
Whew! Today’s a day of rest here at our house, and I hope it is at yours too.  Today – for the first time in nine days, despite illness, fatigue, disaster and general holiday making, we have nowhere to be, and nothing to do- beyond getting ready for another thing tomorrow. Last night’s party at my mum’s went off just as it should, with only one family member failing to attend due to the viral bomb that’s been running through the clan.  I was starting to get tired yesterday, tired of parties, tired of noise, tired of being tired, but rallied last night when all my family and friends were around, and remembered just when I was ready to give up how much I love this group when we have out party on. Megan learned to shuck oysters,

meganoysters 2014-12-29

we danced, we sang – we played a rousing game of family DJ (which is really all about impressing my sister, Amanda noted, since Erin is the sole judge of the endeavour- and we don’t think she even is clear on the rules of the game she invented.)

alldance 2014-12-29

Food was eaten, wine was drunk, jokes were told, and we caught up with friends we see so seldom.  I finished a hat – and that wrapped up all the Christmas knitting, the whole lot of it, and we rolled into bed late, with big smiles, and tired feet.

alilaugh 2014-12-29

Today, we rest, and in a very exciting turn of events, Joe and I are packing. We’ve been invited on a little trip, and we’re both so thrilled. I travel (you guys know that) and Joe travels – but both of us mostly for work, and we don’t go together. Once (or twice) a year I take a trip with my mum, and Joe takes one with his, and now and again we travel with assorted parts of the family, but it has been a long time since the two of us (and just the two of us!) left on a trip, and we’re both giddy with the prospect.  Tomorrow morning we’ll head to the airport, and off we’ll go.

laugh 2014-12-29

I’m so looking forward to it – mostly because I’ve come to think of it as Knit-o-rama. (I’m not sure that’s what Joe has planned) We’ll have the trip, and days of relative quiet, and I, my friends, am going to knit the snot out of it.  This afternoon I’m tidying, and winding yarn, and organizing what I’ll make for the next several days, and it’s like a whole other present.  5 days of knitting! For me! Whatever I want!  I love knitting for Christmas, but man – I  think I like this idea more right now.  Hunting up all my projects is completely delicious. I’ve got one for the plane, and I’m looking for yarn for one for the hotel, and I’m dreaming of finding a pattern for when we’re at dinners, and the urge to put way, way too much wool in my suitcase is overwhelming.

I. Can’t. Wait.


46 thoughts on “Pause

  1. One lovely pattern is Martina Behm’s Heaven and Space. Simple with texture and oh so great with a cashmere blend. I am making one for me as I treat for all the holiday knitting I did.

  2. How Lovely! I hope you and Joe have a marvelous vacation away and all of your knitting is fabulous. I’m replacing a hat, finished less than a month ago, that’s already disappeared. *sigh*…

    Happy New Year!

  3. Just when I thought I couldn’t knit another pair of slippers, I found out my bestie has secretly wanted a pair for a long, long time. I was looking forward to some “me” knitting myself, but once I found out about her secret slipper lust, well, now I can’t WAIT to make her a pair! I hope your self-knitting goes completely uninterrupted. Unless, of course, your bestie gives you that look…. 😉 Enjoy and thank you for a wonderful year of laughs and inspiration!!

    • PS- I AM sincere in my excitement to knit my friend some slippers. But I am ALSO sincere in my excitement to knit something for me!!

  4. We too are ‘away’ for 3 days! I have packed 5 things to knit, some just in case yarn and my case of circular needles!
    Best holiday ever!


  5. Have fun, knit , relax, repeat. Wishing you safe travel and happy return. Enjoy your time together.
    You have brought so much happiness to me this year, Thank you.

  6. Have fun! I started my shopping for next giftmas (don’t shoot me, I stocked up on ribbons, bows, wrapping paper and assorted gift boxes at 50% off) and am still finishing the socks that never end.

  7. I truly love seeing your famiky pictures. Thank you so much for opening your home and sharing with us.
    Whenever I see pictures of your lovely Mum, I think that she could be Dame Judy Dench’s sister.
    I hope that you and Joe have a wonderful vacation together, and your family has a very happy and prosperous New Year!

  8. Oh my goodness, enjoy your away time!! The chance to get caught up with each other will be just as precious. My husband has been working 10 days out of town, with 2 full days home…mid week, so I haven’t seen him much. I have New Year’s Eve/Day off, so getting two whole days with him this week is going to be AMAZING! hehe

    Have fun, and safe travels!

    (Also, are you going somewhere warm or cold?)

    Katie =^..^=

  9. I’m torn. I want you to relax and have fun. But I also want you to post pictures of your Christmas knitting. So, I guess in the spirit of giving, go have fun, but hurry back!

  10. Your photo’s made me feel as if I was there with you all, enjoying every moment, every sound. What fun!

    It’s about time you both had some together time.
    Safe travels, tons of knitting & make happy memories!

  11. Wait a minute — you and Joe are going away together on something of a second honeymoon, and you’re packing a half-dozen knitting projects!?!?? How do I nominate Joe for sainthood??

  12. Woohoo! Have a wonderful trip! Jim and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary New Year’s Eve. Got a momsitter, so it’ll feel like a little vacation here, too. Woot! Happy New Year to you and yours.

  13. Now that sounds like the perfect post Christmas escape – who needs clothes, just pack yarn! I actually finished my very tiny Christmas list this year and there was something so very decadent about starting my Christmas present project on the day itself.

  14. I so enjoy your Christmas posts. This year, the posts about Luis were charming. The thing I love the most about your holiday posts is the joy I see in the photos. It never fails to make me smile. It’s like walking down a cold winter sidewalk and happening upon a house with a huge picture window in the front and a roaring good party happening just on the other side of the glass. The light and good times just spill out across the sidewalk and make every passerby smile. So, while I know it’s a lot of work to keep the blog The Blog, thanks for that. It’s been a weird Christmas season for me, so thanks for sharing yours. The happiness and light are greatly appreciated. 😀

  15. What a wonderful gift! Don’t think knitting is what Joe has in mind for the trip and we REALLY will not think less of you if you don’t come back with a single stitch. A getaway. Sigh.
    (I suppose if compromise is in order, Joe can rub your feet while you knit. Oh Girl-it can’t get much better than that. Unless the yarn is cashmere. *silly grin*)

  16. Have a fabulous time! It sounds delightful. I was pretty giddy to have my husband all to myself overnight on my birthday for the first time since February, the amount of giddiness of 5 days to ourselves on a trip, no children (we’ve got 4 of them, ages 2-7, all of whom I love dearly. Yet, young children can wear a person out and there is not much time for knitting), I don’t think I could handle it… yet. btw, love the new way to make sure a person is real.

  17. Here’s to a restorative vacation!
    For Christmas, my wonderful husband read some of your ideas about what to get a knitter for the holiday. So he went down to our local yarn store and said,”The Yarn Harlot said that if you don’t know what to get your knitter for Christmas, go to your local yarn store and throw yourself on her mercy. So that’s what I’m doing.”
    She nearly collapsed with laughter, but I got some really great stuff! Thanks!

  18. what a dear way to celebrate the winter and the end of the year! and it seems everyone dressed to the same rich, understated color palette. Your mother’s dress is warmderful!

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