Hey, you in the sweater

I shouldn’t even be writing this.

I should be doing laundry so that I have clean clothes to take to Santa Rosa and Seattle. I should be folding those clothes and putting them in my suitcase. I should be organizing my knitting so that I have enough with me to keep me occupied on the long flights (Ok. I may have spent a while today stash diving on that cause’s behalf.) I should be telling you about a new idea I have for a fundraiser for MSF. I should be doing more of the work for The Sock Summit. I should be answering email. (Seriously. It’s tragic in there.) I should write a little bit of a speech for when I get to Santa Rosa and Seattle (although thank heaven, I’ve finally written a book that can be read at a book reading, which should help a lot.) I should totally go to the grocery store and try and put some food in the fridge so that Joe doesn’t have to solo parent and come up with groceries. (It is a feather in his cap that the last time I went away, they didn’t order pizza even once.) I should make dinner. (Or maybe I can order pizza if he’s over it.) I should clear up the kitchen, so I can expect a clean kitchen when I come back. I should really, really find my one copy of the new book (I know it is here somewhere how do you misplace a thing like that) so that I can read from it at the readings, although wouldn’t it be funny if I can’t find it and have to buy one? Hilarious.

I should be getting all of this done, plus egging the girls onto their homework, plus putting my itinerary and my passport and all of my stuff in my carry on. I should be making a sandwich to take on the plane too… wait. Curses. I’ll have to do that after the groceries. I should wash a load of towels because I’ve been putting off taking a bath because we’re out of towels and getting into the bath without a plan for getting out seems like poor planning. I should put away all of the stitch dictionaries I took out today while I was obsessed with scarf ideas. (Yeah. I would have fewer “I should” items if I could have said no to myself earlier.) In short… I shouldn’t be writing this. I especially shouldn’t be taking the time to edit these photos and put them up, but after Joe and I did the photoshoot I was just so pleased that I can’t wait to show you.


It’s Hey Teach! (Finally.) I decided to knit this because I’ve been wanting for a while to have some knitted stuff that could also be professional stuff. Knitted stuff that I could wear to work without compromising professionalism, but still be really knitterly. (I have found that this is a fine line to walk with shawls, some pullovers and definitely mittens.) I want to wear my knitting to work events (especially since my work stuff often has something to do with knitting) but my work stuff also usually has some non-knitters around (bookstore owners, publishers) and I try (and usually fail) not to look too much like “that strange writer who always wears too much knitted stuff”.

I think this works. I think it looks professional (if a little casual, but it’s not like I’m a CEO or anything) and sort of chic, which is cool, because if I ever look professional or chic its usually by accident, and owning this up’s my odds. (My mum says that this could be helped by lipstick, but darn… that seems like an extreme step.)


I think I could wear it just about anywhere – anytime. I have already worn it to the kitchen and the bathroom, to rave reviews. (Ok. The cat looked impressed.) The buttons are indeed souvenirs of my trip to London, a charming gift from a knitter there (thank you!) and I love them too.



Pattern: Hey Teach, written by Hélène Rush. Yarn, Misti Cotton (83% Pima Cotton/17% Silk) Colour 7032 “Olive Khaki”. 4mm needles. (I often need to go down a size or two (or three) when I work with non-elastic fibres. They make me loose.) Needle gauge necklace that I adore (someone will ask) from Abundant Yarn and Dyeworks. (I love that necklace for the same reason I love this sweater. Knitterly, but not overtly so. Like a little inside knit joke or a secret password.)

Modifications? Yup. I lengthened the distance between the ribbing and the underarm and added a little more length to the distance between the neck scoop and the shoulder. After knitting the pattern as written I found that I needed a little more room to accommodate my front assets. (I have no idea how I could have had them for so long, and still underestimate their precise size and location this frequently.) In addition, I made the sleeves a smidge longer, and shortened the body to reflect my height. (I’m short.) Finally, I only put in three buttonholes in the top section. I knew that I would never, ever do up the ones on the bottom, so I didn’t knit ’em. Even with the rip and redo, this was still an astonishingly quick knit… if you don’t count the weeks and weeks it took me to sew on three buttons. (Sigh.) I’m thinking about knitting a second one with long sleeves, since I’m pretty sure that this one is going to look seriously dorky with a long sleeve shirt under, and the Canadian winter is bearing down on me.


It would look dorky… wouldn’t it? Can I get a ruling here? (I’d ask one of my teenagers, but they think I’m dorky no matter what I wear.)

PS. Yeah. I’m wearing pretty much what the model for the pattern is wearing. I know it shows a lack of imagination, but she looks so good.

PSS. MommyknitsJen (Thanks Jen!) pointed out yesterday in the comments that I’ve been nominated for the Bloggers Choice Awards – in the categories of Best blog design, Best blog of all time and the only category I think I have a shot in (thinking I should win those first two is crazier than shaving hamsters for circus work) Best Hobby Blog. I’d love to have your vote, should you feel I deserve it. If you think I don’t, there’s still time (I think) to nominate your actual favourite. Party on dudes.

PPPS. I know. I’ve knit two things I adore and publicly said I think they are both perfect. I’m due for a smiting.

289 thoughts on “Hey, you in the sweater

  1. You are right….that looks professional and chic.
    I love it.
    Concerning dorkiness, I’d probably wear it with a turtleneck under it so not many people take fashion advice from me. (But just think…then you could wear it all winter and it’s too nice and new and pretty to put away soon….)

  2. Delurking to say this is absolutely one of THE nicest things you have knit for yourself. It is perfect for you – looks great on, looks very professional in an artsy sort of way.
    Personally, I would wear it with a long-sleeved shirt under it through the fall, but a long-sleeved one would be nice too. (I may be dorky as well. No kids to tell me this, so that’s just a personal assessment.)

  3. Blog voters: YH currently on page 3 for Best Hobby Blog; on page 13 for Best Blog of All Time. Will likely move up in list as more votes come in. Go Stephanie! (And the sweater rocks.)

  4. I just finished knitting a short sleeved sweater similar to yours for a friend, and I know she will wear a long sleeved shirt under it. I don’t think it will look dorky at all. Flood pants, white socks and black loafers–now that’s dorky. Long sleeved shirt under short sleeved sweater–not dorky at all. In my opinion, anyway.

  5. It is fantastic! It does, in fact, look both professional and chic. It also looks comfortable and really adaptable. I hate to say, as I seem to have an opposing view, but I think it would look somewhat dorky with long sleeves under it. If you enjoyed the knit up that well, make yourself a second one!

  6. Actually, you would totally be in style if you wear a long sleeve shirt under your Hey Teach. Layering is “big” these days. Even with the youngin’s.
    It’s lovely. It almost makes me want to foray into the lacey realm.

  7. You can borrow my copy in Santa Rosa.
    The sweater looks great and would probably be fine over a long sleeved T- shirt, turtle neck or button down.

  8. Looks very professional. Could work over a tank in warm weather, and over a long-sleeved turtleneck in cold. I just really like that sweater a lot! To avert the smiting, you could start a scarf, screw it up, and keep it on hand, unfinished, for times when you want to fool the knitting gods into leaving you alone. Could work, couldn’t it? Have a great time on the trip!

  9. Love it. And I’d totally wear a long-sleeved shirt under it, too. But then again, none of my teenagers has EVER suggested I’m the slightest bit fashion-savvy, so….

  10. it’s great, and the long sleeve under short sleeve thing is actually very in, according to a woman who tried to sell me a vest last week. I mean, it looked dorkey on ME, but that was because the vest was argyle and I am not an argyle kinda gal.

  11. Plant fibers make you loose? Thought that was the champagne. (Thought I was going to go for the colonic joke instead, didn’t you.)
    And, on the evidence, what really took time was painting the walls so they’d echo the sweater in a muted Andrew Wyethish sort of way…

  12. Tiny Tyrant beat me to the copy comment. Your Hey Teach is gorgeous, Stephanie, and so is Joe’s photography. I haven’t knit a sweater in ages, and that one seriously calls me; it’s just the right combination of lace and fit and sweatery-ness. Even better yet is the idea of getting to see you in it in person.

  13. I’m with ‘ya on the whole “lipstick issue” – Halloween only comes once a year, why do women feel the need to cover their faces with goo the other 364 days? Always seemed ridiculous to me (and yes, before anyone starts wondering, I’m of the female persuasion myself!).

