing for so long. I haven’t been in a grocery store in eight months, and our list of close contacts for a week can be counted on one hand, and that’s if you put the both of us together.  (And you’ll have fingers left over.)  This lockdown, being asked to make our world a little smaller, it isn’t really that different from what we were already able to do.

I’ve been knitting lots of tiny things of late, wee mice and minuscule hats (the experienced among you will guess why, of course) and mittens for Elliot and…

I’ve been finding it rather satisfying, and it’s only just occurred to me today why that might be.  There’s a certain resonance isn’t there? My world has been so very small for almost a year that knitting small things just seems like a good fit.

As we start this new phase, one that we’re being told is at least 28 days, I’m trying not to panic. Part of me is so sad. What about the gingerbread party? What about Solstice… What about Christmas? Then I remember that we couldn’t have our usual Thanksgiving either, and somehow we all survived that. I’m trying not too look to far ahead right now. A few days at the most, and worrying just about small things.

I’m going to try and be here a bit more right now (at least in the next few days) but I am being gentle with myself, and keeping expectations low. It is the covid-times. Who knows what’s going to happen next. Except that I am probably going to knit this.

116 thoughts on “Small

  1. What they’re saying here (we’re not in total lockdown yet) is that sacrifice your family gatherings this year so next year everybody will be there. That’s what I’m holding onto.

  2. I am sorry you have another lockdown. I honestly wish they would do one correctly here in the USA. Being an “essential grocery worker” is not fun and games. I actually wish I could have the down time with family. But mine is Military and scattered to Japan and England. Hug and keep close the ones you can my dear and enjoy the quiet times while it is quiet. Thank you so very much for allowing us into your heart and home, Hugs to you and yours.

    • I really want a nationally mandated lockdown that occurs for a few weeks. Other countries did it and were able to reopen (but are having some restrictions creeping back), and I think we could maybe do it too…. if people cooperate and follow the science of the spread.

      • If people in the US had cooperated and followed the science in the last 8 months, we wouldn’t be NEEDING a new lockdown. We would be in a much better position going into the holiday and winter seasons.

        • Please don’t group all the people in the US together on this. The media has publicized the worst of us because shock sells, but not all of us are careless, throwing Covid parties and ignoring the safety of others. Many of us have, since the beginning, limited our outings and family gatherings, use hand sanitizer regularly and cringe to see someone without a mask or wearing one improperly. Don’t let the media’s srepresentation of a minority skew your understanding of what most Americans are like.

          • im another american that has followed the protocol at home and at work. Im sick of people who wont do what is necessary. 🙁

  3. We’re keeping it small here, too. Thank goodness for the health of our family and we want to keep it that way. Also, thank goodness for knitting/crocheting. I made a crochet lap blanket for the couch last Spring. Now I’m working on the Bunny in a Dotted Dress for my two granddaughters. Such fun! Following your example, the bunnies will have a diverse wardrobe. Your angel mouse is adorable! Take care!
    -Polly in Massachusetts

  4. Hi from Alberta…We are in dire straights with huge numbers and an ever growing problem with hospital beds and our provincial leadership has just vanished. All we can do is stay home to stay safe. Your angel mouse is so sweet…is there a pattern or did you just “grow” it? I hope everyone stays safe and healthy, these are difficult times.

  5. Glad to see you back. I am in an Ontario orange zone hoping we don’t go red. I go to work and sleep and knit. I started to knit slippers. I am about to finish pair no. 7. I will mail them out before Christmas. My thought is that since we are all spending so much time at home, slippers are a comfort. I feel I am giving out feet hugs.

    • If you’re using a mouse, you should be able to see the link of you just hover over it before you click- a good idea for all of us for links in emails and anywhere on the web…

      • Please, what is this “Herdwick” mode and how can I try it out? I’ve been using “classic” Ravelry, but they’ll cease supporting that in March.

        • Click on your little profile thing in the upper right corner and you will see a spot to change your mode. Herdwick is the mode on the right. I was ready to abandon Ravelry, but Herdwick lets me use it no problem. It’s grayer.

  6. So glad to have you back. These times are trying for all of us. But we’ll persevere. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  7. We’re doing the same thing here in California for any red tier county (full lockdown, no indoor stuff anymore, and that’s most of the counties in California)… Locked down until Dec 21, with a curfew (10p -5a), and masks required in most counties. It’s hard, but it’s necessary to keep everyone safe. We *will* make it through this, we *will* be ok.

