Oh Man, have we been reading this blog for a long time

That was my favourite comment out of all that you left on my last post, and trust me, I loved and read them all. Yes. Man, have you been reading this blog for a long time.  The first time I mentioned wee Meg (properly) was Jan 27th, 2004.  She was 12. The second was May 4th, in a post entirely devoted to her. (In the name of soft warm merino, click on that link.)  That little bundle of knitting energy, of cleverness of… Megan, that teeny girl wed on Monday, and she was not a child.  I had been worried that she would be. That she would still seem too small to me. Too… young. I worried that I wouldn’t be able to see past being the mother of that girl to see the woman she’s so properly become.

Bad news.

I was able to do this, but only on her wedding day, in horrific waves of emotion – which means that for a McPhee woman, I was completely out of control. I was not too bad the evening before.  We went out for a “last supper” just our little family, and her betrothed was noticeably and deliberately absent. We went to a stupid local restaurant we’ve been too a hundred times exactly because of that. We went there, and we ate what we always did, and laughed about what we always do, and then we went home and had champagne in the backyard, and I was fragile, but okay.  I went to bed, and the sisters stayed up and drank bubbly in the backyard and were sweet to each other and I don’t know what they said, and I don’t care.  I fell asleep to their laughter, trickling in my window like bells.

The next morning, it was over. I woke up early and came downstairs and drank coffee, and wrote a post to you, and waited for the girls to wake up, and then they did, and the morning was… perfect.  There was nail polish crisis* and then I tried to make Meg’s bouquet and there wasn’t enough greens and Amanda drove me to get more and… even that was perfect.  We cooked the food for the reception, we tied the bouquet with ribbon. We chimed in on which tie Ken should wear. What lipsticks for the sisters… Right before we left, Megan sat herself down, took a few minutes, and embroidered her wedding date on the hem of the underskirt of her dress.  In blue.

sewing 2016-06-23

I don’t know what it was about that.  It was, so much a lesson of her youth. A lesson about handwork and the value of it and what it means to wield a needle and my wee girl thought that up herself, and sat there in the sunshine, needle in hand, and it felt like something I gave her, but maybe it wasn’t.

shoesjoe 2016-06-23

That morning was a poem. It was everything this family was good at… and then we got in the car and went to my mum’s and kept on rolling. My sister was there and my Mum and my aunt and Joe shined his shoes and everyone got their hair done (even me which is why I look weird but good in all the pictures) and we were tight. We were generous with each other. I love us best when we are like this.  All of us. Our family works beautifully when we are all present.

When we were all ready, I was going to go, to get in a cab and take Joe and Ken and go to the restaurant (did I mention Meg was married in the restaurant my sister owns? Perfect.) and I had a bag and a camera and a thousand details, and then Meg asked me if I would come up, and put her in her dress.  Blog, I swear everything was fine until then. At the risk of being overly intimate, I went upstairs, and my sweet daughter stepped out of her jeans and her tee shirt, and she stood there, naked and perfect, and moved from one space to the other, and I held her wedding dress out, and she stepped into it. I don’t mind telling you, as she stepped in, and I held it up, and it slipped up over her hips and into her form, and as I slid the zipper up over herself… it ended.  I wept. I took the shawl I had made her and placed it round her shoulders, and I kissed her, and fled cowardly to the kitchen.

shawl2 2016-06-23

hem 2016-06-23

Her sisters came up then, and were with her. Joe and Ken and I a lift with Pato, and we went to welcome guests.  We waited there, me being the only one who had seen her, and the text came, saying she was in the cab, on her way. Her bridegroom stood (I told him she was coming) and then I moved to the back, to take her in though the back door.  As I waited, a storm of feelings, my brother stepped up next to me and asked if he could come with. “Oh Please” I said, and we met our girl.

bridebywindow 2016-06-23

From there, it is a train wreck.  From there, I wept every minute.  She was, Blog… so beautiful.  She was perfect.  I mean that. She was generous. She was kind. She gave her day to so many people, and I have never been prouder, and I don’t even know why because I think that marriage is optional.

She walked down the aisle with Joe and Ken, and she moved from their arms to his… and somehow, we let go.** Off she drifted. Off she decided. And I wept, just because she was not my baby anymore.

megandalex 2016-06-23

I’d promised Meg that we would make every minute of her wedding special, and we did. The flowers were done by my mum.  Her bouquet was by me. Her venue was my sister (as was hair) Her cake was made by a childhood friend and knitter (Hey Katie it was so beautiful!) We cooked the food ourselves and Blog – you were there. Presbytera, Our Lady of the Comments – sent the most beautiful package of Greek pastries.  (Think about that. she baked them, then mailed them… all so we could have a Canadian version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Meg was so touched, and they were devoured.  (Note to Presbytera: I love you. You’re one of the best things to ever come out of this blog, also Rams.)

The evening went on, and yeah. You’ve already asked, there was a song.  I won’t post the video, I think Joe and Ken would kill me. We practiced and practiced, and everything was beautiful, and Meg loved it. (We are a musical family, and there’s no getting around that. Joe played the guitar, Ken played the drum, Amanda sang and played the violin, Sam was our ringer, playing the ukulele and lead voice, and Pato and I sang too.  (I sing once a decade. Usually at family stuff I knit.)

songpic 2016-06-23

She wed. We welcomed the lad and lo, he is ours.  I cried, somewhat helplessly, throughout my whole toast.  I kept trying to reign it in, but she is mine and I love her, and I didn’t know how to let go of that whole thing.

cake 2016-06-23

My daughter is a married lady.  I am still… overwhelmed by that. I think the thing that is the finish of me is that I cannot make her a baby in my mind any longer.  Sam – Sam still curls into my bed from time to time.  Amanda seeks advice, and is going to school. (Clever, clever girl.) Megan is married, with an unpredictably weeping mother by her side.***

parents 2016-06-23

Oh Meg.

That will be all.

*The nail polish crisis was me. The ladies put it on me, because of some ridiculous Mother of the Bride rule that I think they made up. it was pink.  I wore it until today, when a nice person at a Bike Rally meeting had nail polish remover, and I got it off me.

** This is not even remotely true. I told her husband during my speech that we would not surrender this girl, that at the best, he could share.

*** Joe and Ken you were very strong. My sister and brother cried though.

**** (There is no **** in the post but I wanted to add something) Joe asked the DJ to play “our song” after Megan’s choice at the wedding.  I was incredibly touched by his romanticism… Except for when I had to remind him it was our song, and dance with me. We are old. Our daughter is married.

***** Any rumour suggesting that Joel Plaskett attended Meg’s wedding and sang to her and Alex is totally true.  Also? Alex? Welcome to A REALLY COOL FAMILY. We’re loud and weird, but as long as you’re this good to our Meg, we’re on your side.

303 thoughts on “Oh Man, have we been reading this blog for a long time

  1. Congratulations to all of you – thank you for including all of us in this special day…..it felt like one of my family was getting married!

  2. Beautiful post, beautiful bride, and beautiful wedding. I read this holding back tears. I have two daughters of my own that are on the verge of adulthood. I’m not near ready to let them go. I hope when the time comes, I am strong enough to do so. Thank you for sharing with us.