  14. You could totally pull off a long sleeved shirt under that and not look dorky. I’d like to think of myself as a little bit of a fashionista (well, as much as a knitter can be a fashionista)…

  15. Yes, short sleeve sweaters look dorky over long sleeve blouses. I think you should knit a second one with long sleeves –> which makes me think would the sleeve patterns match the sweater? Would you do the open work all the way to the wrist or would you make a matching transition horizontally and finish the long sleeves to match the bottom of the sweater?

  16. It turns out (and I’m not even lying here) that short sleeve sweaters over long sleeve shirts are all the rage this fall. Seriously. Go look at Banana Republic if you don’t believe me!

  17. I love it, it’s a lovely sweater, professional yet stylish. It looks really good on you.
    I wish I had kept up with my knitting; I learned how to crochet and it seems I’ve forgotten how to hold needles now.
    Oh well, have fun on your trip.

  18. Definitely professional! And oh! they’re the shell buttons from Selvedge, I bought some of those at I Knit too 🙂
    ps. yes, dorky

  19. That sweater is perfect for all the reasons you said. Fashionable, practical, pretty and fun to knit too? A knitting trifecta. Mmmmmmmm, but what about the gansey?

  20. Now you’ve gone and done it. I’ve been eyeing this sweater for months on Knitty, and seeing yours means I now just HAVE to make one, too. It will probably take me until next spring anyway because I just can’t resist the siren call of the sock yarn, so I’ll stick with short sleeves.
    Your sweater looks great on you!

  21. If you wore it over a long sleeved plain sweater or turtleneck, it would not look the least bit dorky. I don’t think I’d like the look of it over a long sleeved shirt, but it would not dorky.

  22. 1. Yes, knit a long sleeved version. You wouldn’t want to look dorky.
    2. The sock in progress goes so very well with the sweater.
    3. The first picture looks great. I mean, really great. You’ve got a very cool artsy sort of thing going there with the background and the sweater all in the same color family. And the hair’s even having a good day.

  23. Hi
    I’m a lawyer to be (I’M doing my practicum) and I could definitively wear this sweater at work. You look chic and professional.
    Also, I don’t think it will look dorky with a long sleeves shirt or sweater under.
    Have a nice trip!
    P.S. I’m suppose doing lundry too…lol!

  24. Love it! It looks awesome! Both professional & chic. And yes, knit a long sleeved one if you want to wear a long sleeve shirt underneath.

  25. Inspired by you, I’m already more than halfway through the back of my version of Hey Teach (using a different weight yarn, natch). I always have a horror of button bands that you have to pick up and knit at a right angle to the cardie. And back in 2004, you too expressed your difficulties in getting the darn things to look right. It appears that you have vanquished that particular demon. The cardie is beautiful and will look just as good if not better with long sleeves (if I have enough yarn, that’s what I’m going to do too!)

  26. The sweater looks terrific on you, very flattering, and I work in a business environment, and that’s something I coudl totally get away with …..

  27. I am so so excited I think (I am not sure) but I think that those are the buttons I gave to you to apologise for being a smart arse (ass for any American readers) in a comment about Big Ben when you came to see us in London!!
    are they these:
    (I looked up the website of the company but it is all in Chinese / Japanese / other)
    Oooh I am so thrilled!!!
    If they are not the buttons I gave you (you won’t know who I am so this is a bit pointless) just as you asked for people not to point out that Big Ben was not Big Ben, which is exactly what I did, please don’t tell me as I am so pleased! Yay!
    If they are, I feel entitled to give further fashion advice, which is what about a long-sleeved T in a contrasting colour underneath? Eg one of your favourite greens? Layering short sleeves over long is big this season, I have seen loads of short-sleeved coats (possibly the most pointless item ever?)

  28. Yes, knit a long sleeve, but not because the short sleeve would look dorky. It definitely would not. Just because, it will be warmer and you could add a bit of that lace pattern to the cuff, and make it oh so cool (and it fits you perfectly). This sweater though, is exactly what I need to get me off my sudden desire to knit Lady of the Lake, even though I don’t own either of the yarns called for, am on a serious yarn diet (Obama ’08 is getting my yarn money these days), and don’t really like to knit with boulce mohair all that much. Thanks for saving me!!!
    PS – Love the necklace. I’m putting that on my holiday wish list.

  29. i wouldn’t do long sleeves in that pattern, I think lace sleeves look funny. Of course, you could do long stockinette sleeves with a panel of the leaf pattern going down the middle and that might look cool. And yes, it is tres, tres chic.

  30. OH MY GOSH!!!! Both of your knitting projects are stunning and they look absolutely wonderful on you!! You have two perfect reasons to be proud! Congratulation!!! (I hope you don’t get a smiting(sp?). Enjoy both of your accomplishments – they look totatlly terrific!!

  31. My mom says the same thing about lipstick. And lipstick is even LESS appealing thanks to Sarah Palin.
    Great sweater.

  32. You could wear a long sleeve T-shirt under it but why would you want to when you have perfectly good excuse to knit another? Make long-sleeves and make it in a bright happy color for those bleak winter days!

  33. It looks great–very professional and chic. I’m a lawyer and I would definately wear it on non-court appearance days. It looks so good that I may be convinced to make one. Safe travels!

  34. do you see what’s actually IN these days? be free & wear what you want to, with what you want. lovely sweater.

  35. The sweater looks great. And it’s funny, with the “Hey Teach” thing…I’m a teacher and in my class we just talked about the word “smite” — (although it was “smote” in our context) and I said I loved the word but almost never heard it. I’ll have to tell them it is, in fact, still in use and still sounds good!

  36. It looks great on you Steph! Better than the original model. I might actually have to knit one now.

  37. ‘Hey Teach’ looks fabulous on you, beautifully knit. I’d go with the longer sleeves for Winter wear and I’m totally with you on the three buttons towards the top. GORgeous!
    Have fun these next few days :^)
    Lipstick? meh. You look Fine.

  38. I see absolutely no evidence of compromised professionalism; not on the cardigan front and not on the necklace either. I love this design and think I may just have to try it out for myself. Well done you!

  39. Break a leg on the book tour! I was hoping to say “hi” in Santa Rosa but I believe I have a date with either a fellow named Ikea or a dude named Home Depot. I possibly might try and see them both in one day. Scandalous, I know! But mostly I want to tell them that I don’t really want to see them again. They’re severely cutting into my knitting time.
    Anyhoo, if you find yourself in San Francisco during your downtime (do you get any of that?!) and need some company give me a shout. 🙂

  40. That sweater is everything you say it is – the color, the pattern, the yarn all just simply work. Some people can pull off the long sleeve shirt under the short sleeve knitted but I think they’re usually 5’11” and on the catwalk. You’ll enjoy the long sleeve knitted much better, I think – maybe in an alpaca or alpaca blend. That would give the drape you’re getting with that yarn and a little more warmth.

  41. I admit it, when I saw the pic of you looking down at your bedecked sock, my first thought was, “damn, she’s SHORT!”, which having seen you in Real Life, you’d think I’d have made peace with, but you really are Quite Tall in my mind – a knitting Giant. As evidenced by exhibits A (Peacock Feathers) and B (Hey, Teach!). I look up, and see you.

  42. A) I can practically smell the chalk dust.
    B) I’m trying to put the disturbing mental picture of a doula/midwife wearing mittens out of my mind. (You’re one of those in your not-knitter life, right?)
    C) Is that a needle gauge necklace you’re wearing? Tres cool!

  43. Ya look great! I love mine too. And the first day I wore it to work I wore it over a white collared blouse JUST like the model too. Thanks for thinking the same way, I feel much better now! =^P For the record, mine is blue and it looks just as awesome though over a black turtleneck. If you’re looking for something similiar with long sleeves already you might want to try February lady. Another fun knit!
    I have my ticket to see you in Florida and I am SO EXCITED!!!!!! I can’t wait! I like the idea of the necklace with the “secret password” for knitters. I feel the same way when I wear any rainbow/pride jewelry. Like I’m sending out a signal to all who will recognize it. The dyke signal. And the knitter signal. Way better than batman! =^P

  44. You should be packing a bra.
    (And also? You should indeed be worried about smiting. If the Knitting Powers That Be don’t get around to it, I’m usually available.)

  45. Stephanie
    It looks great – fits perfectly.
    I notice that people are wearing short cardigans or tees over long sleeved shirts this fall. So, I think you can get away with wearing the cardigan over a long sleeved shirt.
    But I still vote for a long sleeved “Hey Teach”

  46. I think it would be fine as long as the shirt has fitted sleeves (think modern log sleeve tee shirts). If it were poofy you would run the risk of looking like a little old church lady. Plus the long sleeve shirt + short sleeved sweater thing is very big in Michigan right now… and that’s pretty close to Canada, right?