  8. Hugs from BC. So glad to see you here again. I’ve been greatly enjoying your instagram posts too, but there’s something about The Blog!
    Also been really loving your Patreon videos!
    These times. It just keeps going around and around. Dumpster fire indeed.
    much love xx

  9. So good to hear form you. I have been checking the blog in hopes of a knitterly word or two. Sorry to hear you are locked down again. We are looking at a lock down here in Brooklyn New York just in time for Thanksgiving, Sigh. Thank god for knitting. Love the little mouse. I have been on a sock knitting jag trying to stay sane, those mittens look very inspiring. Keep strong this to shall pass. It may take a freaking long time but it will pass,

  10. So glad that you are back. I’ve really missed your posts. We in BC are going into a sort of quasi-lockdown. It’s a bit of a mish-mash of rules which I supposed tries to walk the line between health and economy.

  11. I like your theory on the pleasure of knitting tiny things because I keep doing it. I have no grand plan. Maybe trying to make a softer cosier world?

  12. Happy to see you back – your posts have been missed. I’m another Californian in lock down/curfew which most police have said they won’t enforce. My city is and has been enforcing the rules but the surrounding cities have not. Wish everyone would wear their masks so we could just get this over with. I also can only think one to two weeks into the future.

  13. Welcome back! The Blog has missed you! All three of the mittens look great. When I saw the mouse, I thought Millie would have loved it … and guess who had to click on the Cat to post!

  14. On the “bright side” (and I am NOT one to jump to the bright side of things but it is 2020, after all, and things are not as they ‘should’ be), you are absolved from the annual trip to the mall.

  15. Good to see you! I seem to recall the words of a very wise woman: I don’t knit because I am patient. I am patient because I knit. 😀 Or something like that! Stay well.

  16. Sunday’s snowfall really made it seem like a great day to stay in and knit. We’re not going to run out of yarn or patterns.
    I think your family has really had the right plan for COVID guidelines. These are minimum guidelines, not maximum. If one can just stay home and avoid physical interactions, why not?
    I’ve tried lots of grocery delivery options, including from farmers and also chocolate.
    Perhaps your cookies can be delivered to your family this year.
    Looking forward to the photos of ice lanterns.
    Keep very well

  17. Doing what you are doing insures that we will survive. If only everyone felt that way ….and hopefully next year’s celebrations will be joyful knowing what we missed this year.
    It still strikes me as strange — this new norm – but we have adjusted. Covid malaise to be sure.
    Stay well. Stay safe.

  18. Definitely suffering from covid fatigue. No Thanksgiving gathering for us – maximum 10 people and no more than 3 households (we are 4). We will Zoom as a poor cousin substitute. Trying not to think about how likely it will be that we can’t have Christmas either. Lovely knitted little things, and bright cheery mittens. Glad to hear from you again, I have missed your posts.

  19. It is so wonderful to see you on The Blog! I feel as though I’ve been standing in the street with my coffee cup and knitting bag waiting for you to open the door and tell me the coffee is on. And I’m probably not the only one,and given Covid casual livin’, we’d be in various combinations of leggings, pajamas, sweats and grooming is definitely optional. We’d probably look like a hoard of zombie knitters, LOL.
    The wee mouse is just so magical and sweet. Can’t wait to see its other 23 friends
    And who doesn’t need a wee mitten garland…any time of the year.
    I’m glad you’re staying Covid cozy and you haven’t knit your way through your stash or taken on new DIY projects like the stairs.
    My US Thanksgiving is just housemate and I. We each decided we would like the day to notable but neither of us is up to cooking turkey and trimmings…so we’re picking up Chinese food Wednesday evening and having Chinese food and pumpkin pie on Thursday. And maintaining the Thanksgiving tradition of leftovers throughout the weekend.
    On the grateful n thankful for… list is your name and blog. I think I’ve got Knitting Rules committed to memory (the only other book with that distinction is Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Suess…and even that gets hazy in the middle.) I’m a smarter knitter because of your books n blog…and I’d like to think a smarter and better person for the same reason.
    Thankful and grateful for you, Stephanie.

