
I’m a little stressed out this week. No biggie, just the regular stuff that all authors obsess about to the point of illness think about in the days before a new book becomes real. We all oh, man. I hope it’s not just me spend those weeks days tossing around really big issues little questions like all the bookstores around here are closing I think that can’t be good where’s the industry going? We spend some time freaking out and wondering if the book will get reviewed and if that’s okay or not considering the significance of having a body of work come into the world and be read. We think about what might come next for us, a job at McDonalds if I haven’t done a good enough job, that’s what and keeping things in perspective.

We rest up if we can, what with the way everyone is about to hate the book we wrote and we start getting our notes together for the interviews we’ll give I have to go on tv and I’m pretty sure I’m going to say seventeen stupid things consider the relationships we have with our publishers not that it matters, now that it’s all over and start thinking about what we’ll say at the readings we’ll give. Nobody’s coming, but it’s nice to read for the bookstore staff.

Then we all do something I think knitting or heroin are the two choices that takes the edge off. It’s a terrifying special time.

169 thoughts on “Becoming

  1. you are so funny – I will be at the SF signing as I’m sure will lots of others. Your books are hilarious and insightful and I already can’t wait for the next one!! And Kindle will make sure you always have an audience…although I’m a throwback who likes a “real” book.. Can’t wait to see you!!!!

  2. You are just too funny. We love your books. Books will be here and people will show up. Can’t wait to see the pics from the book tour.

  3. Truly, I think the answer to all this angst is for you to design a sweater for Lou (steeked cotton intarsia kitty-cats?) and finish it before the first talk. You can then blame all the tongue-tied-ness and poor outfit choice and wild hair on that one little design. You’ll be a hero just for showing up.

  4. Readers do their reading differently now, they have more mobility with their money and time. It will all go well.
    Get ready for the wild roller coaster to begin while you can – preparation is great, so get the funny answers for interview questions ready, get the wardrobe ready, get some meals in the freezer and wait for it all to begin. Remember ‘one crowded hour of glory is worth an age without a name’. Go well.

  5. I was at a book signing for “All Wound Up” and I must say that you captivated my best friend and I. After having a rough morning and getting ready for work in tears, I decided to check the blog for a laugh. You delivered, as you always do, and I thank you for that. As for this tour coming up? You’ll be smashing! And I don’t mean into a wall or over a table. (Don’t) Break a leg!

  6. I have every book you have ever published and can’t wait your newest one to be released. You have an amazing talent and I hope you continue to write because I will continue to buy.

  7. It’s going to be so great! I can’t wait. You’re funny and charming in front of a group, and it’s definitely time for this leap!

  8. Forget all the reassurances, what’s the pattern?

    (Oh, yes, well, take a deep breath, roll your shoulders, pack lots of knitting, you’ll be fine. OK?)

  9. I wish you were coming somewhere closer to Chicago! I’d help you with your stage fright. Just imagine all of us sitting and knitting and listening. 🙂

  10. Seriously? But, if you really want to have fun, refer bookstore staff to this post. They will set out 10 chairs.
    And then watch them scramble as the knitters keep filing in, and coming, and calling for more chairs, and sitting on the floor. And they all have knitting…or at least, sharp pointy things that are not pens…and they speak some strange language and all seem to know each other (look at the way they fondle that string)…
    I have friends who plan on being in Baltimore. Do you have a Virginia dishcloth yet?

  11. What is the world coming to when ‘knitting’ and ‘heroin’ are 2 possible answers to the same question?? If I were with you I’d make sure you had a nice travel-size thermos of vodka (colorless AND odorless) to keep your nerves from unraveling during the difficult hours. But then, I’ve always been an enabler….

  12. Oh, Steph, I just laugh so hard when you worry about people not showing up…twice I’ve gone to your readings and had to leave because they were so crowded, but, I learned and started arriving very early…success! Hoping to see you in San Francisco and so sorry I’ll be missing the retreat this time. Take care.

  13. If you write it, they will come.

    As for “real” books vs. Kindle, nobody gets their Kindle signed by an author (although I can imagine a scenario in which knitters want their Kindles signed by you and bring their sharpies) so there WILL be knitters at the bookstores.

