Three Things

1. I haven’t started Lou’s sweater. I bought yarn for it at Madrona, which turns out to have been stupid (except for the part where it’s ridiculously nice yarn) because I had so much on the go at Madrona that I ended up not starting it anyway.  That meant that when I got home I had the yarn that I was originally going to make him a sweater with – the yarn I forgot, but then I didn’t like it anymore because I’d bought new better yarn.  I was going to use the old yarn because using the new yarn made me feel disloyal, but then I remembered the name of this blog and stopped worrying.

Somewhere in there Joe noticed I was agonizing over the thing and reminded me that he’d bought Lou a very nice present while I was away, and suggested I let myself off the hook, and I almost did too. Normally I wouldn’t consider it, but I something happened at Madrona (See #2) and I thought I had better things to knit. Today I’ve reconsidered and I’m going to cast on shortly and bash this thing out.  He’s a little guy, it’s nice yarn and I like knitting a lot.   It will be done in three minutes.

2. In about two weeks (See #3) my new book comes out, and I am leaving on a book tour.  I have a love/hate relationship with book tours. I really, really love meeting you all, and I really love that I’ve got a publisher who supports my work that way, and really, really glad to have a job that I love as much as I love this one.  The hate part is just about the pressure of the travel (a plane every day) and how hard it is for me to look nice for a crowd every day.  I own one bra and two pairs of winter shoes (if you don’t count winter boots, and I don’t, because they’re about frostbite, not fashion) and hardly any clothes and coming up with 12 outfits that all fit into one suitcase and still let me carry as much yarn as I really need to is something I worry about at night.  I should really just buy what I need, but I hate everything in the shops and I hate shopping and so…. here I am, standing in the marketplace at Madrona, and I’ve pretty much decided to buy nothing – on account of I have to go shopping for clothes so I won’t be wearing jeans with a hole and a ratty old tee shirt that says “Newfie girls kick arse” on it at every stop I make on the tour…. when all of a sudden I have this amazing idea.  I’m standing at the Habu booth, and I realized that I didn’t have to buy clothes.  I could MAKE clothes.  I’d knit them all.  Win – win.  I get clothes, I get to knit, I don’t have to go shopping – the second that crossed my mind I was done. I did a rather extraordinary (for me) amount of damage – and apparently what I’m wearing on this tour is an Asymmetric Vest, a funky scarf out of merino and copper (or maybe merino and stainless steel – I got them BOTH.)  A linen version of Adrian (trust me, it’s cool – way cooler than it looks in those pictures) and three pairs of stripy socks – all of which I momentarily believed I could knit in two weeks. Apparently the part of me that wants to buy yarn is willing to rationalize whatever it has to, and apparently that part of me also doesn’t care if I have pants.

3. The book. Below please find listed the cities and dates that the publisher has chosen for me. The tour starts in the west, and then I work my way home.  I hope you’ll be able to come – and I hope that if you decided to buy the book, that you buy it from a bookstore if you can.  This book is a little different from the others I’ve written. I started this book a few years ago (books take a long time) when my Uncle Tupp was still well.  I was casting about for what  I might write next and Tupp was holding one of my previous titles.  He looked at it, and then he looked at me and said “You know Steph, I’m sure you’re a good writer. I just wish you had a book where I got all the jokes – so I could tell.”

That moment, this book was born, and it’s sad for me that Tupp didn’t live to see it.   For the first time, my mum will read the whole book without asking what intarsia is, and why it’s funny. (Try explaining that almost nothing about intarsia is funny unless it’s happening to someone else. Otherwise it’s deadly serious.) My brother might actually read it instead of telling me he’s read it to protect my feelings. (I think that’s very sweet by the way, and have resisted the urge to quiz him so I don’t blow his cover for either of us.) The new book is called The Amazing Thing About the Way It Goes: Stories of Tidiness, Self-Esteem and Other Things I gave Up On…and It’s a book for everyone – with stories about the dentist and cleaning and parenting and this unbelievable skunk who was under my porch and … I can’t say there’s no knitting, because the word is in there really quite an abnormal amount (I can’t stop being someone who tries to normalize the presence of knitting and knitters) but this book is approachable for knitters and the non-knitting alike, and I’m so proud and happy about it, and I can’t wait. (Sort of. Part of me wants to wait for another year.)  This is a book you can give your sister – or your dad, or your friend who doesn’t knit who has never understood why you thought I was even a little funny.  Up until now, I’ve written about people who were knitters – and all knitters are people, but not all people are knitters (yet) and this is just a little something to dip my toes in another area of the bookstore. This book won’t be in the knitting section, it will go into humour, next to David Sedaris and Erma Bombeck and … I’m a little scared I think.  It’s not hard to write a really funny book in the knitting section.  The cable charts and hat patterns I’ve been competing with aren’t exactly written to be hilarious – but this little step out into the big world?

It makes me glad I think the next one will be about knitting. Please join me if you can, and you know.  Bring your sister. She’ll get all the jokes.

