Day One (Really, we’re at .5)

So far so good.  I’m out of the house and in Vancouver, waiting for my connection to Portland, and I feel pretty positive. Today isn’t just the first day of the tour, it’s the day that The Amazing Thing About the Way It Goes is released and people are starting to get their copies and nobody has told me that it sucks yet – in fact there have been some very nice compliments.  All my clothes are clean, I had enough sleep, I’m not too nervous now that I’m moving, and today I did two things that are very nice.

authorcopy 2014-03-04

I wrote “Author Copy” inside the cover of my copy of the book, so that at the bookstores it doesn’t get mixed in. (On account of one time, I lost/misplaced my book, and I had to buy another one, and buying your own book is super weird.)  Writing the word “Author” doesn’t get old.

bookknit 2014-03-04

Then I knit almost the whole five hour flight (except for the part where I accidentally fell asleep) and I read 81% of Rachael Herron’s new book Pack Up the Moon which I got on my ipad this morning because her release date was the same as mine, and I’m delighted to report that it’s a great book, and I’m not going to have to think of anything delicate to say to her. So far, I’m pro book tour. (The tour page is here, and the links for where I’ll be when are over there.  ——->>>)

PS. I know that Amazon is sold out, but don’t forget that your local independent might have it, or could order it, and Barnes and Noble has it too.

PPS. Thanks for caring.

109 thoughts on “Day One (Really, we’re at .5)

  1. I started reading your book this morning! I am delighted! Almost made myself late to work after lunch because I wanted to get in another chapter! Thank you so much. You are a wonderful story teller!

  2. I pre-ordered my copy of your book on Jan. 23 from Amazon and have been given a delivery date of March 7-11. I’m looking forward to reading what you have in store for us this time. Happy Book Tour.

  3. My copy is in the mail and I can’t wait for it to get here. I know that I will love it as much as all your other books.

  4. Psyched that amazon’s sold out of your book! Going to my local bookstore after work to pick one up! Way to go!

  5. Haven’t had a chance to read your book yet but I must say you have lovely handwriting! (author’s copy) Seriously, it looks like it could be a font.

  6. Just solved the “sold out” problem by buying it on my Kindle. Can’t wait to read it and can’t wait to see you n the 14th in Baltimore!

  7. So excited to see you talk tonight! Powell’s will let you reserve your copy and pick it up when you get there for any folks wondering. In case you’re looking for easy dinner options, there is a Panera, a Veggie Grill, and several other eateries in the Cedar Hills Crossing center where the Beaverton Powell’s is. Have a safe flight into PDX!

  8. Can’t wait to see you tonight! Sorry about the snow in Vancouver, but currently it’s 58 degrees F (14 C) in Beaverton!

  9. Not sure “sold out” is the right word for Amazon. More like they didn’t bother to get any in so they could ship them today. There are people posting that they preordered in November and still didn’t get a copy from them, but instead got an email THIS MORNING telling them they wouldn’t be getting their book today. If only there was a local bookstore in my town. Placed a Barnes & Noble order that should get me a copy in a week or so. Enjoy your tour and the love of your many fans

    • Yep! That’s what happened to me!! Pre-ordered in December…WTF Amazon. I don’t have a single local bookstore within a two hour drive from my house, but you better believe I’m driving somewhere to get it….jerks

  10. Yes, welcome to Portland! I wrote about you in my blog today, and in linking your name to your site, saw this post just up. I’m excited to come see you tonight, and I’m sure Powell’s will have some copies of your book on hand. I feel so blessed! 🙂

  11. It SUUUUUCKSSS, I will not get to go to a book signing. FYI, there are not too many authors I would line up to see. Looks like I’ll just have to mosey in some Barnes & Noble and pick up a copy all by my lonesome ;(

  12. Three new books out today that are onmy “to read” list. Pack Up the Moon by Rachael Herron won as it did for you! Next will be yours followed by the new Jennifer Ryan.
    Ah for more hours to read, sip coffee and nibble chocolate.
    Have a sane tour!

  13. It was a happy moment for me, at 4am this morning (plagued by insomnia), when I turned on my Kindle and found your new book waiting for me. I am only two essays in but so far I like it very much. (((hugs)))

  14. I’m thrilled that Amazon sold out, but that better be AFTER they ship me my copy! I usually go Kindle, but I’ve ordered your book in hardcopy so that I can add I to my shelf alongside the rest of your books.

  15. I just called Opera Books in San Francisco and the man said to arrive a “half hour early” to get a good seat! HA!!! He has no idea ………………..

  16. My Barnes & Noble was down to two copies (and you could tell from the empty space there was originally a good bit more than that) this afternoon. I greedily grabbed up my copy and enjoyed several delightful essays while supervising at the playground this afternoon. (So, so happy my kid is now old enough I can sit and read with just an ear out for her.)

  17. I pre-ordered in January and also got the email this morning that it wouldn’t be arriving any time soon and they’re sold out. How do they not have you figured out yet? I’ll pick up a couple at Tattered Cover when you’re here on Monday (one for me, one’s a gift). I’d rather buy at a local store anyway, but also wanted to get it earlier than next week. Pack up the Moon arrived today, so starting that one tonight. Love, love, love Rachael, so glad to hear I also won’t likely need to think of something polite to say to her. Safe travels!