  3. Oh, the tears being shed today as your blog family reads this! Congratulations to you all. She’s beautiful, and the shawl… perfect.
    P.S. I’m totally with you on nail polish.

  4. I knew I would enjoy reading this particular blog post. Sounds like such a perfect, beautiful day. Thanks for sharing the wonderful day!

  5. I have been eagerly awaiting this post, checking in a couple times a day since Monday, and it was so very beautiful! All the best to the newlyweds! Your shawl looked gorgeous on lovely Megan.

  6. What a lovely clever family you are! thank you for sharing the day, i am so pleased everything was perfect. Meggie looks beautiful and the shawl is a triumph!

  7. What a beautiful post. The dress, the shawl, the bride, the mom, the family. Wishing you all much happiness and best wishes to the happy couple!

  8. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful young lady! (sniff, sniff!) Wishing the young couple many years of happiness and yarn!

  9. I have been waiting for this post and cried big fat ridiculous tears through most of it! Understandable I think, since I have three daughters as well and know that I will most likely have to face this reality at some point. I am just so happy for you all, but understand the letting-go-ness of it too. Best of luck to the newlyweds!

  10. The shawl was perfect. The bride was perfectctly beautiful. The wedding sounds perfectly wonderful. This Blog entry, also perfect.

    You, your sister & brother are not the only ones brought to tears by such perfection!

  11. Lovely, lovely. Wedding, bride, groom, flowers, family, cake and that shawl is a work of art. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

  12. Beautiful. I lost it when you said she embroidered her wedding date on the hem of her gown. Not for anyone to see, just for her. For some reason that really struck me.

  13. Thank you for sharing your memories of this beautiful day with us. I’m sure that in a blink of an eye I’ll find my own baby grown up, so tonight I’m going to be sure to hug her and snuggle with her in her bed while she’s still my baby!

  14. What a beautiful post. It read it through tear filled eyes. My daughter was married 11 years ago and it brought back so many emotions from that day. They were married in a tiny intimate wedding on a dinner train. It was a beautiful magical day and I kept it together throughout the entire day and into the next morning. However, the next day, the maid of honor called to drop off something and for some unknown reason it triggered a 2 hour sobfest. I literally sat and sobbed – great heaving snot filled howling heart wrenching sobs for 2 hours. To this day I don’t know what came over me.

  15. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing, now I’m all verklempt. Mine is 20, but it seems like just last week she was only 12…

  16. The beautiful and perfect shawl made with so much love is a fitting homage to an even more beautiful and perfect day made with even more love. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. 🙂

  17. I’ve been looking forward to this post for days, and it brought tears of joy to my eyes. Blessings to your family, and thank you for sharing your joy. The shawl is absolutely stunning! All of the photos are lovely. Thank you so much for sharing!

  18. What a lovely, lovely post. What a beautiful celebration. What a great, gifted family. Thank you for sharing your life with mine.

  19. I sobbed my way through this anxiously awaited post. Beautiful- everything, including the flashback-to-wee-Meg post. Perfection! Congratulations to all!

  20. I rarely comment but always read your blog, so have got to ‘know’ you and your family over the years. I also followed Meg’s special day on Instagram. What a wonderful day, you are a very lucky lady. But I bet you know that already! And just think, there could be grandbabies on the hoizon!!

  21. At first I thought maybe a couple of people were getting squeezed out of the frame of that last lovely shot. Then I realized it was the expanding happiness there that caused that. May there be much, much more for all of you.

  22. Remember the old rhyme:
    A son is a son ’til he takes him a wife,
    but a daughter’s a daughter for all of her life.

    Congratulations to you all!

  23. Tears from me again. I cannot say that I will be strong and not cry, (weep openly), when my two sons get married. I love your blog…the blog. I love being a part of the family.

    She is beautiful and you all did a terrific job on the wedding and you Steph did an awesome job on that shawl. Tell the lovely newlywed that I love the idea of embroidering the date in blue on the hem is awesome. Something new and blue and to make it a new tradition…well it is genius.

  24. Steph and Joe and Ken and Potato (*giggle*) and especially (beautiful, radiant) Meg and Alex and the Great White shawl,

    Thank you so much for inviting us to your beautiful celebration. It is a testament to love and how it transforms lives.

    As Lin-Manuel Miranda said at the Tonys, love is love is love is love is love…, and every part of this post and the party it describes exemplifies the evidence anyone might need. Best wishes, Meg and Alex, as you embark on the difficult part of marriage – real life. Fortunately, you are surrounded by people who have so many of the answers you might need for the problems you encounter.

    Yarny blessings to all of you as you get on from here forward.*

    With love,
    Erin (and the Blog)

    *Steph, you may want to stay away from the fiber stash until you are certain the tears are under control. Then again, a little felted batt might be just the thing to bring a surprise smile to your day. 🙂

  25. I knew you’d all make it the perfect wedding, and you did. Thanks for sharing so much with us…all of the little details added up to such a lovely, lovely day. Congrats to Meg and Alex, and to all of you!

  26. A post as much a poem as the day itself, tears of joy and emotion in my eyes too. So beautifully written, i can imagine I will feel this when my own daughter weds one day. Congratulations and many good wishes, so glad it went well x

  27. Oh, Yarn Harlot! You have raised a fierce and lovely woman. Congratulations and well done! And Meg, congratulations to you and Alex, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting your mother share your special day with The Blog. Because The Blog cares, and a little bit of a weep for joy is just what she needed this afternoon.

    • I agree. The Blog owes a big thank-you to Meg & Alex for allowing us to be part of this wonderful wedding celebration. And thank-you Stephanie for the most eloquent blog. You do indeed win the Internet as one of The Blog has said. XOXOXO

  28. I cried through this post as well, thank you for sharing. I’ve been anxiously awaiting this all week, luckily I went over to Instagram and got a sneak peek! Congrats to your whole family.
    Could you also post more pics of the big white?

  29. That is totally not enough cake because you know The Blog was also at the wedding, at least in spirit.

    Beautiful bride, beautiful shawl, happy happy family.
    (I only held it together at our daughter’s wedding because it was so cold I was afraid my tears would freeze to my cheeks.)

  30. Congratulations to you ALL. The photos are lovely. My Bridget gets married in October and reading your post has gotten me ready for all of the emotions I know I will feel.. You are so lucky to have such a weird and fun and musical family….

  31. Your most loving post ever. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful- joyous -special wedding. Best wishes and congratulations to the bride and groom. They are aglow with happiness. May their wedding day be the start of a lifetime of memories together. The shawl, adorned the bride in a loving mother’s embrace while the bouquet was elegant charm and simplicity. The group photo was a reflection of the beauty that is family.

  32. How beautiful…thanks for the pictures and story. You haven’t lost a daughter but gained a son!! Love the dress and your shawl was beautiful on her. Thanks so much for the wedding story!!

  33. Many congratulations to your daughter! And if it makes you feel better, I am barely choking back tears just reading this! What a beautiful day!

  34. Thank you for sharing this with us Steph. Tears in my eyes and warm fuzzy feelings. I love your blog, and have done for 12 years. Isn’t it amazing how these perfect babies we bring into the world turn into wonderful adults? Best wishes to everyone from NZ x

  35. Wow! Beautiful! Congratulations to all. I also have been checking The Blog for updates. Wishing Meg and Alex a very happy life together.