  14. Just take a deep slow breath, then exhale. repeat as needed. You will have a wonderful time, be embraced by the warm knitting community, and no doubt acquire new skeins of yarn. Worrying is part of the writer’s job but try not to let it get you down.

  15. I like napping, personally, as avoidance therapy…you can fit in three or four of them in a day, if you’re ever so careful with your schedule. Things always look better when you wake up and have no idea what day it is!

  16. Okay – you made me spit all over my computer. I was laughing that hard. Then I scrolled through the comments to leave you something clever and uplifting but all I found were your readers …. who are just as funny as you are. This has been a real treat today!

  17. My husband cannot wait for you to come to Tempe, AZ. His life will be more peaceful afterwards as it is all I talk about and plan for. And I bet I’m not the only one!

    • You’re not the only one (I’m in Tempe too). The only difference is my husband is looking forward to coming to the reading too. He’ll be the hairy guy (big beard and long pony tail) whose wife is trying to pretend she doesn’t know him, most likely ;o)

  18. I love your books. Hope you come to Alabama sometime. I’m happy for you that you are now writing for a larger audience (but don’t forget the knitters – you make us feel special!). And, I love the fact that after all your success you are still so loyal to your blog. I love your blog entries best of all!

  19. I remember walking into a bookstore in downtown London, Ontario a long, long time ago. There was Margaret Atwood, MARGARET ATWOOD, alone, at a table…no one in the bookstore, no one in line….nothing….so it happens to the best!!!!

  20. Television? You’re going to be on television? When, what channel? Will it be national? Will you share the video?

    How did everyone else miss that strikeout?

  21. As someone once told me, “keep trying and you’ll suck less.” Oh wait–you told me that. I’m confident you’ll have a suck-free tour. See you at the DFW Fiber Fest.

  22. I want to comment on the bookstores closing: it is a time of change. I get sad that bookstores are closing but then I remember that I used to be able to afford around two books a month and since I got my Kindle I buy 20 or more books a month. One reason is that Kindle books are cheaper but the main reason is how easy it is to yield to temptation with this instant gratification thing. So despair not, “books” are here to stay, one way or the other.

    PS I used to think e-books and Kindle were not real books until 2-3 years ago.

  23. I’ll be there!!! You won’t just be reading to the bookstore staff in St. Louis, I assure you! I’m desperately trying to finish this %*@^*@$# shawl before the 11th so I can wear it to your thing, but kids and college and life just don’t leave enough knitting time. I’ll be the one with dreadlocks and a lovely spring green shawl, quite possibly still hanging off the needles, and I can’t wait to see you! Chill out. You have many fans and supporters, so the positive vibes are surrounding you. 🙂

    • I totally think that you should still have the shawl on the needles and let whomever would like to, knit a few stitches while you wait and listen. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to have a shawl that other Harlot fans had knitted on!?

      • HA! Not a bad idea at all, as I just don’t have the time to keep up with it. It’s Ysolda’s Follow Your Arrow KAL, and I’m trying so hard to finish it! It’s been a super fun project, though!

  24. This is my first time posting anywhere and if I don’t pass all the tests soon – I’ll give up and take a nap.
    My dearly departed mother was the youngest knitter from the United States to participate in the Red Cross Widows and Orphans Relief during WWII.
    She was 12 years old. She would knit a sweater every week; mail it off; and a new batch of yarn would be sent to her a size and gender request. I have (somewhere) a certificate signed by the President thanking her for her participation.

    I had no choice.

    I knit
    mostly winter hats and mittens for shelters in the area and gifts for family and friends.

    I love your blog and it always puts a smile on my face.
    I hope your book tour will come close to St. Louis, Missouri or one of the Chicago, Illinois suburbs or even Kenosha, Wisconsin or Indianapolis, Indiana. If so I will be there, book in hand. Just remember to breathe and the Universe will provide!

  25. I haven’t read all the comments so someone else may have already asked, but is that the Habu Linen in the pic above? It looks so soft and squishy and I really really really want some of whatever yarn that is.

