Balance is a big concept

When last seen, our intrepid duo were playing with the teenagers, seeing Toronto, knitting everywhere they went and possibly drinking a completely indulgent amount of wine (and beer. No shooters though. We have some self respect.) We had lunch in Yorkville.


We sat on the granite chesterfield opposite the Four Seasons. We walked through Hazelton Lanes. We went to Yorkville Park. (We didn’t see anybody famous.)


We went to Tim Hortons and Juno combined tea with some ice to make an iced tea that was acceptable to her.


(Apparently Canadians don’t know their way around iced tea making very well…which is fair enough. Admittedly, I haven’t been everywhere in Canada and I don’t know everyone, but I believe that everywhere in Canada if you just say “Tea” you will get tea, hot tea, as in “a cuppa tea”. You can definitely get iced tea, but I think it would usually come from a mix or a premade…like snapple.)

We saw the new ROM addition


Like all good architecture, you either love it or hate it. I love it. I think the contrast of new and old is spectacular.

We went to see the Dream in the Park:


(There is no photography of the actors allowed, so you will have to make do with this kinneared shot of the stage as we were leaving.)

This is one of my favourite Toronto summer activities, and this year they are doing my favourite play to see under the stars and trees, “A Midsummer Nights Dream”. This years production is hysterically funny, which is closer to how Shakespeare was intended to be seen…low-brow, pop entertainment for the masses. Fantastic. (Runs every night but Monday until Labour Day. Pay-what-you-can, suggested minimum $20…kids under 14 are free.)

We went to the Music Garden…




If you don’t love the Music Garden you are just not alive. There’s something for everyone.

We walked through Harbourfront….


We took the ferry to the Island. We walked to Centreville and


We rode the choo-choo (Even through the very scary tunnel.)


and we rode the carousel.


In between these things we knit in the backyard, we played with my family, we played in the stash. My family taught Juno about tofu with tarragon, garlic and mushrooms (she asked for seconds), good Canadian beers (we made sure she got an assortment). Got her Indian style carrot pickle, introduced her to her first cherries…(I know. It’s like she’s been living under a rock.) We tried to leave her with a love of Toronto and an ongoing fondness for our family. I hope it worked. Juno’s flight left, and took a deep breath looked around and remembered that the universe seeks balance…. Ying always has its yang. That much fun was going to have to be balanced…right?

Sure enough. Today is cold, raining and all the bills came in the mail. I have a ton of work to do, the house is trashed from a week of neglect, the laundry is a mountain of linty punishment, we are out of food, I’ve bent a favourite knitting needles quite badly, there is something really smelly in the fridge that I just can not find and I just got back from a nasty dentist appointment.

Total balance. Nice to know that things still work the way I think they do.

On the upside, I get to play with knitters again tomorrow when Rachel H and I will journey to Aurora for the annual yarny fun there. Details are here….Don’t forget to RSVP. Helps them do the chair thing. It’s likely to be a smaller event, which is grand because it means I can really actually talk to knitters. (Sandra says that the yarn shop is going to be open after the talk too. That’s wicked. It’s one of my favourite shops.) Come. Bring a friend. We’ll chill .