  36. I just read your precious blog about your baby getting married and welled up with tears the whole time. You see, my child was just we’d a year ago. A child that was born 7 weeks early and turned out to be a twin. A child that fought eating disorders and teenage turmoil. A child that went to France for a year in high school and didn’t come back the same. She roamed the world, climbed Mt Kiliminjaro and ran the Boston Marathon and did a million things all far away from me. And then one day she got sick. Real sick. We put her in the hospital. She didn’t come out for a month. She lost 25 lbs she couldn’t afford and her spleen. She got every illness a hospital can breed. We almost lost her. But we didn’t. Then one day, she got engaged. This girl who lives her life to the very brim decided to share herself. And since I sewed all her baby clothes I volunteered to make her gown. The bodice took 5 months. We chose the lace, the satin, the beads, the pearls, and I stitched. I had to work in the sunshine to even see the tiny glass beads that held down the Venetian lace pieces. But bit by bit it got done. And like you, there isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do for my darling girl. I only wish I had started a blog about the journey a long time ago. She has a baby girl now. I knit constantly for her. Perhaps you shall have a grand baby soon too. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful tale, your daughter is beautiful. I shall keep in touch.

    • Reminds me of the movie Best Exotic Marigold Hotel line – it will be alright in the end. If it is not alright, it is not the end.

  37. Beautiful! Beautiful shawl, beautiful girl, beautiful day. I can’t imagine anyone has read this and not welled up. Megan did a beautiful job on her embroidery too. V special.

  38. Such a lovely couple, may their life together be full of love and happiness and joy and even more love. Picture perfect wedding with perfect wishes and the most beautiful gown and shawl ever made.

  39. I’ve been waiting for this post and it’s as wonderful and warm and fun and touching as I knew it would be. Thanks for sharing your (and your family’s) life with us for all these years!
    (P.S. My son just proposed to his longtime girlfriend and I’m a little overwhelmed myself so I especially appreciate everything about you taking us all along on this journey)

  40. What a lovely post, thank you for sharing the photos and the memories with us. I hope there will be another post about the shawl! If you feel up to it, I think it deserves a close look. It looks like it was a magical wedding!

  41. Thank you so much for writing this post, and sharing such a treasured celebration with us. All the best to Alex and your darling Megan–in the gorgeous shawl. QUESTION: Does your son in law come from a knitting family?

  42. I’ve been reading your blog long enough to recognize that pic of Meg & the knitted mitts. Holy guacamole – that means that I’ve watched her grow up & that I’m getting really old myself. Congratulations to Meg on her nuptials – may she have many years of joy. Congratulations to you for making it through it all, & congratulations to the rest of your family for surviving you getting through it.

    You have a wonderful family. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  43. Jeez Steph, I cried through this whole blog today. I am so happy for your Meg. I remember the mittens too. How can the time have passed so quickly? The shawl is beautiful, and I really didn’t need hardly any wine or popcorn…or chocolate!
    P.S. I really want to meet Rams and Presbytera….they make me laugh. At the same time hopefully. Ah, if I ever make it to Canada….(Is that where you guys are??????)

  44. Thank you so much for sharing such a special day with us — it sounds (and looks) as though it was completely wonderful. I would say that marriage isn’t exactly optional if you have a brilliant mother who can knit you a wedding shawl like that …. and who knew you could make beautiful bouquets too? Meg looks stunning and everyone looks so happy. Your wonderful day has absolutely made mine!

  45. Thanks for making me cry in a good way. Your blog was so beautiful that I wished my wonderful daughter would get married again (to the same man) so that I could knit her a shawl and cry all day. You have done it all so right.

  46. Congratulations on . . .
    . . . the loveliest wedding shawl I’ve ever seen.
    . . . a new addition to your family.
    . . . not just making it through but enjoying the day.
    . . . making me cry enough so I probably don’t have to through my own kids’ weddings. Thanks?

  47. Oh, Stephanie, this was so beautiful! I sobbed throughout, naturally. Congratulations to you and your family on this beautiful, perfect occasion. Congrats Meg!!

  48. Shawl, ladies, your day and your writing and sharing you special moments and life with us all beautiful.
    Tears here, letting them go has to be tough but lovely all at the same time. Overwhelming and so special. x

  49. Thank you for including us in your joyful sorrow. It looks as though it really was perfect, and the Shawl showed every second of the effort and care you gave it. Congratulations to the new husband and wife, and to their loving people.

  50. Even more tears, all the way from New Zealand, as I read your wonderful blog post about the day in the life of your daughter’s wedding! So special, Steph, you are a wonderful inspirational woman, with a beautitful family. Than you so much for sharing this special day with all your readers,

  51. Thank you so much for sharing so eloquently, generously and honestly what was a special family occasion. Your photos and accompanying words are just beautiful, a remarkable love letter to your daughter and her new husband. Congratulations to everyone and remember that no matter how old Megan is, she will always be your baby xx

  52. Thank you so much for sharing your special day with me – part of the Blog. I cried, I smiled, I sighed. Meg’s day was perfect because it was filled with love.

  53. Beautiful post – I cried all through it. Meg looks radiant in the pictures, so beautiful. Congratulations to the bride and groom and to their families who each inherited a new member!

  54. I cried through your entire post. I can’t read the replies because I need more Kleenex .
    You have written the best memory ever.

  55. Thank you (and Meg and Alex) for sharing this precious moment with us. It sounds as though it could not have been more perfect. The shawl is beautiful, of course (who could expect anything different from the Yarn Harlot), but I am also very impressed with Meg’s bouquet! Everything was beautiful. Congratulations to all!

  56. Oh Stephanie! I cried reading this. What a beautiful meaningful family-full wedding. The shawl was done, and gorgeous, as was Meg and everything else about her day. One question though. Did you wear your Blundstones!? LOL

  57. Congratulations Meg & Alex as you start your life together with love, family and wooly goodness. Wishing you always the best that life has to offer. Cheers!

    YH – Beautiful heirloom shawl. Now the real question – what size sox does Alex wear? 😉

  58. Sigh… beautiful and perfect in every way.
    Is it too greedy to ask for more pictures of Megan wearing That Shawl?

  59. I’ve been thinking of you all often these last few days, hoping and knowing that you made a lovely day for Meg and Alex. Thank you for sharing so much of your life’s details with us, congratulations to you all!

  60. Such a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing this wonderful event w/your readers. What a gorgeous bride (adorned in an amazing shawl!). May there be a lifetime of happiness ahead for this young couple.

  61. She is absolutely stunning! How fun to have so many people watching her big day from all around the world! Congrats, Megan!

  62. Ah…beautiful. I only found you about 3 months ago. Today I read with tears rolling down my face. Thank you for sharing. My mum always says ” your son is your son `til he takes a wife but your daughter is your daughter for all of her life”‘

  63. Dear Steph

    I’ve read through your entire blog at least twice and never commented(what could I add?) But I’ve come out of “lurkdom” to say congratulations.
    Congratulations to your wonderful family for being so loving and giving. Congratulations to you on getting the ‘big white’ finished in time(along with everything else you had to do). And major congratulations and every blessing to Meg and Alex for now and the future.
    Thank you and all your family for sharing such a personal moment with ‘the blog’.