Tuesday, March 4 – Portland
7:00 p.m.
Powell’s at Cedar Hills Crossing 

Wednesday, March 5 – Seattle
7:00 p.m.
Third Place Books
17171 Bothell Way NE

Thursday, March 6 – San Francisco
7:00 p.m.
Books Inc., Opera Plaza
601 Van Ness, San Francisco, CA  94102

Saturday, March 8 – Tempe
7:00 p.m.
Changing Hands
6428 S. McClintock Dr. Tempe, AZ 85283

Monday, March 10 – Denver
7:30 p.m.
Tattered Cover Highlands Ranch
9315 Dorchester Street, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Tuesday, March 11 – St. Louis
7:00 p.m.
Left Bank Books
321 North Tenth Street, St. Louis, MO  63101

Wednesday, March 12 – Boston
7:00 p.m.
Brookline Booksmith
279 Harvard St, Brookline, MA 02446

Friday, March 14 – Baltimore (Owings Mills)
7:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble, 1819 Reisterstown Road. Baltimore, MD 21208

Saturday, March 15 – Philadelphia (Exton)
3:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble, 301 Main Street, Exton, PA 19341

207 thoughts on “Three Things

  1. Dang! I will wave at you from Wichita as you fly from Denver to St. Louis. Have fun – saw you a few years ago and loved your presentation. You know your fans love you and don’t care what you wear.

  2. Will there be an audio version? because you reading your books is THE BEST and I note there’s no Austin date. (I want to visit family on East Coast and see you. and I totally think you can knit all that in 2 weeks. Dream big. 🙂 )

  3. Oooo – Brookline again! See you there. (Going just now to review your directions for firming up an edge with crochet.)

  4. A new Stephanie book!!!! *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE*

    I’m sure Lou will forgive you if his sweater’s a tiny bit late 😉 I’ve been meaning to finish something OTN before I cast on for my boy’s sweater (he’s a bit bigger than Lou…. he’s a bit bigger than ME), but I think that now I have to cast on 🙂 I’m making him the Flax sweater by tincanknits.

    I will definitely pick up an extra copy of your book for my mom! (She’d get the knitting jokes anyway, but any excuse to introduce her to the Yarn Harlot is a good one – I still can’t get her to shop in a nice yarn store!)

  5. Stamping my feet and clenching my fists!!! When o When will you make it to South/Calif? It is the largest state that you will be touring (so far). We knit here too!!! And we use wool.
    I was just going to suggest: KNIT YOUR OWN WARDROBE! You can make leggings from EZ Knitters Almanac(long Johns really, with stirrups) a sweater or two, a halter, a bathing suit top that can double as a bra, a skirt for sure and tee shirt tops. If you came to So/Cal, you could actually get away with flipflops from the drugstore, since we are having a mild winter. Guess I’ll just have to settle for ordering the book online 🙁

  6. I think you missed a city – Columbus, OH. Of course if you are coming for TNNA (is that right?) in June then I can see why we would not be on the initial tour. But we would love to have you visit.

    Looking forward to your new book. 🙂

  7. Steph — I used to have to travel for work & would bring 5 outfits for 5 days, but the guys could bring maybe 2 suits and 5 clean shirts & I felt jealous. Then I realized I could bring 2 suits and 5 clean blouses/shells and be all set, too. You could wear the same one outfit every day and who would know? Or go hog wild and alternate two different outfits, knitting as you go to add to your wardrobe.

    Can’t wait to read the book. Gotta tell my sister to go to Third Place Books to see you (one of my very favorite places).

    • Agreed! Go to Magellan’s travel catalog and there you will find travel pants that don’t wrinkle, quick dry undies, and washing powder to wash it all up with. How will it dry you say? How about travel clothes line that needs no clothes pins?!? Check it out.

  8. Huh. I’ll give this a second try. I apparently didn’t drag the sunglasses the first time, although I could have sworn I did. I suspect too little coffee is to blame.

    I just went to amazon and ordered the new book in both dead-tree and ebook formats, because I like to have a real book to fondle, but also greatly appreciate being able to use giganto font on the ebook so my aged eyes can read more easily. I have your other books in both formats, too, and feel happy to be able to add to my collection. Now, to be patient and wait for delivery! That’s the tough part…

    I’m old enough to remember the “burn yer bra” days, and I only wear one of the bloody things a couple times a year, so I, like so many others here, would be perfectly happy to see you wearing whatever you please. You could show up in ratty jeans and a stained tee shirt and with your hair flying every which way, and we’d be overjoyed. So, relax and remember it’s your great smile and sense of humour and intelligence that wins us all over, not the clothes you’re wearing. I promise, you’ll be fine no matter what you stuff into that suitcase.

  9. Darn … When you said “starting out in the west” I thought you meant Western Canada ! Good Luck with it all and hope you make it to Calgary one day soonish 🙂

  10. OH EM GEE! I don’t believe it. You are actually coming to Tempe, AZ! I actually might be able to make that book signing and really really get to meet you in person. WOOHOO!!!!

  11. I’m at work. I took a break and read your blog (as usual). Found your new book online. Read an extract. Laughed hysterically. Laughing hysterically can cause involuntary release of muscles in different parts of the body. Now I need to get cleaned up in the washroom. Thanks.

  12. Just read the first few pages that are available online…love it. And love that now I can share you with people who inexplicably do not knit. And stop falling off your bike!

  13. Hoping to relieve your shopping pain: Have you tried shopping online? You can find wonderful, durable, washable, packable and attractive practical clothes from any of the mainline online companies. I find the prices for LL Bean, LandsEnd, and JC Penney to be good values, and they have lots of measurements (and PETITE) dimensions so you can get a very good fit. They have changed my rural life. You can do as someone above suggested, taking a page from the air crews: wear a quality suit (pants and jacket) and a knit shirt or top, pack some clean undies and tops, and voila. You will look great and feel good too, less fuss and bother.