  47. Hey Teach! is lovely on you! I would wear a long sleeves under it, but I think it then looks less professional. Try it and post pictures!
    See you next Monday.

  48. Gorgeous. It’s a perfect fit. I’d say go with a long-sleeved version (which I’m thinking I might need) for long-sleeved shirts underneath…

  49. Your Hey Teach looks grand! And I don’t think long sleeves would look dorky under it at all.
    My Hey Teach is all knit and the pieces blocked, but I haven’t gotten around to sewing shoulder seams and doing the banding yet. Things like Hanami and learning to spin and, darn it, work have gotten in the way and now it’s relegated to the “nice to finish now, but not really NEEDED until Spring” pile. ACK! I even got great buttons for it last weekend.
    It’s the thought that counts, right? 🙂 And it doesn’t help that I bought some gorgeous Malabrigo worsted today to make a vest — something I know I can use now that the weather is cooling off.
    If only we could put more ours in a day!

  50. I love it, and I think you need a long-sleeved one for winter, rather that wearing a long sleeved shirt under that one. Besides, just think, then you could have it in two colours.

  51. It looks gorgeous on you. I would totally go with a long-sleeved version- you’re not exactly living in the tropics. I envy you your flight knitting. I’m on a 3 hour flight tomorrow and no knitting needles of any kind allowed. It has been suggested I should take chopsticks and a pencil sharpener……

  52. The long-sleeve fitted shirt w/short sleeve top over is a cross between fashionable and skater grrl right now. But I don’t think it will endure. The gorgeous sweater you just knit will be a classic timeless summer/spring/fall professional non-crazy-knitter look, but not a timeless winter look. (Know what you’re saying about the shawls.) If it ’twere me, I’d knit it again in a Canadian winter kind of fiber, possibly 70s household appliance color, with long sleeves. Such fun!
    The photography is great. I truly love the pictures. But I have to confess, my favorite is the one where you’re looking down at the sock on the ground like it’s about to do a trick, or possibly like it’s a crawling baby or a pet you have to keep an eye on, heaven only knows what it’s going to do next.

  53. I would say writerly and as it would happen also knitterly. I would definitely wear it with long sleeves. How about a nice white t-shirt that’s kind of tight – if there are issues with waist (as I have) then the lovely drape of the sweater deals with that. I think it would be right funky. That being said, long sleeves would be good too. You could do both.

  54. It is gorgeous. Shells underneath both long and short sleeve versions will work; and still look casual chic/dead professional. But then you have to decide what kind of long sleeves to knit…. how about a sleeveless version, with long sleeves that snap or attach in somehow? Then you could have a really unique winter vest AND sweater simultaneously, two for one?
    My gramma used to do that for my momma, but in fabric, and it was very successful. Momma had style!

  55. Your Hey Teach! looks fabulous! I want one too. I think a long sleeve version — maybe with a slight bell sleeve — would look cool (but check with the girls if bell sleeves are still in, I haven’t got a clue, but I like ’em!).

  56. Very nice! I sometimes wear short sleeved cardigans with long sleeve shirts, but I’m not sure that means it isn’t dorky. I’m a bad judge of that, I’m afraid.

  57. 1) Looks VERY good with the white shirt-professional, but not- off-putting.
    2)Lipstick-HAH! Haven’t worn it in years, probably won’t ever at this point in my life.
    3) Front assets- sigh – you’re lucky you still have’em. Mine have flattened themselves out (breastfeeding 6 kids for a total of 13 years will do that.)

  58. Yeah! So cool, classic, pretty, and professional!!
    And yes, it is so YOU!!
    (not all knitters need lipstick, lipbalm works fine, thanks)
    And that kind of sweater looks great over a long sleeved blouse or “dressy” t-shirt. Look at some of the catalogs and shop windows soon, maybe in some of the “fashion knitting” magazines too.
    You are so stylin’!!

  59. Yeah no. Don’t wear a long sleeve shirt under it. Yes, dorkitude would follow. Just come back to Charlotte sometime this fall/winter and you’ll be able to wear it! =D It looks fabulous!

  60. I think a nice black long sleeve pull on would fit under it nicely and could really warm up the arms. But then “dorky” is my middle name. Good luck and beautiful sweater.

  61. It looks great!
    (Sleeveless or long sleeves would look OK with a long sleeved shirt. The short sleeved sweater would look dorky with a long sleeved shirt.)

  62. Not being able to pinpoint the precise location of one’s front assets is completely understandable after a) children; and b) 40.
    Hint: they are often lower than we think.
    Which is why I’m not going to be able to knit this in this lifetime – the LAST thing the Girls need is an Empire waistline.
    Rock on. Great job.
    And you can completely do all those things later.
    From the plane.
    Thinking about them counts, right?

  63. I’m not convinced a long-sleeved shirt underneath = dorkiness. But I do love the idea of making a long-sleeved Hey Teach.
    I think you get a third perfect item before you’re actually due for a smiting. Plan carefully. 🙂

  64. Actually, I think it would be cute with long sleeves too, but I live in Los Angeles and wear mostly tee shirts, so what do I really know?
    In all of your descriptions of “Hey Teach,” you forgot to mention one fact. It looks really good on you. REALLY good.

  65. You know? I think that looks like an Outfit!! Imagine that…we do know that’s one of your not-so-secret wishes in couture these days…
    And yes, during transition to cold season, a long-sleeve under a mid-length sleeve is OK, just watch that the long sleeves are fitted (no poofing from uncontrolled bunching under the sweater sleeve hem) and have a nice hem themselves–preferrably not ribbing, but a hemmed edge. It’s not a world-breaker of a look, but it can be clean-lined and a nice amount of warmth at chilly events. Maybe a deep colour, green or burnt orange, as the under-shirt? Would show off the lace very nicely…

  66. WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR NECKLACE???? Isn’t that a needle sizer-thingy????? Way too cool…wheredja get it? Gorgeous sweater, too! Do you feel like yellin’ out “Hey Teach!” every time you wear it?

  67. It’s “practically perfect in every way,” to quote Mary Poppins! ) See? “Practically” perfect gives you an out – no smiting necessary! And I think long sleeves would be grand.
    And…is that a needle gauge around your neck posing as jewelry??

  68. You are now officially the reason why I want to knit this. It looks so good on you! Just the right amount of polished and casual. And I like how you left off the bottom buttons. That’s how I’d knit it too.

  69. OK, this is clearly too many knits, but… you could always knit a pretty pair of long gloves or armwarmers to wear with it (tossing professionalism out the window, of course, but going all Jackie O with it 🙂

  70. Last time I knit something that inelastic I paid with pain in my hands that took a month to subside. I stick with wool now.
    I am trying to think of a simple project to knit while watching tonight’s debate. What does one knit at a train wreck?
    The needle sizer necklace is cunning. Thanks for giving us all the info in your post.

  71. I don’t think it’s going to look dorky with a long sleeved shirt just as long as you’re wearing it with confidence. I’m planning to wear it with a 3/4 length shirt sleeve, and I refuse to accept dorkiness as an answer.
    Also, my general rule of thumb is that on days when I can keep my hair in control I’m allowed one clothing-related dorkiness. If the hair is crazy all over the place then the clothes have to shape up a bit to compensate.

  72. That is chic and professional in my opinion. I want to make one now. Which suits as it’s bloody hot here (Brisbane Oz) and it’s only going to get hotter coming into summer.

  73. Next time you need an author photo, I think the one of you looking down upon your half-knit sock would be a hysterically wonderful choice. =)
    Also, Hey Teach just got bumped up my queue. See what you’ve done? (I approve.)

  74. Today on my way to work (in Washington DC) I saw like three women wearing long sleeve shirts under short sleeve jackets. I think it’s a look this season.

  75. Another vote for wearing the sweater with a long-sleeved shirt. But, no reason you can’t make another, if you have time.
    It’s gorgeous, btw. I may have to make one for myself, if I ever finish all the gifts I’m working on.

  76. I just finished knitting this for my 15 year old daughter and I’m sure she’ll wear it with a long sleeve under it. You look fantastic, by the way.
    Have a good trip, travel safe.

  77. It looks really great on you! A long sleeved version would be lovely, but from what I can see, short sleeved over long sleeve is very “in,” especially if it was something simple like a turtleneck.

  78. Love Hey Teach! Loved the build up to the finished photo!
    I printed off a copy for myself a couple of weeks ago, and after seeing yours I know I have to make it. It’s such a flattering sweater — and yes, a long-sleeved turtleneck under it would look great!
    I can’t wait to see your next project! Have a wonderful, fun trip!