  64. Mazel tov to Meg and Alex. May they have a long and happy life together. And to the rest of the family for pulling this together for her. You all look fabulous, and what is more important, joyous. Beautiful. Perfect. What a wedding should be.

  65. I can’t improve on the many wonderful comments already made. So I happily echo them all.
    In addition, I wish to thank you for your writing skill and generosity in sharing your life with us. All blessings to you and yours.

  66. Ahh so lovely! I’m new here (only been reading for a year) and this had me in floods! I am so very moved, it’s so lovely, such a wonderful thing you have all built together.

    I blame this on hormones/one child finishing kindergarten and the other starting pre-K/something something mutter mumble . . . They grow up so fast!
    Congratulations 🙂

  67. Going back to read those old “Meg” posts was…weird. I am not a parent so I don’t have first hand experience with the parenting emotions, but I do watch other peoples’ children grow up (family, friends, bloggers, etc) and I have to say the whole process is very…weird. It is completely mind boggling how they go from being a thing that I can’t honestly consider human because they can’t really do much of anything, to starting to look and act and speak like a human but in those high squeaky voices, to thinking rationally and making their own decisions, and then all of sudden that thing that was barely recognizable as one of my species is an adult that is doing the same kind of normal adult things that I do every day. Freaking mind boggling! How the heck does that even happen? So weird.

    Congrats to Megan and Alex. Being paired off with a permanent teammate is one of the best things ever. Congrats to you and Joe as well for successfully navigating the whole parenting process and turning out a woman who has now joined the rest of us adults in normal everyday life.

  68. Awwww! A wonderful wedding, a wonderful blog entry.

    Meg and Alex: Live long and prosper.

    Millie: Get off that shawl!

    Steph: You cooked,so you can always blame the tears on the onions.

  69. I have waiting for this post since Monday night!!!! How beautifully and poetically described. The day sounds magical and I am sure it was even more so live and in person!!! Congrats to all.

  70. Thank you for sharing your family and self with us. It sounds and looks beautiful. So many others have expressed their appreciation so well so I will just co-sign. And smile and smile. All the best. (Now you’re a mother-in-law!)

  71. Oh, SOB. We’ve been so blessed to watch your incredible, lovable children grow up here. You have such a beautiful family. From the sidelines, I send you many blessings.

  72. Long time reader, never posted. I justed to wish you all a hearty “Congratulations!!” The bride looks stunning, and the embroidered date was such a lovely touch. I would like to wish her a lifetime of happiness. Thank you for sharing such a joyous occasion with us!

  73. How very beautiful. But don’t think you’re done giving advice. If she chooses to have children, you’ll be advising day and night. Congratulations!

  74. Thank you so much for sharing such a special time with us. You have written about the girls for so many years, we all feel a connection. Thanks also to Presbytera, for baking on the Blog’s behalf!

  75. Thank you for sharing Megan’s wedding. Lovely, lovely, lovely. I confess I have been waiting eagerly to hear of it. Utterly amazed that you pulled it off so speedily, shawl and all. Congrats!

  76. I’m touched, with a smile on my face and the glimmer of a tear in my eye. Beautiful post. I’m gonna get mushy so I’ll stop there.

  77. (Try #2 since I foolishly lost my first comment)

    I remember originally reading that “Is there…enough?” snow comment and finding it utterly hilarious. Still funny!

    I have also thought it was weird to tell someone you are proud of them on their wedding day. But something about you telling your story made it click. It isn’t the lucky act of finding a partner you want to share life with and then hosting a wedding. It’s about the culmination of that person’s life and seeing them highlighted in that special moment, and being filled with pride of who they are. And you’ve got a lot to be proud of.

  78. Oh boy, I can so agree with the title, yes, we have been reading this blog a long time!! Steph I first discovered Th Blog in late 2004, as I was just working out what these ‘blog sites’ were as I devoured all things knitting I could find online, after re-discovering my love for this craft my Nanna quite literally taught me at her knee. You and your family have become a part of my life (in a totally non-creepy way, I promise!!), along with the regular characters who make their appearances, and not only have you been my knitting Yoda, I’ve taken much parenting advice from your stories along the way too, as I’m a few steps behind you in this crazy journey of raising people. I’ve always thought that if I could only pick one blog that I could read in my life, it would be this one, because I simply cannot imagine life without it. Such a weird thing to say about someone I’ve never met and likely never will, but that is the power of the internet for good, it makes the world smaller and introduces us to people who can have the best influence on our lives. So I feel very privileged to see Meg get married, I remember that little girl from way back when and can now only imagine what it will be to see my own daughter married one day. Congratulations to you all, and thank-you for sharing this beautiful story xx

  79. Count me among the criers. I hope Meg and Alex will forever be as happy as they look in your photos, Steph. Thanks for sharing everything with us..

  80. I just sat here and cried like a baby so it’s a good thing I wasn’t there. You have such a gift for expressing what we parents go through when one of our children gets married. I feel as if your kids were my daughter’s friends that would come to the house often, they are so familiar to me. I am so happy for you all. Best wishes to the Bride and Groom, may your life be filled with good friends, family, love and happiness. What a lovely, lovely wedding, all made so precious that it was produced by the entire family. Thank you so much for sharing.

  81. I do not cry at movies or tv shows or blog posts. I read reviews of Grey’s Anatomy wherein grown women claim to have sobbed through the whole thing. I roll my eyes. But I have a 27 year old daughter, my one and only, who is still single and who calls me every night to talk and laugh. This post made me cry. (And you did this to me once before–when you wrote about one of your daughters on her 16th birthday. Maybe it was Meg?) Thanks, Stephanie. You have a gift. You are a gift. And your daughter is glorious, both in appearance and in planning such a splendid wedding.

  82. I am 25 years old and have been devotedly reading the blog since I was 18 but this is my first comment. I’ve always felt a kinship Megan when you wrote about her because we are (nearly) the same age. It’s lovely and amazing to see this wonderful step in her life, and it’s making me reflect on mine. (Good gracious! Am I Grown Up too? I’m not sure…)

    Thank you so much for bringing us into your life and sharing your joys with us. Though you don’t know it, you counseled me through all sorts of rough growing-up stages – from when I was a lost high-schooler who loved wool until now, as a somewhat less lost woman who loves wool. I think of you as my slightly wacky aunt who is super cool and stands up for a woman’s right to not wear bras and to be hopelessly crazy about all things wooly. I suspect that I am not alone when I say that you have influenced my life in ways that you can’t imagine and that I am very grateful for it. Lots of love to you, Meg, and your amazing family on your amazing journey!

  83. The only thing prettier than the shawl is the bride. Meg is simply radient. And such a happy couple.
    Congratulations to all

  84. Well, you had me crying too, and I knew you would. My own first son married last year in a celebration as family-made (and part Canadian–aren’t the best ones?? lol) as yours. Such loveliness. Many blessings and love to you all.

  85. Sniff. What? I just have something in my eye is all…
    Many, many congrats and thanks for sharing. I love this blog. 🙂

  86. Thank you so much for sharing your family’s special day and your own feelings as the day unfolded and your daughter became a wife. Wishing Alex and Megan a life of joy and love!

  87. Oh my heart! Thank you for sharing this precious day with us. Many many congratulations to Meg and Alex! PS Even us grown and married women need our mums from time to time.

