Is it procrastination if I call it research?

Here I am poppets, writing to you from the lounge at the airport in Toronto, getting ready to head off to Texas for the DFW Fiber Fest.  I’m mostly writing to you to procrastinate on something that I really, really can’t procrastinate on anymore, and that’s finishing the talk I’m going to give tomorrow night at the Event.  I’ve been working on it for quite a while now, and it’s starting to be crunch time, and all I can feel about it is anxiety.

Now, do not panic, and do not comfort me.  This is normal, healthy anxiety.  It’s the sort of anxiety that a normal, healthy person should experience when they

A) Are doing something new.

B) want to do a really good job.

C) Will not know if they have done a good job until they stand up in front of several hundred people with a microphone and give it a whirl.

D) Are running out of time before A, B and C will happen and are still procrastinating although that is super stupid.

For the record, it is probably C that is the bad one. C is probably the reason that I’m doing D.  I hate new talks.  Once I’ve given it a go a few times and I know it works, then I can relax a little bit (if by a little bit, you understand that I mean that I stop thinking actively that I might die, and settle down to a generalized sense of nausea)  but new ones? I feel like the first time I step out in front of an audience with a new one, anything could happen.  ANYTHING. People could laugh.  (Hopefully for the right reasons) people could cry (again, hopefully not out of a great and terrible pity brought about by my enormously public humiliation) or… they could yawn. They could be bored.  It could be a terrible talk, and I feel like there’s no way to know if it’s any good until I get up there, and that seems like such a really hugely crazy way to test it out that I can’t believe I’m going to do it.

Now, I am not a stupid person.  I mean, I do stupid things all the time, but mostly I learn from them and I’m quick to catch on a lot of the time, and I knit pretty well, so I feel good about saying that I’m not stupid.  With that established, I wish we could work out what else might be wrong with me, because I can’t believe that it could be the reasonable response of a person who is not stupid to avoid working on this talk – somehow thinking that failing to generate it would somehow prevent the day the talk has to be given from coming? I am 46 years old. What the H. E. Double Hockey Sticks am I thinking?

It’s gotten bad enough – the procrastination, that today as I was standing in line in the airport to check my bags, I actually thought about checking my knitting so that I would have nothing to do except for work on the talk.  Think about that.  I might have actually done it too, except for I remembered that I have Candy Crush Saga on my phone and I bet I could avoid the talk that way, and so I’m taking the knitting because this is going to hinge on willpower, good sense, and the knowledge that I’ve actually worked really, really hard on it, and I think it’s pretty good, and I am probably qualified to know that, and it’s happening tomorrow anyway. It is going to get finished, and it’s going to be the best job that I can do, and I’m just going to have to settle down and wrap it up.

I’ll do that too,  as soon as I finish blogging, and finish reading all the charming comments from the other day (thank you!) and check Twitter and Instagram, and anything else I can think of before the plane takes off, and I spread out the papers, and I write, and edit, and hold the pen in my hand, and shuffle parts around, and run my hands over the words, and think about what I really want to say, and take a bunch of deep breaths, and remember that tomorrow will come and go whether I am amazing or not, and that at the end of that day, the next day will come anyway.

No pictures today, because there’s nothing to see here.

“The thing all writers do best is find ways to avoid writing.”
– Alan Dean Foster


121 thoughts on “Is it procrastination if I call it research?

  1. I used to compete in performance piano competitions, and I screwed up this one time. I was totally bummed and told my mom all about it, to which she replied “honey, I couldn’t tell. You sounded great to me.” And she is a musician. Moral of the story? Just keep moving and no one will know you haven’t practiced. Fake it til you make it, baby.

  2. I feel that I’m enabling you by typing anything at all. I have no words of wisdom either. Whenever I have to write something I leave the whole thing until only staying up for 24 hours straight will allow me to finish the task. Then I research while I write and vow never to do this to myself again but I always do. Maybe panic sparks creativity? That’s what I tell myself!

  3. Think of it this way. If you don’t finish up by the time that you have to get up there and give the talk, then you’re just going to have to wing it. Your choice.

  4. Not too stress you out more but your lecture is SOLD OUT! I’m sure you are going to do an excellent job! Best of luck from the sunflower state of Kansas.