  79. I LOVE that pattern–and it looks amazing on you! You look very professional–in a knitterly way (and your cat was right to be impressed.)

  80. That sweater is ridiculously cute. Well done.
    Re: lipstick: Burt’s Bees Lip Shimmer was made for you (and me, too, because I am teh lazy). You get fabulous lip protection, your mother is pleased, b/c there’s a gentle hint of color, and all is well with the universe. See here: http://www.burtsbees.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=-92&catalogId=10051&storeId=10001&langId=-1.
    I’d let my kid wear this stuff. (Okay, she’s not quite 10 mos. old, so not so much lip stick as lip drool these days, but I will when she’s bigger!)

  81. Oh, for heaven’s sake, you know d**n well it’s perfect for your profession and looks terrific. You’re just fishing for compliments.
    Those who know me would hoot if I attempted to pass a dorkiness judgement.
    And that sweater and the Peacock Shawl are worth a little smiting.

  82. Great job on the Teach, it looks really nice on you. Next time, though, try a fierce face. It’ll make all your knitting look way more cool. Well, that and a tiara, but I’m still working on that one.

  83. Hey Teach turned out great – very flattering on. Unless you work for Vogue, I wouldn’t wear it over anything with long sleeves (same went for the cargo pant and stilleto look from a couple years ago – just say no).
    Make it up with long sleeves, maybe in red…there’s a sweater on knitty w/ detachable sleeves that might be an interesting concept to think about with the sweater in its current condition…

  84. I was thinking about winter and long sleeves before you brought it up. I think it would be ok but it goes from professional and tidy to hip and funky. I think a turtleneck would be your best choice.
    It is very lovely.

  85. I had a suit that only very marginally reminds me of your fabulous new sweater. Note: “had.” It was remarkably unlike your fabulous new sweater in that A. It was acrylic B. It was more like a suit than I’m comfortable with and C. It wasn’t hand knit and made of awesome
    You hardly ever see a biologist in a suit unless they absolutely can’t avoid it. Which is blessedly not often.
    I’d wear that sweater, though.
    …and yeah, it’d look dorky with long sleeves. I won’t lie to you.

  86. Oh, and judging from the number of people who are going to knit this (me, too, it’s perfect for Southern California), it will become a standard business/casual across the world, and non-knitters, not knowing from whence it sprang, will seek to buy it everywhere and be flummoxed.

  87. This SO works. I love it.
    Funny, I was just thinking of all the things I should be doing before I go into work tonight, instead of checking out your blog.

  88. I was out and about shopping today and saw lots of very stylish and chic non-dorky mannequins wearing short-sleeved sweaters similar to this style with long-sleeved tees or ribbed turtlenecks under them. Of course what do mannequins know, most of them don’t have heads, and those with heads don’t have eyes.

  89. Didn’t you know wearing short sleeves over long is in style now? I can’t bring myself to do it, but it seems to be the thing in a lot of new patterns now. It might be the sort of thing that only works if you’re under 25, though. I have terrible fashion sense so I don’t even know why I’m bothering to comment.
    Love the sweater. Now I want one!

  90. It looks great! But is it a lot warmer there, or am I just the coldest person in the world? I’ve been wearing long sleeve shirts for weeks, and added long sleeve sweaters a few days ago, and I’m wearing my windbreaker with the hood up when I go outside, and I’m still cold. I look at you and think, aren’t you freezing?
    I am just not a lipstick person. If other women want to wear it, fine, but if someone put it on me, I swear, I would feel like a drag queen. Just totally not me.

  91. Awsome sweater. This may go on my to knit list for spring. I have hats and gauntlets for 3 daughters and 6 granddaughters to do now. And off subject, you should do a video knitting socks. I would love to see a close-up of how you hold the needles and yarn. My tension sucks.
    p.s. come back to Atlanta

  92. I had talked myself out of making this sweater, thinking it wouldn’t be versatile enough. You’re making me rethink my knitting queue. Damn. OK, it’s next after I finish the Central Park Hoodie.
    It looks great on you!
    Another short person,

  93. Love it!! I just may have to go back to the yarn shop and buy some more to add to the pile. Eventually it should all end up being something. Hopefully something as nice as Hey Teach!
    Enjoy Seattle and if you get bored (yeh right) come on down to Santa Fe. There’s a fiber festival in Taos next week.
    Thanks for a great blog.

  94. Hey Teach! Looks awesome on you!
    I’ve been reading your blog for a while (I’m a new knitter, I just started in April), and Tuesday purchased my first copy of your book (The Secret Life of a Knitter)
    I bought it amidst my school books because I decided (as an English major) I needed some fun reading too. I’m already half way through.
    Just thought you’d like to know. =)

  95. I made mine without sleeves and wear it as a vest over a mock turtle neck. Did the same thing with buttons, only used three, but added length as I am long waisted. Love it, love it, love it.
    Think yours would look fine over long sleeves, the layered thing so popular now.

  96. The hot look in Utah, where winters are every bit as cold as Canada, is a short sleeve sweater over a long sleeve Tee. I’m old school, and can’t bear the look of exposed bra straps or slouched jeans, so I’m no fashion maven, but I think this new look “works.” Go for it.

  97. first – LOVE it! second – re: the long-sleeved shirt under. Not that I’m really any more on this than you, but my 21 and 16 year old daughters tell me… as long as the long sleeves don’t “puff” out from where the hey teach ends, you’ll be fine. so a blouse with tighter sleeves, or a long-sleeved tshirt – fabulous! (and I think there might even be a new “thing” about wearing short sleeves over long sleeves – yeah for knitters, huh!

  98. Really like this sweater. Very professional, arty looking.
    Am excited to hear of a new MSF idea in the works!

  99. You look adorable in that. I am SO going to frog the entirely-too-big Feather & Fan cardigan and use that yarn to do Hey Teach! Awesome. 🙂

  100. A longer sleeve would look nice, but perhaps you could knit it with a slight bell or flare at the end and then wear a long sleeved scoop neck t-shirt underneath. The shirt should show a bit. Still very clean lined and professional but with a bit of warmth (and coverage) with the t-shirt. Listen to your Mother, the lipstick would be a nice polished touch–a sheer lipgloss wouldn’t be too bad would it?

  101. You look really nice in that sweater in all the photos—but that first photo is totally terrific. I think that that should be the picture of you used in/on the next book that you write!

  102. Wear this one with long sleeves underneath! It is absolutely the season for that – lots of short sleeved jackets, sweaters and coats are worn over 3/4 length and longer-sleeved blouses and shirts in all the magazines and high-end stores right now. Just peek through InStyle and Elle – you’ll see! You’ll be uber-fashionable and you’ll also have time to make another perfect thing!

  103. The sweater looks lovely, and casually professional, therefor perfect for a writer.
    Now for my knitting geek comment: I find the way you hold your yarn and needles interesting, is there a video of you knitting stashed somewhere on the internet so I can see just how that works?

  104. it’s beautiful – and has me wanting to dig up yarn to knit my own version of it. If (when?) you knit a long sleeved version, would you carry the lace all the way down the sleeves, stop at the cap sleeve or something in between?
    (I’m in Maine. I agree that wearing a long sleeved shirt with short sleeved sweater could not only look dorky, but it wouldn’t be as warm as I’d need it to be.)

  105. You look mahhvelous!
    and yes, it would look dorky with long sleevs, but looks fabulous with what you are wearing. But you know what, there’s a sweater that somehow reminds me of this one (not sure exactly why.. but ah well, ahem..) that would look great for the winter time
    rock on – I hope to get there to see you in Seattle!

  106. Where Hey Teach with long sleeves? Depends on the sleeves. If the long sleeves are pretty loose then it will billow out from under the sweater sleeves, and yeah, that will look pretty dorky. If the sleeves are more fitted, then you may be able to pull it off.
    Either way, it looks very chic with the short sleeves! Kudos!

  107. You did great with the Hey Teach. It looks just professional and polished enough. Your Mom is right though. A little lipstick always helps. Go for a nude pink, maybe. I use Maybelline Moisture Whip in Nude Blush. We seem to have the same skin tone, so maybe that would work for you, too. If you goof, a damp Q-Tip helps. Guess how I know that. Cheers!

  108. I never would have knit this by the one modeled on Knitty…but yours looks more polished (I think you did a better job on blocking) and now I have to add it to my Ravelry queue so I can have a short sleeve sweater to knit.
    And I’m so depressed I don’t live in the Seattle area anymore. Hope you get to see some of the great city! And eat some uber-fresh seafood.