    • How beautifully you’ve described the glue that is Stephanie and the blog. Just as we’ve been isolated from the one’s we love, we’ve learned to understand, appreciate and celebrate the quiet times.
      And, in the U.S. we have the prospect of a quiet, compassionate, competent government to hope for. Stay well, everyone, for your own sakes and, especially the sake of health care and essential workers

  20. We missed you here. Lovely to see the little things you are making. Right now I’m working on little sweaters with a small hope that the grandkids, who live close by, will be able to come up Christmas morning. As the saying goes, keep on, keeping on. It is really all any of us can do

  21. I’ve really missed you! Being able to read your posts every few days would have been something to look forward to in these long, long days of mostly isolation here in California, as I currently live alone and am in the At Risk age group. Please consider sharing your talents with us more often again as a way to fill your isolation days.

  22. I keep reminding myself and my daughter, when it gets hard to just be our three-person bubble, that we’re doing what we’re doing because we love our family so much that we are sacrificing time with them to ensure that we have lots of time with them in the future. And knitting helps.

  23. First of all, is there something wrong with Ravelry? Asking re comments from Sarah and Ann.

    Really glad to see a new post from you. It brightens the day. Just had two cataract surgeries so limited a bit. Your Angel Mouse is adorable as are all of your other minis. Elliot is growing so quickly!

    Yesterday, temps were somewhere around +15 C which is amazing for the 23 Nov. Hope that you and Joe and the while extended family are safe and well. One idea I have is why not have your gingerbread, Solstice and celebrations when the restrictions are lifted. It will give you something to look forward to and you won’t miss out on it. Just a thought. Sending hugs and love to you and yours.

      • Thanks Ann. I was womdering if I should rush to print out my paid patterns, etc. There are too many good thing on Ravelry. Excuse typo – did a large software update and it won’t let me move my cursor to correct!

    • Awaiting my 2nd cataract surgery, and hoping we don’t get locked-down beforehand!

      I opted for continuing nearsightedness, rather than 20/20 correction, so until I get a new glasses prescription I shall be FORCED to KNIT! 🙂

      No hardship there! 😉

    • Ravelry underwent a facelift in May or June, and since then a number of us (including myself) have had issues with the site — migraines, seizures, etc — even people who have never had issues with the internet before (like me). There are some browser workarounds, but they don’t help everyone (such as me).

      So a number of people (me!) just … cannot access it any more, and definitely prefer for a link to be marked if it goes to Rav or not, because, you know, we don’t want our physical health to be affected.

    • I laughed at the images of the dumpster fire, then immediately winced too. I live in Oregon, and the fires this year were beyond devastating. So just keep those flames safely contained and it will all be good.

  24. Nobody has yet commented on the tiny hats??!!! Well, perhaps I shouldn’t say what I think it means, but I hope those tiny hats are eventually worn by a very safe and special tiny person!

    • i think Stephanie called the hats “miniscule” both to explain that they are for an advent calendar, and also to prevent this sort of question.

      This is a very difficult time for many many people, her family among them; let’s remember that privacy and forebearance are gifts we can give for free.

  25. If you can’t fit the gingerbread party in before Christmas, perhaps it could be between Christmas and New Year’s Eve? Things just might be a little out of order this year.
    Glad there’s an end in sight for your lockdown, and that your government cares enough to make it happen.
    Thanks for the post! I think we’ve all missed you.

  26. The wee little angel is so precious.
    Hugs from Port Ludlow. ♥️
    (BTW, we are helping keep Chef Dan and the crew at the Fireside busy with take out orders, and a few reservations while we could dine in. Seeing the yarn bombs here and there make me very happy!)

  27. I’m glad you’ll be posting more. Your blog is such a social space! We can all trade laughs and hugs here.

    So much to say but I’m speechless, except to note that I will also be getting that pattern and knitting that ornament. It made me laugh out loud, thank you.

  28. Good to see you posting on the blog! We are under a stay at home order in the county in Ohio where I live, but because I am 72 and caretaker for my 95 year old Mom who lives with me, we’ve been pretty much at home since March. This too shall pass. I’m focusing on what I have and not on what I don’t have this Thanksgiving. Certainly we miss our family holidays all together, but none of us wants an empty chair or chairs at the table next year. Our hospitals here are approaching capacity and short of staff. (Our Cleveland Clinic has 1,000 of it’s caregiver staff out with Covid or Covid exposure!) I am an RN myself and feel guilty that I am old and retired and can’t help. The old ICU war horse in us never dies! I can still pray and I will.