  14. Steph, I’ll totally drive you from Baltimore to Exton (I live in PA)! I can also show you the scarf Rowan wove for me!

    (also, I failed the human test the first time I tried to post a comment – I didn’t read the picture instructions)

    • Ohhh you should take this kind soul up on her offer – it’s less than two hours’ driving Steph, and one less airport! See you in Exton, can’t wait!

  15. Lots of tax preparers in this group????? I am sad there is no Chicago… But, I hope to see you at Yarnover at the dinner..or out and about and around Steven Be’s..

  16. I want your new book so bad … well, not bad enough to fly to San Francisco from San Diego to buy it … but bad enough to call the San Francisco book store and make arrangements to purchase a signed copy. Maybe I’ll get two … my best friend (not just because she’s a knitter) will love it!

  17. I will try my best to see you in Denver!! yay for a book that might make my DH understand why I love you. (please don’t knit your bra…)

  18. Yay!!!!! I’m so excited that you’re coming to San Francisco finally! I’ll be there with hand knits on and wait patiently for you to sign my book and I won’t even care what you’re wearing….altho I’ll gush appropriately over YOUR handknits! Can’t wait to meet/see you after all these years of blog reading!

  19. So sorry you’re not coming to Atlanta where we’d love to see you fab new knit clothes. Thanks for brightening my day every single time you post, and I can’t wait to read the new book as well.

  20. Wait. Your first stop is on March 4. It is now February 19. You’re knitting a wardrobe for yourself and a sweater for Lou (along with all of the other everyday stuff)? Think about it.

  21. Wheee – Portland (OK, Beaverton, but that’s even closer)!! I will be skipping yoga that night – not something I do for just anybody – and bringing the husband. I will buy my book that night, at Powells.

  22. I seem to recall that you weren’t so fond of the knitting with wire thing when you tried outlast time, but I am certain you can claim you were overcome by the wool fumes. I like the knit your wardrobe plan, and am wondering if this means that you have successfully managed to warp the time/space continuum?

  23. Aw, San Francisco is just a little too far away for me to be able to make it after work. Maybe next time you’ll hit San Jose?

    Either way, it’s only two weeks, and I believe that you could knit everything that you’d need. It would all look good over jeans, or you could knit skirts. This could be very interesting when we see the pictures.

    • I second that!! You’d love Wisconsin or you could at least make up something funny about we like to live here!!! This is the longest….snowiest winter ever! We NEED you!!

  24. I vote for Calgary too! Try North Face for bras, super comfy. And I laughed loudly at the intarsia comment, I am doing my first intarsia in laceweight(what was I thinking), on a deadline, and it certainly is deadly serious!

  25. I am sitting in the silent basement of Notre Dame’s Touchdown Jesus library trying not to herniated myself by choking back the whoops of laughter. THAT’s our girl. Three outfits in two weeks (and lovely, soothing fabrics — linen, metal…). Sure. Plus ca change, plus c’est le meme breakdown, bless you/us

    And what happened to the metal scarf you knit before

  26. I just found out you are coming to Tempe, AZ (how did we get so lucky!). I’m very excited for us both. You get to be someplace warm and I finally get to see you in person! Also, if you need a change of clothing or anything I just live down the street from Changing Hands. Cheers!

  27. Very excited about your new book! I have made a suggestion on my library website that they purchase some copies. Looking forward to reading your new venture – you have an amazinginly funny sense of humor and I am sure the book will be successful. Congrats.

  28. Oh, boy! You’re coming to San Francisco (only an hour and a half away in rush hour traffic, and I get off at 5 and the place will be packed by 6 pm… But I’m coming! You will recognize me — I’ll be the girl in the striped socks dragging her husband in the bookstore…really excited! ;-D

  29. What happened to Canada? Are you doing a Canadian tour at some point? Please, please, please! Come to the beautiful Okanagan in BC. We’d love to have you.

  30. Only *one* city in the Midwest? Hmmph. But I was lucky enough to be visiting my parents in the Colorado Rockies when you were there (actually I planned my visit around the date of your talk, but we don’t have to dwell on that), so maybe I can come up with a reason to visit my friend in St. Louis . . .

    That is a grueling schedule, however.

  31. The last time I managed to make it out to one of your readings was before I had the baby who will be turning three next week. I’m well determined to find something to bribe my partner into doing an extra night of pickup from childcare for the night you’re in Portland. (Wish me luck.)

  32. I will drive all the way across the valley for the possibility of meeting you…whether you’re wearing yoga pants or Lou’s sweater. I will even bring my 4 week old son (then he’ll be almost 6 weeks) to increase the odds of catching your eye (I know, I fight dirty.) YAY!

  33. Hurray! Portland’s the first stop on your tour. We’ll warm you up nicely. It’s already on the calendar- be there with bells on!

  34. I love the knitting all your clothes idea. But don’t forget that if you’re in a different city every day, you don’t need 12 outfits – only two. One to wear and one to be laundered when required.

  35. You are a beautiful writer – yarn or not and I can’t wait to buy the book. I’ll save buying it for the next time I’m in my local bookstore.