  88. I sometimes say when I run training on influencing others that you are someone I have never met who has had a great deal of influence on my life.

    Thank you for sharing your life on this blog – I have learnt so much more than knitting from you. Like how to be a great mother. And how to have a cookie party. And how to be a wonderful human being.

    Congrats for raising such a wonderful married person too!

  89. Meg looks so incredibly happy, and I wish much happiness, health, and love throughout the years for her and Alex. Thank you all so much for sharing this wonderful day with all of us. The shawl is lovely and perfect, just like your daughters.

  90. I have been reading your blog and books for years, but never commented. I was so touched by your story of your daughter’s wedding and your family time together, I felt compelled to write something. Thank you for sharing such a special day with all of us knitters and showing us how sweet, simple and special a wedding can be. The shawl was breathtaking, Megan was truly wrapped in love.

  91. Thank you for sharing this, I was waiting anxiously. So glad everything went off perfectly! The bride and shawl are stunning! Best wishes to all.

  92. My oldest is the same age as your youngest and I too, am faced with the “letting go”, the last stage of parenting (for which the first was made). I need not vocalize to you how much harder it is. I know you know. Harder than the sleepless newborn. Harder than the tantrums of two. Harder than navigating the snubs and heartbreaks of their school years. Harder than the fears and the woes of high school. Hardest of all. I just wept silently through your entire post…. xo

  93. This made me weep as did so others. Nothing but the best of good luck to the new couple. Thank you for sharing their day.

  94. Congratulations to the beautiful couple and the fantastic family. It looks like the day was everything Meg had planned on, what a very special, personal, family type wedding. May Alex be integrated easily into this family and may they both always feel surrounded by love as they obviously were on their special day.

  95. Your girls are the same ages as mine, and you constantly evoke similar “mama” feelings in me when you share these moments. It clearly seems the day was quite perfect for all concerned, and you and Joe have raised a sweet and loving family. I hope the newly married Meg brings those endearing qualities to her own marriage, and that you revel in your daughters’ happiness. Best wishes for a bright future Meg and Alex!

  96. What a beautiful post, bride, family, shawl, just everything! You’re going to have such wonderful memories. Thank you for sharing the day with us. BTW, I’m one of the few women I know who refuses to have a professional mani or pedi, so I’m with you there!

  97. Everything about this post is beautiful. Beautiful day, beautiful family, beautiful bride Meg, who will always cherish each stitch of love her mother knit into her breathtaking shawl. Thank you so much for sharing your joy with us.

  98. I guess I am just an echo of the words above. Meg you are sooooo beautiful and both you and your husband look sooooo happy. Blessings to you , the rest of your life. Pattye Brewer PS Thank you for sharing your amazing day with us. Stephanie? The shawl and your family is beautiful.

  99. So, I never (obviously untrue) comment on your blog, despite my regular reading. This was a particularly lovely post – I got teary too. But what I needed to comment on is OMG JOEL PLASKETT SANG AT YOUR DAUGHTER’S WEDDING??? That is amazing.

    Congratulations on welcoming a new member to your family.

  100. Meg looks absolutely stunning and fairly glows with happiness….I am so happy for her and all of you that she found her soulmate and a great addition to your family. Thank you for sharing the story with us……and, oh yes, the BW is amazing. Excellent job!

  101. Congrats to the newly married couple! I will be shameless and tell you that I cried when I read the blog and am now sniffling. Brava mama for keeping it together (mostly). I wouldn’t have been able to if in your shoes.

  102. Thank you for inviting us to your beautiful daughter’s beautiful wedding. It is an honor and a privilege. Whenever you can make everybody cry, you know you did it right. A long, happy life to them and to all of you.

  103. I love your blog – the knitting and how you share your life with us. It made me teary to see how beautiful your daughter is, how happy she is and, last but not least, how absolutely gorgeous that shawl turned out. The pattern and beading are both perfect, and it goes so well with the dress. I may have to knit something with beads now. (But perhaps I’ll start with something smaller.) 🙂

  104. Everything about this post and this day and this bride is beautiful, and I (like so many other readers) feel tremendous gratitude for your generosity in sharing your life with us all. We feel like part of your family, we love to share the high points and you never disappoint us! This was a beautiful account, worthy of the day. Blessings to the happy couple and to all of you!

  105. Can you please stop making me cry? I mean, for heaven’s sake, you are crying enough for all of us, but man, reading this post made ME all snotty and blubbery. My little six year old daughter will walk down the aisle soon, I’m sure, and my eleven and thirteen year old sons will ask for the car keys any minute. It’s going too fast, although sometimes it seems like this childhood thing is dragging on and I’m so over it, but then I read reminders like the ones in your blog post, and I realize: these children of ours will leave us. Very soon. Oh, hand me the tissues, will ya?

  106. If only all all weddings could be like this one! A wonderful testament to joys of a strong and loving family, that enables each person to be and do their best. Congratulations to Meg and Alex as they begin their journey together and define for themselves the meaning of family. Congratulations to you and Joe for your wisdom and patience.

  107. Oh I was waiting for this post! So much joy and love and bittersweetness. As a mom of young ones, this is tugging at those heart strings. Love to you all!!!!

  108. When I was in my late-20s my mother said to me, “No matter how old you are, you’ll always be my little girl.” At the time I thought “Get a life mom!” A couple of years after that, my mother died; a couple more years later, I married; a few years more I had a baby . . . and then I knew exactly what my mother had meant!

    I cried after seeing my “baby” off for his first day of primary school, when he left for university 204mi/328km away, and when he moved 2,860mi/4,603km away after graduation. Should the day come, I’m certain I’ll cry at his wedding (and maybe before and after!). They’ll be tears of love, but also of a kind of loss of the way things had been way-back-when.

    As children enter different stages in their lives, their parent does too. They and we adjust (hopefully!), but nobody said it would be easy, though it becomes so with time.

    Blessings to you, Joe, and your family members, especially Megan and Alex.

  109. Meg is absolutely gorgeous. As I am only two years older and following this blog since around 2008, I sorta feel like I’ve grown up with her and I’m so happy that she’s found happiness. I only hope I look as gorgeous on my (as of now, undetermined) big day.

  110. Lovely, lovely post, Stephanie. I confess, I haven’t even thought about this transition (though my older 2 are already 23 and 24), aside from urging any and all progeny of mine to elope, as I am NOT GOOD at formal parties. But you made this all sound so beautiful, I might have to change my mind.

  111. This was such a beautiful post, thank you for sharing it with us. Especially appreciated today as I needed something good after the horror of the British EU referendum result.

    • Oh gosh me too. I’ve done nothing but drown in social media all morning and now I need to do what needs to be done.

  112. You are a most beautiful soul with a most beautiful family and I like your quoted blog reader have been reading you for a very long time. I cried right along with you as I read, eating up every last detail about Meg’s amazing wedding. Thinking as I read how much time has passed since I began to read your blog. Then I was childless, now I have two beautiful girls who, though I will kick and scream, will grow into women as well. Right now they are 11 and 7….so I don’t even want to think about how quickly it goes. Thank you….thank you for sharing your life with us!

  113. Stephanie,

    I am a grandmother (which is still weird) but I am still my mother’s baby. The family just grows. Now you have a son. Too cool. Congratulations!