  29. Welcome back. You were missed. Lockdown is a pain for sure. But also the smart way to go when cases are rising. Frankly, I have a bit of lockdown envy. It would do my heart good to see numbers going down here in California and the rest of the US.

    Stay safe. Knit on.

  30. I’ve missed your posts – welcome back! So good to hear from you. Here in the UK we are three weeks into lockdown 2.0 (or lockdown 1.1 for those who never really came out of the first one), and wondering what we will emerge into in a week’s time. Been knitting Christmas presents, and fish & angels for a friend’s yarn bombing events, and Zooming with my knitting group. Stay safe!

  31. I run a food pantry, so unless they mandate an “everyone at home for x amount of time”, I have to keep showing up. But I wish everyone else would stay home because it makes my job that much harder when people just keep going about their lives like nothing is happening and it puts those of us who have to show up to their jobs at a higher risk. /rant. Anyhow, I can’t wait to see all the tiny ornaments finished. Everytime you make a calender I’m inspired, but this year I can’t knit because my brain is too anxious to give attention to anything requiring focus: reading, knitting, sewing – it’s all out. I can handle Netflix so long as the show is mindless and nothing heavy or dramatic. I’m ready for this year to be done. Also, I have a dumpster fire ornament on my tree from 2016. It’s made with felt and glitter clue and sparkly bobbles that I can’t think at this time what they are called: . I thought about how 2020 needed one also, but I’m thinking maybe something with a mask and TP roll. Just to be different.

    • Amen to that. I work in the maintenance department of a shelter for persons experiencing homelessness, not something we can do remotely even though the techs always ask to. (“Call me at home and I’ll tell you how to fix it.”) Our biggest problem is actually staff who ignore the guidelines and bring it in. Just had to spend $60 on sock yarn to make life worth living…

    • I totally understand the numb mind thing. I can’t even manage to know a garter stitch keyhole scarf or a stockinknit shawl. My reading has devolved into “cozy early 20th century mysteries”, and my audio books fall heavily toward Douglas Adams and Terry Prachett. I think the mask and TP roll on the ornament would be a good touch for this year.

  32. I am in quarantine because my husband brought Covid home from a client. We had only planned to have my mother over for Thanksgiving as she & my husband are the only ones in our bubble, but since my quarantine doesn’t end until Friday, she is now staying home. My sister will take her a Thanksgiving meal thankfully.

    DH & I are making our first meat & dairy free holiday meal, so that will be nice for the two of us. I’m hoping my taste and smell comes back in time. Without my knitting and my Zoom knitting group, I’m not sure how I would have made it through these past 8 months.

  33. Regarding Solstice: in Minnesota, our December light situation is similar to yours, and I’ve been keeping a list of things that will help me have happy holidays despite all of the everything. On the list: lots of candles, twinkle lights, and ice lanterns, plus good soup and alternative ways to connect with family and friends. Thank you for sharing your Solstice stories and celebrations with us in The Blog over years.

  34. Lovely to find a post from you, and especially to find you knitting for your annual calendar. I love the anticipation of Advent, looking forward to lighting that first (Hope) candle on Sunday and adding another layer (shells & stones, greenery, little animals, little people) over the weeks. Do hope you’ll be showing us all 24 little delights – love the mouse. The best to all of you in the GTA from those of us in outlying orange zones – hoping for a safe Christmas and not too much stress on essential workers.

  35. I used to belong to a knitting group in Geneva, Switzerland with an annual ornament exchange. One woman knitted that angel mouse and every year I desperately hoped I’d be the one to get it, but I never did. Maybe I should bite the bullet and make it for myself – yours is lovely!

  36. Well, all I can say is that I fee perfect validation in …. having a large stash! This whole nightmare quarantine thing has… taught me to crochet. Made me try all kinds of odd projects (mice, pumpkins, leads, flowers, Round Tuits, ghosts, stars, and snowflakes)- with never a worry about yarn, because I WAS PREPARED! Not foolish! Not excessive!! The yarn was needed- and there.. I have read ebooks (YES!). I have written stories with my youngest adult son. I have trained my dogs. And yet- I think I shall make the same ornament. In 3-D.

  37. Oh, sister of another mother, I feel the “why isn’t this a normal holiday season?” thing, even being here in the US. I know that our friends over the border are suffering as we are, and I send you internet virtual hugs from here in upstate NY, sister.