    As to clothes… you knit a beautiful skirt years ago (grey? you made a joke about wearing a slip with it to please your mom?) – which would be lovely. Also – buy a couple of pairs of black pants and tops and then just throw on various sweaters and/or scarfs. You know when we come see you we want to see your handknits in person! What about the blue norwegian Olympic sweater you knit years ago? Wear that!

  36. I’d be happy to make you some clothes… Tell me what you’d like! Seriously! Can do most anything but pants, which in a pinch I’m sure I could handle. Would be happy to provide you with some garments!

  37. I saw you in Conifer last year and you were delightful! Thusly, I was soooo excited to see Denver on the list – and then soooo bummed when I realized I just had a rehearsal schedule itself on that night, during your talk. Ummm, need a ride to the airport Tuesday morning? 🙂

  38. Can you say ‘uniform’? 2 pairs black pants + 3 long-sleeved tees + something you’ve knit (like the copper/bronze shawl that’s waiting for Pierce Brosnan to whisk you off to the Embassy for cocktails, or the stainless-steel scarf, or multitudinous sweaters …..). And, if you were to post your bra-size online, there’d be a Blog’s-worth hand-delivered to each signing venue — you could try them all on in the privacy of your hotels, and donate the “oh-I-don’t-think-so!”s to local charities.

    I’m SO looking forward to your new book!!

  39. Clothing doesn’t have to be difficult. Bring only one standard outfit, a “book-tour” uniform. No one will know the difference, you’re in a different city each day, and much much easier for you. Something like a neutral black skirt and a white blouse, or whatever you prefer. Add one funky pair of shoes or boots and knitted accessories for color and you’re done! Also, shop online. Stick with one company you like so that you get to know the sizing. Perhaps buy 12 identical blouses at once. So easy!

  40. Your new book sounds lovely. My birthday isn’t till August, so I’ll have to think of another occasion soon so hubby can order it for me. Now, when you said you could make clothes, I, for some crazy reason, immediately pictured you sewing something. Do you have sewing skills? You could easily whip up a skirt and accessorize it with knitted items. And as for stripy socks, anyone with a circular sock knitting machine (like me) could crank you out a pair or two in no time flat.

  41. WOO HOO on the new book. Can’t wait. You are such a talented writer. As for pants? Two pairs, black. Or a black skirt. Let your scarves/shawls by your accessories to change the look up. And I think we’d love to see the Newfie Girls Kick Arse t-shirt. Will watch for you when you head back towards home.

  42. Hi
    I get the clothes problem. I haven’t been to mall in almost ten years. I hate shopping for clothes. Check out Jockey Person to Person. I came to the because of the travel kit. Mix and match in so many ways, you hardly need any clothes. Capsule ward robing at its best! Love it so much, I sell it now.

  43. Is NYC a possibility for your book tour in the upcoming months? So many people would love to celebrate the release of your new book.

  44. FWIW, I’ve loved Erma Bombeck since I was a kid, and I’d put your writing squarely next to hers. She just wrote about things that were less specialized (and yet *still* kind of specialized, because not everyone lived in the suburbs then OR now). You’ll be brilliant. 🙂

    (I do wish you were going to be closer than St. Louis, though. And in Minneapolis/St. Paul, we *get* clothes are all about avoiding frostbite and much less about fashion. Good luck on the tour!

  45. Please more stops in Canada. Edmonton would be perfect, but I would drive to Calgary, and I’d bring a carload of friends.

    We’d even all come bra-less so you felt supported in your un-supportedness.

  46. I know know why you’ve written a book that’s not exclusively aimed at knitters but still incorporates knitting into the humour… to help bring more people into the fold!!

    When a non-knitter picks up your book and it makes them laugh they will be more likely to try knitting and in this way we will be one step closer to making ALL people knitters!!

    You’re a genius ma’am, a friggin’ genius!!!

    (Also, I seem to like exclamation points today!!!!!!!!!)

  47. I like the idea of having one (or two) nice pair of pants and then brighten up with knitting items. I imagine you have knit a few things and kept some of them over the years. Yarn doesn’t go out of fashion! Of course you can re-wear outfits. Have one outfit for traveling and one for on stage.
    I fear I won’t catch you on this tour, but I already have the book coming to my kindle on March 4th. Looking forward to a fun read. Thanks

  48. Wish you were coming to Florida again…the weather is beautiful and you wouldn’t need to wear pants, shorts would do just fine! lol

  49. I have your book on order so that as soon as it is out I get a copy, YAY! Wish could see you in person but you aren’t landing near me. Oh Well.
    On the wardrobe thing, when I worked I would have to travel on the spur of the moment, so I had at least 3-4 days of business travel clothes. They all coordinated, so it didn’t matter what went with what. I had a lot of white and a few other color generic t-shirts, that could go in with it and I was set. I had them in the closet in dry cleaning bags (not recommended for long term) on thin metal hangers and it would go bags and all into the suitcase. That way they did not wrinkle. I wore one jacket and packed one, traveled in a black pair of jeans ( I actually had to wear them to work once when luggage was delayed) Carried on a shawl, which on the plane was a blanket or a pillow. And I was pretty well set, a little boring, but then when I got there I didn’t have to think. See I had the clothes packing thing all accounted for so I could have room for yarn, needles and patterns. I even have sets of interchangeable needles so they take less room.
    Think of all the knitting you will get done on the plane.