  5. You know you can do this.
    You know people are already on your side, the audience consists almost entirely of people who want to enjoy themselves and won’t really care if you spend the time talking about how hard it is to talk about knitting.
    Which, actually, you likely could get away with. 🙂

  6. As someone who will be there to hear it, let me put your mind at ease, even though you specifically said not to do that. You’re gonna rock it! I and my knitter colleagues will be completely fangirling (or fanboying) over you (same as last year) and we will love whatever it is that comes forth, even if you just read us the phonebook and throw in a joke here and there! Safe travels, and I’ll see you tomorrow!

  7. I recently found a t-shirt which says, “I’m a perfectionist who procrastinates. Someday I’ll be awesome.” As funny as that is, I think it sums up my life very neatly. Good luck on the talk!

  8. The Blog has every confidence in you.
    What you do is really show business. Recognizing that, I will share show business wisdom with you:
    1) Your audience doesn’t know what you’re supposed to say – so whatever you say, they will think it is supposed to be said.
    2) The show must go on! Whatever you do, don’t stop (see also #1)

  9. The best advice I was given about doing presentations is that it’s really hard to talk yourself out of being nervous. Even if you convince your brain that things are going to be fine, your body is going to give it away because your heart will be racing and your hands will be shaky. Instead, if you try to convince yourself that you’re excited rather than nervous, your body’s reaction will make more sense, and you might manage to fool your brain into thinking that it’s all going to be fine. Good luck!

  10. All will be well, and you will do a magnificent job. You have a natural ability to develop gentle (but quite funny) humor in every day events, whether speaking or writing. And your serious parts are quite excellent, too.

    PS: Would you someday pretty please post about the skating and knitting incident? I’d love to read about it…

  11. Sounds like you’re polishing, not writing. That’s my favorite part. I get giddy on red-ink fumes.

    So no pressure! Just polishing…

  12. Joe could probably tell you how many ‘fixes’ the average cd has to make it sound great. Everything has a process. The speech will be fine. It may just take while for it to settle in.

  13. Good luck on your speech.

    Do you actually read from your paper? If so, then you really need to work on it.

    If you use the paper as a guideline, then you are golden already because you have been playing it over and over and over in your head anyhow. As long as you have notes to (a) get you started, (b) help you keep on track, and (c) exit gracefully, you have done this so many times that all you need is the audience confirmation. And you could probably get up and talk for an hour about Mr. Washie and the Bike Ride and we would come back.

    Pick out 3 faces, and just talk to them. Almost everyone who comes to your talks adores you and has followed your writing for ages…or they were brought by someone in the first category who would kill them if they didn’t appreciate your purls of wisdom.

    • Exactly what I would say – I saw you at a talk in San Francisco and because I was in the front row, could see your nervousness. I wondered with an audience that LOVES you, how can you be scared of us? All of your audiences are part of The Blog 🙂

    • I so totally agree with the above comment. I did a presentation on Wednesday, kept thinking about what I left out; a friend said “no one else knew.” Big Sigh!

  14. My mantra: whatever you do, do it with confidence. Most people will not even notice if you make a mistake. If you do it confidently it just seems like you meant to do it all along. Cats are masters at this. Watch one next time it fails to negotiate a jump or rolls off a narrow perch. They make it look like it was planned all along. Most importantly, remember that anyone who asks you to speak to them must already be familiar with you and therefore, love you. You can’t miss. I’ve heard you speak three times and would gladly show up again even if I knew you were planning to read from the U.S. Congressional budget hearings transcripts. You’d somehow make it interesting. Just relax, you’ve got this!

    • Oh, my, that sounds more trying than the phone book! At least the phone book has a great cast of characters!

  15. Remember this isn’t your first rodeo. No one will know if you skip a beat. For all “they” know they’re just happy to see you and will knit mostly while you’re talking.
    Just go out there and be YOU.
    Because that’s good enough!

    • totally agree! i tried to register to see Steph at Yarnover next month only to be turned away on the first registration day because it’s full!

  16. I believe that those of us who procrastinate are most often those of us who suffer from perfectionism. If we wait until the last minute, we have somewhat of an excuse if all does not go perfectly.

    I do it to myself all the time. I am trying to get better, knowing why I do this helps, but is not a certain cure.

    Good luck tomorrow – knitters will just be so happy to see you, they will be glad for whatever you can offer up.

  17. As a long time teacher I’m acquainted with the churning stomach in front of the group. My secret weapon is nearsightedness. I don’t need my glasses to see my notes so I just remove them and the group ‘s expressions were too blurry to matter. I can truly appreciate someone else who uses Candy Crush to procrastinate.