    Also, while I won’t be able to see you on your book tour (why do book tours rarely come to Oklahoma? We read and knit here too!), I will definitely be buying your book as soon as it comes out!

  26. We love you; we love your books; we can’t wait – if we’re lucky enough to be near a tour site, you’re in bright red on our calendars; if not, we’ve preordered the book.
    Fear nothing – have fun!

  27. I can commiserate with the stress – we have zero dollars this month due to paying car and house insurance, I’m 39 weeks pregnant, and just got put on hourly so the shift in pay periods means this pay will be halved: yesterday afternoon (after the US to check baby because he’s measuring small) our car started making grinding noises every time we turned.

    I suppose the only bonus is that it didn’t die on the highway while I go into labour.

    Chin up! We all want and will avidly read your books for years to come, I promise!

    • I don’t mean to go all Pollyanna on you, but as a rule things do tend to get better. I’m in my third income-free month and the house is probably already in foreclosure. But you know what? I have two incredible sons that mean the world to me and no matter what else happens to us, we have a ton of love and laughter, and we’ll survive. I will send you my prayer and positive thoughts and hope for things to get better. Blessings on you and baby, too.

  28. I’m sure every author has to go through this. Seriously, though, your book is going to be great. We are all going to love it. I am thinking of ditching my night class just to come see you read in San Francisco.

  29. Knitting is the best obsession evah! And you should really switch to obsessing about things you can control. Makes it so much easier on the ulcers.
    Oh Steph, we will always buy your books and enjoy them! I think I have them all. You know, I’ll have to double-check on that. JK! I am getting kindof attached to my Kindle though. But it will never truly replace a real live book. Books will always be around. It just would never be the same if we couldn’t ask our favorite authors to sign our books. Really, it’s never gonna get to the point where we ask an author to sign our iPad with their finger, that’s just not the same. I mean, where would the value be, it’s not like we could then sell it. JK!
    See ya the 6th. 🙂

  30. I am a huge fan, but I feel compelled to comment on the last lines of your post. In a world we have lost so many talented artists to drug and alcohol abuse, I do wish you had not made light of heroin use. Heroin is not “something to take the edge off” or akin to knitting for stress relief. It is a terribly addictive and deadly substance. Ask Philip Seymour Hoffman’s widow and children if they think heroin jokes are funny. You are far too talented a writer to make that kind of ‘joke’

    • I’m so sorry if you thought I was making light, I’m very much not. I think that one of the reasons we lose so many amazing and talented artists to drugs like heroin is because they do seek to “take the edge off” of the terrible pressures of such examined lives. Knitting is, of course a much less dangerous choice, but I think I can say that the urge is the same, just the outcomes less terrible.

  31. I never thought that other people (besides me) did the “voice of doom,” thing to themselves until I read all the entries that you’ve done before going before a what turns out to be a packed audience at several venues. I wonder why that inner voice never goes away. Nothing I can say will really help, but I’ll say it anyway. You are great! and you’ll do great. I’ll buy the book (even though you’re not coming to Michigan) and I’ll share it with others. Deep breaths! and knit on!

  32. So long as you remember check that you are fully dressed with your hotel key in your pocket whenever you step out the door of the hotel room, no matter how quickly…the rest is all manageable.

  33. While I completely understand everything going on in your head, I also know you will do great! You are clearly well loved and appreciated by gazillions of knitters and those other people that are not knitters. And now even more of those non-knitters will come to appreciate you too. I will buy the book and am quite certain at least a gazillion others will too.

  34. Hey, I may be nobody but I’m COMING and bringing my husband — we’ll make a knitter out of him yet, or a writer, more likely… See you in San Francisco!

  35. When you came to Chapel Hill didn’t you give us all a little lecture on being proud of who we are and what we’ve done and not trying to cover it up or something. Take your own advice and relax a bit. You are funny, I’m sure the book is funny, I’m sure there will be people there to listen to your stories (even if they show up knitting) and people will buy your book. Now go have a drink and knit something…….that is, IF you have your new pants washed and ready to pack in the suitcase.

  36. You are way too loved to be worrying like that. My children would tell me to chillax, then give me a hug for saying something like that. See you in a week and 1/2! Can’t wait!