  50. I am another one who would like to see you in Western Canada. Vancouver, Calgary or something like. Good luck on the Knitted wardrobe. I know that you don’t like malls but have you tried any of the higher end thrift shops or consignment shops, you never know what you might find.

  51. If you haven’t already made reservations, look into taking the train from Portland to Seattle. It’s a beautiful trip, with all the advantages of trains over planes.

    I hope your talk will include some knitting!

  52. I had a long post worked out but realized everyone had already made the suggestions. Don’t forget that hotels can do your laundry for you. It might be crazy expensive but the trade off of traveling for 12 days with only a carry on and largish tote bag would be worth it.

    The uniform thing works great – no one will know. Black pants work with everything – and you will only need one pair of shoes if you keep your bottoms all in one color.

    • Hmmm ….. two pairs might be better — remember the sandal that somehow went out of the hotel window? A back-up is maybe a good idea.

  53. Maybe everyone can donate a pair when they see you in person. I can see it now: They hand you a book to sign and a pkg of panties.

    • This. This idea is a brilliant use of your fan base. And your blog – you could tell the next stop what to bring. You’d hardly have a pack anything (except yarn of course).

  54. On the subject of pants, may I recommend Lands’ End? Their petites are a great length for me (and we are of similar, ahem, stature), the shipping to Canada is fast if you mail order, or you can find them in bricks and mortar in many US cities.

    I look forward to the new book, book, book!

  55. So sad! Sorry you aren’t coming back to Vroman’s Pasadena, CA again. It was a great time. BUT wish you well on your book tour.

  56. That. Is. Awe. Some. A new book! As someone who read your blog regularly before becoming a knitter, I can attest that one doesn’t need to be a knitter to understand your humor. But now you’ll be reaching a whole new audience. Congratulations!

    And I find it ironic that the CAPTCHA for posting this comment had me drag the pants to the circle. And then drop them there. It’s always about the pants, isn’t it?

  57. Three things.
    1) The south is completely not represented in this tour. I live in the south, in case that’s not obvious.
    2) I’ve seen pics of wonderful garments you’ve made. Can you not wear them again??
    3) If each stop on the tour is in a different place, with different people attending, who says you need a new outfit every time?
    Just saying.

  58. It would make me so happy if you wore your jeans with the hole and your ratty t-shirt that says newfie girls kick arse when you are in San Francisco… I do like to see people comfortable and I will probably be dressed similarly.

    Hope to see you there!

  59. Will Cleveland be on a future leg of a book trip? Can’t wait to get the book. I’ve never felt your books were strictly for knitters.

  60. Fantastic! You are going to my hometown, Tempe! And you’ll be there at such a wonderful time of year! I hope you get many lungfuls of the wonderful scent of orange blossoms, which used to permeate the entire Valley in March.
    Of course, I’m kinda sad about the fact that I no longer live there, so will miss seeing you, but I’m happy for my friends in Tempe!

  61. Yea, Seattle!! I’ll be at Third Place books with my first sock effort (look like hoof covers) and your new book – can’t wait!!!

  62. Please re-schedule Philadelphia to the weekend of April 26th. I’ll sneak away from our niece’s wedding long enough to be there…

    Yeah, I know. Makes as much sense as thinking you’ll get all that knitting done for your trip. Or that Lou’s sweater will be done in 3 minutes.

  63. Like many others, I’m holding out hope for dates in Western Canada later. Normally I wouldn’t hesitate to make the Vancouver-Seattle trip, but the people in Seattle I would normally stay with are going to be away themselves that week.

  64. Stephanie, you should come to Secrets From Your Sister at Bathurst and Bloor for a bra fitting before you go! It is totally low-key, they bring you whatever you need and you will always leave with the right size. I’ve been a long-time reader of your blog and books and shopping at their store changed my life. Hard-working breasts deserve properly-fitting bras. I sincerely suggest you give them a look!

    • I agree wholeheartedly! If NY is too expensive, you’re welcome to hang at my place in the city to save some $$$ and I’m sure Knitty City or the Barnes & Noble on the UWS would love to have you!!

      I started reading the excerpt on Amazon and am so frustrated I can’t get through the whole story of Thirteen. I laughed out loud several times and the cats looked startled! Looking forward to reading it all.

  65. I love reading your blog, both the old entries (I’m up to 2006!) and the new ones. But I have a question for you about another blogger that you’ve mentioned; in fact that’s probably the reason I started reading, and loving, her blog too. It’s Lene Alve, Dances with Wool. The question is, do you know anything about what’s going on with her? She hasn’t posted for a month and a half, and as far as I can tell from her older entries, this isn’t usual. Any information you might have would be most welcome. I would be sad to think she just stopped without signing off or saying goodbye, but far sadder to hear that there is some unhappy reason why she chose to or had to stop blogging.

  66. How did I get so lucky??? I’ll be in Boston at a conference while you are there – Mr. Google says I can walk from my hotel in 45 minutes! Walk there, taxi back, skip a few sessions – sounds like heaven!

  67. 1. You can do this. Go, Speed Racer, go!

    2. Plead temporary insanity. Get one of the girls to drag you out to buy some additional basics, including an additional bra.