  18. How about being almost 60 and doing the same thing? (and then beating myself up for doing it). At least you are really good at what you do… all of it. (at least all that I’ve seen).

  19. I think I can say on behalf of those of us who were lucky enough to be there when you came to London several years ago, we were all so pleased to see you that you could have read the telephone directory out to us and we would have been happy. I bet you would have made it amusing too!

    By the way, it took me a while to get around to writing this comment…

  20. You’ll do fine. But, understand that nothing could ever give anyone as much joy as I received in Arkansas seeing my friends (who’d never heard you and are so southern they have sweat tea in their veins instead of blood) nearly wet their pants laughing about your distress at the thought of Bacon Powder Biscuits.

  21. I guarantee that you’ll be fine because I know this phenomenon well and it leads to some of the best classes I ever offer. Once the idea is in place, Something takes over on the day thereof, and passion for the subject plus endless experience somehow combine to make a magical evening (or whenever!), despite insufficient prep, in my mind at least.
    “See you on the other side!!” To quote one Sam from long ago but not too far away!. 🙂
    Best, Alison

  22. You could stop trying to write and tell us the pattern of Luis’ birthday sweater. I bet if you were thinking about that instead, the talk would finish writing itself! (You know how sneaky creativity is; most of it gets done while your mind is somewhere else.)
    P.S. And oh yeah, I’m reading you instead of pulling together material and questions for the CPA we’re meeting with in less than a week; you know, the one who’s going to do our taxes? No, no, I would never procrastinate.

  23. Ah, yes ….. the little joys of stagefright, in all its many guises 🙂

    Way back when I had a sales booth at regional shows and exhibitions, I always took along a friend whose primary job was to prevent me bolting panic-stricken from the building ‘because I’m not ready’. As soon as the doors opened and the public started flooding in, I’d be fine — and you know you will be, too!

  24. As requested, I will not panic, nor will I attempt to comfort you.

    Instead, I will hope you find a way to say ‘arse’ somewhere in the talk. And also? Wear a bra.

  25. Ha! And you see, I’m reading your post, and comments, and leaving my own comment to procrastinate working on my thing.

  26. Dear Tia Effie, which I declare should be your new official name, when we come to here to you talk, we want to hear you. Please talk to us about Lou, and Sam and anything else in your crazy life, because then we can compare our crazy lives and realize that everybody is riding the crazy train together.

  27. Stephanie,
    You are a very funny lady. You have written several very funny books and many talks that were also funny and greeted with much laughter by your adoring fans, including me.. Why should this talk be any different? Lean on your excellent track record.
    Julie in San Diego

  28. There’s really nothing for it. I’m reading your post on procrastination while not applying for jobs (one of which I will need to rely on once my divorce becomes final in the ever-less-distant future). Irony can truly be cruel.

    Luckily, you’re pretty amusing, so I have no doubt you could wing it if needed. But you won’t need to. Have fun.

  29. I am going to be there tomorrow night and you are going to be great…..Also rememember that you will be in the south where we all have fabulous manners and will say “Bless your Heart” right to your face….that means we didn’t like it so much……. Seriously – knitters in Dallas are so grateful to be surrounded by other knitters (we are few and far between in such a warm climate) – that even spotting a Canadian knitter is a thrill – the fact that she’s you will be almost overwhelming 🙂

  30. You might be able to briefly pull one over on you, but you can’t pull one over on us: we already know you’re kind, you’re funny, you’re insightful, and you know both how to knit and what it means (sometimes to excess, and how to milk that) to us all. Go Stephanie, and have a great time in Texas!

  31. When writing my dissertation, I was helped by a sign on my advisor’s desk: “It feels so good to have written.” It will feel so good to have given your presentation!

  32. Please take comfort in knowing that if nothing else, you have written that post very well!! 🙂 I would tell you it’s normal for all public speakers to feel terrified and normal for humans to procrastinate something that is uncomfortable, but you asked us not to. So…..know that today, your writing was a success….and so will tomorrow’s!!

  33. I totally get this. I’m 51 and have spent most of my adult life in this kind of anxiety from procrastination. I don’t have many words of wisdom, just empathy. It’s a terrible thing! You’re just human. You know you will write the piece… you always do, and I wish you luck for when you finally get down to it.

  34. A few years ago, you gave a talk to the “hometown” crowd in Toronto. I was there accompanied by 1 knitter (Marsha) and 1 non-knitter (Andrea). We brought you a bacopa for the cabana.