  18. Got your book on Kindle this morning. Love it! It is as good as or better than your others.I just wish that you could write faster so we have more ofyou stuff to read.

  19. Read Thirteen through B&N preview, and laughed until I cried. I imagine the rest of them will be just as fun… and I’m ordering a copy for my mom, who also heard you speak at Hemlock this past fall. Enjoy the tour!

  20. Ugh! I’ve had the kindle edition for 12 hours… I had so much work today and tomorrow is going to be a repeat.. I’m not going to start it tonight.. I want to savor this and having to stop reading because I have to sleep is not my idea of fun!

  21. I pre-ordered the book from Book Depository as it can take up to 6 months to get a book on special order from a bookstore here in Australia. I am please to say the postman dropped my copy on the doormat yesterday and it is next on the reading list. I am so looking forward to it…

  22. Bought my copy at a local Barnes & Noble today–can’t wait to start it, but first I must knit on my dad’s birthday sweater this evening! Have a lovely tour!

  23. Haha you broke Amazon! Amazon doesn’t “run out.” They have all the books. But they had no idea this book would sell like hotcakes. “Hmmm, knitting humorist writes humor book, let’s get 3 copies to be on the safe side.” hahahahaha

  24. Billy Collins said on release of his book of poetry last October:
    Go, little book,
    out of this house and into the world,
    stay out as late as you like,
    don’t bother to call or write,
    and talk to as many strangers as you can.

  25. Luckily it’s still available on Kindle and I just bought my copy; don’t know if it’ll ever turn up in the very limited bookstores we have here in NZ.

  26. Got mine on my Kindle and read first few chapters at lunch. Love it! Have a great tour! Wish you were coming south to Mississippi!

  27. If only we had a “local independent book store.” We used to, but it had to close for lack of business. Meanwhile the six strip clubs are still thriving. That’s the kind of town I live in. Not that I’m bitter or anything.

    So I order on Amazon with no qualms!

    Congratulations on the terrific start.

  28. Yay! BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK! I can’t wait for my order to come in at Perfect Books! (they’re one of the few indy bookstores left in Ottawa)

  29. and my copy just ordered from Politics and Prose, in Washington, DC!! So exciting. I won’t be able to make the tour stop in MD though 🙁

    Happy touring and smooth travels!

  30. I downloaded mine to my iPad this morning. I was planning to save it for vacation reading at the end of the month, but I don’t know I I will be able to resist that long.

  31. I’ve read the first couple of chapters of the book and found myself laughing so hard tears were streaming down my face. Then I felt guilty because you had fallen off your bike and were bleeding.

  32. But wait! WAIT! I work for Books in (honest), and WE have plenty of your books in stock! Congratulations on the new book!

  33. You did great at Powells! I’m going to be a book harlot tonight and dump all of my half-read books so I can start yours while the ink is still wet. Thanks so much for touring, and you really did do a great talk; don’t change a thing!

  34. I hope you love love love portland. It’s where I grew up and I am so sad I missed you tonight. There is lots of good coffee and breakfast and books in pdx…I hope you found good stuff.

  35. Bravo Stephanie! The book is great. You absolutely belong right beside David Sedaris. I’ve been laughing for half an hour about Joe accidentally throwing a baby into a ceiling fan.

  36. I’m so excited to hear about your new book 🙂 I’ll be checking my local independents to see who has it! And welcome to the west coast, from a Victoria, BC knitter!

  37. I called Barnes and Noble in Exton, PA, and reserved 2 copies of your book (1 for me, 1 for a friend) to pick up on the day of your talk. When I mentioned to the lady there that your talk on the 15th would probably be SRO, she said, “Really, are you sure?” “Oh yes,” I replied, “you can bet on it!” I pictured them putting out a call for more chairs!

    May your travels go smoothly, hotels meet your wishes, meals be nutritional and delicious, and knitting proceed without a glitch!

  38. Stephanie, I just want you to know that you’re my hero! I wouldn’t have the confidence I do in knitting if it weren’t for your book, Knitting Rules! You’re an amazing author & deserve all of the compliments & credibility. Have fun on your book tour! Wish I was living nearby one of the places you’re visiting! Maybe next tour. 😉

  39. ADDRESS ALERT: There is a 279 Harvard Street in BOTH Boston and Brookline (about 5 miles apart), so while you’ll be in the Boston area when you’re at the Brookline Booksmith,, there’ll be a lot of disappointed knitters unless you’re in Brookline.

  40. Finished my green shawl last night and planning on blocking it today, so my goal of wearing it to St. Louis next week is on! I’ll see you there, Steph, and I can’t wait to get my copy of your book there! Take care, be safe, and PLEASE leave winter behind you!!!

  41. Congratulations on your new book. Ready for some more great news?!? Your book is sold out on . Please come to Indianapolis next time. We’d LOVE to have you.