  114. Thank you for a beautiful, emotional post. I’m crying and feeling lucky to have had a glimpse at such a special day. All the best to the lucky couple and many thanks for sharing your lives with us. Great white is gorgeous, but the bride is even more so.

  115. Perfect in every way. Congratulations and best wishes. Good job, Mum. Tears and all. Tears of happiness are always welcome at a party.

  116. Wow. I knew your post-wedding post would be a treat, but I didn’t expect to cry over such a perfectly beautiful piece. You are such a blessing. Congratulations to you all, especially Meg!

  117. I have great respect for the joyful, sad, emotional tears of mothers. Motherhood brought this out in me and I weep (well, sob) during these milestones, such that I have been banned from taking a speaking role! But, that said, I am moved and love when others own their tears/emotions, even in “public”.

  118. What an amazing post Stephanie… My heart is full once again. Only this time I have tears! Thank you so very much for sharing this with all of us. :o) Megan was a stunning bride and dang…that shawl was perfect!!

  119. 11 years into reading your blog. This is longer than most of my relationships. And to me, it is a relationship. Your blog has made me laugh, cry, and contemplate life in new ways, and I am not the same person that I would have been had I never found it on that chilly day in November when I was desperately Googling “what is a thumb gusset?” in my first years of college.

    I wish Meg all the happiness in the world. And I want to say Thank You, dear Harlot, for sharing your life with us. For sharing your words with us. For sharing your gift with us. The world is a better place because of you, and I am Thankful for you. I’m going to go cry some more now.

  120. Oh, that is sweet. I was puddling up by the time Joe was shining his shoes.

    Congratulations to all of you on a job well done.

  121. I get teary at all wedding so I can’t even imagine what a wreck I would be at my own child’s wedding! It sounds like your day was a perfect. Thank you for sharing this with us. It’s wonderful! I do hope that you do a post on the shawl though. Congratulations!

  122. It’s no wonder you are a writer. What a gift. What a treat for us readers. How you envelop your readers into such an intimate family event and we can be a part of it. We can feel your pain, joy, bittersweetness, pride, and wistfulness.
    A perfect day. A perfect bride. A perfect written tribute to it all. Your family is blessed because you all have each other and each of you are wonderful. Many heartfelt blessings to Meg and her husband. And to you. Thank you for writing this blog.

    • Well said!!
      (and thanks to all of Stephanie’s family for being willing to share…or at least tolerate our presence…)

  123. Crying at my desk at work…such a beautiful day, so eloquently expressed. So happy all went well, and congratulations to all of you!

  124. Meg looks so beautiful & radiant – and so grown up. What a beautiful wedding. Her dress, flowers – and the wonderful shawl you knit her. All my best wishes go out to you and your family – Alex is lucky!

  125. Lovely! Such a beautiful bride with an equally beautiful shawl made by her mother’s loving hands. Your post was so touching – it made me cry and, of course, laugh a bit. You have such a special family and now it has grown by one. He is a lucky man, not only to have your lovely Meg as his wife but to have such a marvelous additional family. Thanks for sharing a bit of your special family and Meg’s perfect day with all of us.

  126. I just cried. Thanks for sharing! I feel like I know Meg and your whole lovely, crazy family. It’s a rare honour to be invited into someone’s life and I appreciate it. Alex, who is now part of your family, has a happy adventure ahead of him. Congratulations to all!

  127. Thank you for sharing all the little details–it’s all so lovely and perfect. The flowers, the cake, the pretty-yet-sensible shoes, cute toenails, family-owned location, etc. All of it. My very best wishes for decades of happiness to your daughter and her husband.

  128. I cannot find words more eloquent or heartfelt than those already written above but I do want my voice to be heard in saying CONGRATULATIONS! to all and THANK YOU to Steph for sharing ..well, everything…with us.
    Thank you

  129. How extraordinary that you shared such poignant moments! I was hanging onto each image, each word. Such a beautiful family … such a splendid bride with her groom. Your shawl was positively gossamer – your daughter an angel in it. Blessings to you all, and thank you.

  130. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful, personal day with us. Wishing the new couple a lifetime of happiness and love.

  131. I seriously could only skim this post. I’m crying and I have to go to work. I will devote more time, later, to sit and read and feel happiness and tears of joy for you and your family.

    Suzie from California

  132. What a lovely post. It’s wonderful that the family all had a hand it making their day so special. Thank you for sharing. I found myself welling up just reading it so I have no idea how someone would hold back the tears if they where there in person.

  133. Thank you so much for sharing Meg’s day with us. What a radiant bride, and what a thoughtful, beautiful retelling of a day.

    As a long time reader of your blog I’ve so enjoyed following along as your girls have grown into three exceptional women. You share them with us so generously that they feel like our own.

    Congratulations Meg and Alex. May you have a wonderful life together.

  134. Congratulations, best wishes, and love to all of you. Sounds like your lives have been expanded exponentially. Enjoy the ride.

  135. Congratulations and Best Wishes to all! This post brought back so many happy emotions I felt six months ago when our youngest daughter got married just the way she and her Pat wanted. Tears and smiles all around!!

  136. I just realized that Megan was married only two days after what would have been my parents’ 66th wedding anniversary (my mom died in 1987 and my dad in 2013). Dad told me he and Mom had 37 perfectly happy years together, and I wish to pass the “perfectly happy” to Megan and Alex and hope that they enjoy even more years together. I admire them for choosing to have a simple, family wedding instead of an over-the-top extravaganza, and I think Megan embroidering the date in blue on her dress was inspired. So many simple but meaningful touches – your mom doing her flowers, you doing the bouquet and knitting a gorgeous white shawl for her, her friend baking the wedding cake, etc. As far as I can see, a wedding to live for. God’s blessings on you all!

  137. So, I’m in the weeds of parenting right now. I know I’m in the weeds, and I even looked at my one year old last weekend and said “you know I’m going to remember these as the most magical years, and I’m not even going to remember you did this.” I want to cherish every moment, as I’m told I should. But, Lord. They are one and six, and they are underfoot every moment of the day. They are loud and they need me so very much… every moment. I DO love it and cherish it. But, seriously, the people who say to love every minute? They are the me of a couple decades from now, remembering the magic and forgetting the messiness. The me of right now simultaneously revels in the magic and wishes for just a few minutes of peace. Or at least a kitchen that stays clean for more then five minutes.

    But, I just sat down with a glass of tea and this post. And bawled. My girls are going to grow up and become women. Women who live their own lives, no matter what my 6 year old says about staying with me always. So, Meg’s wedding and your beautiful writing have given another gift. I’m going to finish this glass of tea and dive back in to the messy magic a little more aware of the magic and (hopefully) a little more tolerant of the mess. Thank you.

    • I was just fine till I read your comment, but NOW my eyes are gushing. Some solidarity, then: I’m in the weeds with you and your messy magicians!

      • I think you captured it perfectly. It’s hard to get the whole picture at any one moment, but in hindsight, or in foresight, the wonder of parenting becomes evident. And we all know even weeds can be beautiful. Wishing you patience, perseverance and joy.

  138. Maybe it’s because I went through my own wedding photos yesterday, but I caught a case of emotions while reading this. It sounds like everyone had a wonderful time and they were surrounded by love. Congratulations!