    Do you remember how much fun we all had? All of us? Every single one of us? Even you?

    That’s what it will be like tomorrow, because every single time you speak to other knitters (and non-knitters) you speak a truth that we all know – you just make it sound a lot funnier than most of us can.

    You’ll be in my sister’s neighbourhood (she lives 10 minutes from DFW) so you’ll be in one of my favourite places and I sure wish I could be there!

    Have a great time!
    Chris S in Canada

  35. It’s an interesting bit of psychology that folks who love to write do their level best to avoid it; especially with a looming deadline breathing down their sweaty necks! Why yes, I am avoiding a deadline by reading your blog and sending love. 🙂

    You’re our heroine because you do wonderful things in and out of the knit world, and you’ve never pretended that you don’t screw up (even over again on the same thing).
    How good is to know that someone like you is just like us–that means we can do big, great, scary things if we do just like the Harlot: Ask ourselves what would be fun and then stick to it no matter what the level of nausea is or if we have to cope with wee bit of a drink.

    One day I will see you speak and show you the socks you inspired me to knit 🙂 Break a leg!

  36. As a procrastinator who teachs college students how not to procrastinate, I can both relate to your situation and offer a pearl of wisdom. Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and work on your talk until the timer goes off. When it does go off one of two things will have happened: you will have accomplished a little but realized you need to think more or you will be into the task enough to continue. Getting started is the hardest part. Good luck with your talk, you will be great.

  37. Totally off topic. Thank you for writing about your travels and writting in airports because we will probably never travel by air. My husband has to travel for work. We thought “let’s all go along” and share his work hotel room and two weeks on the opposite coast. This could be great! I didn’t realize the amount for the flights shown on the computer were for an individual not all of us. There is no freaking way I am paying anywhere from $700-2500 per person for a flight! Thanks for letting me sound off. Stuck here with four feet of snow out my window and more on the way. I’m not in California.

  38. Of course you can do this. You’ve done it before. But, if it helps, think of the Event as the first dress rehearsal in front of an audience of your new work. The piece can be polished more before its next performance.

    It may also help to have a drink before you go on. Since you’ll be in the stomping grounds of the late J.R. Ewing, have a bourbon and branch in his memory. Just remember to ask for a good brand of bourbon — say, Maker’s Mark or Jim Beam — rather than whatever no-name swill the bar pours for anyone who orders “bourbon”.

  39. I hope folks show up with wine and beer and yummy vegetarian snacks for you!

    PS: I’m now knitting my third AND fourth pairs of socks, for which I entirely blame your influence.

  40. Oh, man, I’m doing the same thing with my dissertation. It’s due in 3 weeks, and I have a *lot* left to write, and I’m pretending that it’s going to somehow write itself, because I am so nervous about how my dissertation defense is going to go. I feel you, fellow writing procrastinator. Good luck!

  41. I do the exact same thing with writing…but only writing. I’m super efficient with everything else. (I’m an academic, so writing is pretty much my main job). I’ve decided that it’s because in the future, I could still write something glorious. In the now, I’m writing something that stinks (and I can tell that it stinks). But if I put off the writing…well, there’s always the chance that it’ll be good if I write it tomorrow. (Until, of course, I run out of tomorrows and then I just have to live with whatever it is, and then edit like a crazy person).

  42. I’ve heard /seen you give talks. You are the best talk-giver, ever, bar none. You’re a little perfectionist, every word perfectly placed, and the delivery!! Brilliant. You have the timing of a brilliant comedian, the smarts of an Ivy League professor, and you know how to knit more than “pretty well”.
    I’m sure your talk is perfect already, you just have to let yourself believe that it is.
    Good luck, break a leg, etc.

  43. Break a leg! Or should the knitting equivalent be to say “break a needle” before going on stage? In any event, all the best to you, and I have a feeling you’ll be awesome. 🙂

  44. I have a friend who began her talk in church by saying that she is afraid she puts people to sleep when she speaks in church (not true, it’s the warmth and the comfy pews…). She said this to her husband and her grandson overheard her. He became very excited,” Grandma, that’s your superpower! You can put people to sleep!!”
    So should anyone fall asleep, it’s just your superpower! Break a leg (needle?)!

  45. The quote at the end is worthy of being framed in gold. I pray you find the story you are meant to tell with much more pain and agony.