  37. I’m driving a carload of current and future knitters to the talk in Seattle! (My four-month-old son won’t remember it, of course, but I will remind him of the event and show him pictures when he’s picking up needles on down the line.)

  38. The book will be a smash (I’ve got a copy on pre-oder, You’re welcome) but now to the really important question — what is that beautiful thing you are knitting???

  39. Steph, you need a time-flipper so you can see from future back to where you are needlessly worrying. What I read online made me think it is your best yet, which means it is so good you had better start resting up for the fresh heap of happiness about to be raining down upon your deserving self. XOX

  40. I keep waiting for you to come back to Indy or even Ohio or KY. The closest you are to me is St. Louis- and that’s a 6 hour drive. Uck.

    I have a great story about Indy (remember when you were in Carmel several years ago?) and people who are now my friends. Come to our neck of the woods – please!!!!

  41. A good stiff drink might take the edge off. Also might make for very interesting interview(s), too. (smiles with olive in her teeth)

  42. We love you. I would be at every reading and signing if I could, but as I’m on the other side of the world, I’ll be there in spirit.

    And you won’t, but if you did manage to say 17 stupid things on TV, it will be at least 17 fewer than most of us would say in that situation.


  43. I’m a bit sad. You’ll be in St. Louis, but it takes 2 hours to get there, and of course 2 hours home, and it will be the middle of the week…

    • 2 hours in which direction? I’m coming from Columbia, 2 hours west of St. Louis. The drive isn’t something I’m looking forward to, especially in the middle of the week, but I’m super stoked anyway! I just don’t know how early I should plan on arriving. I will not make a 2 hour drive just to find out that there’s not room, and I already bought my ticket!

  44. Yeup, it is a special time! How really wonderful for you to be bringing out a new book this Spring! I can hardly wait to bring it home and read it. Best wishes on a safe and hopefully nice trip. Will we see your knitted clothes before you take off?

  45. We are already getting a group together to come see you when you get to Tempe, Arizona! I hope you can make it out to Tempe Yarn and Fiber while you’re here. It’s just the best store! And I am absolutely confident that your new book will be as brilliant and thoughtful as you are.

    • Kathy!!! Hi Kathy!! Steven and I will be there too. Maybe the TYF crowd can meet for supper before or after. If you’re at TYF on Saturday we can talk?

  46. Knitters ALWAYS represent! I saw you in St. Louis many years ago when I was a brand-spankin’ new knitter, and I’ve already bought my ticket (and one for a knitter friend) to see you again in St. Louis in a couple of weeks. So see, already you have 2 people (and I’m sure a TON more) besides the bookstore staff that can’t wait to see you!

  47. Well good for you… feeling all that anxiety (I totally get that) and doing it anyway! I hope your shopping day with your helpful daughter was productive so that at least you have pants to wear. One less thing to worry about. Looking forward to reading the book!

  48. I’ve been reading Louise Penny (another favorite writer of mine) agonizing over editing on her FB page. If the two of you are any indication, only bad writers don’t agonize. The GOOD writers suffer mightily with the “what ifs.”

    PS – This is the first time I’ve commented with the new system. LOL when I failed the human verification test. 🙂

  49. I already preordered the ebook for my Kindle–thank you for supporting that format–and if I follow my pattern with your previous works, will have to pick up a paper copy too. You need more knitting time to calm you down!

  50. It’s probably a safe bet that everyone who bought one of your other books will be buying this one. And maybe getting a copy for every non-knitter they know for Christmas.

    You could also try chocolate (I try to stick with the 85% cacao solids stuff) instead of the heroin. : )

    • Totally agree on the chocolate. Heroin is a very, very bad idea. Might I suggest beer and knitting and chocolate, not necessarily in that order or at the same. You crack me up!
      You’ll be great. I’ve already bought the book and I can’t wait to get it!