    3. Yay for the book coming out. As for the tour: What?!? You’re coming as close as St. Louis, yet not stopping in Chicago, despite how much you hate O’Hare? As Lorna’s Laces is based here, what kind of Yarn Harlot are you?!?!???

  68. Oh how I wish you were coming to the Fort Lauderdale, Florida area! You won’t need boots and the weather is awesome, no snow!!!!!!!!!

  69. Would love to come see you in Portland but the date is during tax season. No days off from work until after April 15th. I will definately be ordering a copy. Safe travels my friend.

  70. 1. Book Tour – I recognize that your publisher is American and also that America is a large market. Makes sense to focus a book tour in that country. And, another vote for a Canadian tour, including the BC lower mainland somewhere (for example Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond).
    2. Blog Site – I would love it if the links in your new site opened in a new page rather than switched to the link in the same page. This function was useful in the previous site and one that I miss in the new site. By the by, there is a simple check box in WordPress that enables this function when it is selected.
    3. Pressure Knitting – As much as you may chafe about knitting under pressure, it occurs to me that it might be hard to get to know yourself anew as a person who doesn’t put that pressure on herself… or put pressure on herself for being the kind of person that puts pressure on herself… yes, it is a bit circular, isn’t it.
    4. Think of all that uninterrupted knitting time on the flights! Maybe you just might head home with a new garment or two despite yourself!

  71. 1. Website Feedback – please update the website url on your twitter account. It still points to the old site. Thanks!
    2. Website / Ravelry Feedback – looking forward to the return of blog post links on Ravelry. Suspect these require manual entry for each post and sure to miss them.
    3. Hit results at public library for:
    Yarn Harlot = 4 book titles (gives me a giggle)
    Stephani Purl-McpHee = 1 book titles (How can that be!?)
    Oh, right – Duh! – Stephanie Pearl-McPhee = 8 book titles (though not the newest … off to place a request at the “suggest a purchase” feature on the library website).

  72. I can not wait to see you at either the event in Baltimore or Philadelphia, whichever my work schedule allows. I’ll be traveling 3-4 hours so it just depends on if I get off work early enough on that Friday to make it to Baltimore in time! Can’t wait.

    Have fun knitting your new wardrobe, though you are traveling to enough cold locations, it seems you should have at least a few sweaters already finished you could use:)

  73. I once read the first chapter of Free Range Knitter to my dad, and his comment was “So, when did Erma Bombeck take up knitting and move to Canada!?”

    You totally belong next to Erma on the library bookshelves.

  74. I hope you come to the Calvin in Northampton—I would love to see you there—I really sympathize with you over the packing, but you have been agonizing over this for YEARS–you are a good candidate for shopping over the internet—-a few basic neutral mixable items–there are websites that specialize in travel wear—you need to visit one of those–you know—4 items and you end up with 16 outfits LOL—your stress would be greatly reduced and you could relax, drink wine and knit LOL

  75. Please start in Honolulu on your next book tour! I’m nursing so I don’t wear bras either. You can even hang out on our lanai without socks…. see, more room for yarn already….

  76. Oh bummer! As is happens I’m going to Oregon from Sweden but not until March 13. I will miss you with just over a week. I’m bummed but one can’t Always be lucky. Good luck on the tour and with the knitting, I know you can do it! Best wishes!

  77. Bummer about Boston! Unlike Exxton, which is far west of Philadelphia. The city of Boston is wicked hard to navigate, and so all the suburban and country knitters won’t be there. Maybe next time they can arrange a suburnan B & N for you.

  78. Thanks for getting this book done, I cannot wait to read it! I love that I will just have to read parts of it aloud to explain why I am laughing so hard, instead of reading it aloud and then explaining why knitters find it great.

  79. Hurray, a new book just in time for my birthday, once again!
    I love the cover. Your cartoon image wearing stripey socks is perfect!

  80. Yaaaay! New book! What about your town Toronto? If not I would bribe you with coffee or beer to sign my book. I live in Toronto too!
    I also volunteer to style you. My mom is the same say with clothes and I have been mother-of-the-bride dress shopping with her for six months! We have found the dress she is going to wear, she just wants to be sure there is nothing better out there. I’ve already got my dress, but tried on more of them so she would be motivated to keep looking.
    I’ve got great advice about bras too, but maybe it would be better if people emailed me for that one… that way we don’t get scandalous on the comments *suggestive eyebrow bob*
    In summary, thanks for being you and ROCK THAT BOOK TOUR, GIRL!!!

  81. You only need two basic outfits – like pants (in case you spill spaghetti sauce on one) a few tops, undies and a sweater or two. I used to travel for work and I found that nobody noticed or cared what I wore, except me. Keep it utterly simple and it will make your life so easy.

  82. I can’t resist giving you a little travel wardrobe advice (as someone who has travelled quite a bit for work). All you need is 2 pairs of well fitting black pants, 2 good quality white tees and 2 tees in colors (your choice – neutral or brights). You already have gorgeous knitwear to pair with them. And no one is looking at your shoes!
    What – no NYC stop????

  83. So wishing you’d get to A
    sheville, NC – fabulous stuff to see here! But I’m delighted that I’ll have the book in hand when I visit my son, who has loved ALL your books so far. He totally gets it, having seen it all his life. Have an easy trip.

  84. Is it insane that I was wondering if I could get a pane from the UK to one of the places on the list? I doooo love the books and the blog

  85. No Chicago love 🙁 Pity, too, last time you were here I went to the talk, but then had a fit of social anxiety and didn’t get in line. Hoped to redeem myself this time.

