Way too much to tell

This is a thing I hate.  When a few very full days go by while I’m doing something intense, and then because it was intense, when I do have time to tell you about it I can’t figure out how to tell you about it because so much happened that I have no idea where to start. This retreat was like that.  I’ve started and trashed this entry about four times, and have finally decided that it’s not going to come together, and instead I’m going to give up, choose some of my favourite pictures, tell you what was happening and let the whole thing just… happen.  Ready?

1. I got to spend the weekend with Cat Bordhi, and that’s just about all you need to know about that.  It was a pleasure to have her with us.

catbordhi2 2014-06-25

2. The cooking classes looked to have been so much fun, and I was intensely jealous of the retreaters.  Every day they’d make dinner for the group that night, and we had some amazing things.  Amazing. I had no idea that regular people could make food like that.

annepourse 2014-06-25 pearandpear 2014-06-25 bisontable 2014-06-25 cooking 2014-06-25 saladmade 2014-06-25 saladagain 2014-06-25 betterrisotto 2014-06-24 risotto 2014-06-24 cookieplate 2014-06-24 dancooks 2014-06-24

3. Knitters. Everywhere. The place was literally littered with them.

knitterabout4 2014-06-25 knitterabout3 2014-06-25 knitterabout2 2014-06-25 knitterabout1 2014-06-25

4. Our goodie bags were outrageously good.

knitifactsbags 2014-06-25

msgusset 2014-06-25 Stitchmaps 2014-06-25 rivercitybag 2014-06-25 woolsoap 2014-06-25 3dcookies 2014-06-24 madsenneedles 2014-06-24

splityarn 2014-06-25

Presents from Knitifacts, Ms. Gusset, Madsen Originals, Stitchmaps, Knit Companion, River City Yarns, 3D-Sweets, SplityarnHoliday yarns, Fleur de Fibers  Tuft Woolens... and much more that I’m not remembering right now while I’m rushing in the airport.  It was amazing.

5. On the last night, we had an amazing present from Theresa and Ron at the Buffalo Wool Co.

bisontable 2014-06-25

Every knitter got a yarn course before the food ones started.

bisontabledetail2 2014-06-25

A 200m skein of Heaven, right on their plate.  (While it is, indeed, laceweight bison and therefore heaven, in this case that’s the actual appropriate name of the yarn.)

5. The Marketplace was beautiful.

shoppingewe 2014-06-24 localcolour 2014-06-24

6. It was great.

bird 2014-06-25 debbionvhair 2014-06-25 fun 2014-06-25 dan 2014-06-25

I’d tell you more, but they’re boarding my flight – forgive any typos, I’m rushing a little.  Tomorrow, let’s talk about knitting.






57 thoughts on “Way too much to tell

  1. Pingback: Way too much to tell | Yarn Buyer

  2. Looks simply amazing! Almost makes me wish I weren’t on my honeymoon so I could’ve joined in. Maybe another one sometime soon?

  3. It was wonderful and I’m already putting my new skills to use. Defused a potential sock disaster with your “Black Ops” technique this morning.

  4. It was a wonderful weekend – thank you Stephanie, Debbi, Cat, Mike, Chef Dan, David, Aaron, all the Port Ludlow Resort staff, Finnriver Farm, all the goodie bag and door prize donors, and of course all my fellow knitters – a wonderful group! (For those not there….don’t believe everything Stephanie says…regular people DON’T make food like that, without Chef Dan and his crew patiently explaining, demonstrating, finishing (and probably fixing!). We laughed, we learned, we laughed we made new friends and laughed some more! Thanks everyone!

  5. Wow! Looks so beautiful and I just adore those cookies! I’ve often thought that some yarn looks good enough to eat…seeing it actually on a plate like that….I may not have been able to control myself.

  6. I wish that someday I could attend an event like this!! Of course, if I’d been there, I wouldn’t have been here finishing my Frolic shawl….. Oh well. Maybe someday.

  7. I’ve heard that a picture tells a thousand words. Yours do so much more. I’d have love to have been there. Looks like some real fun was had. The market place and goodie bag presents look too good to be true.

    Save travels

  8. Absolutely wonderful weekend! Drove home in silence, thinking over everything I experienced and learned in three very full days. I still can’t get over how many ‘ahhhh’ moments, and ‘oh that’s the way it should be’ moments. Thank you so much to Cat, Stephanie, Debbie and Chef Dan and all the staff. And to everyone who attended, what a terrific bunch! You are all the best!

  9. I am insanely jealous. I hope that when the kids are a bit older I can go out and do something fun like this…until then, I’ll have to live on Stitches West and anything else I can find that is child-friendly. ::sigh::

  10. What an amazing set of photos. You made a lot of folks very happy. It’s nice to be able to have a peek.

    • Not exactly a reply but a seconder: Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssse do this in Muskoka then I could go. I could even drive there and avoid my personal “hate”, flying. If I wanted to go in luxury I could even take the train! And there are so many gorgeous places in Muskoka or the Kawarthas that would be tickled pink to host. Pretty please?

  11. This is your brain on knitting on a cookie. HA! Love it.

    The photos were lovely, and it looked like a truly wonderful time to be there.

    Someday . . . me, too!

  12. Wow. My mind is boggled, my needles and hooks and sewing machine are all clamoring for attentions and my projects are screaming, “Me first, pleaseplease!”
    You are doing some awesome stuff with the new camera.

  13. When is the next retreat? How do I get information on cost/booking etc? I’m finding that every time I read about a retreat attending one moves further and further up my bucket list. My fear is that I’ll love it so much that I’ll want to attend each and everyone I hear about, but things like “work” and “money” will get in the way!

  14. Stephanie, the pictures are wonderful. The retreat was wonderful. Everyone involved in planning and implementing this Strung Along was wonderful. Let me add my thanks. And know trying to teach myself KnitCompanion (helllppp…!). Barby

  15. I’m curious as to what the chef had to say about all these fabulous knitters and if he has learned how to knit himself?

  16. I think my personal favorite photo is of the knitter absolutely lounging with the chart on the couch. It’s like a photo essay answer to the topic “What knitting means to me.”.

  17. I love how everyone is smiling or concentrating intensely. It says a lot about our art that we love it (smiling) or are trying to learn more (intensity). Looks like a marvelous time. I second everyone’s opinion to have one close to them, but if you had one in Toronto, I’d go. (Bonus – close to home, you could run home if you needed anything, wouldn’t have to fly or be on tight schedules – just sayin’)

  18. Pingback: Knit, Play, Cook. My first knitting retreat | RunKnitTravel

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