  51. Judging from the crowd that showed up in Rockland, Maine last November I think it’s safe to say attendance will be good everywhere you go. I can imagine that it’s overwhelming to take off into the unknown for all the different places on the schedule. Remember to keep your clothes on until you have the room-service tray safely in the hall, pack clean underwear in your carry-on in case your luggage lags behind a bit, and be your usual wonderful self because that’s all people really care about. Safe travels ~

  52. Be cool. You are hilarious. Your books are fabulous. But hey, if a little authorly hysteria gets you more knitting time–go for it!

  53. I’m hoping you’l be at the Knitters’ Frolic in Toronto at the end of April. By then, I’m hoping I’ll have a copy of your book(s) for you to sign. 🙂

    The Tour starts in only 7 days? Have you planned your travel knitting?? DO IT NOW!!

  54. I get why touring itself is stressful, but dude! Your book is going to go over wonderfully, and with an even wider audience! As a bookseller, I was lucky enough to get an advance copy, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I look forward to putting it on my staff picks shelf as soon as it arrives!

    The plump, manic Canadian bookseller who accosted you in Seattle last month.

    PS – Even though you probably don’t remember me, thank you for your kindness and patience that evening! My elderly cat back home had just died an hour earlier, and so I’d had far too large a glass of wine, far too quickly, when I got to the reception. I was a blithering idiot, and you were the epitome of graciousness.

    • I remember you clearly, and was delighted by you. You were an island of kind loveliness in the middle of an ocean of unknown. I hope you loved the book!

      • I truly did love it! Something for everyone in there – they’ll all get the jokes! You have a keen eye for the quirks of being human, and a gift for mixing the real with the poignant with the hilarious. And lots of teaching moments: for example, I now know to never, ever get the clip-in bike shoes. My relationship with gravity is fraught enough as it is.

    • So Sorry for the loss of your kitty 🙁

      I have a special soft spot for black kitties. We lost our 19 year old black girlie a year ago in November. Fortunately, a black fluffy boy kitten showed up on our doorstep (literally) in August. We joke that the old lady felt our house could not manage with out a longhaired black cat, and sent him special order.

  55. Breathe, the book is done, Kudos!!! Someone liked it enough to print more than one copy so it’s already looking good. Breathe, knit, have a coffee, breathe pack some knitting. Breathe pack some clothes. Breathe most of us think you are pretty funny and are likely to buy the book. Who doesn’t need a good belly laugh these days. It’s all good!

  56. I adore your books! I am, and always will be, in LOVE with books and Knitting….and the happy giggles of my two babies. Well, one is 7 and the other is nearly 2.
    I have to say, that I seriously need to remember to pee before I read your books or blogs. Sometimes I slip up and dive right into your site and suddenly I’m dashing to the restroom….trying my hardest not to tinkle my pathetic strap of cotton that my bum keeps happily munching on. (shaking my fist at the ceiling) Damn this woman body sometimes….after so many children, the bladder just hates getting its act together sometimes. Like Sneezing hard, Laughing too suddenly, coughing…thank the gods for panty liners and kegels.

    But with all that I look forward to your new book!!! I’m very excited and I order from my local book shops. Gotta keep the locals employed.

  57. I’m definitely coming to your talk in Exton, PA, and it is noted in red on my calendar. Looking forward to it so much, as are multitudes of others. Keeping my fingers crossed that we’ll be done with snowmageddon by then.

    Though I have a laptop, tablet and smartphone, I’ll always prefer to read books in paper format. Hopefully they’ll keep publishing them as long as we live.

    Do we need to submit pre-orders to the location where we’ll be seeing you, and also need to order tickets to attend your talk?

    You really should fire the committee that’s in your head and causing such a ruckus.

  58. I think all of your angst is being caused by the spirits of all of us southerners who are missing out on the book tour. Really you should escape your Canadian winter and visit Atlanta where 2 inches of snow can paralyze a whole metropolis.

  59. This isn’t your first book tour. It’s mostly going to be like all the others. Your talks will be well attended and you will be loved. This is you Stephanie, they know you and they love you out there. See if you can book a talk at Barnes and Noble in Mahopac NY on your next tour.