  46. NEVER check your amusements during plane travel. You just about guarantee there will be some major delay, be it caused by weather, equipment, lack of crew, terrorism, etc.

  47. Another off topic comment. How many weird looks have you gotten when someone asks you what you are doing when working on a speech on the plane and you say you are going to talk about knitting to hundreds of knitters? I bet a few, eh? I just lent your first book to my friend who is a new knitter. Introducing her to the Harlot!

  48. “…remember that tomorrow will come and go whether I am amazing or not, and that at the end of that day, the next day will come anyway.”

    Oh my, just exactly the best words ever!!!

  49. I give tons of lectures to demanding audiences.. I approach them the way you do when I have a new topic.. way down deep there is a sense of confidence that since everything I have done before has been good, this one will be too and I can delay working on it because I know it will be good.. I just have to lay down my thoughts.. It has always worked.. What is the new topic? If it’s a riff on your “Best Practices” I loved that, I think it was new last spring…

  50. I just looked at Ken’s pledge page – $10,000! Awesome! I love the fAct that he’ in the Raibow Sparkle Unicorn Love Magic group!

  51. My husband does a fair bit of public speaking – he says that the rule is – Stand up, Speak up, Shut up. Just sound as if you know what you are talking about, even if you don’t. Oh – and gin helps enormously. Whatever – good luck – and you know you can do it, because you have done it before. Wish I could be there.

  52. “All shall be well
    And all shall be well.
    And all manner of things shall be well.”
    Dame Julian of Norwich, 13th century English mystic.

  53. I just read an article in “Oprah” mag about butterflies being good for us so it must be true. 😉
    I appreciate that you share these thoughts because it helps me feel less like I’m the only one who’s still scared of what I have to do most days (talk in front of people) even though I’ve been doing it for years with hardly any disasters!
    Now go “break a leg” or whatever is the appropriate send off. 🙂

  54. I myself have always been, and will probably continue to be, a huge fan of the adrenaline rush; nothing like that last, frantic time…just sayin’

  55. I think you just work really well on deadlines. You still have PLENTY of time (at least that’s what I tell myself when I get in these situations!)

  56. I’ve been to several of your presentations. You will do fine. You could read from the phone book and give your witticisms on peoples names and the audience would love you. Relax!

  57. In the immortal words of Dorothy Parker: I hate to write. I love having written. That goes for books and for talks! Also, if you’re looking for something to do between Candy Crush Saga lives, I highly recommend the Candy Soda Crush Saga. I think I’m more addicted to that than Candy Crush. Save the bears!

    P.S. Your talk will be divine! There comes a time when you have to give it up to the gods of public speaking and let it happen. Your procrastination may be a way of telling you that you’ve reached that point.

    • Aauugghh – CURSE Candy Crush Soda Saga! It’s devouring big chunks of my time, along with occasional nips of my income. A terrible addiction to have developed.

  58. Hello Stephanie,
    Take a deep breath, you will do fine. You are amazing. Now for the hard part. Depending on the length of your flight, you have time. You’ll rock out your speech during the flight, you always do.
    It’s going to be great, and in a few days, you will take a deep breath, and evaluate everything.
    It’s going to be fine.
    I did public speaking for a few years, and enjoyed the thrill of a well spoken word. My group, however, was in a treatment center, and I always brought my knitting.
    You have your knitting, so get to work.
    Thanks again,
    Louise Ann Benjamin

  59. I totally get it. I am a procrastinator extraordinaire myself! I only know how to complete things when there is absolutely zero time left NOT to complete them. Then I get them done. And that crunch, which I despise, is the only thing that seems to push me past the desire to do absolutely anything else than the thing I need to do! So yes, I get it.

    And I bet you will be fabulous. Anyone recording it so we can watch later??? 😉

  60. I’m a retired teacher of public speaking. You might find some of the textbooks interesting and helpful? One of my favorite texts is Fraleigh & Tuman, Speak UP! which my students also loved. You have a big advantage to have time to prepare; the terror of speaking often comes from the nightmare of having to stand up to speak with NO preparation. You get to tickle a lot of knitters pink all over, as you have done already many times. Get some sleep tonight, and best of luck.

  61. remember this from now on:
    1. (i’ll be complimenting you so read on through) we really don’t care what you talk about, how you say it, what you’re wearing, how your hair looks, if you’re funny or not, or even if it’s boring here and there. and why is that? because we like you regardless. and we’re going to have a good time regardless. we’re not going to remember what you said; we’re going to remember how wonderful you were, that we all had a fabulous time, that we made some new friends and that we went home with good memories and a few rows done. don’t sweat it ever when it comes to knitters. we’re family.