  86. I can’t believe you are worried about being funny enough for the Humor section of the bookstore! Trust me, you are. Hope to see you in Boston!

  87. Oh, sadness abounds! Your Boston date is one of the three cannot-miss parent events at the kiddo’s school, all of two blocks away from Booksmith. Husband says kiddo will not notice if I skip. I know he is incorrect.

    Looking forward to the new book, and sending many good wishes for a fun and easy book tour this time around!

  88. I will be buying this book for my sister Nellie, who does not knit but reads a LOT and read one of your knitting books when she was visiting for 2 months at my house – I had to go to work, she did not… – and now reads your blog because you are FUNNY!!! Not because she now knits. So, one copy sold! and it will be mailed to Brazil!! Instant international!! I think Erma will be glad to have you as a neighbor. On the bookshelf, not, well, you know where…

  89. Your human verification said I don’t know what an airplane is. I definitely know what an airplane is.

    Sad that there’s no New York date, I was looking forward to seeing your freshly-knit tour wardrobe!

  90. Glad to see you have finally written the book that will place your writing where it really belongs. You’ve always had the talent and the writing style to do this. Congrats on a big step forward in your career. I will be buying the book, though sadly your tour doesn’t visit near where I live.

  91. Boo hiss not one stop in NYC. That makes me sad and disappointed. But it won’t stop me from getting your book. I was just hoping to get it autographed.

    Signed a loyal & disappointed knitter. 🙁

  92. I think you should delegate “wardrobe selection” to your assistant! Go with your strengths and assign your other areas to an expert. You get to focus on your work and someone else makes sure you are adequately and appropriately clothed while you do that work. Win/win! 🙂

  93. Still no Fargo on the tour?! I suppose I’ll live, but really, don’t you want to cross ‘visiting Fargo’ off your bucket list? We’ll take you to see the wood chipper (and let you drink the Wood Chipper IPA – or the Stone’s Throw or Sodbuster, if you prefer).

  94. unless your bra is knitted, I can’t imagine anyone caring about it. Leave it at home, be yourself. Best ever concept! Just make sure you’re sufficiently covered, not to get arrested… Have fun!

  95. You need 3 pair of pants – coffee brown would be a good color. That gives you one to wear, one drying in your room where something spilt on it and you had to spot wash it and a clean pair. Tops can usually be worn at least 2 days this time of year. (In the summer sweat usually drops that to one.) So for 10 days, 6 tops should work well. And a sweater and a vest and yarn and needles and pattern. If you finish a new vest or sweater great, if not you will be seen by different people each day. Add 2 bras and a pair of shoes and the ones you wear, underwear and socks. Think uniform with personal touches, not a whole new outfit for each day.

  96. Sob…no stop in Ann Arbor? You skipped us last time, I thought we’d get another chance this time around. And you’re not even going to Chicago, which I could drive to. Anyway, hope all goes well. I’m not holding my breath on the knitted wardrobe though, even if you are the world’s fastest knitter.

  97. Steph, finally when reading something of yours and I chuckle, I won’t get the blank stare from my husband when he asks,”What’s so funny?” Also, you are what I want to be when I grow up! I’ve had an idea for a book percolating for a bit. Mine would be completely different, so if I do get published, I wouldn’t have to compete with you!

  98. My earlier comment wasn’t meant to end so snarkily. I had the word “sorry” in <'s and apparently that's a sign to erase the word?? The Adrian vest looks really interesting, but linen? I hate knitting with linen. Are there any hints to make the experience more enjoyable? I'm sure you'll figure everything out, however the commenter who suggested that your assistant gather your wardrobe is excellent. Perhaps she can be your personal shopper too. She can even buy a selection of bras for you to try on and return any that don't work. Trust me, having a second bra is a good idea, even if you don't wear either very much.

  99. I live in England so no chance of getting to one of your gigs. I’m probably not the first person to say this but if I could get to your book tour I would be so excited to meet you I really wouldn’t care what you were wearing! Good luck with the new wardrobe 🙂

  100. Well, this is great! I live in central Toronto, have never got to see you altho’ I love your writing, and I will be in SF when you are. So will do my best to drop in at Books Inc and say “Hello”.

  101. Just wanted to say that I’m not much on shopping either, but I certainly can recommend if you are in Houston, TX to stop by Chico’s on Westheimer, ask for Judy she will set you up in no time flat and have you looking fabulous! Was down there month ago and hadn’t had a shopping experience like that ever. Amazing, now I’ve got something besides jeans to wear.

  102. OMG! I haven’t seen you in YEARS. This will be so great! And I’ve never been to that bookstore so it’ll be fun to browse.
    I like the look of your new wardrobe pieces, especially the Adrian, very interesting neckline. My daughter would love it.
    I’m looking forward to your new book! 🙂

  103. I face booked all my friends on Facebook about the 4th in Beaverton,OR We are happy to see you in our town, but wondered why you are not at the much larger facility in Portland. the weekend before is the wonderful Portland Yarn Crawl and we would be honored if you could attend.