  109. I’m thinking of a comprimise (soooo Canadian!) and forgive me if someone else mentioned this, it’s kind of late for me and I didn’t read all the comments; however….
    What about adding a stockinette stitch kind of bell flare to the bottom of your next Hey Teach sweater to a generous 3/4 length? Try to mirror/tie in with the body of the sweater.
    Also, I’m quite taken with the way you’re holding your yarn; would you someday post a video of you knitting? I’m interested in seeing how you work the yarn and needles in the wonder that we call knitting!
    BTW–both pieces are perfectly lovely pieces of knitting and you should be proud! Enjoy!
    Safe trip!

  110. If your cat is at all like mine, she was not admiring your amazing knitting artistry. She was looking at you and thinking, “That would be nice to snuggle in. I hope she takes it off and puts it on the bed so I can leave my fur on it and mark it as mine forever.” But, your cat may be much more refined than my two. 😉

  111. Oh, and I giggled that your mother still bugs you about lipstick. So does mine. I humor her by putting on tinted lip balm every so often.

  112. I think totally you should wear a long sleeve white shirt underneath. It would be very cute!

  113. All the mannequins seem to have on long sleeved shirts under short sleeved sweaters – go for it!

  114. You can find some cute examples out in fashion land of long-sleeves under short-sleeved sweaters –http://www.bananarepublic.com/browse/product.do?cid=5036&pid=606771

  115. Heh – found and ordered a pendant. My google-fu will not be denied. Folks can find them at Schoolhouse Press.

  116. I love that Joe is the professional photographer – he’s doing a great job!
    The sweater looks lovely. I have to agree that I think a long sleeved shirt underneath might not look the greatest, but hey, you knit it so you wear it with what you want!

  117. Georgous sweater. You always do such a wonderful job. I’ve been meaning to knit this sweater all summer and haven’t had a chance to get to it. So like you, with winter coming on I’ve also been thinking about knitting it in long sleeves or 3/4 length sleeve (I’m a massage therapist, so I love 3/4 sleeves, they’re a good working sleeve for me.) I saw you speak in Indianapolis, you were amazing and I thought you looked both kniterly and professional.

  118. You look very CHIC! A very clean white shirt, whether long-sleeved or 3/4, will look fabulous underneath.

  119. By “clean,” I mean: Tailored. With darts in the right places. Maybe princess seaming. And yes, a COLLAR.
    As much laundry as you do, I assume your shirts are LITERALLY clean.
    However, no cufflinks. They deserve their own glory, and “Hey Teach” is serious competition.

  120. I hope long sleeves with a short sleeved sweater doesn’t look too dorky-I wear that look alot because at my age I don’t care to show the world my upper arms. I suppose a little weight training may be order.
    You look Chic in my opinion and it just seems right for you to wear one of your knitted creations on the tour.
    Forget about the kitchen-even left immaculate it will suffer while you are away.

  121. Not to nitpick especially since you took such care to cover your bases with the necklace, but I don’t believe we’ve been formally introduced to the sock yarn you’re working with there. (My sincerest apologies if you have and I just missed it.)
    Clearly you are catching on to how a commenter’s mind works, but you must know by now; even if you had told us where to find the sweater pattern and yarn, the buttons, the necklace, and the sock yarn one of us would have piped up with “That garden is quite lovely where were the pictures taken?”

  122. You can totally get away with a long sleeve underneath (or is that just too last year?). Regardless I think you can still get away with it.

  123. Hi –
    Apologies if this has been posted a zillion times already (I’m nursing a baby and typing with one hand, pretty good, heh?) but I have only skimmed the many responses so far…
    …but maybe you would like to try the February Lady sweater? It reminds me of Hey Teach a lot, plus it has longer (3/4 length sleeves) – better for a Canadian winter, I think, and more forgiving of a long sleeve shirt.
    Jen in Regina

  124. Not dorky with a plain shirt or fine gauge white sweater under.
    Afraid I agree with your mum about the lipstick. I looked at the picture and thought, “she looks perfect except her face needs some warmth of colour – a touch of lipstick would be nice. Just sayin’
    You look fine without it, but for the whole professional public appearance thing, that bit of colour might spiff it up a bit.

  125. The sweater is very becoming.
    I hope the smiting you are due turns out to be survivable, something along the order of a broken fingernail.
    Since I’ll be in northern Oregon by Sunday night, there’s still a chance I’ll see you in Seattle.

  126. Faaaaaaa….
    I took all of the “ould” words out of my vocabulary a while ago- like something you scrape off of cheese. Icky icky, spit it out.
    Hey teach is gorgeous! Cool little pendant too. Something that every stylish knitter sho…oops there I go. Needs, every knitter needs.
    Happy Travels.

  127. It looks really good, it does not scream “look at me, I knit this” which is of course what you wanted. I still have three BSJs that are buttonless (since May) but it’s not as if I have the pressure to wear them.

  128. I also recently finished Hey, Teach! What a dream – this one’s for my sister, so I’ll definitely knit a 2nd. As per long sleeve – yup, I think it’d be a no go w/the short sleeve sweater. Love the mods – it’s stunning.

  129. It’s really beautiful and looks great on you.
    Do NOT wear it over a long sleeve shirt. Make another one with long sleeves – it will look awesome!

  130. I wasn’t going to stick my two penn’orth in but after the posts that will be above me I have to. It is NOT dorky to wear long sleeves with short sleeved cardigans. It is acceptable, some may even say, fashionable. However, as this is such a gorgeous cardigan, I have no doubt that a long sleeved version would be lovely too, and a little bit warmer!
    (from a very new knitter who until recently only read fashion magazines to work out what to buy rather than what to make)

  131. That sweater looks fantastic on you! Really nice! Yep, you could wear that to something where you needed to look professional, or you could wear it to the grocery store. Very cool! As for the long sleeves under it, unless you wore a really dorky color I think it would look great, but you might just want to knit another one with long sleeves anyway. Even with a long sleeve shirt under it, it might not be warm enough for a Toronto winter. Brrrrr!

  132. Thanks so much for bringing up the point of long-sleeved dorkiness…
    I’m knitting a Hey Teach myself, am far from done and still not sure whether I want long or short sleeves.
    At least now I know what *everyone* thinks. 🙂
    After all, a post on your blog is like a global knitting community-wide poll. 🙂

  133. Ok I usually don’t comment. But I have been wanting to knit sweaters with shorter sleaves (ie wwII style). I am always pushing my sleeves up to wash something or take care of something. I am also less tall then average (5′ 3/4″) so I am always adjusting clothes anyway. I say go for it and just knit the sleeve so the upper arm isn’t too snug. You can always knit matching sleevettes to wear on colder days

  134. You suit the cardigan wonderfully (it’s as I say, not the clothes that make the people, but the people that make the clothes). You look wonderfully and chich!
    But what I adored most about those pictures is actually that I got to see how you hold your knitting… I’ve only ever knitted the continental (Scandinavian?) way and couldn’t figure out how others hold their needles… thank your for giving me a visual! (and do forgive me if you too knit continental…) 😉

  135. Superb, surely all those smitings early on for knitters should allow for more than two great success projects in a row. Oh, but those knitting gods sure don’t work on logic, hope you manage to dodge them for longer Steph.
    I think a long sleeve Tshirt would look good under it, but not a regular long sleeve shirt. But then just think of the extra wear from a long sleeve version….l

  136. Re dorky. I’m from Melbourne, Australia, where we love layering. I think long sleeves under Hey Teach would look great – a long-sleeve scoop-neck t? Love your work yarn harlot. (& did anyone notice how much better Stephanie’s Hey Teach looked than the original one in Knitty.com?)

  137. Fantastical !! It couldn’t look better. A long sleeve one is a great idea for the winter. Maybe another neutral colour so you can wear it over any colour you wish. what with the Peacock Feathers and now this beauty you are batting 100 for sure. Congrats.

  138. The sweater looks wonderful and the buttons are perfect!! Congratulations!
    I’m willing to vote for your blog on the blog awards, if, and only if, you are willing to tell me (us) when you win. (LOL)
    (I remember last year when you won and didn’t/wouldn’t tell us–and I, for one, rarely
    check back to find the winners etc.)
    Marlyce in Windsor Ontario

  139. I think you could wear it over the right long sleeved top: something close fitting, scoop neck. Silk/lycra blend maybe. Not a loose or baggy T shirt. Black with black pants would look professional.

  140. Hooray for buttons! I don’t think it would look dorky over something with long sleeves at all. In fact my very stylish work colleague is today wearing a short sleeved cardigan over a long sleeved top. I think it would look lovely!