  139. My daughter hasn’t even turned 2 yet. I’m crying because my girl will be married some day. I don’t know how you kept it together for so long.

    What a very lovely day, Congrats on the new son & Cheers to the newly wed couple!

  140. Hi Stephanie, congratulations on your daughter’s wedding! I sent you an email at your yarnharlot.ca address. Please check it as soon as you can. 🙂

  141. Mazel Tov to you and your entire family. Megan looked beautiful wearing the shawl, and it sounds like you had an amazing day.

  142. This post made me cry. At work. And explaining why I was crying to the people around me didn’t make it better.

    Thank you for letting us in on your special day.

    And great work letting Meg’s husband know he only gets to share her, not keep her. I’m glad I’m not the only one who takes a Godfather view to leaving the Family.

  143. I couldn’t help myself. I started crying halfway through reading your post and am still sniffling a bit. Tears of joy, of course.

    Thank you for sharing with all of us.

  144. And…. now I’m crying, too. Oh, Love. That best of us all, shining so brightly throughout this whole post, throughout the whole history of the Blog. Thank you again for taking us along with you. My heart is full for you. Congrats, You’re a Mother-in-Law!

  145. Congrats to the whole family. You did beautiful work on the shawl (what did we expect?), but how do you also know how to build a bouquet? What??? Thank you for sharing your lovely family with us. May the happy couple have decades and decades of happiness together.

  146. Thank you, Megan and Alex, for sharing your beautiful wedding with The Blog – such generosity to us who lurk and read and feel a part of your “family”. Bet you didn’t expect this when Ken got your mum started on this blog adventure. The thing about all the pictures in the post that was doubly gobsmacking (beyond how amazingly joyful and lovely you all look) was that picture of Joe shining his shoes in his WHITE dress shirt without even rolling up the cuffs. Now THAT takes courage!
    Blessings be to you and your family.

  147. I just returned from vacation and eagerly caught up on your blog. I was only planning on reading, I rarely comment since you have so many followers and I’m sure my comments aren’t original. But I, too, have read every entry in your blog and I cried all the way through this one. I, too, have a daughter and ache for what is now gone, so I understand you very well.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful girl.

  148. Congratulations!!! Thank you so much for sharing! I’d agree with you that marriage is optional – and that’s every reason to be proud of Meg for choosing it. Getting married means saying publicly that you are going to choose love and choose love and choose love, and asking for the support of your family and friends to do it. It’s not an easy thing to do, especially in this age when so few things are permanent.

  149. There are no words. Meg is absolutely radiant; you’ve all truly defined the word family with the love and support given to them both. Alex is a fortunate man.
    (touch the house; how appropriate for a new start…)
    Thank you to the newlyweds for allowing us to share a small peek at their special day. I started sniffling at the rocker chick photo and was done by the embroidery in blue; I can’t begin to image the effect on you. (My 6’2″, 40-something son is still the babe in my arms each night in my prayers – some things will never change.) Blessings for their marriage and the years to come. Namaste,
    Bonnie aka Knitsiam

  150. She was a beautiful bride and the shawl was perfect! Looking at her wearing the shawl. the thought popped in my head: “She’s wrapped in love”. thanks for sharing such a wonderful day with us!

  151. Stephanie, I’ve been reading your blog for a very long time, although I’ve rarely commented. I love your family, your blog, your bike riding, your knitting, your story telling abilities! Your story today, *sniff* is beautiful *sniff* and I may have gotten teary eyed *sniff* from reading it. Love the pictures, love the entire “family” of it all. *sniff* beautiful *sniff* … just beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  152. I’m sitting in my office, eating lunch and completely tearing up while I’m reading this…this poetry that is today’s blog! Congratulations to all, it looks like it was perfect and beautiful! (My coworkers are wondering if I’m OK, and should know better…I always cry at weddings.)

  153. So beautiful! The post and the young woman, congrats to Meg and spouse. May you be happy, healthy and wise (someone pass the tissues)

  154. I touched the (wed)lock. Perfect.
    As the daughter of two florists, I saw a lot of beautiful weddings, but none more beautiful than Megan’s, because every detail was infused with love.
    Best wishes to your phenomenal family, and thank you for letting us enjoy such a special occasion vicariously.

  155. Thank you for sharing Meg’s wedding with all of us. She is a beautiful bride. Congratulations. Accept those tears as a symbol of your love. Our babes grow up to quickly.

  156. Thanks you, Steph, for this beautiful post. I’m to the age where I cry at tv commercials so you can be sure that I shed a tear or ten reading about the wedding. Such a gorgeous bride and so many wonderful memories f the day.

  157. A beautiful description of your wonderful day! Thanks so much for making us all a part of your family. Funny how this works…. Congrats to your beautiful daughter and her new husband!

  158. Ahhhh, this was just the best post ever. The day just sounds like it was perfect, tears and all. (The shawl is stunning!) And lastly, I can’t help but think, thank heavens you don’t wear mascara!

  159. This is what I’ve waited for, yea verily, a chance to get all teary while at work…I should know better than to check in on you while I’m here! Everything looks and sounds just lovely, so much promise and joy. May the newlyweds continue that for many years! Hugs all around.

  160. What a beautiful, warm, musical family you have. I read this with tears in my eyes and commend you on holding it together as much as you did. Warm wishes to the happy and beautiful couple.

  161. Thank you for sharing this exquisite journey. Meg is a scintillating, twinkling bride just radiating love. The shawl is love incarnate and I just cried that the two of you ‘dressed the bride’. BTW, the May 4 Meggie-blog presented her early embroidery technique and use, now in full blossom on the bridal gown 🙂

  162. I purposefully waited to read this at home. We HAVE been reading the Blog for a long time. Every now and then I think about going back to the start and reading all over again, and that post about Meg’s wristlets just confirms my suspicions about that. So much fun.

    Steph, I applaud your efforts to not cry, but really, they were futile. Thank you for allowing us to share in this beautiful day.. and greek cookies too? So much love <3

    Alex, you are a lucky man.. congratulations to you and Meg. <3 And Steph, congratulations to you and Joe <3

  163. I’ve been so excited to hear about the wedding! Thank you for the heart-felt post! I have a wee daughter and I can’t imagine that far ahead yet, but you’ve given my a glimpse into the future. I also better understand what my mom was thinking and feeling at my wedding many years ago. Just think though, you haven’t lost a daughter, you’ve gained a son! Hopefully he’s one who can be taught to appreciate a handknit sock!!

  164. Thank you for sharing this totally intimate family day with your blog. You never disappoint! I hope you can relax some, get over your cold, knit something for fun…. And ride that bike!

  165. Great, great blog post. Lots of tears on both sides of the screen. The shawl is gorgeous, the bride is gorgeous, the flowers, the cake, the photos …

    Yes, some of us do think marriage is an optional piece-a-paper thing. But there’s also the reality of Transitions. And commemorating commitment. And remembering “that little girl I treasured”.

    Congrats to all. And thank you for sharing your day.

  166. I’ve been waiting for the wedding post. I made it to the part where you helped her into her dress, and I started crying too. I have a 4 year old daughter and I hope, oh I hope so much, that we will have that moment someday. I didn’t with my mother, she died 2 years before I was married. You and Meg are so lucky to have each other. <3

    Also, that shawl, man, that shawl is EPIC. Meg was the most gorgeous bride and that shawl was the perfect trim. Many many years of happiness to the happy couple.