  60. I hope very much to get to Portland to see you–not too proud to beg those around me, as you’re an inspiration to me. I’ve become a much better knitter–I swatch and curse–because of your insightful and funny tales and love your attitude of “game on.” I have even spread the way of the Knit to both my sisters and even my husband is catching on that I like yarn like he likes new gadgets for his recording studio–my LYS thanks you!
    On a more personal note, your courage to put your heart out there with your writing, follow that dream, has helped me to brush the dust off my own dream to tell stories. So I thank you and wish you a lovely tour if I can’t make it. You rock my hand-knit stripey socks!

  61. Go get a paper bag (from McDonald’s even) and quit hyperventilating. Or see your doctor for a prescription anti-anxiety drug.

    Seriously, the book will do well. You could write a history of socket wrenches, and it would still be entertaining.

    • Hear, hear! I saw you when you last came to the Baltimore B&N (rainy, foul weather); please don’t worry ’cause you’ll be fine during your tour.

  62. Ha ha…I can’t wait to read your book. I’m having a pity party because Olympia (WA) didn’t make your book tour cut. Just not a big enough venue, I guess. Just don’t twitch and stammer during your readings and you’ll do just fine. Make a ton of money.

  63. I can’t wait for the new book! As others have mentioned, you are actually a very funny woman and a talented author. We like you and your ability to write about life and death and knitting. I am looking forward to the new book which may give me an opportunity to share you with my non-knitterly friends. Hopefully you are enjoying some relaxing evenings with your friends, family, needles, and wine before you take off to launch your newest gift to the rest of us!

  64. I can’t wait for your new book to come out!!! The last 7 months of my life I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy so I’m looking forward to spending time renewing my funny bone with your sense of humor!

  65. If you write it they will come!

    Do you remember the post were you revealed your book tour and there were hundreds of people commenting and begging you to come to their city?! Trust me, many people will be buying your book (including myself) AND coming to see you read!

    You’re pretty much a knitting rock star!

  66. I have all of your books (except the one that my mother-in-law ripped off – damn her) and plan to get this one too. You tell great stories, whether it be about knitting or not knitting.

    What is that beautiful rust-colored thing you are knitting? The yarn looks awfully small – is that SPORT weight??? Man!

  67. You’ll be great! You’ll be swell! We can’t wait! Give’em hell! Just kidding, your tour will be fabulous, just wish you were coming to Florida and I can’t wait for your new book! Best wishes for a successful tour and safe travels.

  68. I am almost finished with the book and it is good. It is a collection of essays that reveal a very human family and their foibles. For me the best essay is the letter to Sidney. Enough said.

  69. I read the preview pages of your book on Amazon and I love it – so, everyone will NOT hate it!

    I will be at the Exton, PA book signing, so it won’t be just the bookstore staff.

  70. Oh Steph – We all love you! I already pre ordered your new book. Looking forward to seeing you on tv per your blog post!! 🙂 Unfortunately your book signing tour dates don’t seem to be anywhere near my neck of the woods in NJ so I’ll have to live vicariously. Enjoy it! 🙂

  71. I am coming to Portland this weekend to see my daughter and found out you’re going to be here also. So I’ve extended my stay by 2 days so I can come hear you speak!! I am so excited!! I can’t wait.

  72. I missed you the last time you came to my state because I was sick. So this time I am determined to make it with my knitting daughter too. And I WILL be buying the book that night!! Although I have met you on several occasions, I have never had the pleasure of attending a reading and can not wait!!!!

  73. I missed you the last time you came to my area (Seattle) because your signing was on my husband’s birthday. I’m looking firward to the signing at Third Place Books–I’m sure it will be a packed house!

  74. Will there be a Canadian book tour as well, or at least a launch in your hometown we can attend? I’d be there with at least a dozen friends…. 🙂

  75. My sister is an editor.
    I forwarded her the link to this post – she says ALL her authors go through the same thing, like clockwork. Except they don’t all knit.

    Also, how am I failing the human verification test? Were those aliens last night not just a dream?? 🙂

  76. lol I love you, woman! I wish you were going to be close enough to where I live to see you with the new book. It’s okay and you will be astounded. BTW I love the color of what you are working on right now.

  77. I need the paper copy to add to the others here on my shelves. I use our library in town regularly (they have some of your books too!), and find a physical book more satisfying. Can’t wait to read your new book. I KNOW I’m not the only one.