  141. For selfish reasons, I say: Please knit a long-sleeved Teach. I want one, and I’d love to be able to follow your mods. (We could call the long one Excuse Me, Teacher.)

  142. Rams beat me to the “cotton makes you loose” and hers was so much better than mine…
    I think it would look great over a long sleeve turtleneck or tshirt – not sure about the buttoned shirt look. But then a gain, very few people ask my opinion on what is or isn’t cool.
    I think I’ll have to make one now – it really is pretty.

  143. The Hey Teach looks fantastic on you, and now I want to knit it even more than I did before! Which is saying alot, since I already really, really, really want to knit it. As for wearing a long sleeved shirt under it… I totally think you could. The long-sleeved-button-down-under-short-sleeved-sweater was a trend that went around my 1L class a couple of years ago. I like to think that I started it, since I was doing that before law school, nobody wore that look at first and by the end of the semester, all the girls were rocking the look. ::pats self on the back for finally actually starting a trend instead of looking like an idiot:: Anyway, I think it’s a cool look and I still wear long sleeved shirts under short sleeved sweaters even to work. I’ve gotten some raised eyebrows, but it goes with the territory when you decide to wear what makes you happy and not care what others think.

  144. You do look very elegant. I always think lace works best in more subtle shades (that may be just me). I think you could work it with a plain white shirt underneath through autumn. I’d love to see a long-sleeved one in wool, though….

  145. I think you look great in that! Looks like it’s contagious. . .now I want to make a hey teach!(and I’m only 13 and short!)
    I was curious about something though. . .you haven’t spoken that much about your Book-Signing at Rhinebeck! Could you give some details on that for all of us Rhinebeck-visitors?

  146. A) Your hair looks great in that first photo, just sayin’
    B) I haven’t wanted to knit Hey Teach – until seeing yours
    C) I know nothing about dorkiness but I’d wear it over long sleeves!

  147. I adore my Hey Teach. I’m not sure if I’ll wear long sleeves under it or not. I may try and see what response I receive from my 14 year old daughter!

  148. It might just work with long sleeves. I have seen gals rocking out a white oxford shirt under some short-sleeve t-shirt style sweaters in a catalog or two. I think it is worth a try.
    It looks great by the way. Thanks for taking time away from your “should be’s” to share!

  149. That looks great on you! I don’t blame you in the least for wearing what the model wears, since it’s just perfect. Yes, a long-sleeved one is necessary for winter because yes, it would look dorky with long-sleeved shirts.

  150. That sweater suits you well. It does look professional. Perhaps I could add it to my wardrobe. Pardon me while I rush off to find the pattern and requirements. 🙂

  151. I think that a longer sleeve version to wear with Long sleeve shirts or turtle necks is brilliant. I wish I had thought of that. Bon Voyage. cd

  152. You have lots of good advice about sleeves, and so I will say only this:
    Do not give in about the lipstick.
    I haven’t caved on lipstick in years and years. No one has ever approached me on the street and said, “You know, you’d look much better with a little lipstick.” (Not since my college advisor, but she had boundary issues.)
    Remember, people want to see you, not your lips.

  153. I really like how just the cuff of your blouse peeks out of the sweater. I think a long sleeve shirt would look like you needed to put a cardigan on for warmth and this was all you could find.
    It looks damn good on you!
    I may need to put that sweater on the needles for myself.

  154. Mom’s are usually right. Just a little color on the face can brighten our looks without being a mess. Without some lip color the lower half of our face seems non existent. BTW, the sweater is lovely.

  155. I think that both that version and a long-sleeved version would look great with a long-sleeved shirt underneath.

  156. It might look ok if the sleeves were a LITTLE longer, but no…i think it might be dorky with long sleeves. Go for the long sleeve version of the cardi..it’ll be cute!
    Actually…put on long sleeves, take a pic, and post it and then we can see what it looks like. it might just work.

  157. That looks great. I know nothing about fashion (I don’t think I even rise to the level of dorkiness) but my first thought on seeing your pix was “She should make a shelf of those in every color she likes.” (Easy for me to say, right?)
    Oh and I laughed my head off at your “should be doing” sequence. I feel like that every time I leave home.

  158. ok, so i’m a 5’4″ 25 yr old, recent college grad who works with teenagers. not that i’m claiming to be cool, but the kids usually like my outfits. my vote is, wearing a short sleeve sweater with long sleeves under it is totally ok. although i don’t think i would put a turtleneck under it. the shirt you have looks lovely, or a long sleeved tshirt. bonus points if you’re daring enough to wear a colour other than white.

  159. You HAD to go and do it, didn’t you? You had to temp the fates? Now you’re going to be in the starring role of the new (knitter’s)horror flick: MOTHS ON A PLANE.

  160. Totally not dorky! I work in the financial industry and the short sleeved sweater on top of the long sleeved shirt is very in! Go for it!

  161. Your sweater is beautiful, but my first thought was — long sleeves. A short sleeve sweater in Pittsubrgh won’t work ’til next spring and I am not sure about the idea of other sleeves poking out.

  162. Not dorky at all with long sleeves. Quite chic I think with a boat neck to show off your jewelry too. Have fun on all your travels.
    I’m just trying to find a yarn store in downtown Toronto today that opens before 11AM. Wish me luck! I have a burning need to knit some socks.

  163. The sweater looks great! And I think you could pull off wearing a long-sleeved tshirt underneath. In fact, even though it’s already October and is starting to get chilly here in Kentucky, I’ve thought about making that sweater….

  164. This is a lovely sweater. I have to agree, this would look dorky with a long sleeved shirt under it. However, a long sleeved version of this sweater would look gorgeous with a long sleeved shirt under it!
    You said that your mom suggested lipstick but that’s way too far to go. I have no idea if this interests you, but I have found that some of the slightly colored lip glosses (not the ones that are actually lipsticks in disguise as lip gloss) help me on that fine line. A tinted lip gloss is just enough to add color, and it doesn’t look bizarre if I lick it all off. It also doesn’t leave rings on my tea mugs or beer glasses. If I’m a good girl and remind myself not to rub my eyes, a touch of mascara (even without the rest of the makeup) and a touch of foundation seriously changes how I look from ‘casual everyday’ to ‘dressy.’ I found that out last week when I thought I looked pale and did it to hang out at a friend’s. I showed up with a shawl and that touch of make-up and everyone wanted to know why I was so dressed up!
    Anyway, that’s a lovely sweater.

  165. I think you need one with long sleeves and a vest version which would look lovely with long sleeves.
    P.S. have a great trip!

  166. Someone I know wears Hey Teach to work, and since she’s at a major law firm in Philly, I’d say it definitely qualifies as professional!
    And I’m sure someone in the comments has already asked, but I’ll ask anyway . . . “I often need to go down a size or two (or three) when I work with non-elastic fibres. They make me loose.” Uh, you meant the fibres make the stitches or the sweater loose (ie too big), right? Just checking.

  167. The short sleeve version looks fantastic, and would look fine over a long sleeve shirt, but you have a good point about Canadian winter. And
    you have furnace wars coming (if you’re doing it this year….)
    But for the professional wardrobe, I think the gorgeous Sunrise Circle Jacket would qualify. And how about the lovely Manon, which you finished recently? All very chic IMO!

  168. The sweater looks great! I’m thinking of knitting one myself, and this is good incentive.
    Long sleeves under short sleeves–major dorkiness in my book. As some others have commented, that seems to be a style these days, but I think it looks dorky on the youngsters, too. But I’ve never been much of a fashionista.

  169. Beautiful! I think the new sweater is completely awesome, and you look great wearing it. Good luck on the new tour!

  170. The sweater is cute, chic and would look on you in any setting, speaking tour, book signing, negotiations with Donald Trump, etc. Well done. Kudos.

  171. Hi Steph, The ‘Hey Teach’ cardi looks great, love the color! I think you should make a long sleeved version and here is a suggestion for the sleeves – – make the sleeves bell shaped and continue the lace all the way, that would be a spectacular sweater and very much in! You are definitely looking chic for your next engagement. Rosalia

  172. Voted – good luck. Why not with long sleeves? The kids all do the sweater with the long-sleeved tee. Just copy your girls! I bet they would wear a black tee with it. Or just wear a black tank under it for winter.

  173. No smiting necessary – the projects involved enuf tinking and futzing about, it’s not like they dropped off your needles like gifts from the angels.
    Your “Hey Teach” is lovely and I agree it will do all you want it to do. I think a long-sleeved version would be appropriate.

  174. Yep, it looks fabulous on you! I love how the first picture looks like all the school yearbook pictures of mine should have looked but didn’t!
    I think the model’s top looks great with it. Awesome sweater!