    We’ve been through so much this year without the COVID and political issues, having had family members who we can’t reach out to in their illnesses or deaths, and the guidelines seem to drive us even further into depression and worry,.

    We will get through this, I know, and it will take all of us to do the noble things, the things that push us beyond our normal limits, the things that make us dig deep (either financially, emotionally, or psychologically) to “Do The Right Thing” for our families, communities, and countries.

    We CAN do it, we just need to try.

  38. Lovely to have you back. I checked almost every single day. We live in Melbourne, Australia where we are just coming out of a long lock down folllowing a catastrophic breakdown in the quarantine process. It is now several weeks since we had our last COVID-19 case. Life is not back to normal but we are getting there and I hope yours will, too.

    Thank you for the beautiful knitting and the news.

  39. What a lovely surprise to see your blog entry. As an old Granny with daughters overseas and interstate, I’ve been self-isolating for the last 8months, relying on phone calls and internet to keep in contact. Knitting has saved my sanity & am currently on my 42 nd project so it’s just as well I have accumulated plenty of yarn over the decades..Restrictions here have been eased here in Australia, so perhaps I’ll get to see some family members before year’s end.. Keep safe and smiling my Sweet. Much love to you and yours.

  40. Just happy when there’s a post! I love the little things you’ve been making. See you again whenever, no pressure. And happy holidays!

  41. Hi Stephanie, I’m also from Melbourne, Australia & want to send you and your family my thoughts as you enter another period of restrictions. As we were in lockdown during our winter, I loved hearing all about your family camping trips, bike rides and time outdoors – and tried not to be a little envious. We are now enjoying more freedoms and look forward to our own summer outdoors, but will be hoping Toronto overcomes this quickly. Big thanks for your work with Patreon too, learning so much. Keep well

  42. It’s so fabulous to hear from you again. Lockdown sucks (we’re in the same in the UK). Corona sucks. 2020 sucks.
    Thank goodness for yarn. kx

  43. Thanks for mentioning my pattern in the last line – I’m glad it’s making people laugh and provide some catharsis. I’ve made several sales since you posted – more money for the food bank! Thank you!

  44. Everything does feel a lot smaller these days. I don’t really mind. I’m thankful my family is healthy, thankful that yours is too. I’m thankful for knitting and this blog and the refuge that I feel it is. So glad to see your post. Be safe my knitty friends!

  45. Thank you for coming back! I love your angel mouse, your mittens, and your tiny mittens. Methinks an Advent calendar is in the works. Love, love, love when you show us your tiny knits. (Yep, we’ve been sheltering for 8 months; thank goodness for hobbies.)

  46. I’m in Alberta and strange as it sounds, I envy your strong lock down. Ours, announced yesterday, is so mild I fear it’ll be like removing a bandaid slowly… You know there’s more to come.
    Stay safe and stay well, everyone

  47. Yeah, we’re on phase whatever — no dine-in, stay home, etc… until Dec 8 because our Governor is trying to bring the spike down… except we have a lot of really stupid people who won’t follow the rules because it is their right, apparently, to die.
    Altho I was in the grocery store a little while ago and there was one man without a mask and was he getting a lot of dirty looks… many many people cranky with him… he was scurrying with his head down. Even the 3 year old in the cart with the mask on said “Wear a mask, you idiot.” to him…
    Good luck with your lock down… we’ve been mostly staying in and hibernating…

  48. Well, clearly we all missed you, but I’m here to say that you should NOT feel any pressure to post more than you can. You’re managing, and that’s all you can be expected to do. It’s good to know you ARE managing, and I hope you know how loved you and your family are by so many who’ve never met you. Hang in there. . . everyone.

  49. Holidays in lockdown are hard. Sometimes it’s the little things that catch you–the phrase in the Passover Seder that hit differently this year caught me off guard, as did the realization that we would have to make our own versions of other people’s special dishes–sometimes it’s just knowing that you should be with people who aren’t there. There is joy in knowing that you’re protecting the people you love, or can be. It’s not enough, but it will perhaps hold us over until we can hold each other again.

  50. I am in South Dakota, which is pretty much the scariest state to be. Our governor thinks people should make their own choices about masks and such. As a result, we have one of the highest per capita COVID rates in the US. I go out once a week for groceries. That’s it. Still, I don’t feel right saying 2020 sucks. I know a year can’t have feelings, but it’s not 2020’s fault. Steph, thanks for posting. Any day with a Yarn Harlot blog post is a very good day indeed.

