I think it’s in the living room

Random thing the first: I got on my bike this morning and took about sixteen deep breaths before pushing off and going to the gym.  (Did I tell you about this? I’ve started picking up heavy things and putting them back down again. I’m absolutely terrible at it, but that’s not the point. Avoiding osteoporosis and staying strong is the goal, so it doesn’t matter that I’m a pathetic weight lifter. I’ve got the bar low. Literally and figuratively.)  Four trips across the continent, a retreat and several birthdays in a row have finally managed to knock the organization off me and left everything a mess. (The fact that my unpacked suitcase is still in the middle of the living room is a terrible sign. Note to self, tidy that.) I’ve also given up trying to make a blog post with flow.

2. The retreat was great, as it always is, and the yarn bombings were beyond compare – as you can imagine from a group inspired by World Wide Knit in Public Day. (We tried to knit in public, but when you’re at a knitting retreat it’s hard because knitters are the public. We did our best.

knitinpublic 2017-06-16

3. We had some fantastic yarn bombings this time, but I think this was my absolute favourite, metres and metres of icord, knit from leftovers and wound through the railing on the landing of the Inn.

icordmadness2 2017-06-16

The best part of it was watching it grow. The first morning there was a few rows, then the next morning it was a little bigger, and by the last day it was as you see it, the whole thing filled in.

icordmadness 2017-06-16

Nobody saw how it got to be there either, it was like a vine that only grew in the night. Non-knitters thought it was cool, but the knitters were bananas for it. (That’s a lot of i-cord.)

moreidord 2017-06-16

4. On Wednesday, which just so happened to be my birthday, I left Port Ludlow at 8:30am, and staggered through the door (after a car ride, a ferry ride, another car ride, two planes (one cancelled and re-booked) and a taxi) at 2:30 am and it was not the best way to spend your birthday ever devised.  I admit, it had a lot of knitting in it, which should have been decent groundwork for a birthday, but failed to deliver.  I tried to be chipper about it, because I was travelling with Jen, but the truth is that I miscalculated how I’d feel about it, and it wasn’t awesome.

5. I felt bad about this until (while I was just thinking about whinging about our cancelled flight) a friend I was texting with said I should call a do-over. This is apparently a completely legal birthday manoeuvre that I have somehow gotten to be 49 years old without knowing.  It turns out that if a birthday looks like it’s about to go sideways, you can call a do-over, as long as you do it before you’ve had the whole birthday. (This is, I suppose, a way of making sure that you don’t cheat and get out of hand, trying to get more birthday than you properly deserve.) I get the feeling that you need to call it before there’s a cake with candles in or something else that’s irrevocable, but luckily for me, all I’d had was a frisking at security. (Hardly seems like it would count.)

6. I have decided to have my do-over on Sunday, when I can see my family and have dinner with them instead of getting that Happy Birthday text message with the balloons over and over again, which while thoughtful, is not even a little bit the same.

7. I have not seen Elliot in 10 days, which is a record. Joe got to see him day before yesterday and I am so jealous I could die, but that’s unbecoming, so I’m trying to get over it. Not only have I called do-over for Sunday, but also dibs on the baby.

Joeandelliot 2017-06-16

8. The blanket is not done but I am getting close.

blanket again 2017-06-16

That’s a lie. If I’m lucky I’ll finish the border today, and then I still have the edging to do.

9. Thank you to everyone who sent donations for the ride for my birthday – trying to get everyone on Team Knit (that’s me, Jen, Ken, Cameron and Pato) to their goals is an amazing Birthday gift, and all I really need. I was especially charmed by the donations of $49.

10. This is because I am now 49.  I think what I love best is that PWA is going to be absolutely flummoxed trying to figure out why on earth someone would donate $49.  (For the record, our Lady Jen was 43 on June 12th.)

11. Tomorrow, rain or shine (because we’re running out of training time, we have to ride even if it rains) Team Knit will ride their bikes 92km. (That’s 57miles, for my American friends.) We’ve all set our phones so that they ding when we get a donation for PWA. The ride tomorrow has a lot of hills, and I can’t tell you what that ding does when you’re halfway up one. Puts the whole thing in perspective.  The only member of Team Knit that won’t be on his bike tomorrow is Cameron, who’s still working in Australia, and spending a lot of time worrying that I am going to ride my bike faster than him because he’s not able to train.

12. To be fair, this is pretty much my goal.

Karmic Balancing Gifts? Game on. I just have time for a few. (PS, if you missed how this works and have no idea what we’re on about, then see here.)