  175. And thank you Nina for saying, “I have seen loads of short-sleeved coats (possibly the most pointless item ever?)” Truer words were never spoken.
    It gets annoying trying to find a nice jacket with actual long sleeves and a bottom edge that doesn’t end at my belly button.

  176. Actually, I don’t think it would look dorky with a long sleeved shirt, especially a long sleeved cotton knit shirt. That’s something we’ve been seeing a lot of here in the States: a short sleeved, or 3/4 length sleeved sweater over a long sleeved shirt.
    That being said, it would be neat to see this sweater with long sleeves. How would that lace translate, and would you mirror the ribbing and stockinette on the way down to the wrist?
    Congrats on your nominations. Can I vote as a non-Canadian? Does being married to a Canadian count?

  177. It looks fab! And I might point out, who cares about dorky or not? How could you possibly go wrong with another sweater that is easy to knit, looks great, and you like? Definitely make at least one more. Hey if you make a few in some really nice colors you will never have to worry about what to wear at professional engagements.
    See you in Kansas City!

  178. Yes, definitely a long-sleeved version. After watching the phenomenon for a while, I’ve concluded that the short-sleeve-over-long-sleeve look is best left to those younger than us. Sometime during our thirties, it seems to switch from charming to…well…yeah…dorky. Alas.

  179. Yes, the sweater is perfect! Wonderful! And, yes I too think it would be dorky with a long sleeve shirt under it. And, yes, do knit one with long sleeves. I think that would be really stunning–great for your winter appearances. Go or it!! And, do it in a color………..

  180. Wow! The sweater looks great. But I’ve never noticed from reading that that’s how you hold your yarn/knitting! It looks so elegant and beautiful. Isn’t it fun how everyone knits in their own unique style?

  181. Beautiful sweater! And I am in the “yes to long-sleeve shirts under short-sleeved sweaters” camp. I actually do pay a lot of attention to fashion, and while I rarely follow trends completely, they can be really inspiring and make getting dressed more fun. I wear long sleeves under short sleeve sweaters and jackets quite often. As long as the shirt underneath has slim cut sleeves that don’t poof out underneath the sweater sleeves, it looks great.
    If it were me, I would wear a thin tank, maybe with a lace trim peeking out; a close fitting top, preferably with a collar (either a ribbed jersey or a blouse); and then the sweater over that.

  182. I would say that particular top will always look better with a short-sleeved top underneath. You could however make a pair of long (above the elbow) gloves or wrist warmers to wear with it during inclement (freezing) Canadian weather.

  183. Great sweater, but just saying that I know the longer sleeves and hem of the shirt hanging out is all trendy, but I’m old enough so it just doesn’t look right.

  184. You can take food on a plane? I thought you had to buy everything from behind the security clearance? We’re flying next month, I hate being hungry!
    Oh, beautiful sweater. I see lots of short sleeve sweaters/vests over long sleeves now. But having done the vest thing back in the early 80s, I’m having a hard time wearing a vest over a blouse again!

  185. It is absolutely gorgeous and totally professional looking. And I would try it with a long-sleeved shirt underneath before ruling it out. I don’t think it would look dorky at all, but my granddaughter tells me that my clothes would be nice if they ever came back in style, so I might not be the best judge of that.

  186. Your sweater is lovely and so perfect on you! I think it’s one of the prettiest sweaters you’ve knitted. I would wear a long sleeved shirt under it…something very simple with a similar neckline would be fine, I think.
    Can’t wait to see you in Seattle on Monday!

  187. Seeing your beautiful Hey Teach reminds me that I have one set aside in my work room that just needs to be sewn together and the ribbing and buttons added. I guess I better get at it. Hope mine ends up looking half as nice as yours.

  188. A long sleeved shirt under a short sleeved sweater is extremely dorky. Sorry.
    Otherwise, it looks extremely business-casual, and awesome on you.
    As to your sewing-on-buttons shame, I have a sweater at home that I’ve needed to steek for six years.
    Just sayin.

  189. Really nice sweater! I like the long sleeve blouse under it. Doesn’t look at all dorky to me.
    You model it well, makes me want to knit a sweater…almost.
    Now back to my sock ;o )

  190. It is very nice! I don’t think it would be dorky with a long sleeve shirt under it. I see people wear short sleeved sweaters with long sleeve stuff under it, and it is cute. Try it out, then you will know if you think it looks silly, but I don’t think it would.

  191. I don’t comment on knit garments cause no matter what godawful pasty stripey pink and lime acrylic monstrosity a person can knit people will say ‘OMG i love that! Its AMA7ING!!!’ Seriously, I have seen some hideous knits get rave reviews (not here, just in general) so I just usually keep my mouth shut whether I like something or not. But this is exceptionally pretty. It fits great, is a great style and color and accomplishes just what you needed it to. Your bohus has always been my most admired knit (tied with the big pink thing) and this makes a three way tie for first. Very nice.

  192. As a fellow short person, I would not wear a long sleeve shirt under a short sleeve sweater – maybe a 3/4 sleeve, but just maybe. To me, it makes a short torso look even shorter and the proportions just don’t look right. Yes, it is all the rage right now, but I should point out that the people usually wearing it are 5’8″ or above with legs so long they should be featured in a “don’t you wish you had ’em” museum. No matter what, the sweater is beautiful – the use of buttons is perfect.

  193. Lovely. Absolutely lovely. It does look professional. I’ve had my eye on that one ever since it came out in Knitty, and am about convinced. Great job.

  194. I think your sweater looks great with the blouse you are wearing underneath. THAT’s an outfit!
    I would not wear a short sleeved sweater over a long sleeved shirt and I am 5’8″. I would, however, make Hey Teach with long sleeves! Maybe I’ll use the yarn I was going to use for the Eileen tank, as I’m on my third freakin’ gauge swatch and I don’t think it wants to be an Eileen tank after all. It is currently in time out.

  195. I TRIED to vote for you but I couldn’t sign up because the software doesn’t like my first name! Oh well. You’d get my vote if I could vote!

  196. You so are a CEO. In my opinion, a mother of three, knitter extraordinaire and all the amazing stuff one does to bring home the tofu…yup, you are a CEO.
    ‘Hey, teach’ is lovely as is the ‘Peacock Feathers’ shawl. Thank you for all the kind advice you share. Have a good trip and safe home.

  197. put me in the “it will look nice with long sleeves under it” camp- a turtleneck or buttondown- that layer-y thing seems to be quite popular among the fashion-y set these days (of course, also being a fashion- or should i say fashion-less?- dork, what could I know about it??) But a long-sleeved one would be gorgeous too…
    and ps- “(I have no idea how I could have had them for so long, and still underestimate their precise size and location this frequently.)” TOO funny!

  198. that just looks stunning on you! i’m suitably impressed. as for the short over long, i wear t-shirts over long sleeve t-shirts all winter long. if the sleeves had a narrow profile( no floofy sleeves) i don’t see why it wouldn’t work.
    aside from that, would you email me? i’ve got a proposition for you

  199. In Manhattan I see fashionable people wearing long sleeved blouses under short sleeved sweaters a fair amount.
    I’m not a fashionable person myself (more utilitarian) but they sure do look cute.
    I say go for it, and remember, you can pull almost any outfit off as long as you wear it with confidence.

  200. There’s a cartoon in the Sept.1 New Yorker magazine that shows two super-heroes coming face to face. One of them is wearing a shawl and he says, “What? A shawl is kind of a cape.”
    It seems that EVERYONE has professional image issues…

  201. OMG! Where did you get that knitting needle gauge necklace? I WANT ONE!
    Your sweater is too cute! Very professional-meets-knitter I’d say!

  202. I work in fashion, and I approve the wearing of this sweater over long sleeves. When mine is finished that’s exactly what I plan to do.

  203. That necklace is seriously awesome.
    And I can’t believe I’m missing you AGAIN in Seattle, but I totally didn’t know when I booked myself a Massachusetts trip. On the bright side, I brought knitting.

  204. The sweater is fabulous and you look GREAT in it. The shawl was spectcular on you. Finally got the new book love it.

  205. Stephanie, that sweater looks PERFECT on you – the first photograph is SO GOOD that you could put it on the back of your next book and let Joe get the photo credit. Seriously. Also, seriously, it is technically a fashion faux pas to have “undersleeves” longer than the outer sleeves unless it’s at the very bottom of a long-sleeved sweater when a proper 1/2″ of your shirt (blouse) sticks out provocatively… I hope to see you in Santa Rosa tomorrow, but the store manager is getting very persnickety about pre-buying one of “his” books in order to get a seat. Otherwise, we stand around outside looking like a knitterly protest.