  51. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the States. It always makes me feel better when I think of all the things I’m grateful for. Among them a warm home, plenty of food, a really nice companion (my wife) to quarantine with, a job I can do from home and a new daughter in law. My hope for everyone is freedom from COVID next year and a new appreciation for all of the things we took for granted before this thing hit. Welcome back Stephanie. Can’t wait to see this year’s Advent calendar.

  52. oh yay! so nice to hear from you. It is a year of looking inwards, and avoiding looking outwards, in so many ways! I am trying to retrain myself to look ahead and pay attention to more than just the right now – we have been extraordinarily blessed to be in Fortress Tasmania and, after being one of the first places in Australia to experience a full lockdown / quarantine, we have been able to live relatively normally since June / July. Pretty much all interstate borders are now open in Australia so I am looking forward very much to seeing my family for the first time since Jan (one part) and Feb 2019 (the other part) at Christmas. Blessings on you all!

  53. Locked down here in Minnesota too — and I’m a physician and see our hospitals blowing up so I completely agree with it. We’re doing a family food exchange for Thanksgiving where we’re all cooking our usual dishes and dropping then off on doorsteps and so far it seems pretty good (turkey is in the oven!). Maybe instead of the gingerbread party you could do a family Christmas cookie exchange?

  54. Tiny knits: I’ve seen folks on social media posting their wee projects – yours are delightful! It’s always good to hear from you! And I agree with the comment that you mustn’t be made to feel guilty for the pauses between posts; as you’ve written, each of us only can do what we can, these days (OK, months!!), and shouldn’t feel bad for not doing the ‘more’ we initially thought we could or should.
    We Canadians are long past Thanksgiving, but reading Americans’ twitter posts about theirs, it’s heartening to hear optimism and gratitude in so many voices after the long stretch of this awfulness. Maybe it is a ‘new normal’ but we are adapting as the lessons sink in.

  55. As hard as it is, be grateful that you have a government with the huzpah to do what is necessary. We are doing our own type of lockdown, especially noticeable this holiday week. Thanksgiving meal with no family? Driveway visits, short in duration, in the cold and rain are not what we are used to, but are necessary. Christmas will be harder still.

    I am on my third dumpster. I am going to switch to pocket hearts soon.

  56. I echo all the comments about being gentle with yourself and just doing what works for you. It’s easy to underplay the mental strain of the uncertainty of these times, and being separated from loved ones is hard even if we know it is for a good reason and ultimately the best course of action. Let’s hope we can leave lock downs and isolation behind us soon.

  57. Why not do something similar to what you did at Easter? Make your ice candles – and do a commando run and leave them on your friend’s doorsteps.

  58. Lovely to have a new post. Instagram is great, but I miss your ‘voice’ here. (Not that it’s your job to write to keep me/us entertained, of course, but it is appreciated.)

    In SK we have had nearly a winter’s worth of snow already and broken snow-fall records in some places. It is very beautiful but it’s hard when snowed in is so close to locked in. Still, I have a nice stash and our grands are in our bubble, so we’ll get through this. Keeping you in my thoughts. (off now to read some of the Christmas-knitting posts from previous years. 🙂

    PS: Does this mean you’re spared the dreaded mall trip? That ought to count as a positive, no?

  59. Gingerbread decorating kits to go?

    Solstice via Zoom? (All living rooms lit with fairy lights)

    No brown paint splattered down the staircase…there are good points!

  60. So apt that as life becomes somewhat circumscribed we cherish small things, small moments, small kindnesses. <3

  61. It’s so sad, I wonder if I’ll see my daughter and son in law. I cried while decorating last night. Doesn’t feel right. Lockdowns are so very depressing and dangerous. When you look at the suicide rate across the globe, it far outnumbers those who’ve died of this virus. Just so unnecessary.

    Take care,

  62. I just finished knitting my dumpster fire ornament today! The knitting itself was fast and very clever; the construction and particularly adding the duplicate 2020 almost did me in. I was going to knit one for myself and one more for each of my 2 daughters but I think we’ll just bask in the warmth of the single dumpster. You won’t have any trouble with your teeny knitting skills, not that your skills are small but your knitting definitely has been lately. Much love from Teddy in Tacoma.

  63. Pingback: Small | Yarn Harlot - Beadiebuddysbonanza

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