First up, from the rather amazing Lucy Neatby, we have a gift of 10 of her amazing DVDs. I’ve got all of these and they’re amazingly helpful, even if you’re not into the topic. (By the way, if you’re not the DVD type, you should try her craftsy classes. Lucy’s a really, really great teacher.) Lucy will be sending Knitting Essentials 1&2 to Erin F.

Ess12 2017-06-16

Sock Techniques 1&2 to Clair S.

sock34 2017-06-16

Knitting Gems 1&2 to Amanda H

gems56 2017-06-16

Knitting Gems 3&4 to Janet A

GEMS78 2017-06-16

and Intarsia Untangled 1& 2 to Evelyn U. I hope you love them as much as I do. (PS, don’t try to watch while you’re knitting something unrelated. It’s disastrous.)

intunt1112 2017-06-16

Next  up, three great gifts from Sarah at Sea Turtle Fibre arts in Calgary. First, she’s got this gorgeous set of gradients that she’s sending to Meg W. (She’s including a co-ordinating skein of Charcoal, you lucky duck)

romanceridley 2017-06-16

a Kit to make this Goldfinch Shawl by Drea Renee, including the pattern and 3 skeins of their Riptide MCN Sport for Emma F.

sea turtle shawl 2017-06-16

and last, but certainly not least, a set of our three of their most popular Rainbow colours on Ridley Sock: Dark Side of the Moon, Rainbow Brite and Rainbows and Unicorns will be going to Patricia J.

rainbow1seaturtle 2017-06-16 darksideoftherainbowseaturtle 2017-06-16 rainbowsandunicornsseaturtle 2017-06-16

So perfect for Pride month Sarah, thank you!

More Monday, assuming tomorrow’s ride doesn’t kill me. (Oh, the hills.)

59 thoughts on “I think it’s in the living room

  1. That is the cutest picture of Joe and Elliot. Those cheeks and smile are precious. Talking about Elliot here. Haha

  2. Knitting In Public at a knitting retreat is pretty much preaching to the choir, but the spirit was intense I’m sure and radiated outwards for many, many miles I’m sure.
    Happy Birthday and I’m sorry the only excitement was being frisked. (Seriously? Frisked?)
    Your cycling will put you ahead of the curve in weight-training. Anything, even low weights, are remarkably effective at building strength. And you totally know that.
    Monday will be cooler for training ride.

  3. Lord, Elliot just keeps getting cuter, doesn’t he? I remember that feeling with my own little girl: “She can’t possibly get cuter than this, can she?” And then SHE DID. Amazing to watch– and to see again in Elliot.

  4. Oh, those baby cheeks! Is it possible to die from too muh cute? I think i’m about to.

    And I love those rainbow yarns.

  5. Don’t worry; suitcases are hip in storage circles. Pretend it’s your stash.
    I just want to reach through the screen and patty-pat those adorable cheeks.
    Did you know there’s a NetFlix film called “Yarn”? It is gorgeous–with lots of subtitles that made me have to watch and not knit. Oh, the irony.

  6. *covers Steph’s eyes*

    Remember that the single highest donation gets the Socks That Rock “Steph Dyes” colorway!

    I’ll tell her about this when the ride is about to set off so I can get the name and address, but until then it’ll be Our Secret.

  7. O.P. is a bad thing to have indeed. Weight lifting does help. Those of you who are younger really need to start now. At 60, I am feeling the fact that I did little in days past. Don’t neglect this part of your health ladies! The yarn bombing is inspiring and I will have to do some of it for myself! Happy Birthday, Steph!

  8. Happy Birthday! If it is any comfort, I spent my 50th birthday flying from Los Angeles to Washington, DC, not a direct flight, following a work trip that I did as a substitute for someone else. I had a splitting headache, as I recall. I have been known to take myself out to dinner for my birthday two months after the birthday. I wasn’t ready for any celebration on the correct day.

  9. Looik doze cheeks! Elliot, you’re one happy, breastfed baby. Hey Steph, try a Body Pump class at any Goodlife. They’re a hoot, and a fun way to get your weight-bearing sessions in.

  10. We share a birthday so happy belated birthday to the 2 of us. I turned 63 this year and am so upset noone ever told me about the do over days. I hope your do over is much better than the actual day.

  11. At my house we allow as many birthday celebrations as needed to satisfy the birthday-ee. We are a reasonable lot at my house so this variation on the theme doesn’t get out of hand. Happy birthday to you, Stephanie. Many happy returns of the day! And as we say at my house again, “Sto lat” which means may you live 100 years. Almost half way there!!!

  12. Birthday do-overs are absolutely allowed. I do them regularly, as my birthday has a nasty habit of falling on a miserable work day. I hope yours is fantastic!