  206. HEY knitsters! Our Stephanie is also nominated as Best Blogging Host. Either someone did this recently and she didn’t know it or she’s to modest to mention it to us. Vote The Harlot for Best Blogging Host also.

  207. If you wear something with long sleeves underneath, then the sleeve should probably be a fitted sleeve, rather than a blouse sleeve. I am planning on wearing a sleeveless mock turtleneck under mine, or tee shirts.
    If you knit this with long sleeves, how are you going to style the sleeve? I don’t thing the lace pattern all the way down the sleeve would look right with the body, but it could just be I am having trouble envisioning it.

  208. I take it back about seeing you Monday. I looked up the directions, and realized it was a 4-hour drive from where I’ll be staying to where you’ll be speaking. Driving *to* would be a nice diversion, but driving *back* would be a killer.
    Enjoy your stay, brief as it may be.

  209. Beautiful sweater! Maybe I’ll see it tomorrow in person in Santa Rosa? (Just bought a book-ticket!)

  210. I made one in green and I have every intention of wearing it with a long sleeved shirt underneath.

  211. It would look good with long sleeves: top of sleeve like it is, then when you get down so it will be even with the ribbbing, do some ribbing and then the stockinette like the bottom half, and have the sleeves bell out a bit, kind of like the bottom looks like it does.

  212. Beautiful. And the fit is great. Now, I usually don’t follow the popular crowd, but I love that sweater. Would this be a good first lace garment type pattern? Good luck with the new book tour. Your essays are my favorite books.

  213. Once again, personal opinions seem to be evenly divided. I think you should find a long sleeve blouse you can sacrifice, cut one sleeve short, and see how many people get the joke.
    Just read your book – great job, as usual! And if you find yourself having to buy a copy of your own book (at full retail, no doubt), you just tell yourself, “At least I’m getting the royalty!” 🙂

  214. It’s perfect. It would be fine with long sleeves under it, and I think a long sleeved version would also be nice (maybe in green?). You can wear that one anywhere, just ask the kitty.

  215. It looks great on you! My version just plain doesn’t fit (I made some adjustments too and miscalculated on every single one – sigh) but seeing how great yours looks gives my courage to rip it out (again) and start afresh. have a blast on your tour!

  216. Two words: Love. It.
    Okay, just two more because I can’t help myself: Absolutely. Gorgeous.

  217. You’ll get no smiting from me. That looks absolutely AMAZING!!! I won’t downgrade it and say it looks store-bought, but it does look like you could have paid a lot of money for it. I love that third picture. You’re looking down at the sock like you’re waiting for it to knit itself. Um, I don’t think it’s gonna happen. ;o)

  218. lovely sweater!
    so very sad to be missing you in seattle! while you’re reading away at third place, I’ll be down the road a bit, mired in a three hour lecture on design and construction law…. gah!

  219. Yes, it would look dorky to wear a short sleeve sweater with a long sleeve shirt. It would look great if you wore a long sleeve version with a long sleeve shirt though.
    I would wear this version exactly as you are now. Why toss in imagination when it looks so nice like that?

  220. Beautiful! I totally think you could wear a long sleeve dress shirt under it and it would look just as good as the short sleeve shirt. As far as “Canadian Winter” the long sleeve one might be more useful as far as warmth goes. 🙂

  221. I think it’s beautiful! And I’m glad you said you’re going to knit one with long sleeves… I love the sweater, but would only wear it with 3/4 or full-length sleeves. Would you be willing to share those modifications when you’re done?

  222. Know what you mean about the assets. I always think they take up less space then they do.

  223. Love it! … so ask a question and I must google… this site shows the “it” looks for the youngin’s… all layers: http://www.dearbyamanda.com/looks.php … I think the key to doing it right is to make sure the under-layer is fitted, then it’s all good to have long/short mixed. Also, just have to share, I came across this in my search and thought it hilarious! http://www.zazzle.com/i_wear_short_sleeve_shirts_over_long_sleeve_shirts-235638456645594259

  224. It looks great! And the outfit is very cute. I especially like the Birks with everything. -A long sleeved shirt would look cute under it, especially if it didn’t have a high neckline. But a long sleeved Hey Teach sounds appealing too. I thought about making one with 3/4 sleeves.

  225. I love both of your perfect knitted items. Way beyond my ability for sure. I tried to register to vote for your blog as a winner but it wouldn’t take my info without an error every time. Sorry but I think you are the best blogger going. Keep it up. Happy Anniversary also. And many more. Take care of each other!

  226. If you wear this sweater with long sleeves under it you’ll look amazingly like someone out of Rebecca…
    Hope California is good to you. I’ll be sending wooly wishes from a rehearsal in Berkeley!

  227. The sweater looks awesome!
    I wouldn’t wear it over a long sleeved button-down shirt, but I think it would look great over a long sleeved tshirt or turtleneck in a plain colour.

  228. This one’s beautiful! Would you go dark, dark green for your long-sleeved one?
    I’ve had this in the queue for a while, now. It really does look professional. Buttons are cute Ü

  229. I didn’t read all the comments and this may have already been expressed, but Steph, this looks so much better on you than on the model in the original pattern! I’m gonna knit one too. Thanks. You have good eyes; I just passed this baby up. . . beautiful little sweater.

  230. I LOVE the cardigan ….. all I have to do now is to persuade the better half to make me one too. Have fun in CA.

  231. Not sure it would be DORKY, but it would prob be more casual, possibly too casual… sadly, my visulizations skilz are crap, and I’d have to see it with a long sleeve shirt under to make a call… (though a turtleneck might do, if you wear your hair all professional-like and have “grown up” pants or skirt on…

  232. I love that cardi ……. going to make one …… you talked me into it!!

  233. You’re allowed to be proud of your work, and the perfection comment is justified in both cases.
    Smiting is reserved for newbies like me who still shudders at the thought of knitting a proper shawl.

  234. I don’t know if anyone said this already or not but the necklace? It’s a needle gauge right? Also, I don’t know if anyone has asked for this or not but. . . I’ve seen video of you knitting (very quickly I might add) and I’ve seen pics of other people knitting “cottage” style (have I got that right?) I was just wondering if you could post some close-up pics showing how you hold the yarn when you are making socks? It would be really cool to see.

  235. Looks great on you. Um.. can I try it on before I knit one to find out it makes me look flat? er?

  236. Stephanie
    The sweater is really great! I like your modifications. I have the same assets (well similar-you know what I mean!) and I would do the same alterations to the pattern. You could definitely wear a long sleeve shirt under, just make sure the sleeves are not too full. Then it might look a little puffy shirtish. I’m a stylist, so it’s my job to put clothes together!!!! You know I don’t think it matters how fashionable we are, our teenagers are always going to think we are dorky. What do they know! We were teenagers once too!

  237. I have that necklace, too, and it has gotten me through some bad times just by reminding me that I will knit again. BTW, once when I was wearing it a guy friend thought it was a drill bit gauge.

  238. Hey Teach — perfect!! You look great! And LOVE the necklace; I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to grab that up right away!

  239. Lovely! And, yes, it needs to be work with short sleeves. I think you need a long-sleeved version in something really warm like alpaca or cashmere for the icy Canadian winter.

  240. I love the sweater. Seeing you model it, I am convinced it will be added to my “I am going to make this, really I am” list. I especially like the idea of making only the buttonholes at the top because that’s all you’ll use. But, while you have to downsize the pattern, I will probably have to upsize.

  241. I love it too…I’m actually making it myself in Misti Cotton but in natural, and have it all done except the sleeves. I think I’ll make long sleeves, with the pattern down the middle (as someone above suggested) so I don’t have to play with pattern vs decreases. It’s cold out there!
    It looks great on you! I hope mine looks as good.

  242. I love the top.
    I’d wear a long sleeved tight knit top under it.
    My children have a times pointed out my dorkism, but I’m OK with that.
    Now I think I’ll try and knit myself one.

  243. Not dorky with a long sleeved blouse. It is very, very trendy this year. Really. Why wasn’t this kind of thing cool when I was younger and I spent too much time getting my sleeve lengths to match?

  244. Your sweater is beautiful!! The fact that it is the same color as the model is only a tribute to her great taste as well. You look fashionable and to wear a long sleeved shirt underneath would ony be a bigger fashion statement since they (whomever “they” are) are saying that vests and knitwear to be worn like a vest are very “chic” this fall! Bet you didn’t plan on chic!!

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