  62. Ok! Now that the speach is done (and I’m sure it was fabulous) could we discuss the section on this page where it says where you will “be”? Or as the case may be, where you will be but there’s nothing under that section? Just saying…… I do a little more traveling than a rational person and I’d LOVE to see/hear you. Where will you be in the near/far future? Maybe I’m not looking at the correct spot for your schedule? Help!

  63. If a newbie hears you and wonders who the crazy lady is, someone who has come to see you for years will tell the newbie that you’re human and nervous but really really nice. We’ve got your back, hon.

  64. Texans are polite. The nastiest think most of them could say is “Bless your heart.” (They can cuss, but it’s mostly bluster… after they’re the ones that made up the concept of “all hat, no cattle.” With your cute accent lacking twang, they’ll have loved you by now.
    I appreciate the work you put into your writing and your talks. I’m sure I’m not the only one. (but thanks for sharing… I’ve had anxiety dreams two nights in a row… and I’m not even “performing” anywhere.

  65. I’m sure you did great! I feel the exact same way when I teach knitting classes I haven’t taught before. Ugh – the awful butterflies and feeling like I’ve probably forgotten the most important thing to tell the students.

  66. Your talk was brilliant, funny, and charming! The end made me cry….it was loved by both people and cats, and your zipper remained intact the entire time! Thank you for coming! If there was time, I would have asked about Lou’s Advent Calendar, which is amazing. Safe travels! 🙂

  67. Put off = pull off. You brought the house down in texas. I can tell you i laughed the loudest, cried at point and it really resonated. Spent the rest of the weekend quoting sound bites from your talk with knit friends. Y’all come back soon now, ya hear.

  68. I know exactly how you feel. Tomorrow I have to give a talk at my dad’s funeral, and the gathering afterwards is at my house! Am I cleaning? Am I raking leaves? Am I at least making a list of what needs doing? No. I have drafted my talk, but I need to look at it again and transfer it to flash cards. It will be in front of old family friends, one of whom was my former high school English teacher! Help!

    • i am so sorry for the loss of your father. how overwhelming it must be to have to host this and prepare for it. whatever you yourself need right now is what matters. the talk is about your father, i see, but a tidy yard or house do not matter as much as you. i hope you have people around you who can help you and be there for you. vicki

  69. Oh hon, I’m 49 and I do it, too. I can say without fear of regret that it really is the one thing I hate most about myself, with the full weight of that word. 🙁

  70. Your talk was wonderful, and again, I thank you so much for throwing future Stephanie under the bus. You made us all laugh and gave us much to think about. I hope your trip back home was relatively uneventful, though I know the snow in Chicago probably didn’t help and I look forward to seeing your latest knitting project. Thanks again so much for coming to DFW!

  71. Totally off topic..
    need help
    how do others manage/organize their circular needles?
    I am so fed up having to boil water to “untwist” my circs

    • 1. I use 2 sets for most projects, so the twisting isn’t as big an issue.
      2. I swear a lot.
      3. I leave them on the floor, step on them, break off the points, and swear even more.
      4. What really works best is buying brands with softer cords. Denise or Knitpicks Harmony interchangables, ChaioGiu (?) fixed bamboo or metal. Inox, Susan Bates, and Clover need the hot water treatment, but will relax at least for awhile. Forget about Boye – tools of the Devil!

    • I have had great luck with Knitter’s Pride interchangeables. I bought the rosewood square ones and I just love them. Not cheap, but I’m expecting to get years from them. And the best part is that the tips and cords will fit the Knit Picks brand as well, so they are really interchangeable – at least until somebody decides to change something.
      Chris S.

  72. The new talk was brilliant and we felt privileged to be the first ones (other than assorted friends and family members, perhaps) to hear it live. It was funny but truly touched on some deep issues.

    But, let me be honest. I’d probably sign up to listen to you read your grocery list. I have no doubt that you would find a way to make it both funny and meaningful.

    Thank you for coming, A Texas Fan

  73. You have to remember two things.
    1) You are always funny.
    2) We have brought socks to knit on so we are all intrinsically happy anyway.

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    Yazıcı toner kartuşu ihtiyaçlarınız için telefon ile sipariş vermek yeterli olacaktır.

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