  42. I have to join all the rest who are anxiously waiting for the book from Amazon. Ordered it over a month ago and got the now infamous email yesterday saying they “were still trying to obtain this item.” Could (and probably will) get it on my Kindle, but want the hard copy, too – I have all of your books and have had many entertaining hours reading and re-reading them. You are a very, very gifted writer (and knitter!) Good luck with the tour and hopefully you are bringing spring weather with you!

  43. Congratulations on your book release! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. One of these days I’ll make it to one of your talks, should they come within 500 miles of the Detroit area ever again. I just have to say I am very impressed, though not at all surprised, that you can knit while reading. I can knit while watching tv, listening to audiobooks, etc., but reading? not so much. Another skill you have inspired me to aspire to. Best wishes on the rest of your tour.

  44. Just want you to know I cried through the 2nd chapter on the train this morning. You captured, exactly, what being a parent means in the most basic part of being – and that chapter along should be required reading for *every* son or daughter.

  45. Got my copy at my B&N, they only had one left after my purchase. I told the salesperson to re-order really quickly! Good luck on the tour I can’t wait to start the book.

  46. Are you not afraid now that someone will take your copy because it says “Author Copy?’ You know, take it to the register and buy it with their thumb over the annotation…- not me of course.

  47. I pre-ordered the book from my local book seller two weeks before publish date and imagine my surprise when they called me last week to tell me it was in already! Major shout-out to your distributor and to The Brewster Bookstore for making my day.

    Read the whole thing this weekend in a shared hotel room after my family went to bed post skiing and was shushed more than once by my five year old for laughing too loudly. The skunk story absolutely slayed me.

    Another excellent read. Thank you!

  48. Got your book yesterday and I’m already half way through, and it’s wonderful. AND – you and me? We are DEFINATELY BFF’S when it comes to dentists. Just sayin’. Hope the tour goes well and you have safe travels.

  49. Started, and finished, yesterday. Now it’s Mom’s turn. “Thirteen” really resonated with me. I found the line between persistence and stupidity in high school and held tight to it.

  50. Happy book tour Stephanie! Everything will go well. Wish I lived near one of the cities you are visiting. I told a friend who lives in Seattle about your visit. I am waiting for my copy of the book to arrive as I ordered it ‘months’ ago. 🙂 Can’t wait to read it! Congrats to you!!

  51. You should bring your book tour to Cleveland, OH ! You will have fun in a city near enough to home. Some day . . .

  52. Amazon is sold out. Sort of like Ellen Degeneris breaking Twitter! I am ordering from The Tattered Cover. Until last year I lived in Highlands Ranch and am so sorry I’ll be missing you. (Do add Southern California to your next tour!) I did see you there last time. They’re going to try to send me a signed copy. Congratulations! Sounds like a great tour already.

  53. Had fun at your reading last night. Thanks for coming out and entertaining us. I kept laughing and having to read parts of your book to my husband last night.

  54. Bought the ebook last night from Barnes and Noble and started reading it before bed. It’s great, and I had a hard time making myself go to sleep! Here’s to a great tour.

  55. I got a copy on Kindle, but planned to buy my hard copy at Tattered Cover when I come to hear you. Do you think I need to buy it early? Or will they have enough for those who get it signed? I realize these tours are hard on the authors – but it’s really a kick for us fans to see and hear you!

  56. What a great reading, Steph!
    SRO, of course, but DH and I managed to get seats in the 4th row by dint of arriving 90 minutes early.
    Thank you for writing and for the reading and just for being you.

  57. Trying to be all zen and knitterly about the Amazon thing, but having a really hard time not being simply furious. What the heck does “pre-order” mean, if not a copy of the book in my mailbox YESTERDAY? And now I read that some bookstore had it 2 weeks ago?!
    AND I actually talked to someone at Amazon yesterday who promised it would be here by the 7th; then got the email at 4:15 a.m. today saying they’re “still trying to obtain” it.

  58. Hey, all the knitters attending the book signings? How would you like to make Stephanie a memento of this Book Tour, by knitting her a collaborative scarf?
    – Take with you one yard of yarn in a colour you know Stephanie would like (earth/autumn tones? neutrals?); somebody donate a 5mm circular or pair of needles.
    – begin at one corner of the room, and one person cast on about 20-25 stitches, and knit to about 4″ from the end of your yarn.
    – pass it to the next person, who ties in their yarn and knits until 4″ from the end of it.
    – repeat until everyone who wants to has had a chance to knit on the scarf.
    – let Stephanie take it on to the next signing, so the scarf keeps growing along the tour route.

    What do you think?

  59. I can’t even tell you how excited I was when I woke up yesterday morning and saw the email that your new book had been delivered to my Kindle. Definitely a great way to start the day!!!

  60. I’ve only read chapter “Thirteen” but I’ve already laughed loud enough to wake my husband who was sleeping in bed beside me multiple times. He’s decided he has to read this one too. We are both looking forward to the rest!

  61. I’m stuck at home right now, but at least I was able to get your new book into my iPad. I’ll be cheering you on remotely from Bellingham tonight. Have a great visit in Seattle!

  62. So, I went to go look at the Rachael Herron book and almost bought it – until I noticed that “heartbreaking” shows up in almost all of the reviews. Nope, no sad stories for me! I’ll stick with just getting yours.

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