  13. Dear Stephanie,
    This is not a reply but rather a thank you for highlighting so many Canadian artisans I have been knitting for a long time and I love to try new colours and materials. Through reading your blog for the past eight years, my knitting world has expanded greatly (and I have passed most of that learning on to my knitting group). But it is the Canadian talent that you have introduced to me and all of your readers that is most delightful.
    Enjoy your birthday re-do.
    Thank you again,

  14. Birthday do-overs are totally a thing! I moved my own birthday a day later this year, as I needed to attend a very sad memorial service on the actual day. The next day was WAY more fun!

  15. My favorite knitter in the world has turned another year better and I wish you the best of this new year in your life. My husbands grandmother turned 99 on the 16th of this month and is such a lovely person. My husband and I attended her party/family reunion today. I was knitting along on one of my projects, (Trillian by Martina Behm found on Ravelry), when several of my husbands family members started to compliment me on the shawl I knit and gave to my husbands grandmother last year, it was the Moab found on Ravelry. I cannot properly express the feeling that came over me in that moment. And the whole time my husbands grandmother was looking at me with a small smile on her face.

    I have rambled and am sorry but the point is, Happy Birthday to you, my favorite knitter and author. You are my hero. Someday I want to grow up to be like you. Thank you for the blog, your honesty, the willingness to share your life in whatever large or small way, and for being the kind of person that inspires others. Sorry for such a long reply on your blog. Ride like the wind and I will be sending good thoughts into the universe for you so that this ride won’t be so hard on you this year.

  16. I won a karmic gift! And the giver was kind enough to substitute a different topic! Thanks, Stephanie and thanks Lucy! (Double knitting instead of intarsia.)

  17. 1. I will never get over those chubby baby cheeks. Never!

    2. Husband, who runs a bit toward OCD, could not get over the $49. “Just round it up to 50. Why can’t it just be 50?”

    Because she will be 49, not 50. Do try to get over it, darling.

  18. The retreat was fantastic! So much fun being with all those knitters for 3+ days, not to mention Steph, Debbi and Judith! Loved that crazy icord yarn bomb on the staircase at the beautiful inn. I must start saving my pennies so I can get back to another retreat!

    Sorry about your birthday but glad you are getting a do over! You deserve to have a proper birthday and to cuddle that adorable baby! Enjoy being with your family and happy, happy birthday!

    P.S. I did a proper Steph-instructed swatch when I got home from the retreat and it was SO much easier than the old ones I used to do. No more half assed measuring and counting of stitches! (And, yes, Steph, I properly washed and dried it before measuring!)

  19. Better riding today, than yesterday with the tornado warnings. Happy Birthday!! Birthday girls definitely get dibs on the baby. What an amazing smile!

  20. I hope you have an amazing birthday celebrating day!

    I’ve informed my extended family that due to an abundance of small people in my life at the moment I will happily celebrate all the things but the days those celebrations will have to be chosen rather than dictated by when they actually fall on the calendar. Mothers Day is this Friday.

    It works beautifully as long as you tell the person you’re celebrating in advance so they don’t think you forgot.

  21. For some reason it delights me to contribute odd amounts, so I was very glad to know it was still your 49th birthday today! Hope the do-over was considerably more fun.

  22. Happy belated birthday, Steph, and thank you for a most amazing and inspirational retreat! It was my first time but very hopefully not my last.

    And don’t your very own birthday rules prohibit you from working on your birthday? Travel related to work is most definitely work, so a do-over is, without question, called for. Hope it was much more satisfying the second time around!

  23. OMG CAMERON IS IN AUSTRALIA??? WHERE???!/!/?! Can we sort out a knit-in-public with him?@?@?@ (also,: happy birthday <3 )

  24. So I would totally call a blanket “almost finished” even though I still had the edging to do. Because on a square borders-out shawl it seems like there isn’t much left. But do you know how many lace shawls I’ve got stalled in Edging Land? Yeah. It’s totally a lie that you are almost finished, and you are smart to recognize that.

  25. I may be too late for this to be read, but I’m curious. You have always done yoga. Don’t all those planks and lunges count as weight-lifting? You are certainly lifting your own weight. -From someone who just resumed yoga after a hiatus.

    • I believe that would be more considered body-weight exercises. Weight lifting involves an additional, external weight.

  26. Happy Birthday! Pick a day, any day. Whol sez it has to be that one day. Take a month ifn you want. I won’t tell the Birthday police.

    I love #7, Big (Grampa-sized) Happy Buddha and Little (grandson-sized) Happy Buddha. You gotta frame that one!
    Julie in San Diego, whee it is lovely.

  27. Belated Happy Birthday ! It’s quite fun to know about the how the day went through. The colored knits in the railing is quite nice to see too. The baby is quite similar to a smiling buddha to be honest.

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