  104. STOP!! You don’t need 12 outfits, you need 2 pairs of black (or whatever colour you can live with daily that doesn’t show coffee or red wine) trousers & 2-4 black (see above brackets) tops THEN add either scarves (we know you have them!) and/or sweaters (ditto). Made it through 3 months & 2 seasons in Europe with this plan in a carry-on – when you’re traveling, you see the same clothes everyday and you are the ONLY ONE who knows they are the same things because everyone else is different!

  105. I agree with Ken up there – yeah Boston! (easier for me to get to than Burlington was, but those flying panties were pretty funny.) It will be a wicked good time!

  106. just want you to know that last time you came to St. Louis I made my sis in law go with me (non-knitter) and she said with great surprise as we exited, “wow, that was really funny!” I’m thinking you have a slam dunk here this time.

  107. And *obviously* you’ve not published your international book tour dates yet, because London would be right up there wouldn’t it? … and you’d feel right at home here … we have fridges in common …

  108. Wahoo! I’ll be there for the Seattle visit!

    Thanks for the awesome Groking at Madrona. I’ve been raving ever since…the nonknitters are really wondering about all of my excitement.

  109. Drat. Kansas City is not on your list. Would go to St Louis, but I have this stupid job. It interferes a lot with my life, but it does give me yarn money! Will pre- order your new book 🙂

  110. I just finished booking a family visit to Baltimore (I live in Ohio) in order to see you on March 14th. Meeting you is honestly a dream come true! You’ll recognize me – I’m the one who will be alternately gushing and dumbstruck with awe. And you’ll recognize my grandson – he’s the cutest baby you will have ever seen in your life.

  111. Thrilled you are coming to Tempe! If you have *any* free time while you are here, do take your knitting to our wonderful Desert Botanical Garden for the best examples of our wonderful surreal plant life — it should be peak wildflower season while you are here, plus we’ve got a fantastic Chihuly glass exhibit right now (meaning you should maybe call ahead to make sure you can get in – only during this exhibit, admission is metered).

  112. Sorry to see you’re stopping in Baltimore but not making it down to Washington DC. I’d love to meet you and get a couple signed books but since it’s a weeknight I’ll have to wistfully wave from a distance.

  113. Exton, PA–that was a pleasant surprise to see! Looking forward to seeing & meeting you then. I know a place near that B&N with lots of craft beers on tap 🙂

  114. Darn, I was really hoping for a Vancouver stop – I’m just about finished with my first sock, and I would have loved to get that iconic “Yarn Harlot holding my first sock” picture! =(

  115. Congrats on the new book!

    Sad we won’t see you in southern California. I know it’s not a place that requires a lot of wool, but I swear we have a really great bunch of yarn shops and knitters here anyway 😉

    Safe travels!

  116. Since I haven’t stopped to read the preceding 193 responses maybe someone has had the thought before me. But – I get the need to stop and buy some clothes – no , you can’t knit a wardrobe in a week and frankly , a wool bra would be scratchy. (BTW, why not buy yourself a couple more – then you would a) have a lifetime supply, b) always have a clean one and C) you could leave an extra permanently packed in your suitcase/carryon and always know where it is) here’s the “but”. Why bother taking a six week supply of yarn with you? Really, is there anyplace you go that doesn’t have one or two or twelve good yarn stores? It’s a perfect excuse to buy more yarn. Just be sure your agent always budgets yarn store time into your schedule from now on! Happy trails!

  117. SEATTLE – Third Place Books in Bothell – hooray! I am a simple knitter with dreams of becoming a more “complicated” knitter, so no confidence yet to attend a workshop or knitting conference. Now’s my chance to see you in person and buy your newest book – thanks so much for a book tour near my home! See you there!

  118. I’m so excited for the new book!
    2 little requests:
    1) Please release more books on audio (I listen to them everyday, they keep me sane at work).
    2) Please, oh Please come to Nashville, TN one day!!!!

  119. Squee! So happy to see you will be back to my neck of the woods, and at a time and place I can attend. Soldier on — even if you’re in yoga pants (which are perfectly appropriate for San Francisco in February).

  120. I am so disappointed that you will be in Boston when I will be out of town for a conference. When my daughter, Veronica, was a few months old and we lived in Minneapolis, she and I came to see you at the Yarnery event in St. Paul. A couple of years or so ago, I came to see you in Brookline with a blanket that my then-4-year-old daughter helps me dye the yarn for and design (This should be a frog! And a lily pad! Here!). She didn’t come then because asking a four-year-old to sit so still through a talk past her bedtime would have been awful for everyone. This year, I figured that I would bring my now six-year-old daughter and have her show you her first (veeeeeery slow, veeeeery tentative) knitting project. She and I will have to see you in a couple of years when you come around again–maybe I can teach her to knit a sock by then!

  121. I can’t wait too read your new book. But I’m sad I won’t see you this time around.
    Also, what you need us an assistant who travels with you to make your life easy. 🙂

  122. Of course i’m sorry you won’t be anywhere near my town, but so what? Someday i’ll get to where you are. I’m so excited for a new book – don’t care in the least what you’re writing about. anything you write about is funny and smart. Love, love, love you !

  123. Expletive deleted-I’m going to the opera on Wed night and so can’t schlep to Bothell to meet you . . . bummer. And I didn’t know about Madrona Fibre Fair. I will have to be reading your blog more often so I can not miss you. I love reading your stuff-it’s very knitterly inspiring. Have a good tour. I will buy the book at Island Books on Mercer Island.

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