  167. Most of the comments on this post have been related to the sentimental side of marrying off a child. I have to say that my first reaction on reading the post, was “what a wonderful wedding”! How refreshing to read about a real family effort, with everyone contributing to the event. It is such a counterbalance to the bloated extravaganzas that weddings have become here in the States. It looked absolutely heartwarming.

  168. My son’s best friend was married last weekend. I saw my son fulfill his duties as best man, knowing that he would the next to marry. He and his girl are not yet engaged, but have decided they will be together forever. I wept openly for his friend, as he has been my son’s best friend for almost 20 years. He has lived with us numerous times as his stepmom would kick him out periodically. We called him our second son.
    I am not looking forward to my son’s wedding if JR’s wedding was any indication of the level of my weepiness, then I am in for a long bout of tears. Yet, I will he happy for him, we love his girl, and they will make a fine match. I plan on enjoying this pre-married period of time, for I know it will come to an end to soon, then he will no longer be momma’s boy but Alexa’s husband.
    Your post made me cry and that is hard to make me do. I look forward to more of your posts. I am a relatively new reader, but love to knit and love your blog. Thank you!

  169. Ohhhh how I cried reading this post. My daughter is merely five and this day, her wedding day, feels like it is fast approaching. Years go by so fast, while these days of sandwich-cutting and band-aid-applying and lesson-teaching plod along. I felt all of those days in your post, those many mundane memories, wrapped into a beautiful shared life of mother and daughter. <3

  170. Congratulations to the happy couple and the family! Meg, you make a beautiful, happy bride, and Stephanie, you made a beautiful daughter and a gorgeous, priceless shawl for her 🙂 Best wishes to you all!

  171. Congratulations to Meg and Alex! I cried reading this, how could you not cry? Beautiful family and Alex already looks like one of the bunch.

  172. Sitting here this morning, on the other side of the world, having my morning coffee as the valiant winter sun streams through the window and the York-kids scramble for their share of its meagre warmth, I read your post and I cry with the poignancy of your experience and also at the complete “rightness’ of the cycles of life. The perfection in the greater plan. My love to you all and may God bless you all unceasingly. Annarica, Cape Town, South Africa.

  173. I knew you would cry… I made the Fiddlesticks Knitting peacock shawl (at your suggestion, by the way) for my new sister-in-law to wear at her wedding to my brother in 2009. When I had finished it, I draped it over my wedding dress to see the effect and totally unexpectedly started weeping. I may have cried during the wedding also… I don’t have a daughter, but I’m sure I would be a complete mess throughout the whole wedding process. Thank you for sharing the shawl and Megan’s beautiful day. It was an honor to be a guest through the blog! Congratulations, Megan and Alex! Best wishes always!

  174. Thank you so much for sharing. I too am crying tears of joy for you and your family. What a wonderful day. The bride, beautiful, the shawl, beautiful. Love that your daughter embroidered the wedding date on her dress. How perfect! Congratulations, you did well.

  175. A beautiful occasion & a lifetime of happiness to the newly married couple!
    Gorgeous shawl. BTW your hair looked great.

  176. What a lovely, moving, beautifully written post! So glad everything went well (despite the nail polish! 🙂 ) And indeed, what a beautiful beautiful bride!

  177. I’ve been reading your blog for about 10 years, long before I had kids. Now I have 2, ages 3 and 6. This post has me weeping. It’s the longest shortest time, for sure. As I still wade in the little kid mess, I see it slipping fast. I see how long I’ve been reading your blog and how fast the time seems to fly as I remember posts about your daughters over the last 10 years and I see how fast (and slow) time flies. Thanks for being first a mentor knitter and now a mentor mom to me through the interwebs. 🙂 All the best to your family.

  178. So beautiful, and I did go back and read the wrist post, so special. I just wanted to say I cried through my first son’s wedding, too. It just came over me and I could not stop. Letting go is never easy!

  179. You bring tears to my eyes the way you make me feel like I was with you! Many, many blessings to Meg!! Your girls are lucky to have such an amazing mum!

  180. Thank you so much, Stephanie, for sharing with us this beautiful day. May Meg and Alex keep the warmth and love of this day forever in their hearts together.*
    *awesome shawl, mum!

  181. Hi, I’ve been following your blog for a while now and never commented. But I just had to today.
    What a beautiful post. I feel your pride and pain.
    Our daughter got married just before Christmas, a highly emotional day for me.
    Your daughter is stunning and your shawl is beyond beautiful.

  182. Oh, how lovely it all sounds. I am so happy for you and Meg and all of your family. I loved all the personal touches to really make it her day.
    Now, dry your eyes and get on that bike!

  183. Sobbed all the way through this post. Lovely. Meg was lovely, the family participation, THE SHAWL! Thank you for sharing such joy, Stephanie.
    And, we are the force – you can do this.

  184. Thank you for sharing with us. I was sort of hoping you would, because your daughters are beautiful and I wanted to see the shawl on Meg, but sort of expecting you might want to keep it private, because of course, you (and Meg) have that right. I wish them all the best, and welcome to the family, Alex! You belong to the Blog now. 😉

    And yes, I teared up reading this too. My only daughter (she has 2 brothers) just graduated from high school last week, so there are new adventures in her future and I will have to learn to live without her around every day.

  185. I am sitting here reading about the day before the wedding, and the wedding day, and tears are streaming down my cheeks. Such a beautiful family, beautiful sentiments, Steph. Thanks so much for sharing your family with us. I feel blessed to be a part of it through the Blog. I wish Meg and Alex a lifetime of happiness. Much love, AKH.

  186. That was so beautiful! It feels like your girls grew up with mine. You and I are only over a month apart in age and our daily lives and activities are so similar. I’m usually not a cry baby but these weird hormones of mine are acting up today and I am trying to hold back the loud snivelling while reading this as shhhh! I’m in my office!!

    Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! You have a beautiful family and even more so by adding another member to it. Best wishes to the newlyweds!

  187. I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much while reading a blog post – happy tears. Thank you for letting me into your family life, and your knitting life. And huge congratulations to you all x

  188. One of the most emotional ly connected blog entries of all time. I am grateful for the gift of love you have shared with us, and I am still misty eyed. Much love and a beautiful life to Meg and Alex, and joy to you all.

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  192. Steph, i have lost both mother, precious ipad pictures and can’t stand to have my picture taken either, In those days the Cloud was in its infancy but now it is routinely employed. Did you check your Cloud?? Just thought I’d mention it. No doubt your IT guy Ken probably went through that with you. Luckily we still have good pictures in our head. Of course they will fade too but by that time our pain is not as acute.

  193. This made me remember my wedding, and how my daddy was biting his lip the whole time he walked me up the aisle, and I didn’t know until I saw the pictures… and how he broke down during his speech. I lost him last year and I found the wedding speech in his suit pocket when I was getting ready to take it to the funeral home. It’s the most beautiful memory I have of him. I have the paper with his speech on my shelf next to our wedding photo. And I’m crying as I write this, probably in the same you were. Love is beautiful and it’s hard, but it is beautiful all the same.

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