  78. Several of us (in our Tuesday night knitting meet-up) have pre-ordered your book, and I have every confidence that there’ll be standing-room only at Changing Hands (Tempe, AZ)! PS: The weather forecast for that weekend predicts high temps in the low 80s (26-ish Celsius), so pack your swimsuit and sunblock 🙂

  79. Not to worry! I own all of your books. I have already put out the word that I’d like this new book for my birthday and have even suggested to my Missouri loved ones that I would love to have it signed!

  80. Oh, too funny. You seem to be forgetting how awesome you are…lucky for you, you’ve got a crowded house of commenters to remind you.
    The Habu is looking promising, I suggest you forget about paying the bills and go knit for awhile until your rational mind takes over.

  81. You’re amazingly wonderful in print and in pixels, and I’ve been wanting to see you in person since stumbling on that video of an LYS staff singing about your awesomeness — “and all those socks!” I’m even SKIPPING TANGO CLASS for this, and believe me, there is no higher compliment. (And I’m bringing staff from a different San Francisco bookstore. So there!)

  82. I have all your books. Looking forward to the new one. In fact, I’m heading to the bookstore to order it. Have fun on your tour. Now on to the New Yorker Times Bestseller List!

  83. I’m a constant viewer of your blog, which I love, and a novice knitter. I’m over the moon with my new hobby and quite sick that things such as work and chores seem to get in the way of my knitting.
    That being said I wanted you to know that your writing is so very inspirational to me…In fact it is no inspirational that I think you should post several times a day (serious)! I work a stressful job and when I’ve hit the limit of my stress I pop into your blog to reread the last post or scroll through old ones.
    I’m doing whatever I can to convince my husband that we need to see you in Seattle this next week where I plan to not only buy your book but to tell you that your writing makes me laugh, lets me learn and most of all makes me want to knit.

  84. Can’t wait for my pre-ordered book to arrive… SO wish I could attend a signing, but will have to wait for the next book.
    Your strike-out posts kill me so happily!
    And Presbytera… I love you, too; hilariously wicked one!

  85. You are a resident of the city Rob Ford loves to get featured (good or bad) in the news every night. All of your knitterly audience will be so pleased to not have to think about him that even if you show up without your notes, your travelling sock, and your camera (I hope you don’t forget that), they’ll all still love every word you say.

    I really wish you could come to Ottawa – we’re only a few hours away, and have several lovely yarn stores, and a Chapters or Indigo in every mall.

  86. It has all been said and very well. Can’t wait to see the pictures of the ‘meager’ crowds and hear the stories. This will be the beginning of your next book. Love you!!

  87. I just re-read this and it sunk in that you’re going to be on tv! Congratulations! A Canada station? When it’s all done I hope you’re able to post a link, I’d love to watch it online.

  88. It will be okay, really, no matter what happens. (And have you ever had a reading and nobody came?) I hope someday you will write a ebook on Irish cottage knitting. I am wondering if I am the only one to switch after taking your class.

  89. I love you — your knitting, your openness, and often your humor. And I know your following is huge (deservedly). So I take a risk here in commenting on your statement about knitting and heroin both taking the edge off.

    I’m sure you intended this as funny, and to people it is.

    But I wanted to let you know that in Massachusetts, over 180 people have overdosed on heroin just since January 1st. This is a serious problem and I can’t laugh about anything connected to it.

    Call me a spoilsport (I’m guessing some fans will . . . ) or self-righteous (again) or even lacking humor. I can live with those mis-identifications. What I can’t tolerate as easily is the scourge of heroin and what it’s doing to people in my home state. I know I’m not alone.

    Love your knitting.

    • Hi there,, I’d already addressed this upthread, but I know the comments are a lot to read, so I’m posting again. I’m so sorry if you thought I was making light, I’m very much not. I think that one of the reasons we lose so many people to drugs like heroin is because they do seek to “take the edge off” of their lives, and don’t have the support, help or alternatives that other people do. Knitting is, of course a much less dangerous choice, but I think I can say that the urge is the same, just the outcomes less terrible.

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